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I. Diabetes


1. Prayer.


2. Singing.


3. Faith.


4. The sick person must forget that he is sick. He must be with high spirits, because one of the reasons for this disease is anxiety. He must expel from him all the thoughts that worry him.


5. Change clothes as many times a day, as you sweat. Otherwise poisons accumulate in the body.


6. Wash your feet every evening with warm water.


7. Do not overeat. Choose only food, which makes you feel well.


8. Eat boiled wheat, boiling it for one hour. Chew it well.


9. When wheat starts to ripen, take wheat-ears, take the grains out and eat the milky grains – 50 g. per day.


10. Boil some corn. Eat the grains and drink the juice, taking more of the juice.


11. Every morning at sunrise, go and do the six gymnastic exercises.


12. Sunbaths.


13. No sugary food or fats!


14. Use just a little bread — every day about 100—150 g.


15. Eat more vegetables: spinach, salad, peppers, tomatoes, carrots etc. Do not eat beans. Eat fruit, but rather sour, not sweet.


16. Eat dry ground dough.


17. Reduce the use of sour fruits, and use lemon instead of vinegar.


18. Do not eat dairy products, such as cheeses, and as for fresh milk – limit its consumption.


19. Control also the intake of salt.


20. Often consume tea without any sugar, but with lemon in it. A cup of tea with some bread and butter are perfect for this diet.


21. Excursions.


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