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Relations Between the Sun and the Earth


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Relations Between the Sun and the Earth


In nature there is one heart, one mind is on the Sun, the universe has a soul and eternity is one Spirit. Over all this is a God who is unknown. He manifests Himself through them. How will you understand the words that nature has a heart? You are born, that’s it. Nature has created you. Nature created a pot, it sees that the pot is good for nothing, smashes it and creates a new one, it is not nice, still smashes it. Nature is not but a builder, it models. Whatever it does not like - smashes it. Those who do not understand, say: "What, no heart!" Anyway, in its heart nature wants to create something nice. Now you say: "Why has it created us?" So people are trampled by the Earth, the Sun shapes them. And the rational in the world it is the universe. The universe, it is public laws in which you have to live under. All mankind is an entire universe of souls. There is even a Spirit; it is nevertheless the power that shows what is being created. Eternity has a Spirit.


Earth is a home, where we live and we need to understand its laws. We have yet to learn them, in order to comply with them. And it has its own laws. By not obeying to these laws, we suffer. As we learn the laws of the Earth, we must learn the laws and the Sun. The man who has studied the laws of the Earth, who has studied the laws of the Sun, he can explore and the laws of nature. For me it is so. I while studying things, I study them from the standpoint of the Earth, I study them from the point of view of the Sun and from the standpoint of the Earth and the Sun and those rational forces acting everywhere per these laws.


Under current conditions, in the current development of the Earth, the Earth has its consciousness. Therefore, it is attracted by the Sun, but it is also repelled. Some planets attract it, others repel it. According to its degree of consciousness, it can be neither farther, nor closer to the Sun. But its consciousness determines the distance to the Sun. We can say that the Earth is beloved of the Sun rather than Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The Earth has a higher consciousness than them. Venus has a higher consciousness than the Earth, and Mercury has an even higher consciousness. Modern astronomers do not deal with this matter like that. They say that Venus accepts more light and heat, and the Earth less. It is still the same. The rich man, the smart man has more wealth he can use.


Suppose an object moves along a surface. If you put on the body resistance, where will it start to move? If you make the environment denser this body will begin to climb, if the environment becomes rarer, then the movement will turn down. And then I ask: How does light come from the Sun? Regarding the Earth it comes from above. And regarding the Sun? What should we mean by the words "up" and "down"? So the light coming out from the Sun comes down to the Earth. So, the Earth is down. Therefore, we will have a greater speed. So what is to be understood? So in this case the Sun sends more energy, which is necessary to the Earth.


If you look at those rational creatures that send their energy from the Sun to see what presents their rationality; what presents their progress. Can you tell how they are sending away solar energy from a distance of 92 sibometla [million miles] to the Earth and heat it in this way? You say: "Are these rational creatures that send this energy of the Sun to heat the Earth?" There is a scientific theory that the Earth presents a fiery molten body - possibly it is so, but it is possible and otherwise to happen the heating of the Earth.


On the Sun specific transformers that are tailored just for the Earth because the Earth has a musical tone and colour. In the centre of the Earth are living rational creatures of a different nature and they have their own transformers. When this energy reaches the Earth's centre, it is immediately transformed and appears as light.


If the Sun has had no transformers we could not endure his energy. Transformers of the sun rays are the air and the moisture in the atmosphere; otherwise the sunlight and heat that come to the Earth would burn everything on it.


The light that comes from the Sun should pass through a line of transformers and when it reaches the Earth, it descends to the bottom of the Earth, where it still goes through a line of processes it is reformed. Therefore, the light coming from the Sun cannot reach the Earth and is not the same as the one that comes straight from the Sun. Then, when the light passes through the brain also undergoes a line of transformations, a line of processes. And there's a line of transformers that alter the light. What you see outside it is a world that you have created in yourselves. When they come to the real world, then the people will see what is the difference between what they have created in themselves and what exists outside them.


When the Sun shines on the black impure Earth, it gradually converts and out of it come fresh fruits with sweet, tasty juices.


Solar energy descends on the Earth as a vast stream encircles it from the North Pole to the South Pole and returns again to the Sun. Some scholars argue that it is this energy that moves the Earth around its axis.


This energy is transmitted through the plant life-giving plasma. When plants feel that this potential energy begins to manifest and comes to the Earth, they bud, they prepare, but as it strengthens, they put forth leaves and finally they blossom and tie while trying to gather all this energy to make fruits.


The Sun constitutes a source of energy for all the living solar system. With respect to the Earth the energy of the Sun is positive. It develops in a positive and negative electricity, and positive and negative magnetism. The Earth energy with respect to the Sun is negative. From the touching of these two energies is produced life on the Earth. This intermediary that connects and transforms these two energies is called ether by the scientists. It permeates all the space and the Earth. Occultists call it life-giving plasma; mystics call it spirit. In the book of Genesis it is said: "Initially God has created Heaven and Earth. And the Earth has been unarranged and void, and darkness has been over the abyss, and the Spirit of God been floating on the water.”


There is an important law: the more negative the Earth is, the greater its power of positive solar energy is, and vice versa, as the Earth is more positive, the less its capacity of perception is.


From midnight to noon the Earth is negative (actually a place) and absorbs more, and from noon to midnight it is positive and it gives more. From midnight the Earth starts to radiate in the space the negative energy, on its place takes from the Sun positive energy. The Earth at sunset is the most positive and gives most. After lunch it starts to radiate into space positive energy and when it releases sufficient quantity it becomes negative. In the morning, at sunrise, the Earth is the most negative, i.e. it accepts the most.


The Earth as spinning, as turning around the Sun, in summer time is further and the rays fall more vertically, we have more light. In wintertime the Sun is approaching, but the rays fall obliquely, light is reduced.


The energies that the Earth accepts from the Sun are significantly transformed. As they penetrate the Earth's crust, the latter absorb from them all the nutrients and remains just what can not be used. Thus transformed, these energies are not useful for development and therefore are sent from the Earth into space and from there on less known roads they return again to the Sun. The Sun, in its turn, forwards them to the Central Sun for further processing to obtain their initial rhythm.


The Sun has more than 10 magnetic zones that surround the Earth, cross it in different directions. Over the centuries these various zones acted on people as selfish culture has been created - the current culture of power. Other bands coming from the Sun, they now prepare conditions for a softer culture – the culture of Love. If you do not put yourself under the beneficial influence of these rays, in these zones, there is nothing you can do. If your mind is well developed in the brain through a prism you will decompose the sun rays, you'll get new bands of light. Today the Sun is not as it has been a thousand years ago. Mystics have known this and have expressed it in the following thoughts: "Love God," "Be Good", "Love the Truth." Someone says: "Tomorrow the Earth could be destroyed." Under the current conditions, the Earth can not be destroyed. Because the Earth is linked to the Sun magnetically and between them there is such hot love that the Sun is every day orbiting it.


I'm talking about the Sun from the standpoint of a higher science. From this point of view the Sun is not only rough matter. From this point of view the Earth has a soul that lives and to which the material Earth presents the body. And in the Sun lives a great spirit. The exterior of the Sun is what we see. The Spirit, it is the rational home in the Sun. He is who sends everything to the Earth.


I'll take just the word "rational" man. How does rational man differ? Rational man differs in that he always walks upright. He is not hooked, not curved like the old man. The mind of the rational man is connected to the Sun, and his feet are connected to the Earth. He lives between the Sun and the Earth. Therefore, the rational man is connected to two centres. Whatever the Sun teaches man from above, whatever orders it gives to him, he performs it on the Earth. For rational man the Earth is a vast laboratory.


The Earth is the mother who has taken man firmly by the legs, the Sun represents the father, who has taken him firmly on the head. Today, only the hands of man are free and he moves them left and right, looking for a way to get rid of his mother and father.


They give you a topic to develop: "What are the reasons that create water currents which cause the water to move?" This, what is happening in the ocean, what is happening on land it happens in man. There are common laws. We believe that the laws that govern our bodies are not common with those on the Earth. Besides those laws that drive the Earth, at the same time are moving and man and the Sun. Let's say our Earth has two movements: one around it, around its axis and another one around the Sun. I am asking: if the Earth does not move around itself, if it does not move around the Sun, what would it be?


The movement of the Earth around the Sun, it is the idea of God. Rational human life moves around a large centre. The movement of the Earth around itself means private life of man. This turning has practical application. Because if the Earth is not moving, one side would be lit, there would be favourable conditions, the other would not be lit. In this uniform movement of the Earth all its parts have the same privilege.


Sometimes you ask the question: why should the Earth move around the Sun? Which is better - movement or stagnation? Movement! Direction of movement in nature should be. New ideas come into the world to give a right direction to those energies which are incorporated, to come in accordance with the great laws of nature. Only in this way can be raised and society, and the people and humanity. If man moves through space like a comet no idea, nothing can be expected from him; always there will be a cataclysm. There, where the world has no common centre disasters occur frequently, where there is a common centre the cataclysms are an exception. All the troubles in life come from certain fluctuations. Because we are free creatures, we want sometimes to modify our life. In this movement if it alters its centre, by which it should move any undesirable change will happen.


Under the word "Moon", under the word "Sun" in ancient times have understood ideas. Everyone has had a Moon. The Moon is necessary for the evening, during the day the Moon is not necessary. During the evenings, when there is nothing to do, you can shine on the Moon. What about you, when you count on the people, you are shining in the moonlight.


The stars in the sky symbolise people. The Sun and the Moon represent the two systems that people serve with. The Sun represents the learned people and the Moon - the religious. It is said in the Scripture that the Sun and the Moon will be darkened. This implies that religion and science shall come down from the position in which they are located. New life, new roads, new conditions are coming into the world.


You miss something. God has come, saying: "What I have for you!" You ask. Now I can give you the stars, the Moon. Say on which train would you move? If I give you the Moon on which train would you go there? You will say: "This is easily given." There is a way in which can be given the Moon: if you can take down the Moon, you will milk it, the milk you can give away. So that you can take down the Moon, you need to be pious and religious, to be opened your spirit, to all to help then you can take down the Moon.


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