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Man and Nature


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Man and Nature


Why has man come to the Earth? He has come to clean. We are sent to the Earth to clean it from the mud. There is a public service of the Earth. And we have come to this Earth to clean it with shovels. Sometimes we get tired – we work very hard. Strained work is not required; it is enough to clean the most 2-3 hours a day.


The Earth is an experimental school that given difficult tasks. What a a more difficult task can you find than this to send a sinner to the Earth and to force him to live well? He must find under what conditions to place, how to change his life externally and internally, not to be wrong. If the sinner is not endowed with a gift, he will find himself in a very difficult position. Finally, seeing that he has not solved the problem, he will say: "Only death can change me." Death, however, is a random phenomenon in life. A man to live long, it is in the nature of things, it's Divine.


If people would live as God requires, then nature will change. Then, when you go to the mountain, you will have such weather as you are. And God always gives the people what they have in themselves. Future life is just as the internal is. And the external conditions are such as are the internal options. And life corresponds exactly to you. And this is very natural. A child is given such garments as its forms are.


Now, who are dissatisfied with the wind, let them try to stop it. If you change the status and it becomes perfect and if your love for God becomes perfect, the wind would stop immediately. The smallest disharmony in nature is due to various reasons. It is a consequence of a violation of its laws. If a man is in complete harmony with nature and it will be in harmony with him. Man has been sent to the Earth to rule over nature, but nature is to be a school for him. Therefore, nature corresponds to man: what man is, so it will be to him. The external life of man corresponds to his internal states. When i am talking about the relations between man and nature, I do not mean an individual, but I mean all the mankind, the overall harmony in the lives of all people. Being in harmony with God is to understand the whole life.


Poor human life is the cause of all disease and suffering, poverty, hurricanes, earthquakes.


Deterioration or improvement of the weather is related to human life. Storms, cyclones, floods, earthquakes relate to internal, organic life, and the thought of man.


Gloomy weather is due to quarrels, scandals, insults, misunderstandings which people exchange with each other.


Fog occurs when the atmosphere is disharmonious. If you are strong, you will dissipate the fog. If you are strong, you have knowledge now; at some point you can open the heavens to shine.


If today there is a great cold on the Earth, it is due to human selfishness. One day, when people are harmonised in thoughts and feelings, the Earth will be covered with a warm wrap. Then from the Sun will go such energies that even the North Pole will be inhabitable.


Geological ages are periods of the development of the human mind. They are associated with the development of the mind. Each geological epoch is preceded by the conscious life of living beings that have stood above man. The formation of the ice age is due to the known beings culture. After these things have come others who formed the current warm period. Even at present times in Europe they show us why these cold currents are coming, why the weather becomes cloudy. All this is due to the cold human mind. Warm currents in nature are due to the warm human heart. Many say that the warm stream must then be attached to cold to be used; otherwise they cannot be used. Some say that man should be cold hearted, easier to bear life. No, the heart cannot and should not be cold. The mind can only be cold. To it is due the cold drafts in nature.


Why is the Earth cold at the North Pole? Human selfishness is the North Pole. The two poles are a model of that terrible selfishness that exists in the hearts of humans and all living beings. If people choose to live according to God, and the two poles, north and south, will be melted and will be tropical locations. There has been a time when the North and South Pole have been tropical locations. That is what the scientists say. Karmically, where does cold come from? Cold comes from the bad thoughts of people, from poor mind that acts destructively. The negative forces in nature absorb all the heat, all the good, all that is good.


If at a certain place people get better, then there the sky is clearing, the rains come on time; the wind is blowing on time. When people become worse, then the weather becomes like them. People with their wrong thoughts, feelings and actions create abnormal movements in nature. After all, if we break the windows of a house, there will be a current? Man, when he has destructive, negative thoughts, feelings and actions, he sends destructive energies in nature that violate the correct process in it.


This change in weather now - storms, cyclones – it is due to the events in Europe. Strong is human mind in its positive or negative effect. And man must have a sense, to get in touch with nature, to assess what thing is light, air, spring days. So, there is an unbreakable connection between us and nature.


Deterioration of weather often depends on us. We think that we have been placed in the world to do harm to anyone. No, what we do, we it will primarily affect us - individually and collectively.


Is there a big cold in the world, this shows that the bad people have taken over in life. Is there more heat – the good people have taken over.


Researchers have once claimed that if they go up in space, in these electric currents, it is a dangerous thing and they avoid these currents. It is partly true. But if a good man climbs into the upper clouds, he will change the whole mood of nature. It is because he himself is a good conductor. Good conductors have good influences on nature. And poor conductors exert bad influences. When you should be happy, do not cry. Do not replace joys with tears. If there is no joy, cry as much as you want. Crying should be in place. It is that sorrow and mourning for the people are a blessing. Crying is the rain of the astral world. Without crying the Earth would become a desert. Now I will not prove you mathematically that fertility depend on the cry of people.


When crying is on time, there will be much fruit, when crying is not on time there will be blossom but no knit. Can you believe it? This is a matter of faith. The thoughts of people are related to external nature. From the thoughts of people can be formed frost, because on the collective thought of the people depends the weather.


If you sing according to the laws of nature and take a false tone immediately dew is produced, if you take the right tone, immediately the whole sky is cleared. Once clouded, the tons of life people do not take them correctly.


And these clouds (to the east the sky is covered with white clouds) show that in the Far East will be exciting. Show that notwithstanding, what is in people, in work, in life, is reflected in nature because these clouds represent life, and perturbations there.


You have seen sometimes that whatever the state of nature is the same in you - the outside is dark, cloudy, gloomy and you is cloudy and gloomy. Suddenly it happens, the sky will open, it is clear, the Sun shines. Then the sky shuts again. Then it opens again. Outside and inside it opens. It closes outside and inside closes. You say: "Why does it not open up?" Sometimes nature is very sensitive to what you do, and it does it. Sometimes what it does, and you do. Sometimes you have to do something to make it do it as well.


If a man comes to show smart home, he will be stronger and free from all evil and vile acts in himself. If the righteous man lives in a mountain for example, the weather will be what he wants: if he wants snow, it will snow; if he wants rain, it will rain or shine and the weather will be. However, if a sinner lives in the mountains, the weather will be what it wants. Then he will adapt to the weather, not the weather to him.


A man goes into nature and he should not think that it is dead. No, nature has a consciousness, rationality; there are special centres in it that its consciousness shows. Here is what will happen in this centre where the consciousness of nature is awake: everyone will make you a favor – for instance, you will find as a shepherd who will feast you. And there, where the consciousness of nature is not awakened; whatever you seek is in scarcity, nothing you will find; there is no consciousness there.


When in a village the people become very bad, then their brain becomes very active and transmits such energies that scatter the clouds and in the village does not fall a drop of rain. When people have bad thoughts, the rain is repelled. With their good thoughts people attract the rain, the moisture. What they think it happens.


By the state of nature we can know what the human culture is. If the bank of a river is dilapidated, it shows that the people are not clean.


When the people are poor, the fruit is reduced. Once people become poor in mind, foliage begins to dry, and when the will of people becomes bad, the stones are crumbling and a subsidence becomes in the mountains. Man with his thoughts, feelings and actions evolving permanently the Earth's surface. And soon gets old.


Everything you do outside wakes similar process in consciousness. When cleaning the springs, rivers, water the flowers and trees; you enable the springs and flowers in the depths of your nature to enjoy. When sending things out, it sorts out the thoughts and the feelings.


When you see a bird, go away quietly, not to scare it; when you want to sit on the grass, at first ask for its permission. When you are near a spring or river, do not rush to wash your face or feet in the water, you'll ask for its permission at first and then aside of it you will pour from the water and wash.


Wherever you are, keep clean. Do not throw stones in your way, or in lakes or rivers.


Never block a fountain, never throw a stone into it or allow someone else to throw. Keep clear springs and rivers.

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