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Other Methods


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Other Methods


If you have cold in the head or cough, breathing is difficult, because the capillaries have contracted. To restore circulation, the patient should be massaged with olive oil or camphor spirit.


If you have caught a cold, have you back massaged to improve blood circulation, capillaries to expand, and normal state of the organism to be restored.


If you are depressed, draw 100 vertical parallel lines and the discomfort will disappear. You will also strengthen the will in this way. Parallel lines are a sign of rationality. If you keep one and the same distance between them, you adjust to a rational life.


A violin, which has been played by prominent masters and virtuosos orchestras, is healing. It is enough for someone ill to touch it to heal instantly. It has higher vibrations, so it sounds nice and harmoniously.


Nervous people shall go on excursions. The mountains have a healing effect on the nervous system Nervous people shall do physical exercises and treated through music. They shall not drink cold water and they shall eat less.


If two bees sting a person, they will help him against rheumatism, but if one hundred bees sting him, they will kill him.


For strengthening of the eyes, it is well to go out in the evening in stormy dark nights and spend out in the open for about an hour. In this way eyes strain and more blood comes to them.


To enhance your sight, go out after midnight, from midnight to 1 a.m, when the sky is starry to watch the stars. It is also good to go out in a dark, stormy night. This experiment is also for strengthening of the nervous system The experiment will have a result, if you are not afraid.


If you get angry, take a deep breath, exhale and count from 1 to 100, if the anger is still there, take a deep breath again, exhale and count from 1 to 200 and to 300 - this is one method for regulation of the energies. If you do not apply that method, then drink (again for the anger) one cup of hot water in swallows. Anger develops warmth in people, and similar is treated with similar.


If you your spirit is tired, put your hand on your forehead. Your status will change in ten minutes. You may write numbers, draw straight lines, draw pictures. Draw a triangle, paint it red, blue and green, and after 3-4 minutes your mood will improve. If you are crabbed, unsatisfied, angry, go out in the forest and cry, scream against trees, stones. You will get ozone and it will pass. You can then laugh at what you did in the forest. You shall draw powers from Nature.


When you want to bring into your character more softness, for a year, three times a day (in the morning, at noon, and in the evening) caress your palms. If you want to bring more firmness, courage, bravery, caress the upper part of your hands.


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