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Each line of a hand, every feature of a face, each center of a head are letters, showing one's life and work from the distant past to the present.


It is a mastery to determine the diagnosis 10 years before the occurrence of a disease in order one to be able to take measures in advance. This can be done only by a doctor, who knows the occult sciences. Before becoming fat, you shall tell that person what to do.


These studies, which are not recognized nowadays here, will solve the issues in the future. You will study these studies more carefully - palmistry, phrenology, physiognomy, graphology, Kabbalah and all their subdivisions.


If contemporary doctors knew these sciences, there should not be a reason for opening one's brain or stomach to determine the diagnosis of a disease, but only through a glance at the eyes or hands, at the nails or at the horoscope, they should determine not only the disease, but also the reasons for it.


Before getting ill, you can help yourself to avoid certain states, which expect you. For this purpose, make your own measurements to determine your diagnosis while you are still healthy.


Both drinking and eating are processes not only of the physical, but also of the mental and heart worlds. One will suffer in the world, in which he overeats.


There is a certain relation between the organs. For example, the width of the nose underneath and the temporal zones show the evolution of the vital (phlegmatic) temperament. Furthermore, the width of the nose is related to the width of the hand, as well as to the width of the face. The structure of the stomach is in relation to the structure of the fingers. One, who understands the law of the relation, may determine the state of one organ through another one.


If you make a mistake, you will feel pain either in the stomach or in the lungs, or in the legs, or in the fingers, or in the backbone, or in the liver ... The localization of the disease in the various places shows what kind of a mistake you have made.


Any violation of the laws of the physical world produces an upset in the stomach, abdomen and intestines; any violation of the spiritual laws - in the lungs, feelings; any violation of the laws in the mental world produces disorder in the head.


Looking at your eyes, I think of your truth. Looking at your ears, I think of your wisdom Looking at your mouth, I think of your love. Looking at your hands, I think of your justice, with which you work. Looking your feet, I think of your virtues.


It is enough to look at the hand of anybody to guess how long he will live on the Earth. This is determined by the lines of the hand, as well as by their length and width. In addition, the wider the nose is and more opened the nostrils are, the longer one's life is, he receives more air, and the less air one receives, the less his blood is oxidized, because of which diseases come frequently and more carbonic acid, more sediments are released.


If one has very thin lips, it means that he has repressed his feelings, that he cannot give much. This man does not like to eat much, either. He does not pamper himself.


The cells, which form the two lips, are rational. Do not keep them very tight nor relaxed, opened. They shall be barely closed and free. The same concerns the eyes. Do not look at dreadful things and ugly images. Never watch how animals are slaughtered or how crime is being committed.


If you examine under a magnifying glass the nervous system or the eyes of a man, who has views of the Old Testament, as well as of a man with beliefs of the New Testament, you will see what a difference there is in their structure. Past, present and future of a man may be recognized by his eyes. Everything that may happen to someone is written in his eyes. If someone is suffering of consumption, or no matter what disease, there are signs in his eyes that speak of that disease.


The change in the eye color depends on the change in the mental state. In fact, this change is due to weakening of the vibrations of the human brain This weakening of the vibrations affects the brightness of the eyes, due to which they change their color. The eye color serves as a diagnosis for determining the mental state of a person and the state of his mind. The eyes are a mirror of one's inner life.


Sometimes spots appear in the human eyes like the spots on the Sun. Man's eye may be divided into 12 circles, which represent the 12 signs of the zodiac in movement. Like the sunspots, which are the reason for accidents and sufferings on the Earth, the spots in the human eyes are the reasons for lots of painful states. Spots and blurs, which appear in the eyes, predict a disease that may occur in 10 or 20 years. One, who understands the science of the eyes, may prevent him from that disease.


If I look at your ear, I can guess by it how many years you are going to live, what kind of diseases you are going to suffer of and from what you will die. I can guess the same by the nail - all diseases may be guessed. It is a written book.


There are doctors, who determine the diagnosis of the patient by his hand and nails. They guess not only the current condition of the patient, but also what expects him in the future. Before someone gets ill, spots appear at some places of the hand and nails. This shows that there are no secrets in the world.


If you want to know if a disease expects you, or any state of illness, watch your nails. If a white spot appears on any of your nails, you shall know that you are going to pass through a disease. And if the spots appear at your left hand, they have one meaning; if they appear at your right hand, they have another meaning. In general, the least white spot on a nail is a sign of a painful state.


White spots on nails indicate great stress of the nervous system, leading to disease. If you notice a white spot on any of your nails, take measures immediately: introduce into your mind a great, higher idea, which calms the nervous system These spots appear also when there are big emotional shocks. There is nothing bad in the appearance of white spots. They are warning signs, which make you take measures against the painful state, which is to come.


White spots on nails indicate abnormality in the nervous system White spots on nails are similar to the spots of the Sun. The more spots the Sun has, the more energy, the more abundance exists in nature. The same happens with a person who has white spots on the nails. He is extremely active, releases more energy from himself, as a result of which he extremely exhausts. To get rid of these spots, one shall focus his mind on a certain thought. For a period of 2-3 months, he may remove the spots from his nails.


If you have a headache, you shall know that your stomach is a mess - they are related. The methods for treating them are so simple that each of you may apply them


If the neck is very wide - more than 35 cm to 41-42 cm, that person is exposed to apoplexy. He must do something to reduce the thickness of his neck. The neck of one, who is 165 cm tall, must be no more than 35 cm wide. If the width is reduced and it reaches to 29-30 cm, one is exposed to other risks. He shall eat better to increase the thickness of his neck.


If you look at one's face on both sides, at the cheek-bones, you will understand what the state of the stomach is. If the face under the cheek-bones is sunken, the stomach is weak.


To understand what the state of your liver is, look at the color of your face, the light in your eyes and their vitality. These things add beauty to the face.


When the liver is functioning properly, one's face has a pleasant pink color.


The nose of nervous people begins to sharpen gradually, and this should not happen. One should have a sharp and alert mind, but not a sharp nose.


One of the simplest ways for determining the length of one's life is the following: put a finger on the top of the skin and press a little; if a dimple remains there, he will not live long, but if the dimple disappears quickly, he has energy, and will live long.


One, who has more iron in his blood, is irritable, quick-tempered. Suspicious people have more lead. One, who has not stable emotions, has more copper. Only the presence of gold does not cause sufferings for now, but one wants to have more and more, to store up. All elements exist disproportionally distributed in the human blood, in the nervous system and in the cells, and exactly this disproportion leads to a number of dissonances. Therefore, one should know how to renovate himself in order to neutralize the harmful effects of the elements in his organism


If a person has an idealistic impulse in his life, he walks upright. Once he becomes a materialist, he starts to bend toward the ground. When he loses faith in himself and his fellows, he begins to stoop. If one stoops, this shows that there is a defect in the mind. The backbone is a perpendicular. Any deviation and any stoop indicate a distortion in the character.


A good man is wrapped in a magnificent garment that does not let cold. If your feet are used to get cold, good is weak in you. If your hands are used to get cold, justice is weak. If your eyes do not see well - you have breached the truth somewhere. If your ears do not hear well, you have breached the wisdom.


If you have a diamond with you and it darkens, this means that you are ill. Stones are infected by humans.


One may read not only by the lines of the face, but also by the colors that surround somebody. This may be done by a clairvoyant, but not by a normal person.


The stronger, more spiritual, and more raised one is, the whiter, sparkling and more pleasant the aura, which comes out of him, is. If a person gets ill, the aura darkens. Darkening may become partially or entirely. Each ill part is dark. It is necessary one to restore the light of the head or of the stomach or of the ill organ. This will also happen if he strengthens his mind and raises his vibrations.


If the hands are wet, it means that your feelings are not in a natural position. If they are dry - the mind is not in a natural position.


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