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Treatment by Water


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Treatment by Water


If you understood the properties of water, you would be able to treat all diseases by it. Water, by which you will treat yourself, must be absolutely clean.


A big part of the human body is water. Many people suffer with lack of water in the body. Moisture, water is the reason for the warmth of the body. The lack of water cools the body. Too much water heats it. One has to live properly, use reasonably the energies, coming from the Sun for creating a healthy and pleasant atmosphere round people. If one lives well, he attracts to himself the flows that come from the Sun and forms an oasis - a source of life and powers.


If you want any drugs, either as remedies, or means of cleaning, I would recommend the following: drink each day 2-3 liters of clean hot water. If you are up and about, carry water by yourself. Carrying of water is beneficial to the organism Furthermore, take deep breaths to expand your lungs.


Hot water, taken in sips, cleans the nervous system from deposits, which clog thoughts and feelings of people. It releases them from the tension that the nervous system establishes in them I say: the most powerful medicine in the world is hot water. And if we know where the best springs are, we shall bring it from there, even if they are at a distance of 5-10 km Modern people do not know what power there is in water.


Modern people do not know how to drink water and how much. Each organism needs a certain amount of water that shall be contained in the cell to maintain its moisture. If the organism loses its moisture, it is exposed to drying. Such people are usually nervous, dry, and irritable. Without the internal moisture and the outside water, one cannot clean his organism from the external and internal deposits. If these deposits remain in the organism, they will cause undesirable diseases. If you want to be healthy, keep in your mind the thought of the beneficial effect of water on the organism Drink water consciously and do not think about diseases. Keep in your mind the thought of your health, of the beauty and great things in life and do not be afraid of anything.


Nature has put billions of windows in the human organism - the pores, through which the vital energy penetrates and constantly renovates it. These windows should always be clean and open in order proper exchange between the internal and external air to happen. If the windows become dirty, if they get clogged by various deposits, the organism is already exposed to diseases. The pores of the body are opened by water, which causes sweating. Magic power hides in water - it cleans the body, dissolves sludge, and is a good conductor of magnetism.


At certain diseases, massaging of the whole body is recommended till sweating. Sweating is caused by a reasonable power, which wants to show you that all pores of the body should be open. The first treatment, which needs sweating, washing of the body. Perspiration happens in the best way by drinking of hot water, boiling water, from 1 to 10 cups at most. At drinking hot water, it goes through the pores out, opens them and this restores health. Pores are channels, openings of the soul. Soul breathes through the pores. Through lungs a specific breathing is performed, and through the skin pores, general breathing happens. And when the specific and general breathing happen simultaneously, one is healthy.


Water is highly intelligent and reasonable. It freshens and refreshes. Future physiologists will explain one of the great properties of water, by which people can be treated. Many neurotics suffer with lack of water in the organism, with very little moisture; others suffer with stagnant water, which does not spread throughout the body, because it is clogged.


You will take the glass of water, will look at it, and get it close to your lips and take only one sip. While drinking, you will think only about it. Water cleans the organism only in this way. It introduces the Divine good in people only in this way. You will take water internally for cleaning. Modern people do external water baths, but the result is weak. If one does not make regularly, three times a day - in the morning, at noon, and in the evening - by one internal bath with clean water, he may not rely on any hygiene. In the way you perceive water, in the same way you will perceive light and air. It means to be healthy, well-disposed, and satisfied.


Due to unnatural life, people have accumulated in their organisms lactic and uric acids, which are harmful to the heart and circulation. Then one will fidget for hours in bed, he will not be able to fall asleep. How could he sleep in this situation? For sleeping well, he needs to improve his circulation For this purpose, at least twice a week, one shall induce sweating by drinking water: one shall drink several glasses of hot water, in which a few drops of lemon could be squeezed. When he gets well perspired, he shall wipe the body by a damp towel and change the clothes. He shall sweat again, wipe again by a dry towel and so on until sweat stops coming out. After that let him drink another half or one glass of hot water. It helps for releasing the blood from the accumulated in it lactic and uric acids. To be a healthy person, one shall have absolutely clean blood.


There is no a better medicine in the world than warm water, but you should know how to boil it. The most reliable medicine is warm water. Quinine is nothing compared to water. You shall get clean spring water, put it on quick fire, in a vessel of the purest gold, and boil it at sunrise or when the Sun is at its zenith. Other medicines only clog the disease. The most powerful drug in the world is hot water. People should know that water is the first element of life, and shall always drink clean and fresh water. Life is hidden in water. And when it disappears from your body, it dries, as well as the skin. Sour by nature people have less water in their bodies, and phlegmatic ones have stagnant water in their bodies. Water in the organism must be in current state.


Quinine stops the fever, but does not heal. Instead of using quinine, drink hot water for three days without eating and the fever will leave you. Cold in the head is treated in the same way.


Water heals all weaknesses in the world. Watch the effect that water has on the organism of someone, who is irritated and indisposed. In what way? By drinking of hot water or by washing the body.


Plague is treated by hot water. One, who is ill of plague, shall be separated from healthy people and be given, every hour, a glass of hot water. While drinking the water, the blood serum, which serves as food for microbes, thins out, and they gradually stop multiplying. During the disease no food should be eaten The relationship of man with God is a power that affects microbes as electric lightnings. Thus, attacked from both sides by firing and hunger, they stop multiplying and die. A 24-hours hard war against microbes of plague is enough to compel them to come out of the organism Diseases are nothing, but a war of man with lower beings.


I treat cholera by hot water. Give one, who is ill of cholera, 4-5 cups of boiling water and on the next day he will be healthy. Boiling water thins out the serum, in which germs of cholera eat and within 24 hours they decrease and die.


Influenza comes to take away the excess ballast from the human minds and hearts; when it comes, drink hot water, eat boiled potatoes and do not be afraid.


If you have a headache, drink three cups of hot water in sips. After that you shall take a purgative. When you liberate your stomach, you shall take a warm bath and go to bed. You shall stay a little in the bathroom If you have a headache, your stomach also suffers by all means. Sometimes one suffers from his head also because of insufficient blood in the head - in the brain. Indeed, the there should not be much blood in the head, nor less, but as much as it is necessary.


When blood vessels in somebody lose their plasticity, their agility, he gets ill of atherosclerosis. One, who wants to keep his health, to prolong his life, he must keep his body mobility. For this purpose, one should not overeat and drink hot water, which helps sludge, which form during eating, to be dissolved.


If someone suffers with stomachache, let him make the following experiment: in the morning he shall drink 10 sips of hot water at every five minutes; if he does it several times the stomachache will disappear.


If you have a constipated stomach, take castor oil or drink hot water to get rid of the difficulty.


If you are indisposed, take a warm bath. Water influences magnetically the organism.


If you catch a cold, put hot compresses on the ill place. Dip a piece of cotton in boiling water and quickly place it on the ill place for 1-2 minutes. Then put it again in the boiling water and from there on the ill place. After making this compress for about ten times, the pain will pass.


It is good partial baths to be made. Sometimes they are even preferable to entire baths. Louis Kuhne recommends to weak and ill people sitting baths: only half of the body to be washed and the other half to remain dry. If one day you wash yourself to the waist, the next day you will wash from the waist downwards, or if you wash your face in the morning, at noon you will wet your head slightly at the back. In this way proper exchange in the body is caused. Proper washing of the feet will affect the arms and vice versa. Furthermore, while washing your feet and hands, do not be in hurry to wash them as soon as possible. Rapid washing shows misunderstanding of the law. Dip your feet in the water and sit for a while in this position. Mentally wash your feet until you feel some pleasantness, a reaction in your hands. Then slowly wash your feet. By washing in this way, the powers of the organism distribute properly. Some people take a warm bath and then go to a cold shower. These abrupt changes on the body are not for an average person. They are only for gods.


One, who is not hardy, shall take only warm baths, leaving the energies of warmth affect his organism Cold showers that occur in Nature are good, but only under certain conditions, and namely the rain baths in May, June, July till the middle of August at most. If you cannot take rain baths, take warm water baths of 34-40 degrees, close to the natural warmth of the body. It is good rain baths not to be made straight on the body, but through a thin article of clothing. Do not wash your feet by cold water by no means, especially after meals.


If the amount of salt in the human body is more than it is needed, the excess shall be thrown out. It happens through sweating.


Water bears life, but it is not the same with salt. Eat little salt.


Nature does not tolerate cold showers, cold baths. Warm baths are preferable to cold ones.


Some people recommend cold compresses, and other - warm ones. When cold compresses are put on the ill place, capillaries contract, as a result of which specific reactions in the organism are induced. If warm compresses are put on the ill place, the responses are beneficial. Warm water causes blood vessels to dilate, resulting in improved blood circulation.


When someone is extremely agitated and nervous, he can take a cold shower. Water releases people from excess energies in their organisms. For an angry person, the water temperature must be above ten degrees. In order he to cope with his anger, he shall take at least six cold showers during the year. In this way, he will balance the powers of his organism One, who is angry, loses part of his energy, which is hardly delivered. Reasonable people keep their energies and do not spend it randomly. One, who gets easily angry, ages faster.


If you have cold in the head, warm a little water, put salt in it, and sniff up several times from the salt water. You need to do some more sniffmg-ups in the evening and in the next morning. After 2- 3 snuffs, the cold in the head passes. Salt water hampers the multiplying of microbes that cause cold in the head.


If you cannot fall asleep for a long time, wipe your body by a towel dipped in warm water and go to bed.


You should know that the rain in the mountains in July is a great blessing. Such a rain bath is equivalent to one hundred ordinary baths. Every drop of rain in July is full of electricity and magnetism.


From May until the middle of July, each day when it rains, you will expose to the rain until you get wet well. After that you will return home and wipe your body by a clean towel, get dressed in dry clothes, and drink 1-2 cups of hot water.


Dew is to be collected in little bottles and sealed by wax. It shall be collected for treatment. Early in the morning, on absolutely clear days, when the Moon is getting full in May and June.


How drunkenness can be treated? Make the drunkard drink 2-3 liters of water a day and he will recover. In the process of healing, he should start with the least quantity of water and increase it gradually: the first day he shall drink a glass of water, the second day - 2 glasses, the third day - 3 glasses, then 4, 5, 6 glasses until he reaches 15-20 glasses a day. If he fulfills these instructions, soon he will abandon alcoholic drinks. When the drunkard comes to love water, he will stop drinking wine and brandy.


Washing is a sacred act. Wash yourselves slowly, intently - you will take a clean basin, pour cool water, rinse your face well, absorb the moisture very slightly by a soft towel. You will splash your face abundantly with water, but gently, affectionately, as though you pet it.


Face is gentle and responsive and therefore you will barely touch it. After washing, you will look at yourself in a mirror and if you are not happy with the face, wash it again.


Before and after the end of each work, you shall wash your hands, and you shall wash your face at least ten times a day.


Water, with which you have washed your face, shall be thrown to the flowers, the trees, but, by no means, at a place, where people pass or at unclean places.


When you go to a clean spring, you will wash your hands and feet away from it, you will sprinkle your head, drink some water, but you have no right to throw stones in it or other objects. This also applies to rivers, lakes, wells.


Washing of the various parts of the body produces psychic changes in the brain. You can not only literally use water for treatment, but even if you mentally use it, it will produce the same effect. For example, you want to make a water bath of the spine, you will imagine a fountain at a distance from you, and you will get there, fill the pitcher with water, come back, take off your clothes and wash your back.


You will wipe the moisture by a soft towel.


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