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When the Earth diverted to 23 degrees from its road, the heart also diverted at an angle of 23 degrees then. This is the reason for its location: a little to the left, and not in the middle. One day, when the Earth comes back to its initial state, the heart will come exactly at the middle, as it was with the original man.


Contemporary physiologists have a special notion about the heart. They consider it to be something like a pump, and due to its contractions and relaxes blood moves all over the body. This is partly true, but actually heart not only makes blood move. The reason for the blood movement is a special vital power, which comes as a flow into organism and makes heart cells pulse. This power has its own regulator in the brain. Hence heart cells are Rational creatures with great intelligence. After the brain cells, heart cells come next if we speak about intelligence.


Contractions and relaxations of heart happen thanks to electricity, which comes down from a special zone. Brain regulates the zone of the heart. Many people die untimely, because that electrical current, which comes from outside, is interrupted. Just as wheels move by a dynamic force, the heart is controlled by a cosmic force of the Universe. Thanks to that force, the heart contracts and relaxes, i.e. constant tides occur. At each contraction and relaxation of the heart, the blood is received and sent all over the body.


Actually, the heart, as a physical organ, and has no a power to push the arterial blood in the body. The reason for the pulse of the heart is due to the cosmic electricity and magnetism They bear life. When the harmony between these powers is destroyed, the function of the human heart is also destroyed.


Blood is a conductor of human life. By its increasing or decreasing, life is prolonged or shortened. Blood has two major components: one - liquid plasma, and the other - of red and white corpuscles and some others. Blood bears oxygen, which is needed for life, to the organism. It takes the carbon dioxide, which has formed in the body. It is a poison and through the venous blood, it takes it out. This purification happens during all the time. When our thoughts are unclean, carbon dioxide increases. When our thoughts are clean oxygen increases and carbon decreases. When our heart is clean, oxygen increases, and carbon decreases. If your deeds are right, oxygen also increases, and carbon decreases. Right deeds increase oxygen in the body. Right feelings increase oxygen in the heart and right thoughts increase oxygen in the human mind. If you destroy the plasma of your blood, in your heart, by the feelings, if you destroy the plasma of your blood, in your body, by your deeds, I ask, who can help you? You will begin to sniff.


Heart is the pulse of the whole Cosmos. In higher mathematics, there are calculations, which we do not know. There are certain tables, in which calculations, concerning the pulsing of all people's hearts, are made. There are no two people, who have the same heartbeat. Some people's hearts make 10 beats and a break occurs. Other people's hearts make 20 beats and then a break, third people's hearts make a break after 30 beats; fourth people's hearts - after 100 beats, etc. Do you know for what these break are? This is a connection to other worlds. Hence, according to the ratio of the rhythm, that interval shows to which worlds you are connected - to the Milky Way or other constellations. At that moment, these worlds introduce various virtues into your soul.


As for the heart beat, it is noticed that during the first 12 hours of the day, the heart beats faster and with a couple of beats more than the normal heartbeat. During these 12 hours, the heart is in an ascending state. During the second 12 hours of the day, i.e. during the second half of the day, the heart beats decrease and the heart is in a descending state. The same is noticed in the course of months and years. The first 14 days, the heart is in an ascending state; the second 14 days, the heart is in a descending state. The first half of the year, the heart is in an ascending state; the second half of the year, the heart is in a descending state. It is important for everyone to know when his heart is in an ascending state and when it is in a descending state.


When man lives normally, after the law of Love, his pulse is normal. If he breaks that law, his pulse changes. All negative states, through which man passes - doubt, suspicion, discouragement, disbelief, influence the pulse. If one does not know that, he alone causes misfortunes to himself. Because of his negative thoughts and feelings, one changes the run of the cosmic pulse - a bearer of God's blessing.


The pulse does not beat well, when you eat hard to digest food or if you are in a trouble. The brain and stomach systems are not in good shape then. This continues till the right relation between the brain, lungs and stomach restores. After that, pulse will also regulate. When a disharmonious feeling occurs in us, e.g. hatred, the pulse again will not beat normally.


From time to time man shall measure the pulse of his heart and see if its rhythmic or not. If his pulse is not rhythmic, this shows that there is something wrong with his feelings.


The right thought never upsets nerves. Do not mix the heart functions with the ones of the brain. The task of the heart is to send unclean blood into the lungs in order it to be purified and to be sent all over the body as arterial blood. Heart does not purify only blood, but feelings, too.


Man has three hearts: one of them is in the pit of the stomach, the other - between lungs and the third one - at the back of the head. When these three hearts function normally, when heart moves blood normally, man is in a normal state.

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