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Sublime Beings


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Sublime Beings


When it is said that we will always learn this implies the law of perfection. It is a law of eternity. Perfection shows that before you there are other beings that have completed their development and you will learn from them. After you there are a lot of beings that you are perfect for. (...) Finally, we come to God, which is ideal for everyone.


Some say: "I work for the Master." You are wrong. At first I do not work for you. I work for myself. I, if I am a teacher, I am working at first for myself and then for the students. I want you to work at first for yourselves and then for me. If you want the truth, God works for himself. God is making good in the world because he is perfect, he knows the laws, he wants to show the way he is. God does not want us to approve him. He appears so, what his nature is. We find that it is all-wise, all-good; all- powerful, there is no exception in his life. And we, according to the same law, must constantly strive to Him. There is one difference: God is manifested in His perfection, but we get closer to our perfection. That is the difference. God manifests Himself in His perfection, we get closer to Him, we learn from Him. And every day we have to be more advanced and sophisticated. "One day - someone says - it will be!" If you want to be like God, you have to be one with Him. As you merge, you become one. If you want to be out of Him, to see Him, you have to get closer. It is nice. The best thing is that we strive for God and God seeks us.


This law is: the Sun in the world is only God. All occult teachers have a Divine Sun around which everything revolves. All the suns revolve around the Divine Sun. All lands, planets, comets are the emblem of sentient beings. Every creature has its projection. Some creatures have a projection in the plants, some intelligent beings have projection in minerals, some have a projection in fish, some have a projection in the birds, some intelligent beings have projection beetles, in butterflies; some have a projection in mammals. And finally, there are sublime beings that have projection in man. People, we are a projection.


Often you talk about public opinion, you are glad when it is on your side. But I will tell you the truth: first of all take into consideration the point of view of God for you, the views and the opinions of the saints and of all the good people of the Earth. Keep constantly in your mind this great idea. This view is important to you. And these people know you. Every one of you who has turned his face towards God, He already knows him; he is calling him by name. If God knows you and the good people and the world will know you and even if you do not know them. You even here on the Earth, do not know each other. If I make someone of you say the name of anyone of his brothers, he does not know it. But the Saints, the good people, who do the Will of God, they know your names, the manes are written in their minds. They know you by name. Anyone on the path towards God becomes known to them. They know everything about him, they are interested in all: how he lives, how he prays, how far he has gone in his development, etc.


The law is: in the nature of all beings care about other beings who are at the higher step of development.


In every movement there is an inner intelligence. You can not make a sensible move if this movement is not in accordance with the consciousness of all the higher beings. Our movement is the result of intelligent beings that are above us. A movement of the lower of us beings is the result of our movement. Therefore, as you move, you will know that your movement is consistent with the intelligent beings that are interested in your movements. If you walk wisely, these beings will take care of you, but if you do not go wisely and have no connection with them, their movement will not have any result for thyself. For example, you are talking about, but you should know that speech is the result. You want to talk sensibly, but to have your speech a gain in the world you should know that it is the result of these intelligences. If your mind is awake and you are in contact with them, when you talk, your speech will be the result of these intelligences. And then no one can take from you what you have acquired. And the respective fraction of what you have gained is due to them. When you think or speak, or walk, or sing, this is the result of intelligent beings.


You say: "Why should I waste my time?" If you waste your time, you do not know what you are doing; when you are not wasting your time, you are executor of a great law that acts in the world.


Someone says: "I am a free man!" Freedom is the result of beings that are above you. Your freedom is the result of their thought. If you are free, their thought is exponential and is implemented in the physical world. If you are not free, you should strive to be free. How will you get free? You will learn how to talk, you will learn how to think; you will learn how to sing. There is no more beautiful thing than all of you to learn to talk nice! By "nice talk" I understand that there is not a single secret negative thought, no desire, hidden from you. And you should be happy with every your deed. Equally be pleased by any feeling that penetrates you. This is the right life.


The present life with all the changes that occur in nature, it is a condition for man. Those major difficulties are the law by which it works to earn something nice from people. With its hammers sometimes, if you are a rough rope, when it hits and you are torn. You look, you say: "something is gone." You say: "It is not needed." But when it comes to the mental processes, to the spiritual processes, these hits become musical. Most at first are mechanical. When they become musical hits, man becomes a musician. To listen, these are the gentlest hits. The finest hits are by the light, then by sound, by smell, by taste and finally there is something that man is taking by the hand. I say: you have to keep in mind the idea that in the world there are reasonable forces working on you - you want it or not, they work. If you enter in harmony with their thought life becomes decent.


To be good, to do right, rational beings must be connected with you, enough to hold your thoughts, kindness and intelligence. If you do not understand this law, you want to be good, reasonable, without thinking about God. Goodness is incorporated into man; he needs only to manifest it.


Remember: there are things that can be learned and acquired only on the Earth. In this sense, as great truth is, it is acquired on the Earth. If you do not acquire it on the Earth, nowhere you can acquire it. However, between the consciousness of the Earth and the minds of advanced beings there is some correspondence, some line. If you do not get in touch with the advanced beings on the Earth, no communication is possible in Heaven. If you do not learn these things on the Earth in the present life, whenever it is, you will come again down to Earth to learn them.


A feeling cannot be born, unless you give it width, space. This feeling cannot be born, unless you give it light, necessary to the feelings. And force is needed. Now we say: "How to acquire these things?" When the bright beings come to your mind, listen to what they say; when the bright beings come to the heart, listen to what they say; when these bright beings come into the body, listen to them - they educate you. If you want to know the power of man you will listen to the beings that speak of the body. If your foot hurts, there are no such creatures, these creatures have not come. The same law is for the heart. When they come, they are urging you to get along with people. If they do not come, man says that it is not worth to live for God.


The only law in the world, according to which, an angel can make you a service – it is love. You have to love it - it will stop. Without love, it will not stop; even it will not pay attention to you. You tell it something – it walks, it cannot hear you, you do not exist for it. As you love it - it will hear. A man in the Divine world without love is like a pebble. This angel on the road as a pebble will take you, it will put you aside. All the stones are sleeping angels.


When talking about the laws of rational nature, we mean intelligent beings that have completed their development. These lofty, rational beings are distinguished from the angels and archangels in that they never travel. They stand in one place and help the suffering souls. On the Earth, they do not go down, because they known earthly life well. It is enough to perceive the slightest cry of a suffering soul for help, to come to help it immediately. They sent an angel to the Earth to help the soul that is crying out for help.


When they do not understand and do not know these beings, people think that in order to appease God, to help them in their sufferings, they must be either very close to him, or for a long time to cry. If they think so, they themselves limit. Their idea of God is very limited and superficial. What God is the one to whom they must cry a lot, to appease? It is said in the Scripture: that without faith you cannot please God. This means: until man does not work what is given to him, he cannot receive any benefit, no blessing. It is the law. The world can be turned upside down, but this law will not change. Thousands of years may pass, thousands of prayers to God man may send, the answer will be: "no voice, nor hearing." If people today complain that they are unhappy, it is because they have not worked, ie they have not used the first blessing that they have received. Today repentance is preached to the people. What will they repent? Man does not need to repent, but he must work to solve the problem, which is given to him since thousands of years, that he has always postponed. It is time to solve this problem without any delay. Once he solves the problem, man will face life and will get a new good. The new good is the new light that will illuminate his path will show him where to go, to be happy.


The law is: the exalted invisible world only helps the good, the smart people in the world. Why does it help them? It is because they will soon become workers to help the smaller ones. Everyone wants to have assistants to help him, but he in turn should help weaker than them. Who wants to help him, and he should help.


A louse can get on a man's head and it can think that it is free. And I cannot get on the head of lice. What is going on? If I get on the head of lice, I kill it. Then louse condemns me and says: "I got, I wanted to try humanity, and you for one climb have killed me." You say that the louse is stupid. The least it is not stupid. In the Divine world it will condemn you that you have not have the patience to keep it on your head. Now I will tell you the law: a louse has the right for only a second you can stand on your head. Once it climbs and sits more than one second, death is following it. But the louse does not know it. I say: and you can get on the head of a saint, but only for one second you can sit on his head. If you do not get off in two seconds, calamity will come. When you have got on the head of a saint, you have the status of a louse. Then the sufferings will come. This suffering is death that is already coming. So, I say: if you get on the head of a saint, you will stand a second, the second you should go down.


In man are hiding all the virtues that angels have, but in man lies all the evil that the creatures of hell have. Man is capable of and the one and the other. These are the two options, since he lives between two worlds. These are the two limits of his life in which he appears. His life, on the one hand, is bordered by Heaven, the Paradise, and on the other hand, it is bordered by the Hell by the Sheol.


Therefore you live between two limits. Such is the life which now appears on the Earth. All sensible people in the world who want to know the truth, they should seek it to learn it, because the freedom in the world cannot come without the truth. It is a great law. When people know the truth, only then they will have an internal citizenship. But before coming to the truth, before the freedom comes, they have a hard work to do. Man is not sent to the Earth for joy, man is not sent to the Earth for happiness, man is not sent to the Earth for bliss, man is not sent to the Earth for wealth, man is not sent to the Earth for fame, man is not sent to the Earth for strength - he is sent to learn the way of God, he is sent to the Earth to learn the law of servicing, the law of humility: he is sent to the Earth to learn that true knowledge of eternity, which will serve him for the building of his future immortal life. This is the great law, this is the great ideal!


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