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When the mouth has been created, the axis of the Earth has been flat. You say: "Where from are these data?" The Earth's axis has not been as it is today. And when the nose has been created, it has been perpendicular. How can you prove that? For the mouth could not be created at a perpendicular axis of the Earth, but only on horizontal. If you have an artist who is a genius, how do you prove in what lies his genius? Or you think he has become a genius, because he has had very good conditions. All genious people have become genious in very poor conditions. All lazy people have become lazy in very good conditions. Laziness is created in very good conditions, the genius - in very bad conditions. Now you rearrange things and think that laziness has been established under the worst conditions, and genius - at the best. Poor conditions have a disorganized world, with rich soil.


The good in man is at the top and at bottom lip. If the lower lip of a man is more developed, then he is passive, he expects, good is not active: but if the upper lip is developed, then lifted the good in him is active, it will manifest. Someone says: "Am I passive?" It is not bad to be passive, but he is troubled. It depends on the mouth. Let him ask God; then an angel would come and with its brush will make repairs as needed. And every day the angel should come with his brush. I speak figuratively. The mouth is an expression of good, because it is a place of Love.


If you want red paint, buy a prism with which to diffract light. Watch for some time the red spectrum, and pass it through the lips. This red color will be delivered to the cells and will not take a long time your lips will turn red. When the temperature of the body is reduced, the lips become black. It is not good that color. For the lips is preferable to be red than black. The black color is an unhealthy state of man. So man has to think of his mouth. If you want to become healthy, rub occasionally your mouth with a small, clean, soft cloth.


The best things are transmitted through the upper lip, so it must be very delicate. Both lips have a wide use. The upper transmits and the lower receives. If the man's mouth is well organized he receives and transmits things well. When he transmits well and receives well, man has an excellent character. If he can not receive and transmit well with his mouth, man encounters a major controversy. One should not clench his teeth and lips a lot, not to form a straight line with his lips.


I recommend you if you want to be healthy, do not clench your mouth. Those people who clench the mouth begin to suffer. Once you start to clench your mouth, the two lips, there is already a contradiction in the feelings. A distorted sense of yours and it will reflect badly on you. You will lose the meaning of life. If you completely open your mouth, open it like windows, you will fall into another extreme. Leave your mouth free. It is because the mouth demonstrates the power of those opportunities that will come in the future to work. From the mouth is determined what will be the development of man. Then the upper lip shows which direction of activity, what way will start the human mind. The lower lip shows what the human mind can achieve. When you look at the mouth, you can know that. Every morning you need a mirror to know what you can achieve. If I were a young girl, I would have a perfect mirror and three times a day I would just pray for my mouth: to give a nice crease, the upper lip to be well done, to to smile so, that all the movements to be very natural.


Lips should be moisturized. When a person licks, it is to wet them to be good conductors of electricity and magnetism. Clenched lips or widely opened lips are a bad sign, but if they just touch each other, it is good. Lips grasp the most delicate waves that nothing else can grasp. So, always keep your lips. In some people flair has become very weak and then the lips are too thin. If the lips become very thin, then the mind must be developed, but if it is not developed, then man goes the wrong way.


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