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To unify manking through the light that it may become the salt of the earth

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Why cannot brotherly life exist everywhere, so that brothers and sisters may meet together, walk in the mountains, sing songs, pray and eat together? Let there be not one Dawn Meeting but a thousand throughout the world, where the Word of the Light can be heard, in simple white halls with great windows facing east. On a small earth pulpit He spoke, standing up, facing them all, with eyes closed for the prayer. Let them read the Good Prayer together, quietly, rhythmically, aloud. It contains the ten basic rules: to enter into the consciousness of the people. “Our lives, which we consecrate to Thee, for the benefit of our brothers and near ones, Thou say a blessing.” What greater blessing than that can there be for the people? To greet the rising of the sun together, when — in quiet majesty — the sun rises over the earth, for then are the most holy minutes of the day and the strongest healing effects of its rays. And then to begin singing the beautiful prayer-songs, in the ancient holy language, of which every note is healing, joy and inspiration. For the Word to be heard amid nature, by the lakes and rivers, under the trees of the open meadow or on the rocky peak. Then let the couples arrange themselves in the Paneurythmic circle and all merge in the high cosmic rhythm! It begins its movement on the day of the spring equinox, the 22nd of March, the cosmic New Year, and finishes on the 22nd of September, the day of the Autumnal equinox. Then the sun stops at the autumnal festival, which is also the cosmic point of the consciousness and of nature. Then is also the first teaching day of the School of the Universal White Brotherhood, which the Cosmic Teacher opened on the Earth. And who were those who, without reserve and in trust, followed him? The women. He said: “Elevate the woman.” The woman-disciple, who sits on an equal with the man-disciple, bears the Light and must become the salt of the earth. The Master often addresses the woman, talks about women and consecrates them for the great task of educators not only of children but of mankind as well,


There will come days of deep introspection, contemplation, prayer, communication with His word. Will this distance people from life and make them oddities? No, they will only understand life the better than the others and will be lighted candles. Not preachers but doers, models of service, partaking of another consciousness; they will become filled with a new life. Their thought will be lively and responsive. They will not fall ill, because they will live in a new way, with a new consciousness. They will eat simple and clean food. They will know the deep meaning of vegetarianism, which means breaking with evil, with violence, with killing.


They will be quiet and peaceful, like the waters of a mountain lake, happy and joyous. When summer comes, they will go onto the mountains together. There they will unfold the pages of the school lectures and every day hear something new; they will grow rich. And then, will they loook at the old way of life, will they be desperate, sad and discouraged? For them life will be a school, an experience. They will talk about their experience on earth. And always they will maintain their link with Heaven. In the evening they will raise their eyes to the starry sky and they will say to the stars: “Give me a little honey”, meaning good and blessed things. They will walk with the spirit of the mountain, of every tree, of every flower. And when they see a beautiful flower, they will bend down and talk to it, but not to break it off! And mothers will teach their children not to pick the blossom-heads ...


This will come about when people begin to live in the world of the light. When they become the salt of the earth.


Is this impossible? Not at all. Because every man carries within himself something godly. When you have faith in your own soul, then demand this Sermon. Your error is, He says, that you do not have faith in your own soul.


Every man will find in his Words something for himself, for his soul and his heart, for his spiritual and physical health. The people of this Teaching and Word will remain intelligent, lively and ever young. Like his disciples even to the present. Because there are still living those who knew him ...


The Harmony will set off from a pair and will increase into four and into six, the number of the pause. In four is the work, in two agreement. And the bright circle grows wider. The Harmony of the two, like circles in the bright, deep water, will spread into a cosmic circle by which Mankind will be reborn,


For this reason we give the sermon of the salt and the Light, the two great principles which people over the whole world now need.




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