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Mountain and Plane


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Mountain and Plane


Imagine that our Earth is rounded everywhere, nowhere such peaks and high mountaintops - what would be its position? The Earth would be surrounded by water everywhere.


However, those beings that have created the Earth, and the One, Who has created it, have made the high and low places on it. When I am saying "those who have created it" and "the One, Who has created it" I would like to use the words "unity" and "multitude" as the properties of God. These are two ideas that I connect, because I think there is unity in God only, and also there is multitude in God only. When unity wants to show tits power, it manifests in the crowd. And when the multitude wants to demonstrate its grip or relationship that exists among it, it is manifest in unity to show that the source of all beings is the same.


"Mountain peak" and "valley" are two states of nature. In the valleys and in the peaks are collected two opposite energies. Consequently, the mountains form the backbone of the Earth, they are the spinal column. Once, our Earth has been a soft body without mountains. And now it has become a vertebrate and then the rivers are its arterial blood. The arterial and the venous blood that flow and flow in the body through the spine.


Always a culture moves towards the mountainous areas, it is not possible on a flat area to have culture. A place to be cultural, to have a seat of high culture, it should have high mountains. The mountains are relevant to human life. Why do the Europeans strive to Switzerland? It is because there are the highest mountains in Europe. Why have Hindus chosen the highest mountains - the Himalayas? The brotherhood, which are in India are in the Himalayas, close to Mount Everest. At this point are put the most valuable people, people dressed in flesh, but with brilliant minds to help humanity. They are there because the mountains contain the forces that support the noble, sublime in the human soul. Plane places secure man. High places, mountains, are recipients of the best part of the solar energy, it is stored there. For millions of years the best that Sun has sent to Earth, everything is stored in the mountains. Consequently, the mountains contain huge energy. The mountains are the storehouses of the Divine power, a reasonable place of work. If people understand that, they will not use the mountainous areas as now, but they will use them a little better.


Do not think about the still mountains! You see the mountains still. No, this is an optical illusion. If your vision is developed, you will see that there is a movement in the mountains that you have never imagined. Therefore, all things move slowly, they carry a lower energy that hinders us. All objects that move quickly, they carry a higher power that is good for the people.


All the riches of the world are in stock in the rocks. The rocks and the mountain ranges create energies. They give the direction of the currents of the Earth.


The blood circulation of the Earth comes from the mountains. It is only a comparison. They represent the stored energy, which give different currents.


The winds take direction from the mountainous areas. Because there are mountains in the Sun. The mountains on the Sun affect the mountains on the Earth.


There are no more independent that the high peaks. There are no more humiliated than in the valleys. In the valleys live many creatures and on the peaks rarely a bird will land.


Usually the electricity in nature produces ascending forces, i.e. thought of the sublime creatures, and magnetism - the descending forces. Therefore we say that electricity wakes up thoughts and magnetism - the feelings. When he climbs up the mountain, man connects to the ascending forces of nature, but when he descends from the mountain - with the descending.


The Himalayas represent the middle finger of the human hand. There lives Saturn, the fallen god. Therefore, who is seeking righteousness, must look at the Himalayas. And when deciding an important case, judges should go on the top of the Himalayas, Mount Everest, on Saturn there to solve it. So the middle finger of man is Mount Everest. In America there is Mercury, the little finger of the human hand. Mont Blanc is a Jupiter pointer. Where is the fourth finger, Apollo? To this question you should answer yourself.


When you want be fair, you should mentally climb on Mount Everest and there you should reflect on it. When you want to develop in yourself nobility and dignity, you should mentally climb on Mont Blanc and there you should think about it. When you want to arrange your material works, you should climb the highest mountain in America.


Ararat represents the human heart and Sinai - the human will.


Palestine has been chosen for Christ's mysteries, because the area is very hilly and is suitable for spiritual work. Bulgaria is chosen because it has many mountains, and it is not possible to do without them. On the Earth, there are centres that are door of life and the water that passes through them is sacred and has a greater impact. These doors are kept. Water with great action, with abundant life is in unreachable, sacred sites of the mountains, guarded by dedicated.


High peaks are dynamic centres. They represent a reservoir of forces that will be used in the future. Peaks are associated with the centre of the Sun. However, they are pumps that draw impurities. For example, if you are sick and you go on a mountain top, sickness will disappear and you will return refreshed, renewed. In the valley man is feeling unwell, depressed; tense. Once he climbs on the mountain, his discomfort disappears.


Man to climb the high peaks, it means to share with the forces of Nature. Man shares with the mountain besides physically, and spiritually. If you climb the highest peaks, you refresh and elevate your thoughts and your feelings.


Mountain peaks are related to the internal ground and space forces while they are pumps that draw impurities. If you are sick, get to the high peaks to energize.


In the mountains there are some places with electricity, and others - with magnetism. Electric places give to the people valuable things, but also some rudeness and magnetism gives them tenderness, softness, but it can also give laziness.


When they are sick, dry people can be treated more successfully in the mountains and the fat - in the plains. In the high places there is more electricity and in the low - more magnetism. Generally in the mountains is gathered enormous supply of electromagnetic energy. For the thoughts are needed mountainous areas. Since Egypt does not have mountainous areas, the Egyptian culture has built pyramids to serve as mounts.


People describe the mountain, but that is not the mountain. If you draw a high mountain peak that is not the mountain, that picture just gives an idea of the mountain. Characteristic of the mountain is not just height. Besides height the mountain has other qualities - it gives, it has positive energy. However, the valley perceives, it takes – it has negative energies. The mountain is good for the people. If there are some plains around the mountain, you cannot wish anything more perfect than that. The Egyptians have had good conditions, but have suffered from lack of mountains. To replace them in some way, they have created the pyramids. They have buried their dead in them, but the real reason for their creation has been the need of mountains. People strive to tall buildings and their desire is also due to their need of mountains. The fact that some people are tall, others - low is explained by the same law, endeavour to mountains. This law explains why some people are wide and others - narrow, some are nervous, others – arranged, magnetic.


There are ideas and thoughts that manifest an altitude of 3 thousand meters. Others manifest at an altitude of 4 thousand meters, etc.


The highest peaks are inaccessible, there are storms there. Now the English have tried to climb Mount Everest, but have not succeed and are preparing another


Himalayan expedition. It is interesting, that the English, when climbing at such altitude, forget their nationality, lose their ambition, become vegetarians and can do without eating meat for weeks.


The mountains serve as dividing lines where the energy is sent from. All mountains on the face of the Earth determine the fertility of the fields. In Egypt, where there are no mountains, the people have been forced to create pyramids to provide energy and inspiration to the human spirit. Ever, in the mountains there is a desire to get down to the fields. Now, the correlation is the following: the mountain life - this is the life of the mind and the life of the field – it is the life of the heart. The exit road from the mountain - that is the way of the human will. Consistency is in everything. If you can make a link between the mountains and fields to understand the way of their movements and, notwithstanding, what you have gained - then you will know what correspondence exists in the very order of nature.


In the mountains man learns how to rejuvenate and in the fields - how to grow old. But the inhabitants of the mountains whose mind is in the valleys do not enjoy that – if you come to the mountain you should not think about the valley. A cowherd has told me: " we are wandering in the mountains and we have become wild." Understanding is needed; a philosophy of life is necessary. If a herdsman is a philosopher, then it is another thing. A man, living for some time on the mountain, has to descend into the valley; he should not permanently live in the mountains.


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