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Spirit and Soul


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Spirit and Soul

The present order in the universe is managed by the three main and basic laws: gravitation, thought and bios.
The law of gravitation implies the matter; the thought implies the mind and bios imply the soul. These basic laws manage the various areas of the great secular world and differ in their phase of development and in essence.
The law of thought controls the mental world, seat of thoughts, talents, abilities and powers of the mind. The Kingdom of this law is borderless. It covers all the worlds and universes where live various creatures. This law is the base of each rational self-dependence. Its basic principles are the same everywhere, without any exception. Of course, they differ in form and phase, but not in essence. For example, the geometrical truths, that the whole is equal to the sum of its parts, that the straight line is the shortest distance between two dots, that two segment, equal to a third, are equal as well, that the dots, forming the circle, are at the same distance of a central dot everywhere in the mental world they are understood in the same way. These axioms could not be understood in any other way but as they are initially suggested in our minds. The concepts of good and evil also cannot be understood otherwise than as they are dictated by the supreme law. Who kills his brother or robs his neighbour cannot be treated in any other way but like a criminal.
No matter to which part of the universe we will transfer, our character will be assessed by all the rational creatures in one and the same way, will be measured by one and the same measure the measure of the truth. Evil, in any spiritual being, cannot be considered as good, because both, good and evil they have their own distinctive qualities that characterise them
The law of bios reigns the spiritual world the source of life, of sensibility, of the senses, of wishes, of feelings and emotions of the soul, as well as the strength of will to accept and assimilate what is dictated by inner motives.
From the bowels of bios comes all the organic activity, as well as the real concepts of good and evil, justice and injustice, of love and hatred. Within this law begins the moral freedom of choice, which determines the nature of each spiritual activity and what qualities it possesses. Here, any rational and moral creature on its choice and freedom decides to devote its life to the service of one or another initiation. This is the only spiritual law, inhabiting all the worlds with living creatures. It is what transfers the energy in the universe from one state to another and makes it serve the soul for its rise. It is what sprays a blessing everywhere that fills the hearts of all living creatures with faith and  Love, with peace and joy. Bios is the eternal base of being, the first and the last in everything.
Gravity dominates in the physical universe, which is home to all living creatures. The boundary of this law is infinity itself. Where does its operation start and where it ends, the modern astronomy is unable to tell us.
In the Scripture it is said: "God has created the Heaven and the Earth". Under "Heaven" is understood the connection existing, on one side between God and us, and on the other side between all the souls. To this inner connection exactly is due the law of involution and the law of evolution. By these two laws the souls progress. One of the qualities of God is that He never changes, while the souls are permanently changing. There is nothing bad in this that the souls are changing. It is beautiful when the soul is changing. When a soul is changing only then it acquires new qualities and develops. The Divine life is continuously transfusing into the soul. In this aspect the evolution and the involution are nothing else but transfusing into the soul and pouring out of the soul of the Divine spirit. It should be transfused inside and be poured out, so that the soul could acquire that knowledge and that Love, necessary for its development.
In order to be awakened the human soul needs sorrow, sufferings. If man comes to these sorrows, he should be happy, because God visits us only in the evening, this means at the time of sorrow and sufferings. In the evening, when we go out under the open sky and only darkness surrounds us, but if we have a look at the sky we will see myriad of stars, myriad of suns, sending their light to us. Through them, we can only get to know and understand the true poetry, music and the true beauty in life. The more often man lifts his eyes to the sky the easier he will lift above the pettiness of life.
I do not support things that do not exist. According to me we are unable to think about non-existing things in the world. All the phenomena in nature and in life we are unable to explain with our mind and heart only. These things we can explain only with the spirit and the soul of man as the most sublime and noble manifestations. These notions are of much higher nature than we can realise.
Under "Spirit" I mean that rational, the most beautiful thing in the world that brings sense to life, filling everything that brings all the blessing and gives the nicest mental, heart and wilful disposition in life. When the Spirit talks, there will be no contradictions in the world. If we are guided by that Spirit which governs everything in life, we would ever get along.
That moment, when the initial human soul has been born, it is a great moment!
The Scripture calls it "the dawn of being, the creation of a cosmos". And if you catch this moment, this is a revival. For each soul a cosmos is created. This is the most important! After millions of years you will understand the great truth. And now you think that you will disappear. No, your minds will open and each of you will understand his soul. You will understand that there is something secret hidden inside you. A great moment is hidden here. Only thus you will know that what God has created could not be lost.
God, the Invisible world, is working for a big achievement that each of you wants. With your heart you are connected to the people, with your mind you are connected to the angels and with your soul you are connected with God. The soul has come out of God. God has breathed in man and he has become a living soul. He has created man in His image and similarity. And what God has put in man God loves it. He loves this Truth that He has put in you. This Truth is inside you. God has given you an excellent mind, an excellent heart and an excellent soul. Mind and heart are clothes to the soul; the essence is the soul the breath that has come out of God. You should have excellent mind and heart to help your soul. And what your mind and heart acquire this good will bring in the future your benediction.
The Spirit has direct contact with our soul. Through the changes taking place in our spiritual world we acquire new notion of its origin. Without the soul we would not have any notion about the Spirit. The soul in its way of thinking represents the Divine world in us. And if in us there is something Divine, it is the bright soul that thinks. Therefore, when talking about man we should understand the soul. If you separate from man the rational soul, he becomes a formed animal with four legs that does not differ in anything: eats, sleeps, has all the necessities and weaknesses of the animal. The Spirit manifests in the human soul.
I take the two words: "Spirit" and "soul". The Spirit is what pushes the people to go. And the soul is what perceives things, what contains things. This means that the Spirit is the one who gives and the soul perceives. This means that the flow of the soul is from outside to inside and the flow of the spirit is from inside to outside. These two flows of the spirit and the soul exist at the same time. They are what enters in us and what goes out of us. What enters inside us is the flow of the soul. What goes out of us is the flow of the spirit. And when these two flows are correct, proportionate, this is happiness! You will acquire well and give well. We will acquire from God and then we will give. My patience is giving. When you acquire air say: "Thank you, God, for all the goodness that you have given us!" This is right! Then you will breathe out and take air again.
The soul is what we are living in, but the spirit works. Mind is what we are getting to know now. Mind and heart are the children of the spirit. Mind is a boy, a small child, going on the male line. The heart is a girl, a small girl this is the daughter of the spirit. The daughter of the spirit is the heart of man, going on the female line. This means: mind is born by the great father the spirit, and the heart, it is born by a great mother the soul. So, when someone asks what the spirit is, or what the soul is, I say: that, what mind is born of, is the spirit, and that what the heart is born of, is the soul.
Have you ever stolen souls until now? You have stolen hearts. Hearts somehow you can steal. And life to certain measure you can steal, you can take the life of man. But there are two things that no one is able to steal. His soul and his spirit no one in the world is able to steal. Many in the world have tried to steal them Heart is possible to be stolen, people steal hearts. And mind is possible to steal. But there are two things, on which you can rely upon: they are your soul and your spirit. The strong is the spirit. If your spirit is strong and awakened, no one can touch your mind. If your soul is awake no one can take your heart. All you need is faith in your spirit and faith in your soul so that your mind and your heart to be in a normal state.
The illuminated part of the circle is the spirit and soul. And unlit part is the mind and heart. So there are possibilities to make mistakes in darkness. The man should start moving so that human mind and human heart to be illuminated by the Divine Sun.
"Love is a fruit of the Spirit." If Love is not dawned on by the Spirit, it cannot manifest itself. Love cannot manifest without the Divine Spirit. It is only for a short time. Short-time love shows that the Spirit is in a specific situation in man or that man is in specific situation.
What do we mean by "Spirit"? It is the rational in man. What do we understand by "soul"? This is the consciousness of man. What is coordinated by the rational thought is the soul of man. If all the deeds of man have one common outer result we call this man rational. If everything that man does is positive, noble and there are no contradictions in his deeds, this man is rational. Rational man can be recognised by physiognomy, chiromancy, astrology and the other occult sciences.
Spirit is the man himself. What you are in your mind this is the spirit.
Spirit is the real essence, the most real, the most essential, that, having no measure. This is the Spirit the base of being. And when this Spirit comes, it will bring these goods, that life, in which you will feel like the blind to whom Christ has opened the eyes and you will say: "Once I have been blind, now I see".
The only thing that we see in the world, I repeat, is the Spirit. Here, this flower that I hold, it is a Spirit and if you could see you will espy an entire human figure in it. Now, why do not you see? It is because your sight is limited, you see only the compressed part, but you do not see the not compressed. For example, some things look to you rounded the walnut, but if you seed it, would the stem that will grow be rounded? It will immediately show its essence. In order to recognise things you should be seeding them in their soil.
Many times you give about the Spirit people's explanations. The Spirit is an instructive philosophy that could be tried by a child and by an old man, but there should be respective senses to understand it. The coming of the Spirit happens by contact. You should accept it. You should have a reason for the pouring out of the Spirit. The reason for the pouring out of the Spirit has been Christ and He said: "When I go, I will send you My Spirit and this Spirit will be with you". This means that there should be a creature to give a reason, to be like an environment through which the Spirit, this great good to be poured out.
You cannot accept the Spirit until God does not manifest His Love. If Love is not manifested you cannot accept the Spirit. This is the first position. The second position is: you cannot accept the Spirit if you are not ready to apply the Will of God. God can have Love to you, but if you are not disposed to fulfil the Will of God, you cannot accept Him. This means that there are two things: God to have Love for you, disposal of God, to accept the Spirit, and the second, to fulfil the Will of God without any stipulations. When the Spirit comes, you should leave your present life. You should transfer from a state to another, more sublime like the caterpillar transfers to a butterfly. When this Divine Spirit enters in man He gives him something, equips him, gives him new possibilities.
In order to accept the Spirit the people should be completely ready for that. Christ says: "Who does not forswear his father, his mother, his brother, the world and finally his life he cannot be My student". This means that he cannot accept the Spirit.
I am talking to those who want to study the inner side. Do not think that the temporary happiness you have is the Spirit. What the Spirit brings is something completely new. You will try a peace that you have not yet tried. And now you have peace. And happiness you have. There are people who are born gay, constantly cheerful and smiling. This is only a matter of temperament; this does not show that the Spirit is present. There are people born beautiful, there are people that will become beautiful later. The first beauty is the outside mask, but the second beauty shows that man has worked. This is characteristic of the Spirit and in his face there is one expression that shows the beauty of the soul. The first beauty loses the outside lines with the time passing by. But the beauty of the Spirit cannot be lost with aging. The one who accepts the Spirit enters the area of immortality. This is the inner resurrection. You may still be in your cocoon in the grave, but you feel a joy that you will blossom This is only a temporary situation that you are in.
Situation of a prisoner, who is tightened, but who knows that his friends are coming and encircling him, and he is happy, because he knows that he will be freed, but his enemies tremble. This is the situation of a man who is expecting the Spirit. He feels that when he accepts the Spirit, there will be a lot of visions, a lot of dreams, a lot of things will come to prompt to him and will not let him in ignorance. There will be yet something that will remain unknown, but he will be warned.
The spirit comes for these souls that are already ready. There are souls in the past in which the Spirit has gone. There has been a specific pouring. That, what the mystics call "inner connection". The soul connects with its initial source, where it has come out of, and makes a whole with it.
There is inner connection between the Initial reason and the soul that is living on the Earth. All the contradictions cease, everything is explained. Man could be rich, could be learned, but if he is not dawned on by the Spirit, by Love, he is always unsatisfied of life.
The Spirit is the Divine in man that is burning. Do not extinguish this flame! Until it is burning you will have such aura that will protect you from all the bad conditions. Who carries the Spirit inside him, he has the flame. If he has not the Spirit inside him, he has no flame and he starts to philosophise that the things could be reached in many ways. No, there is only one way to live properly. Each word should have only one sense. All your thoughts, feelings and actions should have only one sense. Man should not be bifurcate.
Human heart is a result of human mind. Human mind is a result of the human soul. Human soul is a result of the human spirit. The human spirit is a result of God, of the Divine. Each result could subsequently be a reason. I take the result, but it means that it is in dependence. It is not that the result is not real, but that it is dependant. When I put this ladder, I show ratio, dependence. The soul depends on the spirit, the mind depends on the soul, the heart depends on the mind, the human will; the human body depend on the heart.
We condemn our soul. They say: "Is the soul alive?" The only thing that lives in the world is the soul. The only thing that works, that thinks, this is the spirit, the human spirit. Employee of the human spirit is the human mind. Now in philosophy there are a lot of limitations. The spirit in man, in this sense, is the one that thinks. The mind has originated of the spirit. The human heart has originated from the soul. The entire spiritual world is based according to the law of the human soul. The entire mental and causal world is created according to the law of the spirit. The entire physical world is created like the human body is created. The entire physical world presents astrologically a man, decomposed to his parts. Now these are abstract things, so do not be scared.
Without soul Love cannot be manifested. The initial soul that everybody longs for is the greatest, the most sublime creature. Every man wants to love someone. Whom exactly does he want to love? He wants to love this initial soul. If you are looking for Love, this shows that you are looking for the soul. If you are looking for knowledge and wisdom, you are looking for the spirit. The mind cannot give knowledge to man, neither the heart can give him Love. There is something in the heart that people call love, but this love seems to be temporary magnetism that is easily acquired and easily lost. If you magnetise a piece of iron it will temporarily attract the iron filings to it. Tomorrow this piece of iron will lose its magnetic quality and should be magnetised again. The same could be said for the heart as well. No matter how much you magnetise it in a couple of days it will lose the quality to attract. If you take a piece of black iron and heat it to become red, it will start lighting. If you leave it in this state for two-three hours it will lose its red colour, it will lose its light and will become black again. The same happens with the mind. Whose human mind has not fulgurated for a couple of hours and then has not darkened? When we say for someone that has a bright mind, we get the idea that the Spirit is present in this man. The presence of the Spirit creates uninterruptible light energy in the human mind.
The human soul has created the universe; the human spirit has created eternity. This means that the spirit has created the innumerable universes. So, when talking about the heart, do not think that it is weak as you imagine it. It has created our Earth, as well as the rest of the planets. By the heart God has wished to create, to arrange the Earth. It is said in the Scripture: "The Spirit of God floated upon the Earth." This means that the Earth has been arranged according the wish of the heart. What it has wished, that has created. Our Earth has been arranged only for virtues nothing else. Therefore as soon as we become virtuous the other arts will come. You cannot become a musician if you are not virtuous. You cannot become a philosopher if you are not virtuous. You cannot become beautiful if you are not virtuous. You cannot become anything if you are not virtuous. Virtue is the base of life. Good is the base of life. You should know this. Only in this way you can have success in life. I am not talking about personal good, but making good to someone else. You should have good heart, not in the sense of well disposed, but a heart that works, that creates things. Many ask: "Why should man be good?" Man should be good because on the good is based his life. If you are not good, you can achieve nothing in your life.
The Spirit, this is the strength of man. You are as strong as you realise the strength of your spirit. You are as noble as you realise the nobleness and the strength of your soul. The strength of your heart depends on how you realise the presence of your soul inside you. The strength of your mind depends on how much you realise the presence of your spirit. As much as your spirit works, so much your mind will work. If you doubt and hesitate in your spirit, your mind will hesitate as well. If you hesitate in your soul, your heart will hesitate as well. If your heart is erratic, your soul will be erratic as well. You sit and think: "There might be a soul, there might be not! There might be a spirit, there might be not!"
Therefore the soul and the spirit are two great principles of life. With its entering in life the materialism has made a deviation in its proper development. How has life created this deviation? It has brought in the world the idea that the soul does not exist, but everything is matter. As far as the existence of the spirit is concerned the materialism has not been able to renounce it, because it has identified it with the mind of man. So, when they say that someone has a powerful spirit the materialists mean strong, bright mind. But they completely renounce the existence of the soul, and at the same time renounce the existence of Love as a great principle.
What should man mean by the word "soul"? The soul is what includes everything. Everything put in man should develop in all centuries this is taken for a soul. It is a great warehouse. There are other definitions as well.
I say: the greatest thing is the human soul! And after that people are still going to ask whether the soul exists or not. Who asks whether the soul exists or not, this shows, that his soul is smaller than him alone. This man should leave this question aside and should not discuss it. The soul lights man. The entire knowledge it brings inside it since immemorial times as well as Love, Wisdom and Truth, the three sources of life are hidden exactly in his soul. It is a warehouse, a repository for all his riches. All the difficult questions that arise over man are solved by the soul. Is it then necessary to ask whether the soul exists or not? Who does not believe in the existence of the soul he is at the end of materialism and death is a part of it.
The soul lives down, in the solar plexus. We are at the border of the spiritual and the physical world. The solar plexus is close to the navel of man. There is the dwelling of the soul.
The soul itself is not three dimensional, it cannot be projected, it cannot project its actions; it alone is not in our world. It is not a soul of the physical world. It touches the physical world, but it does not live in the physical world, it lives in completely another world, in another dimension.
In the conscious movements the strength is inside, but in the unconscious mechanical movements the strength is outside. In a wheel you have a belt that moves continuously the wheel from outside, and in a snail you have the movement inside. This snail or that clam is often enclosed between two shells. Once the snail or the clam die, the shell remains and if you break it, you will never be able to make this form again.
And the opposite: if you take some salt and dissolve it in water, then let the solution crystallise, it will generate the same form. Therefore, the rational forms are not recovered in the same way as the crystals. That's why when in the world you make some mistake or some good, the rational force that has made this mistake or this good, it alone is able to recreate what it has made or broken.
Assume the following fact, which can be explained in two ways: you have a friend that you love, but one day inadvertently you say one word that offends him, his mood changes. You go, apologise, but he does not want to forgive you. I ask: why he does not want to forgive you? The man who does not want to forgive you, he is not the offended, the offended is someone else, but he is not there. Therefore he says: "I have nothing to forgive you, I remain only his guardian". For example, a process is given to a lawyer, but another one says to him: "Terminate this process". He asks the plaintiff: "Do you agree?" Has the lawyer the right to dismiss the case himself alone? He has not this right. Therefore the offended people, those who do not like to forgive, they are not the offended but they are just officials.
I will give you a rule: in all these things that happen on the Earth the soul should take part, it will be with us in our hearts, in our bodies, then everything we do, and will be realised and we will be happy. Those of you, who want to improve the situation, keep this rule: your soul to participate in your thought. You, the men, are like kids to the soul. The soul when sees you, lets you come in peace, to feel that you need its help. Sometimes you want to impose: I should do this, I should do that. Leave it, do not interfere. Once you ask her, let her free, not only to come but to take part in your life.
We should start living better, so the soul to deign to manifest together with us. Not to let us do whatever we want because then we will pay tax. All of you know what it means paying tax. When the soul takes part, everything is in harmony; man feels strong, vigorous; powerful. The entire nature has sense. As soon as we remain alone, the obstacles come one after another.
The good that man enjoys is at the same time good for his entire body, as well as for each cell of the total body. On this ground in the world exists a great Divine Soul that contains the souls. We are connected to this soul and our good depends on the good of this soul.
There is a universal soul living in each man. Everybody should listen to this soul. The people call this universal soul in various ways. This is a soul that understands everything, that lives, that guides the people, that creates culture, and science, and art everything is its work. Who listens to that universal soul is blissful; who does not listen to it is misfortunate.
Often the notion of soul is collection of functions. Function is a process. After the process is finished, the action is finished as well. And the soul is an uninterruptible process in the world. Space and time in nature include the soul. The soul is spatial and material in any way. It includes space, it includes time; it includes all the forms, but also the perception of these forms.
Love is that yearning that if you live in it you will achieve whatever you wish. But if you're in the world, you would feel lack, emptiness, an absurdity, a hesitation, a doubt, a lack of faith, an inner rudeness. What for love is this? Love has that fullness. Man is a genius. He is talented, he is a genius; he is not an ordinary man. He is ordinary, when he goes to the ordinary; he is talented, when he goes to talented; he is a genius when he goes to the genius. The human soul wherever it descends it adapts to the existing conditions. Sometimes the soul takes an ordinary form. When it ascends to God it takes another form One human soul is more than an angel. One angel is facing. The soul contains more possibilities than the achievements of an angel. The soul contains more possibilities than a god! So this is it. It is those immense possibilities that God has put in the soul, because it is an expression of Him. It has been created in image and similarity to God. Those are the possibilities that God has put in us and in the future we should achieve them.
The nicest moment in the life of man is when two people meet in the following situation: one of them has been living for a long time on the Earth; the other has just descended from Heaven. This meeting remains memorable for a lifetime. This is the meaning of the strophe: "Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them". The soul of man is the one, the spirit the second, and the man himself the third. Number 3 represents manifestation of the real spirit, the real soul and the real mind of man.


Each man should have a soul to love him with all its nature, this means with its consciousness, with its self consciousness, with its sub consciousness, with its over  consciousness. If man has such a soul all the Divine goods will come with it. This soul is a channel through which goods are transported from the invisible world to the soul that lives on Earth. Man cannot accept God's Love and God's goods from wherever. This soul that loves us will show us the way to act with the rest of the souls.
According to my understanding the Earth is a school for the individual human soul. If there is something unreal in the world it is the human soul. Some ask themselves: "What am I?" I am what I think, what I feel, what I wish. And each thought, each feeling and each wish have their form.
When man talks on his thought could be exactly defined his age. On the Earth live young and old souls: young souls are recognised by the lack of experience, as they have lived on the Earth less time. The old souls have lived for a long period of time, they have a lot of knowledge, great experience. Therefore-, if an old soul makes mistake it makes it consciously, if it makes good, it makes it consciously. These old souls with knowledge, with experience, we call them "advanced souls".
I have not created the world, it has its master. Not only Bulgarians permit issues. There are English, French, Americans, Russians, Italians, Serbs, Japanese, Chinese; these are more than two billion people in the world permitting issues. The occultists say that there are 58 milliards other human souls, permitting issues. You will say: "When have they counted them?" I do not know when they have counted them There is who to count them In the invisible world they count them each ten years. So statistics says approximately that. 10 years ago if they have been 60 milliard, in 10 years they will increase. It is not me, thinking out these data, the scientists say, that these souls exist. Whether you believe it or not, this is another question. What exists in nature, it exists, no matter that you believe it or not.
All the souls are not on the Earth. They move in space, they get about the solar system and some of them tour the other systems and periodically descend to the Earth. When they descend to the Earth they visit the people, they enter their bodies; they leave their blissful and go again to the borderless space. What is the movement of the souls? They move in a circle, but in a spiral.
For itself alone the soul represents a small universe that moves in the great universe in its borderless space.
No one in the world can occupy the place of the soul, no matter whether a man or an angel, neither to obsess it. The soul has Divine origin and belongs to God only. When a soul descends to the Earth, all the sublime creatures that understand the laws start creating an entire system of worlds, because they know that each soul brings something new inside it. This means that coming of a soul to the world symbolises creation of something new, great, and beautiful. When you do not understand what the soul is you often say: "My soul is troubled". And David has said at many places: "My soul is troubled!" The soul cannot be troubled.
Normal soul is a soul that manifests and develops properly. Do not be amazed why it does not manifest properly. It is because it is still in the first phase of its development. What manifests, is the human heart and the human mind. The canvass is still weaving. While it is on the loom and is being woven, it is weaving, and when this fabric is woven, then the soul will manifest. But not in the present age, but in the sixth race then, when the both principles of the heart and of the mind, or both principles, as they now manifest in man and woman, come to accordance and realise why they have descended to the Earth. Because while the man realises that he has come into the world as a man and while the woman realises that she has come as a woman, in the world there will always be broken noses, broken legs, ribs removed, broken hearts, etc.
In the new culture there will not be sick, sickly, crazy people, all will be with healthy brains, sturdily built, they will not think about dying, because in the new culture these two worlds will be joined, and as they are joined, the soul will descend to the Earth and ascended freely. But not to this land will descend the soul, it will descend to the new earth, which is now being built. And then will appear the New Jerusalem and will start the culture of the Divine soul and the Divine Spirit. And now you say: "My heart is upset, I am indisposed", and sometimes you mix up and say: "My soul aches". The soul, your soul cannot ache; it has not descended, it is up and is waiting.
Male and female represent two principles, two parts of a whole. What is the whole? It is man itself. The two poles, the two parts, these are his spirit and his soul. The soul can live separately, independently of the spirit, like the woman can live separately from the man, each for itself, in its physical form. This means that the soul can live separately like the woman in its specific form. And the spirit can live separately like the man in its specific form That is why many people carry inside the male principle only, only the spirit. For these people it is said that they have spirit, but they do not have soul. Others carry inside the female principle only, the soul. For such people, they say, that they do not have spirit, but only a soul. Is there any contradiction in this? For us is important man to have either soul, or spirit. Whether these souls and spirits are from this or that world, it is not important. But for us it is important that they go on the Divine path, that they are guided by the Divine laws, to resolve the contradictions that exist between them. Only in this case you can resolve the troubles in your life.
For example, you wake up in the morning and you feel that you miss something. What is missing? It is your soul. Where has it gone? The soul has left your body, because it has been offended by the spirit and the spirit only has remained inside you. Sometimes is just the opposite: the spirit has left your body and inside you has remained only the soul. But there are cases when both, the soul and the spirit, leave the body and it remains with its heart and its mind only and man is in big disturbance. Why man is disturbed then? He is disturbed, because his heart and his mind, his children, have been left by the soul and the spirit, this means by their mother and father. The children are scared and say: "Where is our mother, who is going to cook for us now? Where is our father, who is going to buy clothes for us now?" Children completely depend on their parents.
When I say that the soul has left the body of someone because it has been offended by the spirit, this is said in human language. Actually, because the soul and the spirit strive for absolute freedom, the spirit has given freedom to the soul to go somewhere on a walk, to visit some places and when completes its work to come back. The spirit does the same. Whatever the soul and the spirit do, they never tell it to their children, the mind and the heart. But what the mother and the father do on the earth, they tell everything to their children. Because the soul and the spirit do not tell their children what they are doing, the mind and the heart of man are in permanent confusion. Under the word "children" we mean the people of the mind and the heart.
When I ask someone, if he has soul, this means, if he has mother. It means a lot man to have mother! Who has mother inside him he is a real man. If I ask someone if he has spirit, this means if he has father. It means a lot man to have father! Someone says: "My father died". No, the real father never dies! This means that the words "soul" and "spirit" should be understood in their inner sense, according to the said in the Scripture.
For example, it is said there, that the first Adam has become a living soul, which means that he has become a woman. The last Adam has been life making spirit, which means man. But neither the first Adam has been a real woman; nor the last has been a real man. This shows that a new period is coming to the world, when this story should be repeated, to create that man, in which man and woman will be combined in harmony. This means that when the soul manifests the repetition of the events happens in life, but in completely new form and in completely new way. When Love manifests, then life is coming. Life is nothing else, but coming of energy.
Under the word "man" in the right sense is understood that sublime and noble beginning, that is distinguished by purity and sainthood. This beginning excludes all the wrong understandings, all the crimes outside itself. And under the word "woman" in the proper sense is understood Virgin pure, free from all curves distorted images in her mind. She is independent, she does not fall in love with anybody; she does not pass a hero before the people. In general, each soul and each spirit love only God. The spirits and the souls fall in love with God only as Initial source of things. Therefore the spirit loves God at first and then the woman, this is the soul. And the soul loves God at first and then the man, this means the spirit.
Someone will say: "Give us proves that there is soul and spirit!" I can prove in 5 minutes whether the soul and the spirit exist or not, not giving you arguments or proving this question theoretically, as some philosophers such as Kant, Schopenhauer, etc. do. How am I going to do this? I will take the soul out of the body of someone and he will immediately fall on the ground. Then I will return it back. Then I will ask him: what have you seen? "I have seen that on the ground there was a man lying on the ground, who was completely looking like me." What are you going to say now, does the soul exist or not? Out of the same man I can pull out two more and will ask him: Who is the one lying on the ground and who does not speak? Who is the one who thinks, suggests and speaks, and finally, who is the one that connects the two? The one who lies on the ground and is unable to speak, it is clothing, matter, in which the soul is clothed. The other one, who thinks, suggests and speaks, is the very soul, and the one that connects the two - this is the spirit of man.
The question is not about the soul out of the man, but the important question is, what man is in the world as a manifesting soul. Moreover, man has to know his self and what he is as a spirit, and at last he must know what is God, without seeking to prove this to other people. If man knows these three questions for himself, he is already on the right path. Knowing these three important questions constitutes the great future culture that can build, can put strong foundations in the life of man.

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