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It is said in the Scriptures: An Angel from Heaven protects those who pray and have faith in God. Hence, when you pray to God and have faith in Him, a Being of Light from the Invisible World will undoubtedly come to be with you in the most difficult and terrifying hours of your life.


There is no better poetry in life than that of prayer; or in other words, conversation with God. You need to pray without complaining.


There is no living being in the world - from the least to the greatest - whose appeal God has not answered. There is no occasion when God has not responded to a soul.


To pray means to think about God. Every thought about God, as feeble as it might be, shines like a spark within man's consciousness and brings him something. Whether or not you comprehend God's Essence - this is not important. Regardless, you can think about Him at any time. This thought - even if minute - will always bring you some good. To think about God means to think rightly.


One's success depends upon the extent to which he keeps God's Name as pure and sacred within his heart and soul.


If you are having some difficulty and call upon God's Name, in a short while - it will be resolved. You are hungry. You have not eaten for three days. Call upon God's Name, and shortly, bread will appear before you. How this comes to pass - cannot be revealed. That which is most important - is to experience the Power of God's Name. He who pronounces God's Name with love, knowledge, and power - bread will come to him, and his difficulties will be resolved. God listens to every appeal when the prayer comes from deep within the heart.


If you desire for God to hear you, you should have peace and humility within yourself, and then, whatever you ask for - knowledge, power, wisdom, beauty, virtue - all will be attained.


Prayer is an act of connecting, and only by this connection, can Love come into the world. Our whole life should become an internal prayer that we may prepare the conditions for the Coming of Love within. When Love comes - Light, Peace, and Joy will fill our hearts.


Prayer - this is communion with God. Prayer is conversation, oneness with God. Because the human soul still bears within itself centuries-old layers, it cannot comprehend God's Will. Therefore, man needs to pray to God that He may purify him and liberate him of this burden that he may come to know himself and his brethren - and through this, may come to know God.


A Divine Sentience exists within the world that watches over all who address it with faith and call upon it for help. The greater faith is, the sooner help comes.


Without prayer, man cannot evolve.


Christ, Himself, withdrew every night to pray. He had much knowledge, and yet every night, He withdrew to contemplate. If He needed to pray, then we need to pray even more.


Have faith in God with all your heart. Have faith in God with all your mind. Come to know God in all you do, and He will put right your steps.


If you desire to manifest the good within you, think about Him. Occupy yourself with good thoughts, feelings, and actions that they may come alive within you.


Think about God that you may become as perfect as He is. Think about God that you may become as good as He is. Think about God that you may become as merciful as He is.


The beauty and the greatness of one's life lies in his gratitude towards God for that which has been given to him.


How will you know that you have received an answer to your prayers? You will know by the internal quiet joy - by the internal light - which will help you in resolving certain problems. Some receive a response to their prayers immediately; some wait for days, weeks, months; and yet, some others - for years. All depends upon the intensity of the prayer.


Pray not only when in trouble, but constantly.


Upon arising in the morning, one should first pray to God to bring strength and enlightenment into his mind. After that, he should pray for enlightenment to come into his heart. And lastly, one should pray to God to facilitate his daily work in the physical world. Thank God for the good - and for the evil. Only then, will God transform evil into good.


Pray not only for yourselves, but for all. He who thinks only about himself will accomplish nothing.


He who wants something from God needs to promise something in return, to sacrifice something of himself. And that which he promises - he needs to fulfill.


When a prophet predicts something, which later, does not come to pass - this shows that the people for whom it was predicted have prayed a lot; and as a response to their prayer, God has rescinded His Judgment.


Prayer is a plea to God. You are sad, sorrowful - pray! God consoles in three ways: in the first, He will send someone to help you; in the second, He will send you an Angel; and in the third, He Himself will come down.


Prayer should include within itself the qualities of Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, Virtue, and Compassion - as well as many other virtues.

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