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1. Zhivot sled smartta na fizicheskoto tyalo (Life after the Death of the Physical Body), Vlad Pashov, Bialo Bratstvo, Sofia, 2007.

2. Fizicheski, duhoven i umstven svyat (Physical, Spiritual, and Mental World). 31st lecture of the Youth Esoteric Class, June 21, 1949, Izgrev.

3. Domostroitelyat (The Builder), 23rd Sunday lecture, April 23, 1933.

4. Radvayte se (Rejoice!), Lecture held on April 15, 1917 on Easter.

5. Dadeno i ustanoveno (Given and Established). Lecture held on November 4, 1932, Sofia, Izgrev.

6. Izlizane, rabota, molitva (Going out, Work, and Prayer), 24th Lecture of the Youth Esoteric Class, XVII year, held on March 15, 1938, Sofia, Izgrev.

7. Deteto rasteshe (The Child was Growing up), Lecture held on March 30, 1919.

8. Skritite talanti (The Hidden Talents), Lecture held on May 22, 1931, Sofia, Izgrev.

9. Kniga na zakonite (Book of the Divine Laws), collection, Astrala, Sofia, 2004: 234-236, 556.

10. Protivorechiya v suzvuchieto (Contradictions in the Harmony), Sunday lecture, February 6, 1919, Sofia. 70 71

11. Razumnoto sartse (The Sentient Heart), Zahariy Stoyanov Publisher, Sofia, 2003: 360-361.

12. Enziklopedichen rechnik (Peter Deunov’s Encyclopedia Dictionary), vol. 2, Astrala, Sofia, 1997: 183.

13. Bratut na nay-malkite (The Brother of the Smallest Ones), Lecture held on January 1, 1917, Sofia.

14. Svetilo za tyaloto (Light for the Body), Lecture held on May 11, 1919.

15. Dvama Gospodari (The Two Masters), 2nd Sunday lecture held on October 1, 1939, Sofia, Izgrev.

16. Edin Den (One Day), 15th Sunday morning lecture held on January 28, 1940.

17. The Wellsping of Good. Last Words of the Master Peter Deunov, Kibea, Sofia, 2002: 238-243.

18. Upatvane (Guidance), Lecture of the General Esoteric Class, July 8, 1923, Sofia.

19. Subirane i izvazhdane (Adding and Subtracting), Lecture held on December 18, 1925, Sofia.

20. Slizane i kachvane (Descent and Ascent), Morning lecture, held on July 3, 1938.

21. Badete razumni (Be Wise!), Lecture held on September 16, 1923.

22. Trite rodosloviya (The Three Genealogies), Morning lecture held on September 22, 1935, Izgrev, Sofia.

23. Choveshka, angelska i Bozhestvena Lyubov (Human, Angelic, and Divine Love), Morning lecture, held on December 24, 1942, Sofia, Izgrev.

24. Oshte po-blazheni sa (They are even more Blessed), Lecture held on December 4, 1921, Sofia.

25. Poradi radostta (Because of the Joy), Sunday lecture held on October 8, 1916, Sofia.

26. Seyatelyat (The Sower), Morning Lecture, held on December 18, 1932, Sofia, Izgrev.

27. Klyuchat na zhivota (The Key of Life), Lecture of the Master for the General Esoteric Class, held on August

22, 1928, Sofia, Izgrev.

28. Znanie i opitnosti (Knowledge and Experience), 10th year, 33rd lecture of the 1st Youth Esoteric Class, held on April 24, 1931, Sofia, Izgrev.



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