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In a private conversation with the Master, a brother brought forward a question of the prayer. The Master gave the following explanations:


Prayers are necessary to the people for bringing down supreme energies from the Invisible world, which are used for development. When we speak to the people about the prayer, we shall tell them that there is a real world, with which people have to connect. Under the current conditions, as people have alienated themselves, they have closed the opportunities, with which they can be in connection, in order to acquaint themselves with the world above.


When you get up during the night, open the Bible and meditate. Then say a prayer. The prayer is a conversation. After you speak, listen to what they are going to say to you.


You have to give a straight direction to the thought. The thought is creative. It influences the health. Its rhythm has to enter the body. When you are by a waterfall, what are you going to tell it? He shouts more than you do. The more it shouts and splashes and the more it foams, the more silently you have speak to it and reach the opposite state. Your silent talk corresponds to its loud talk, because the waterfall is majestic on the outside, and you will be majestic on the inside. When the Sun rises, Nature makes noise, and man has to whisper, he has to pray. Prayer is the most silent talk, a whisper, a manner of self-education, a language of the Divine world. If you do not know how to pray, if you do not know the language, they cannot understand you. The prayer is a way of studying the celestial language. The prayer is a conversation with God. You are obliged to know the language of Heaven, and to speak in it.


We now want not to work, and yet, to have all the pleasures and that is impossible. The prayer is work. And since man is on Earth, he often writes to his home above - so that they know how he is. When we pray, when we think, we inform how we are, and this is a matter of course.


If you are ailing, how many times do you need to pray? The ailing should not even sleep, he has to constantly pray. When he is ill for three-four days, he should pray day and night, not to interrupt for a single day. Prayer, prayer, prayer. Somebody says, "I prayed three times". With three times, the illness does not go away. Constancy is needed, until a connection with the Divine world is established. Once this connection is established, things click.


The brother asked, "Master, You said that we have to devote three hours each day to work over ourselves - an hour for the mind, an hour for the heart, and an hour for the will. And you also said that if we do that in the course of ten years, we will certainly have achievements. How exactly should we do that?"


In the morning, at noon, and in the evening you shall devote an hour for prayer, meditation about God. You can devote a special time, but if you have no such free time and the circumstances are restrictive, then you can do it along with the other work; for instance, even when you are working on something else or even when you are talking with someone, find a way to become absorbed in yourself and to say a prayer. This exercise has to be done so that it is not mechanical, and that when the hour runs out, man should not say, "Well, I am free, I got rid of this hour!" In order for man to do three hours of meditation a day in the above way, a strong will is required. Now it is hard to isolate yourself, because just when you want to pray for an hour, and suddenly somebody knocks on the door, "Knock, knock, knock". After a while, somebody else will come. But man has to seclude himself for at least an hour, and spend it in praying and meditating about God. Set at least half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half, two hours a day for meditation. Wherever you go, you should be able to become absorbed in yourself throughout the entire day. Evenings and mornings, when everybody is asleep, when there is nobody to bother you in the solitude, become absorbed in yourself, until you connect with those souls that know how to work. The praying one has to seek those who pray above. It is an art. Strong thought is required, and an uninterruptible connection with the Invisible world, with the Divine, has to be maintained.


If you think about the good, about what is Great in the world for only an hour a day, then that hour will create conditions for genius in your future life. If you spend even half an hour a day for thought towards God, He is sure to reward you. No matter how small, no matter how ugly a creature might be, it is enough for it to spare what little time it has for God, and it will receive powerful energies from above. As disciples, you have to spend at least half an hour each day for meditation and prayer. Take a sentence from "Sacred Words of the Master" each day for meditation over a quality that you are lacking.


The brother asked, "I was at a lecture, held by Tagor. Why did he look strong? Was it because of his clothes?"


Tagor spends two hours each morning in meditation and contemplation, and that is where his power stands. So, each believer, who meditates over the Christ for two hours, will make big progress. To the rich, the minutes of pleasure are long, and those of prayer - short, he takes out his watch during prayer. And to the poor, when sorrow comes, his minutes of prayer are very long. God says in the Writ, "Before you desire, I will give to you". We pray and say, "We have prayed for so long, and still nothing". But when we live in accordance with the laws, before it comes to our mind to desire something, it will come.


If a hundred brothers and sisters, or at least ten, gather together in one place and concentrate their thought, they will achieve what they want.


Prayer is a method of achievement. If you pray to God for someone ailing, he will recover. God in us and us in God can do anything.


A person got convinced of the spiritual things and wanted to make an experiment, and on a cloudy day he prayed to God thus, "In order for me to believe that you are listening to me, let a small clear orifice open up in the sky". And indeed it opened. This is as if you are in front of a house and you ask for the window to be opened, and if there are rational people in there, they get up and open it. When you pray to God, He is sure to send someone to help you. And when somebody else is praying, He can send you to help him. If you have faith and you love God, all your prayers will be heard. A prayer might be delayed, but it will be fulfilled; but mainly if you love God.


In America, a robber entered the house of a woman with an intention to kill her during the night and rob her. But she noticed that he was getting close, and started to pray strenuously. The woman prayed to God to help the robber, to save him, to pour His blessing over him. The robber, when he heard all that, got out and ran away agitated - the woman's prayer had worked.


God has placed us in a rational world, so that we do not get discouraged. Open the radio of the mind, the heart, and the soul, and then from the Divine world they will send you their blessings! It is enough for you to direct your radio towards Heaven, and you will find thousands of creatures, which are able to answer you. Even today Christ is wondering at the contemporary people that it does not come to their minds to direct their radio towards the Invisible world, and instead they get discouraged and say that their life has no meaning, that there is no one who can understand them.


When man is praying, certain forces of Nature get into action. And when he is not praying, those forces are not working. We have come to a phase where we have dissatisfaction. You believe, but you are unsatisfied with your belief. You pray, but you are unsatisfied with your prayer. Do not think that God does not need our prayer, but it is a reason for God to manifest, and for us to walk after Him. Great are the ways of God, because there is a counteraction. God manifests at the greatest contradictions. Where nobody can work, God works. Under good conditions, everybody works, and under bad conditions, only God works. Where there is God, even the cold becomes warmth, and where He is not, even the warmth becomes cold.


A few more prayer groups can be formed. Prayers are accepted by the Spirit, and it passes them over to God. The Spirit is the Hierarchy, which is a mediator between man and God during prayer. Between man and God there are twelve classes of Supreme creatures. Each thought of ours, directed towards God, goes through these twelve classes in order to reach God. The Invisible world awaits for an appropriate, expedient time to come, in order for our prayer to be fulfilled. Your prayers, even though they might not be perfect, are accepted by the Bright angelic creatures, and sent revised towards God. So pray as you know. And whatever we give birth to, the Invisible world revises it, and then returns it back to us.


When man is praying, the Supreme creatures are present. When Christ was praying, the Supreme creatures were present, He could see them and talked to them. On mount Tabor, Moses and Elijah appeared, and spoke with Christ, as He became transfigured before His three disciples, and then He told them to tell nobody about that. He acted with His disciples thus only to show them, but when He prayed He always entered into communication with the supreme rational worlds of the Real world. At each of His prayers, He communicated with them, He could see them, and He talked to them. The one who cannot see has to learn from the one who can. The one who is on the mountain, and the one who is in the valley, will talk through a telephone, they will inform each other of what they see.


The brother asked, "When is the prayer heard?"


When man entirely devotes his mind, his heart, and his will to God; when these submerge into the three worlds, the prayer is heard. Meditate over the Kingdom of God, and desire for it to come. You all have to put your thought to work - in order for the Kingdom of God to come, the name of God to be hallowed, and the Will of God to be done; in order for that to practically be realized. Man wants to meet the Angels, but first he should seek out the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be applied. This idea has to be understood and it should serve as a motto. Think, and wish for the Kingdom of God to come to Earth! This must be kept inside the mind! Sow the wheat and leave it to grow on its own. What kind of thing is the Kingdom of God? Should It come, there will be peace, understanding among the people, and all these tortures and violence, which exist in the world now, will cease. During that meditation and wish for the coming of the Kingdom of God, you shall not think about thousands of other things, but instead see that with your thought you make a connection and apprehend something. We have to be ready for God to enter and work inside us; then our matters too will be settled. Let us wish and work for the Kingdom of God to come on the Earth, not to think about ourselves and what our situation will be. That is a secondary matter.


If an Angel from the sky comes now, what should we ask for? Three things: for the Name of God to be hallowed, for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness to be established, and to carry out the Will of God by love. We need nothing else. That is what is new in the world!


Christ says, "Want, seek, and knock". "Want" - it is connected with the mind, "seek" - it is connected with the heart, "knock" - with the will. Each thing that you want with your mind, which you seek with your heart, and for which you knock with your will, it is given to you. The prayer is very strong when it appeals to God's mercy. It is said in the Writ, "Summon Me in my mercy and I shall help you." When you are in a deadlock and you do not have help from anywhere, say, "I summon You, Lord, in Your mercy". Or you can say, "Lord, I thank you for the great mercy, which you have for me." In order for your prayers to reach above, put faith and purity into them. If you pour impurity into the pipe, through which water flows, will the pipe not get choked up? You write a letter, you put a stamp on, and the mail delivers it. With this letter you send orders to Bulgaria, France, America, their ship companies, and they all carry out your will, they deliver the letter. The power is in the stamp. During the prayer, put the "stamp" on, and you will achieve. The "stamp" is the Divine. You shall always see that you pray, and until a little result comes, you shall persist. When you learn how to pray, you have gained the biggest wealth, which you can now have at your disposal.


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