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Treatment by Food and Fast


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Treatment by Food and Fast


Food is a method of treatment. There is not a better method than it, but you have to know what food to eat and when.


During illness and after the recovery one needs a specific food. For example, one, who has had fever, wants to eat sour food; one needs sweet food at another disease.


One thing shall be known: each Divine fruit has its great purpose. Therefore, if you eat apples, you will gain one quality; if you eat plums, you will gain another quality. One becomes what he eats.


Generally, oblong fruits represent intelligence, and knobby, round ones - life and feelings. Fruits are nothing else, but a combination of energies that operate in those forms.


Potatoes give only one quality to man - they make him happy and be satisfied by little. Apples give the following qualities to the human character: they make it soft, gentle, indulgent to people. One gains freshness. If you want to be sweet and gentle, eat grapes. In general, food affects one's character.


If you want to improve your blood circulation, eat cherries. What is there in cherries? Deep feelings are hidden there. The law of liberty is hidden in cherries.


What do cornels give? If you are spineless and slack and if you eat cornels, you gain stability and strength. They provide iron to the blood.


If the child is anemic, give him more pears; if he is a little bad, give him apples, if he lacks noble feelings, give him cherries, which simultaneously become a regulator of the stomach. Watermelons, cornels, and pumpkins also regulate the stomach. In general, fruits develop noble feelings. One shall just not overeat and overload his stomach.


Someone says: I have neurasthenia! Eat peas! Someone else says: I suffer from hypochondria. Eat wheat! They say for someone that he has a quick temper.


Give him to eat corn! Someone is not persistent in the fulfillment of his duties. Give him to eat rye! There is something perfect in rye. It grows high up. When it comes in one, it develops supreme ideal.


Certain colors prevail in some fruits and in others they are less. For example, take the cherry - red prevails in it. And therefore, if someone is anemic and if he understands the law, while eating cherries, he will get, by no means, all that is necessary for his organism


Apples originated in the astral world, and pears and lemons - in the mental one. If you look at the shape and color of a tomato, you will find out that it is behind in its development. It has not gone farther than the life of the stomach.


Materialists are similar to tomatoes.


The cherry is a symbol in Nature. Red cherry, as well as all red fruits came out of Eden. Cherry is laxative to the organism


For anemia - eat cucumbers.


One, who wants to be healthy, will eat not fried onion. Only one, who has chest disease, can eat fried onion as medicine. One, who wants to be healthy, shall eat food, cooked by someone, who loves him


When onion is cut into small pieces and fried, it loses its magnetic power.


Cucumber has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but it shall be eaten for breakfast and for lunch. If you eat cucumber in the evening, it affects the stomach badly. Generally, in the evening people shall eat before sunset. If one has not eaten by that time, it is better not to eat. Let him drink a cup of hot water or tea and go to bed with an empty stomach. In this way his sleep will be light and pleasant.


One, who wants to recover easily from cold in the head, let him apply the following means: when winter comes, let him buy at least 1,000 pieces of leeks and when he catches cold, let him eat leeks 3-4 times a day. Bulgarians are practical in nature, they look for remedies in folk medicine and they have come to the following results: if one catches cold in the head, he eats leeks.


If you have pain in tonsils, take hot garlic. This is a good way for treatment of tonsils and a good disinfection of the throat. Garlic influences excellently those, who suffer from insomnia.


Many people, especially Bulgarians, eat chilies. Chilies help against fever, but they are not recommended to healthy people. Too sour and sweet foods are not recommended either.


If you are nervous, indisposed, have two pears and two apples, small or large, the law acts alike. Power is not in size, but in the number "2" as a principle. Number two is magnetic. It mitigates energies.


You shall eat lentils for the eyes. For kidneys - beans. For nice tan of the skin peas.


If you find yourself in physical discomfort, you should drink the juice of two or three lemons with sugar, and then the juice of several oranges. The juice of lemons and oranges restores the good frame of mind, and improves the condition of the stomach.


Eat more spinach and nettles to darken your hair.


If your stomach is upset, boil cornels or eat them fresh. On the other side, cherries are laxative.


Everything that is forced brings bad consequences. You have read about the benefits of lemons and you treat yourselves by lemons. The lemon acid is healing, but you should know how to use it. Otherwise it causes cold, because it takes out the warmth of the organism, capillaries constrict, blood circulation is spoiled and one gets ill. One lemon per day is enough. Squeeze the lemon, fill up the cup with hot water and drink the juice. More than one lemon is not necessary.


It is not all the same whether you eat wheat, corn or oats. The energies of wheat are fundamentally different from the energies of the other cereals. One, who wants to become an idealist, shall eat oats. If you want to be healthy, obtain muscles, eat wheat. By the present, the most powerful and healthy food is wheat.


Sweet food gives softness to the character. Sour food gives activity and energy. Sour foods increase one's will.


One, who eats beans, will learn the law of generosity.


Cherries and peaches have healing properties. Cherries are recommended against anemia and neurasthenia. In spring, when there are cherries, you can eat as much as you like, but with love. In order to get benefits of the fruits, they shall be grown by a good person.


Each fruit has a healing power that must be used. If you are nervous, have three Petrovki apples (apples, which ripen around Saint Peter's Day (June 29th) - transl. note) and the discomfort will disappear.


Apples are good for toning of the nervous system Walnuts affect well the brain, and wheat has a good effect on the heart.


One, who wants to be happy and cheerful, let him eat cherries that ripen in early May. One, who wants to be a philosopher and wise, shall eat grapes - later fruits. When there are major difficulties, one shall eat turnip. It helps against many diseases. It is taken as a symbol of overcoming. When work does not go well, eat turnips.


Onion is healing when it is eaten raw, roasted or boiled, but not fried.


One, who suffers from neurasthenia, shall eat peas. One, who suffers from hypochondria, shall eat wheat; one, who is petulant, shall eat corn; one, who is unsustainable - rye. Rye develops high ideal. Small plants create people with small ideals, and large ones - the opposite. Villagers around Sofia shall eat rye to become greater idealists.


When one wants to disinfect his mouth or improve the condition of his stomach and his chest, he should eat garlic. I prescribe garlic to one, who is ill, but not to one, who is healthy.


If one wants to become a beautiful person, he should eat peas. If he eats beans, he will become healthy and will develop tenacity.


One, who wants to bring light thoughts to his mind, he shall eat fruits that have been grown in the north. One, who wants to bring nobility to his heart, he shall eat fruits that have been grown in the south. One, who wants to bring nobility to his character, he shall eat fruits that have been grown in the east. One, who wants to gain understanding for life, he must eat fruits that have been grown in the west.


If someone gets ill of arteriosclerosis, he shall eat, if possible, a little simpler and clean food. He shall eat boiled wheat, boiled rice and fruits.


When you are spiritually indisposed, make the following experiment: take half of a kilogram of fresh, big, nice cherries and go out at 10 a. m before lunch. Turn to the Sun and start slowly and quietly to eat the cherries - for about half an hour; you shall eat nothing else, but the cherries.


For cough: you shall grate black turnip and drink one coffee-cup of its juice in the evening. It has an excellent effect on the stomach too. You shall also take a clove of garlic with a little bit of salt. You shall do this each evening until the coughing stops.


If the patient eats with gratitude and acknowledges that God cares for him, in the course of one month, his condition will improve.


People shorten their lives rather from overeating than from malnutrition. There are diseases that can be treated by hunger. But hunger is not always appropriate. Sometimes hunger has a good effect on healthy people too, but when it is as an internal impulse. Some people consciously put themselves to hunger, but they get scared and stop it. Then a certain poison appears in the organism Know that you can survive with little food too. Hunger is an internal impulse with people, which makes them stronger and renovates them If you hunger with fear and doubt, the effect is the opposite.


Fasting is for ill people, for sinful people, and not for healthy and righteous ones. Only one, who is ill, shall be treated by fasting. One, who is healthy, shall eat without overeating. Once he overeats, he has violated the laws of proper eating, because of that he shall fast.


The purpose of the fasting is thoughts and feelings of people to be filtered. On the other hand, fasting is needed for resting of the organism - external and internal rest. Fasting is also recommended as a means of healing. Within the period of fasting, burning in the organism is more intense, thanks to which all substances that cause various diseases, indispositions and dissatisfactions burn away.


If you do not get your language dirty by unclean words, it is fast. If you do not get your mind and your brain dirty by negative thoughts, it is fast. If you do not get your heart dirty by bad feelings and your will by bad deeds, it is fast.


One, who wants to purify his nervous system, shall fast at least four times a month. You shall know how, how long and when to fast. It is a whole science. If you purify your nervous system, you gain more light energy in your consciousness.


One is obliged to fast at least one day during the month, to give a rest to his stomach.


One, who fasts, shall not go for a walk. This is one of the rules. A student, who comes on a trip, shall carry bread, drink water and thank God. Everyone will be satisfied on a trip.


Leave a patient to hunger in order to wake up in him a desire for life. In this way he will recover sooner than if he eats.


Modern humans satisfy hunger through physical food. They can also eat air, but in a special way. How will they take in the air? Through the pores. However, the pores of modern people are clogged, due to which they cannot use the air as food. When their pores are open, the air enters through them and feeds the body. Then, by little food, they gain great power.


Fasting is used for renovation of the organism, for rejuvenating. After the fast, as longer as possible, consume unvaried foods and food, which requires little efforts for digestion, in order your appetite not to be stirred, in order lungs to be able to develop and take more food from the air and water, to take out more juices from food than now. The important thing is, through fasting, to achieve power, health, and not to show off and compete who can fast for more days. One, who has been fasting for 10 days, can do many things; one, who has been fasting for 20 days, will get rid of many delusions.


Fasting is a way of renovation of the human organism The main idea of fasting is to awaken the hidden energy in cells and renovate the organism But it shall be worked more rationally. Fasting shall be done step by step. There are certain laws that must be followed. If you make yourself fast, not knowing why, it is not useful. Time shall also be observed. Days, during which you will fast, shall be observed. If you start your fasting on Monday, you will have one result. If you start on Tuesday, you will have another result. If it is on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - different results. Moreover, if you start fasting from the morning, from lunch time or from the evening, you again will have different results.


If you are not fulfilling God's will, nothing will be of benefit to you even if you fast for twenty days. But if you fast for ten days and each day you bring your meal, set for that day, to poor people, this fast can help you. Or, if you fast to eliminate one weakness of yours or gain good disposition of your soul, to purify your thoughts and feelings, I understand such a fasting.


With a 24-hours conscious fasting, one can renovate the cells of his organism.


If you decide to fast, you can begin the fasting when you are in an ascending degree of your spirit.


By fasting and a prayer you shall heal the diseases and weaknesses. However, if you are well-disposed, you shall fast longer, but if you feel exhausted, you shall stop fasting.


The stomach zone is related to the sympathetic nervous system It shall not be loaded by excess alien substances. If this happens, you shall impose to yourselves fasting to restore the normal condition. Fasting should be moderate, reasonable until you remove the excess fats and sludge. Fasting means to abstain from bad thoughts and feelings - that fasting hides in itself magical power.


Hunger heals. If you suffer of rheumatism or another disease, you can recover by hunger. It shall be pleasant to you while hungering. Hunger detoxifies the body, pores open and breathing becomes deeper. Hunger brings more light to mind. Since ancient times people were treated by hunger.


You shall fast to restore your health, enhance the vibrations of your organism and your life.


Once a young man came to me and told me that he fell ill of an incurable disease. He was dying when he came upon a book for treatment through hunger and he began to hunger. He told me about the experience, which he had during the first day, the second and so on days until the 22nd day, and the result was that the disease disappeared. This person applied fasting for 22 days with faith in his mind and his heart.


I recommend to ill people at least 2-3 days of hunger, after which you can eat a little broth of plums (2-3 teaspoons), in a few hours - again, but with a little bread. When the patient gets stronger, I will give him a nice apple with the rind to chew it well with it to take all juices, and only after that he shall proceed to ordinary food.


All the misery is in your eating. If people knew how to hunger, they would have prospered.


If you are ill, you shall fast. It is necessary for you for a day, for two, and three. There are physical, mental, and spiritual fasts.


To get rid of his heartburn, one has to wash the stomach several times by warm water. If that does not help, let him fast for two or three days. Fasting cleans the stomach, relieves it from excess heartburn.


When a wound occurs in the organism, it is well one to put himself to an absolute fasting for several days.


Fasting is a method, by which a person solves great and difficult tasks. You shall fast not one, but 40 days, during which time, you shall clean your mind, heart and will - you shall not leave anything unclean in yourself. Someone has fasted for 10 days and thinks that he has done something. He has not eaten roasted chicken and has not drunk wine - what kind of fasting is that? When you start the fasting, you shall take the old notebook and eliminate something each day. You shall forgive all people. You shall fast and pray.


By fasting one strengthens his will and gets rid of the fear that he will die of hunger. Hunger heals. Rheumatism is treated by hunger. Hunger detoxifies the body, pores open, breathing becomes deeper, the light of the mind increases.


It is good from time to time to eat only raw wheat. I will give you the following experience: those of you, who have weak stomachs or bad chests, let them put themselves to a wheat diet for one, two or three months at most. During that time no other food shall be eaten, nor bread. Only well cleaned and washed raw wheat shall be chewed. This experience shall be applied only by those, who are nervous and indisposed and want to be treated. If you think that one month is too much, make the experiment for a week. You shall soak in the evening 100 g clean wheat in water and divide it into three equal parts: you shall chew in the morning, at noon and in the evening; if you get thirsty during the day, you can drink as much as you want. If you had put yourselves to that diet earlier, you would have had healthier teeth and your nervous system would have been better regulated. If you feel something disharmonious while doing the experiment, stop it.


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