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God, in His essence, is Spirit.


Spirit is a manifestation of God.


It has always existed and will exist eternally.


The Spirit is the beginning of all things.


It is written: "In the beginning was the Word." The Word - this is the first manifestation of Love in the material world.


And Love - this is the first fruit of the Spirit.


The head of the Word is Truth.


And the head of Truth is the Spirit of God.


It is the Beginning of the beginning of all things.


Therefore, the Word is the first thing with which man must begin. That which speaks to man at times is not yet the Spirit of God, it is the Word.


Later, man will arrive at Truth, and finally, at the Divine Spirit.


He who does not understand the Word, cannot understand Truth, and he who does not understand Truth cannot understand the Spirit.


Spirit descends into Truth, and Truth descends into the Word.


And thus speaks the Word: "The Spirit is that which gives life."


There is life because there is Spirit. The Spirit initiated Life.


True life is only that which proceeds from the Spirit, because there is life that is not initiated by the Spirit. The life that proceeds from the Spirit is perfectly rational. In this life nothing dies. It excludes all suffering, all sickness, all contradictions, all want.


The Spirit is the eternal, immortal foundation of this very life.


Within it are hidden all the primary forms in which life manifests itself.


Primary forms are all forms, which proceed directly from the Spirit.


Every form of the Spirit is a page from the great book of life.


The Spirit in its essence is one, but in its manifestations it is manifold. Unity and plurality - these are the attributes of the Spirit.


As a manifestation, the Spirit is plural from one of its poles to the other.


Therefore I say: The Spirit is One, the spirits are many.


The spirits are breaths born out of the one Breath.


In its plurality the Spirit reveals its inexhaustible variety.


The greatness of the Divine Spirit is manifested in that variety. The Spirit contains all the inexhaustible treasures of the visible worlds, and reveals what God is.


God comes down to us by sending His Spirit, as the sun sends its light.


The Divine Spirit rises every day, and every day it sends us its blessings voluntarily, without our asking for them and without expecting any repayment from us.


We owe to it everything that we have.


Men have always realized this more or less. In various ways they have designated that intelligent power which comes from God and manifests itself in the world, and they have given it different names: the primal substance, the primal energy, the laws of nature, and so on.


The laws are created by the Spirit. They relate to that great energy of the world which comes out of its primal state and differentiates itself in order to manifest itself in its inexhaustible variety.


This manner of development is but the universal movement of the Spirit in carrying out the complete cosmic plan.


The Spirit is the most sublime reality. From the point of view of the physical world it is invisible, but from the point of view of the Divine world, it is as objective as is the body in the physical world, and the soul in the spiritual world.


Everything that is great, sublime and mighty in the world is due to the Spirit.


Spirit has borne the most precious fruits in life.


These fruits are:


Love, Joy, Peace.


Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness.


Faith, Meekness, Temperance (or Self-control).


These are three great triangles of the three worlds the divine, the angelic, and the human. Love, Joy, Peace - this is the Divine triangle. Love is the father, Joy - the mother, and Peace - their child. In the triangle of the angelic world, long-suffering is the father, gentleness the mother, and goodness the child.


Acquire these qualities and you will be among the angels.


In the third triangle, faith is the father; meekness the mother, and temperance the child.


Acquire these qualities in their deep mystic meaning, and you will be ranked among the saints.


In order to understand what the Spirit is, man's soul must be awakened.


Only the soul has direct communion with the Spirit. Without the soul, we would have no conception of the Spirit.


It may be said that what the relationship of the growing seed is to the sun, such is the relationship of the human soul to the Divine Spirit.


The human soul experiences a holy awe in the presence of the Divine Spirit, because its growth and life depend upon it.


The soul has not yet completed its development. It will pass through millions of forms. When it completes its development, it will unite with the Spirit, and then soul and spirit will no longer exist separately.


Then eternal life will be manifested.


The spirit can dwell only with the soul. It cannot dwell with our minds, because our thoughts are constantly changing.


Remember: the primary essence of man is his spirit.


The first manifestation of man is his manifestation as spirit. The spirit is that absolute point within which man appears in creation. The soul represents the potentialities of the spirit.


The spirit of man is eternal. It continually descends, manifests itself and ascends again. Man's spirit awakens and manifests itself when the Divine Spirit descends into it. It descends and then ascends again to God.


In this descending and ascending, the human spirit moves simultaneously in three directions, which bring about three strivings:


The first striving of the spirit is the striving towards life.


The second striving of the spirit is the striving towards knowledge.


The third striving of the spirit is the striving towards freedom.


The human spirit teaches man everything. It stimulates the human soul to grow and develop. The soul is the treasury of the human spirit. It contains within itself everything that the spirit has acquired from time immemorial to the present day.


The human spirit is the author of all things on earth. All sciences, all arts, all religions, all the epochs and cultures through which the earth has passed are created by the human spirit, which has not yet fully unfolded. Even man's physical body, with all its organs and all its organization, is created by his spirit.


And when the body of a man is being created in the womb of the mother, the spirit of the man participates in this creation together with the spirit of the mother. All energies, all forces active in the cosmos, are at the disposal of the human spirit. It works freely with matter - it can condense it, dilute it, mould it. For instance, when the spirit desires to reduce the vibrations of light, it condenses matter around itself.


Matter constantly compels the spirit to mould new, more perfect forms. The spirit creates the forms, and matter individualizes the spirit. And that which we call the conflict between matter - which in itself is lifeless and inert - and the spirit, which is full of life, is the striving of the spirit to make matter more plastic and more pliable for its creative work.


Man searches for happiness, knowledge and wealth in life. But these things may be acquired only from the Spirit.


Only the Spirit bestows all these blessings. It bestows all endowments and all talents, all intelligence and all genius.


With the coming of the Spirit, everything great is born.


When the Spirit comes, it stimulates all that has accumulated within man for millions of years. All this awakens and begins to develop.


When the Spirit comes, man begins to experience an expansion, his horizon clears, contradictions disappear, and he begins to see clearly.


If man desires that Divine Love be revealed in him, the Spirit must necessarily be in him.


But the Spirit is a very sensitive being. It is very responsive to all human weakness and is, by nature, able to enter into those who are on the Path. It does not knock strongly. It will knock very softly at your heart, and if you open to it, at once it will change your whole life. The Spirit will show you how to live, what to do, and how to do it consciously.


The Divine Spirit comes to work within us only when our hearts and minds work rightly.


First, it appears as intuition, but when man advances, it speaks out clearly. Its manifestations become more lucid and concrete.


When the Spirit enters into a man, it will manifest itself without fail. There is no power in the world that can prevent the Spirit from revealing itself.


But without purity the human spirit cannot appear in its full strength.


Listen to your spirit! And remember that it is the great author of all that is on the earth. Science, which people sometimes worship, is a creation of the human spirit. The human spirit is above all science.


Therefore, do not worship that which the human spirit has created, that you have created!


Respect your spirit as a great creator, as a great interpreter and executor of the divine will.


The human spirit always fulfills the will of God. It does that which it has learned from God.


If you wish to follow the path of Truth, then let the Spirit within you be free. Let it guide and direct you. Inside you or outside you, the Spirit observes all that you do.


Today the Spirit is leading humanity in new ways. The whole solar system has entered into a new realm. After a time men of science will prove that the earth itself has entered a new configuration with the sun. We are coming in contact with a virgin matter and those who are ready will enter into the new life that is hidden within it, and will be resurrected, and those who are not ready will have to wait and be taken up in the future, by a new wave.


Prepare yourself for the coming of the Spirit!


And do not forget that when the Spirit comes, the door of your heart must be opened. When the Spirit enters, the door of your heart must close. Do not open the door before the coming of the Spirit. Do not close the door before the entering of the Spirit. Work where the Spirit works.

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