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Feelings are also music of a high order. When there is no music in our feelings, we experience a shrinking feeling. On the other hand, when our feelings are musical, there is a sense of expansion. There is always expansion in harmonious music, a combination of tones which lend volume and breadth to thought. And when our thoughts are musical, there is in the same way an expansion and illumination of the mind.


Our thoughts should be musical. And when they are musical they bring a pleasant, life-giving warmth into the soul.


When we start to think, to feel and to sing musically it is only then that we become musicians.


Song, feelings and thoughts must be music. That is the whole secret of life.


He who can impart his mind, heart and will to music creates in himself a strong impulse which no-one can oppose.


We must lay the key of faith as the foundation stone of our lives. Thus, I want inspiration to manifest itself in all of you.


No-one can work without inspiration. Each disciple who enters a class, wherever it may be, must possess inspiration. Nothing else should claim his attention, A disciple without inspiration is dead. It does not matter if he has no hat or shoes: these are of secondary importance. That means nothing to the student. It means nothing, either, if we have been ill and have had palpitations.


If we have inspiration, that is the student’s strength. There will be clothes and shoes for him, too. If we lose our inspiration, we are dead. If we have inspiration, everything opens up before us. This law exists in nature. See how corn pushes through the hard earth. There is inspiration in it!


That little seed develops its chemical forces by physical and biological means. All its forces are concentrated on one aim — to germinate, and this is why the soil opens up. You glance and see that before long the shoot has broken through the earth. If that seed had lacked inspiration, it would not have germinated: it would have rotted in the soil.


And when a disciple is inspired, wherever he may be buried he will germinate and grow and this law should be valid for all of us.


For the next ten days the first thing you should do when you get up in the morning is to repeat the word “inspiration” three times. Before you sit down lo your midday meal, you should again repeat this word three times.


And when you go to bed at night, you should again say this word three times — that makes nine times a day. Thus, you will say the word “inspiration” nine times a day for ten days. Keep a diary and record your experiences in it. These experiences will help you reap the harvest from the seed which you have sown. What you will gain is so precious that it is beyond price. It will be small, but it will be the truly precious part of you. It is all-powerful. It is only in this way that you can lay the firm foundations for your life.


When you say the word “inspiration” let your hands drop abruptly to your sides and you will feel it in the depths of your being. You should then plant this word in your mind so that you will feel it deeply. Then you should again say this word, with both thought and feeling. You should feel the strength flooding through your veins.


These exercises should be done in private. I shall put this question to you: “What quality distinguishes a true disciple?” A true disciple is inspired! And thus is he blessed. Inspiration is as necessary for him as light, life and love.


You should all perform this exercise when you rise in the morning. Perform it so that the air is turbulent with its emotion, so that even I in my room can sense that inspiration really exists among the disciples.


Do not shout. Say the word “inspiration” quietly, only for yourselves, for there is music in quiet speech that deeply affects the soul. Concentrate all your thoughts on it, but say the word quietly. If you say it loudly, all the inspiration will be lost. For this reason you will say it quietly and you will be pleased with yourselves.


Perform this exercise with faith. Do not worry whether or not you possess inspiration. However you do it, you will finally acquire inspiration. It is only in this way that the beautiful feelings, beautiful thoughts that are necessary for the construction of our lives can be engendered. This is also necessary for your future.


You are confronted by a stormy sea that you must cross. You are confronted by a life full of difficulties. You need inspiration to be able to defeat the overcome all these difficulties.


When you are confronted by a difficulty, pause a little and utter the word “inspiration”. And when the difficulty is confronted by your inspiration it will withdraw, allowing you to pass.


Bear in mind that I have been searching for this word in the Bulgarian language for many years. It is a strong word.


In order to be strong a word must possess three qualities. The word “inspiration” possesses these three elements. It has strong vibrations. If one can comprehend these three elements, one will also experience its vibrations. This word will endow you with something new, and this will be just what you are searching for.


Lecture 1924


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