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Triunity. The Three Worlds


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The Three Worlds


If you are not careful and you put your hand up a burning stove, you will get burned. Burning is nothing but a pressure at which man gets something from the outside, while giving something from himself back. He gives more, takes less. Because the exchange is incorrect, suffering will surely come in any form.


If he wants not to suffer, man must observe the law of exchange: as much as you give, so much you get. If you give a lot, you will get a lot; if you give a little, you will get a little. Many of the works of people do not go well, because they do not correctly apply the law of exchange. They provide little; they want to get a lot. Others give much, get a little. And the one and the other are incorrect. Right should be the exchange in both, as in the physical life so and in the mental. If the exchange is not correct in the relationships between people, they are subject to extreme dissonances and in the physical, and in the mental life. The incorrect exchange of relationships between people is the cause of an imbalance between the external pressure and the internal pressure in man.


The forces of the physical or objective world act more from the outside, so we say that physical life is under the influence of the law of pressure. The forces of the spiritual or subjective world express themselves inside out, so we say that the spiritual life is under the influence of the law of tension. If someone says that he does not need spiritual life, he does not think properly. Without spiritual life, he will be flattened; nothing will be left of him. This does not mean that individuals will be flattened, but they will lose any performance conditions. The physical life gives shape to things, the spiritual - the content and the Divine – the meaning. This is the reason why man cannot do without physical life, or spiritual life without or without Divine life.


The physical life is dealing with the forces of pressure, the spiritual – with the forces of tension and Divine or the intelligent life regulates both, the forces of pressure and these of tension and brings balance to life. Only with balance of forces favorable conditions are created.


You should keep to the following law: every thought that does not come from love is causing some pressure on man. And if in this case love is not present, the pressure will cause some danger. But if wisdom is present, the pressure is on the field - that pressure will be used wisely. In the spiritual world there is a tension. If in that tension rationality is not present, the tension can destroy man. Once the rationality is present tension is on place. However, if the pressure and the tension act simultaneously on man, without the presence of reasonableness, they destroy him. If the pressure is greater in one case and in another case the tension is more, we will have in the first physical harm, and in the second - spiritual harm. In the one and in the other case, people are dying. All people have broken hearts of ever misunderstanding the tension and pressure.


Three orders of magnitude there are in the world, it is a whole philosophy: one order is perfect, the other - real, and the third - material. In the material order all misunderstandings happen. Love, all the great virtues, the virtue, the great, the beautiful, sublime always stem from the perfect order of things. And the realization of all depends on the real order. You should know that once you start to suffer, once you make a mistake, you are in the material order. The material order is not bad. It is the human brain system, the lymphatic system, the respiratory system, the digestive system. Sometimes you eat something inappropriate, immediately the stomach hurts. Who is to blame? Or a controversial idea comes to the mind. You are reading a book that you should not read. There are books that are not for the mind. For every philosophical or religious book, or spiritual, or social or public, or on any subject, it should in this case be suitable for the mind. Then it is like food.


A song to be expressive, you have to understand the laws of the music world. The music has to be perfect. They talk about harmony. Harmony can be perfect, it may be real; it may be material. Who has of the modern music professors considered this question so? Maybe in 100 years will understand. The material harmony is closer here on the Earth. "Material" as we say, we understand, because we deal every day with materiality. And in the material music all the contradictions, the dissonances are happening. In the ideal music there are no dissonances, absolutely no dissonance is there. And in the real there is only one dissonance. And in the material – there are half dissonances and half consonances. You should know that if you come to the material life, you will meet so many contradictions and sorrows as joys - half. Every dissonance is followed by a consonance. What does consonance mean? It means harmony. How to translate dissonance in Bulgarian? It means disharmony.


In the circle there is a physical result. All celestial bodies are round, all organic beings are oval, of round they turn to ellipse, but all spiritual beings are hyperbolic. You in a spiritual being will see hyperbole, you will not see the whole being, but you will see only the back, it is the way of this being. We calculate its way. I say: the hyperbole is the path of a consciousness, the ellipse is the path of another consciousness and the circle is the path to a third consciousness. Hence, we distinguish the field where the power lines are passing through. Of this being that works, we want to find its way. But one day this being will essentially alter the way.


So, I say: we need to understand three basic laws. Once you move in a circle, you need to understand the physical world with its fundamental laws. Once you move into an ellipse, you need to understand the laws of the ellipse. The laws of the ellipse are not as the laws of the circle. And the movement of those forces, which move in a hyperbolic way, is different - it is the spiritual world.


Man who is not familiar with the laws of hyperbole does not know what the spiritual world is. For instance to believe that after you die you will live, it is hyperbole; or to believe that of the ignorant will become a learned man, it is hyperbole; or to believe that from the sinner a saint will become, it is hyperbole. Learned man will prove by a row formulas that these hyperboles do not move in the same plane, and that somewhere in eternity will undergo such a modification, that the movements of these hyperboles will cross.


The physical world in all its manifestations is one result. You must have a real concept. The University is a place where students learn. The University is not smart, but the students are. In the university are the smart. The university cannot give you an education. Like Sofia cannot give you life. Sofia is a place of intelligent beings. Sofia is one condition, it is a reasonable place; in it the most reasonable life appears. The watch is not reasonable, but the watchmaker is reasonable. The clock develops the reasonableness of the watchmaker without knowing him. The same law is valid for your face and your body. Your body is not reasonable, but the one who lives in the body, is reasonable. Not the body develops the reasonableness of man.


These must be the new ideas nature to survive. The body is a place where reasonability is manifested. The body itself is not reasonable. Hand does not know who you are and what you are. But at the same time it develops reasonableness. Every man can know by your hand what you are, whether you are alive or dead. Once man gets cool, he is dead everywhere.


It is a misunderstood issue. All of you have been beaten. You are resented by beating. You, who are resented by beating, use paint. I wonder: as we are displeased with the beating, why do we use it? We should reject it, it is not needed. The reasons for the beating in the world are that we are in the physical world. Beating stems for the sole reason that we are on the physical plane: it is a manifestation of the physical world as on the physical plane dominates Mars, the activity. Always the method of Mars for educating is the tree. The first thing to show is that you have to obey. If you do not obey, there will be a tree. It is the law of Mars. On the physical plane, when man comes to the Earth, he should be beaten.


To avoid war, to deal with Mars, man must be very smart. (...) You say: "What should we do?" You will enter the world of feelings, of senses. In the spiritual world words are working. There will be no beating. When you enter the Divine world it is done just by thinking it. Once you think that you are not acting well, you immediately have to stand your behavior. In the spiritual world, when you feel pain, suffering will disappear. That is why on the physical plane we do not want to suffer. Every man, who suffers, lives on the physical plane. Ever, the people of the physical box will put anyone to blame.


It is said: "Love bears life." So life cannot occur nor cannot be understood without deep penetration in love. By "love" I do not understand your feelings, which are only the result of love. Do not be fooled by the nice feelings! If a feeling in the beginning has been nice, at the end it becomes unpleasant. The law is: anything that begins well ends badly. It can be shown statistically. How many young girls and young men who come into life with joy and hope, as grow old, end their life with the same joy and hope? Where has their idealism gone? They begin life as idealists; in the middle age they become materialists, and end up their life frustrated at everything and say that life has no sense. Most people start out well: they promise that they will go to the field to work, and then they quit – they end badly. So make all who live only in the physical world, ie the material world.


Imagine that rich is rich, but his stomach is broken. A poor man is poor, no money, but his stomach is healthy. One is rich with money from outside, but there is poverty in the stomach. And the other is poor outside, but inside is rich.


I would prefer the internal wealth of the poor than the outside wealth of the rich. You think that those who has external wealth, he has inner wealth. Simultaneously in the world it does not exist. In the spiritual world it also does not exist. It is because there are contradictions in the physical world and the spiritual. In the human world, people always start with the good. Everything that starts with good, finally it will end with bad. You are born children, your mother and your father will receive you, will cloth you, but when you die, they will bury in the ground. So, the beginning of life is good - with songs and the end is bad. No one has escaped this fate. In the spiritual world is the opposite: there you begin with bad and at the end you finish with good. Initially, you are suffering and at the end you enjoy. Only in the Divine world things start well and end well - a world without exceptions. You want to the Earth to bring the laws of the Divine world, but you have to connect the beginning of the human with the beginning of the spiritual and the end of the human with the end of the spiritual. If you do not connect these two contradictions, you cannot understand the Divine world, because the Divine world is a reconciliation of contradictions. Good is the reconciliation between the human and the Divine world – it is a reconciliation and in human, and in angelic world. Only the Divine in you can settle things.


There is no reconciliation in the world.


Why is that? There is not a philosopher, who has given a correct solution. And if you think you can be loved from beginning to end, you are deceived. All will be loved and then abandoned, everyone will be healthy and sick, and everyone will be rich and poor. There will be not a contradiction in the world that does not come into your mind and into your feelings, and into your will.


You say: "God has given to us more light!" It shows that you live in a home with a window. It is good that you want more light, but at first remove the shutters from your windows. Once the light is weak, it shows that you have small windows. In the Divine world the outside and the inside light come together, not like on the Earth. Here there is another law: when light is coming from the outside, there is no light inside; when there is light inside, there is no light outside.


Happiness is associated with the wealth of the Earth and the misery it associated with poverty. But earthly wealth is associated with spiritual distress. And earthly misery is associated with spiritual wealth. If you are rich on the Earth you will be poor in heaven and if you are poor on the Earth, you will be rich in heaven. If you want to be rich here, and above, there is not such a possibility. You need to pass through both worlds. You have to go through the human world that begins well ends badly. You have to go through the angelic world that starts badly and ends well. You need to go and through the Divine world that begins well ends well.


The law is such: you cannot simultaneously be in harmony with the Divine and with the physical world. If you are in harmony with the physical world you will be in contradiction with the Divine world, if you are in harmony with the Divine world, you will be in contradiction with the physical world. Being together in harmony with both worlds, that is impossible. This is not absolutely impossible, but under present conditions in which the human being is, it is impossible. Why is it impossible? Because in man there are simultaneously two streams: one stream goes down - to the Earth and the other stream goes up – to the Sun. All philosophers, sages and teachers of mankind argue that one cannot simultaneously please both the physical and the Divine world. If you want to please the Divine world you will turn the pentagram with the top up; if you want to please the physical world, will turn the pentagram with the top down. The triangle with the top up represents the Divine world, and the two triangles down represent the physical world. If you turn down the Divine world and the physical world up, then you will be fair to the world, but unfair to internal law, and will get into conflict with the Divine world in yourself. These two principles are in man himself. Some want to throw the pentagram out of them. This cannot be done by any means.


In the Divine world, people are always in good spirits. In the next moment, when the man gets out of the physical world, he loses this good spirits and goes into ordinary life. People of the mood ever move between two poles: when on the one pole it is warm, on the other it is cold. This is the law of the physical world.


Now it is often said that a man is spiritual. How would you define it? The Divine man and the physical man resemble, but the Divine man's head is up, and the earth man's head is down. This is and in contemporary photography. When photographing something, the image is reverse. It must be put into the first position. Real life should be put in focus. Those who do not understand this law, as photographing give those negatives, are giving a distorted life. They say: "Do not resemble the man, it is upside down." Look in a clear river and you will see that man in the river is placed upside down and with his legs up. You are with the head up towards the center of the Sun and feet down, and of the image in the water the head is towards the center of the Earth.


At first we have to get rid of some illusions or delusions that exist in the physical world. For instance, sometimes man is dissatisfied. If you are unhappy, you have a reflection. You see the man with his head down. Get a mirror and put him with the head up. In the mirror, you see yourself.


We, modern humans, are just machines of the actual man in us. We repeat what he has spoken with us. You say: "I know a lot." You know what he has told you. As he ceases to speak to you, you shut up, you do not know more than that. Now you need a mirror. Then man alone cannot look at himself. The mirror is nice. You can look at the mirror in the physical world. In the Divine world, if you stay there, you cannot see yourself. Once down to the Earth, you will see what the Divine man in a reduced form is. In the spiritual world man is so large that you cannot photograph him in any way. Went he goes down to the Earth, you can photograph him, you see him in a reduced form.


People from the three-dimensional world have conflicts, they are intersecting. In the four-dimensional world would not be in conflict. To which world does discouragement belong? It belongs to the three- dimensional. And what about the encouragement, to which world does it belong? It belongs to the four- dimensional world. Anything that can be done already belongs to another world. Things that do not exist, they can still become. I am an educated man, it is the fourth dimension. There are some things that are not in the third dimension. They belong to the four-dimensional world. We live in a four-dimensional world - this I call it dreamy. They say: "Dreamy man." Reverie is a job. Actual is what you get in your mind, not what you have.


Let us say you can have millions, but you are unaware of them, you can not use them, then the wealth is pointless. What you realize, it is essential. An idea that you realize, it is strong. You can have a lot of ideas that you have not understood. An idea, understood, is worth more than 10 misunderstood ideas.


When I meet someone, I tell him: "Take this grain of wheat, and in 10 years you will be rich." The man says: "Do not entertain me." A grain of wheat constitutes one 16-thousandth of a kilogram. He says, "Do not bother me with these pacifiers, I am not so chump." I take out an English sterling. He says: "This I understand." Who is smarter: taking a grain of wheat, or taking the money? In this case, who is smarter? Whoever takes the grain, he can make thousands. But the one who takes the money, there may be thousands, but he will remain poor. The one who knows how to use the grain, he will be richer. The one is three-dimensional, the other is four. The one has a consciousness of a three-dimensional being, the other – a consciousness of a four-dimensional being. He understands the laws that are out. You say: "These are the laws." The laws of our world are they the same with these of the other world? They are not. Therefore we cannot say that this world is created according to our laws. Our world has been created by other laws.


While man lives in the physical world, his consciousness is external. It is related more to the outside world, to the material side of things. This is the reason why he makes mistakes as a child. What to do when a child is wrong? You will go to his mother and father, you will tell them what the child has done and you will leave them alone to deal with it. If you have to deal with the child, you will not to impact the child. Apply this law and to the elderly. Because they are children of God, when they make a mistake, do not fuss with them, but go to their father. He will work fine without any deterioration.


Therefore, if you want to enter the directly to the physical consciousness of these children, you will achieve nothing.


Man can lift not only a rock of 100 pounds, but he can even lift a stone and of 1,000 kg, if he knows the laws of equilibrium. There are a number of laws, which he ought to know. How? If you put a heavy stone in a horizontal position, without forming the smallest angle even on a plane, you shall remove the stone as heavy as it is, because in this way becomes a known decomposition of forces. However, if you form the smallest angle in the plane, you will feel the weight of the stone and you cannot lift it. In this way, you can lift up and a mountain. How do you explain that? There are people who can carry the 100-150-200-500 kilograms. Someone takes with his hand 200 kg weight. This man understands the law of the polarization of energies. If he makes the slightest deviation, his chest will be broken, his spine would not hold. In the hands of someone who knows the law, this is a game, it is an easy work, he easily takes and the heaviest stone while keeping the horizontal position. Following this law, people are falling and morally. They do not know the law of equilibrium. They say of someone that he is immoral person. For me immoral man is the one who does not know to keep the law of equilibrium. Therefore what the laws of the physical world are, such and the laws of the spiritual world are. Only that this requires one extreme, deep understanding of the laws. Many people think that when they go to heaven, there will be taught everything. If you are tied on the Earth and in Heaven you will again be tied. And then you will be returned to the Earth again.


It is not scary that you will go to the other world and you will return to the Earth. It is unfortunate that after having gained some experiences in the spiritual world you will forget them. You go down to the Earth and you do not remember anything: where you have been, what you have been doing. People have a positive experience that serves them as a guide in life. When I study the man, I am trying his conditions, the matter from which he is made of, his essence and I say: the essence of man lies in his soul. It creates around itself a new world the more beautiful, the more awakened it is. A tree can live on the Earth more as a self, ie the better it can enjoy the surrounding nature. If it cannot enjoy the surrounding nature, it dies. The same applies to a man who lives on the Earth, and in the spiritual world. If you cannot use the conditions of the physical world, you will die, ie will go to the other world. If you are unable to benefit from the new forms and conditions, you will die, ie you will come back to the Earth. While on the Earth, you can go up to higher fields, but you can go down; the same happens in the spiritual world: there you can also get on and off. This law applies and to the plant kingdom. When the tree grows properly, some of the elements of the roots go into the branches; if they do not develop properly, some of the branches rot or wither and its components go into the roots. Fruit trees are valuable because they give fruit. This suggests that they have developed properly. We help them, which creates a link between them and us.


If you enter the other world, you must know the laws. There you will start using the astral body as a child. Getting rid of your astral body, you need to understand the laws of your mental body. This will start. As you get rid of the mental body, you will start with the causal body. But if enter what Hindus call nirvana, it is a blissful state where man merges with the whole. But it is not for you. For it, you need thousands and thousands of years yet. Now study the physical body, your heart - the astral body, study your brain - your mental body. Some say that the brain is the mental body of man. Sympathetic nervous system is the astral body. The physical body represents the whole body. You need to research the laws of each body.


There is a consistency in the world. If he brings some offense in this law, man must always bear the consequences of that breach. When living, man must observe the law of consistency in the three worlds. The physical world, he should know how to eat, how to breathe, how to drink and how to perceive light. He should have a well-organized physical body. When he gets into the spiritual world, he must have a well- organized astral body. For the mental world, he should have a well-organized mental body. Who has developed and the three bodies, he can be called a wise man. He may follow the law of the consistency. As important as the physical body of man is, so important his astral and his mental body are.


To realize the Divine idea, it should necessarily be joined a student from Heaven and one student from the Earth to form a whole student. And Christ, when he comes to the Earth after him another student comes from above – the spirit. This student comes over and they both start to preach. This is the law of the Earth.


When one man on the Earth loves you, everybody loves you. On the Earth, when both love each other, the second is from the spiritual world and all in the spiritual world love you. And in the Divine world when one loves you, everybody loves you. Three people to love you, it is nevertheless the Trinity.


Love is the strongest connection that we can make in this world. And when we make this unit, no one can untie it. This is the great relationship that exists between God and us. We should always be connected to God - this is the meaning of our lives. Will study this law! It is a reasonable force to be applied in your life. The Spirit of God within you will teach you what you should do. And you yourself will learn from your experience. We will teach you, God will teach and you yourself will learn. Three people, when they gather to teach you, you will learn this, which is the essence of life.


Because you are placed in a three- dimensional world you have to justify all your culture of number 9. It is three thoughts, three wishes and three actions. What will you know now about that? You cannot go beyond 9 further. But if you take the first category of the number 9, you have the number 3.


The number 3 is a law of firm life. It is a law of your mind, a law of your heart and a law of your will. Therefore, you work with the number 3. It is a live number.


Two friends, when gathered together in one place, form two minds. On two minds can you count more? Well, if I say now 333: three bodies, three hearts, three minds, how can this be, is not this an absurdity? In this case, it means: the father, the mother and the child. Three bodies you have, three hearts - the heart of the father, the mother's heart and the heart of the son, three minds, then it is a family. Then man is strong. With three hearts he is stronger, with three minds he is stronger; with three bodies he is stronger. You enter into a wise world. If you put together three sand grains, what will you get of them? Nothing you are going to get, they always remain three. It is a psychological law.


There is a connection between all sensible objects. If you do not understand this law, then you do not understand the law of health. If you do not understand that inner connection that exists between human hearts, conscious connection, then for you this spiritual world will be unrecognizable; you cannot expect any force, any content. If you do not understand the inner connection that exists between the human minds, you cannot achieve anything.


When a known phenomenon in the physical world happens, a respective phenomenon happens in the invisible. That is the law. When a man is born on the Earth, simultaneously another is born in Heaven. When someone dies on the Earth and in heaven someone dies. When a man dies on the Earth in Heaven he is born, that is, for a man to go from the Earth to Heaven, you need someone else to come to the Earth. They are being replaced. Between the variables there is some correlation. Someone asks: "Why should I die?" No, you will not die, but I say: it is decided you to be born in the other world, and another one to be born on the Earth. I do not insist on your taking this as a positive fact, but as a symbol, but you will check it and you will see that there is some correlation between the spiritual and physical worlds.


Have you ever thought of returning to the invisible world, what will you bring with you? At first there will ask you why you have not written. For forty years you have been on the Earth and why have you not written any letter? You will say that the conditions have been very bad, the post has not been regular; the road might have been broken. You may say that you have written letters, but the letters have not gone. The Bulgarians who understand this law are quite smart. There are old grandmothers and grandfathers that 4-5 days before they have died, have said: "I am a stranger going to the other world." And then people start coming up to him and they say: "Bring my best wishes to my mother, to my aunt." Another says: "Many best wishes bring to my uncle!" All the week they come and say: "Bring my wishes!" Letters they do not write, but send best wishes. The old does not lose his consciousness. He sits with retained full consciousness.


What represents death? It is leaving of the Earth and departure of the human soul to the other world, to meet his beloved. In other words said: death is nothing else, but marrying someone else. Therefore, everyone who goes to the other world is in love. Some says that does not want to die. This means: "I do not want the others to know that I am in love." And the girl thus is hiding from her family, that she loves a lad. If you ask her, whether she loves him, she says she does not love him. Now you are wondering how it is possible to talk about falling in love in the other world.


And in that world there is falling in love and marriage. A "marriage" in that world we understand as mutual help between two people. You meet a man carrying a 50 kg load on his back. If you want to take 25 kg of his back to help him, you marry him. If you do not want to help him, you are free. This is a marriage in the broad sense of the word. It is also called friendship. If you want to have a son or a daughter, and they have to take half the load off your back. If you have a friend and he should take half of the load on your back. Who wants to become a master or teacher, he should also take half of the load. This is the law in the Divine world. In all conditions of life, you have to take half of the load from the back of your neighbor.


Now you say: "To settle our works." How are you going to settle them? The Divine world has been created by the law of giving. God has put into the world to give. He has placed you in a bank as a cashier to give money. Not to give them as it comes. When someone comes, you should meet him, tell him sweet words. God has put in a bank to make friends. You, when someone comes, will say: "Now has he found come?" When you smile at this man you will get acquainted. As standing 5-10 years you will have a hundred or two hundred friends. You say: "Why has Got put me cashier, to these savages to have to constantly serve them" You do not understand the law.


Some of you protest that they are incarnated on the Earth. But where do you want to be? God has put you at a desk to make friends. Because in that world when you go, those friends you will meet them there. If you do not get to know each other here, above they will not make you a service. Now sometimes you want to know why man on the Earth should make good. These people here on the Earth are children; in the other world are their fathers and mothers. When you to these people make good in this world, when you go there you will find the mother, the brother, the sister, will you say: "We are very grateful that there you have helped our relative." Here you have made a mischief, when you go to the other world, they will look at you, they will say: "This harm you have done there to our relative." They are aware of. You have just ridiculous notions of the other world. Very distorted notions you have about that world. You imagine angels, you imagine some unreal world.


I will give you an example of a preacher - Moody. He has been a simple shoemaker and then he has become the most prominent preacher in America. He says: "At first I thought that in the other world are God and the angels. I had seen God, the angels I have not seen, it is interesting, but there has been nothing to drag me, it is incomprehensible. My mother has died; then I have started to think about the other world, about God, about the angels and about my mother. My father has died – then I have started to think of God, of the angels, of my mother and of my father. Then have started to come in succession my friends, my sister, my brother, my uncle. And finally as 200-300 people have died, in that world I had more friends than in this world. I felt good that I may dwell among them. I say: when you go to that world, you need to have people to live with. People are needed and here on the Earth. Now you sit and protest that your life is not good. You say: "Hard is that life on the Earth." Yes, for the stupid there is no more difficult than that. When you want to take, it is difficult work.


There is not more stupid job, than this, when you want to take.


Whatever are your relations with the people, such will be their relationship to you. It is a law of the physical, the spiritual and the Divine world. It was noted that every negative event in the spiritual world entails the consequences and to the physical world. For instance, if man is lying surely something will befall on him: either he will fall or he will get ill; or someone from the outside will cause him a trouble.


The law is such: when a good thought, a good shape is sent in the world, it surely after day, a year or two, after a century it will produce its effect. It is a work of God. And we from the invisible world will look at the results of these forms; we will see the fruits of our actions. Things then will not be past, present and future; it will be seen simultaneously in the spiritual world.


You will ask the question: this conclusion, which I make, is it right? It is not your job. The conclusion is correct. It is an inexorable law. Whether this is true or not, it is not your job.


What you know and what is in nature, they are two different things. And all of you have in life only one understanding of the ways and means by which nature completes its work. And man is on the Earth to learn from it. It is because nature is the ultimate limit of things. Behind nature nothing exists. Once you go out of the boundaries of nature, nothing exists. Let us say, you will say so: "I want to leave this life." Once you leave this life, you will not find anything, you will find a gap. Life on the Earth, this is the ultimate limit of this sequence of suffering. If you understand the meaning of life you will be free, but if you have not understood beyond this life there is no other life. In nature there is no other life. And materialist says that behind this life in nature, there is no other life. Can there be something behind a misunderstood life? What kind of life will exist? Nothing exists. Beyond realized life there is something, but behind misunderstood life nothing exists. If you do not understand life now, you can not have a solution. If on the Earth you do not understand what life is, you will go to another position elsewhere and will you get it? It is unthinkable.


I just want to bring you to a thought. If the child has not initially understood the 10 digits that the teacher has given to him, I ask: is this child able to understand all the mathematical relationships that exist? This is impossible. Therefore, if you can not understand the present life under the current situation, the future life is much more complicated. And if you understand the present life, you will enter into a life, but if you do not understand the present life and the future life for you will incomprehensible.


You ask: "Where is that world?" When you go to Vitosha, it is that world. Himalayas, that is the other world - they are free of people, animals, birds; insects. There are no surpluses allowed there. When the creatures that live in the higher worlds, collect surpluses, they go down temporarily in the human world, where they leave their surpluses and still go up. Knowing this, do not complain of sufferings. They are the way that you descend into the lower worlds to leave your filth. When you get rid of them, you will go upstairs again. This is the law of necessity. This is the philosophy of sufferings.


The words "Divine world" I understand reality. That one, the conscious life, it is that world. Imagine that you understand the law of life, you understand life in its fullness, then you will not need a car, you will not need anything – you will be the master. You come in here on a lecture, you do not like it, you suddenly leave; you go somewhere else. You can go anywhere through the window. Where from you come in – you go out. If you feel comfortable – you sit; if you do not feel comfortable, you go out. A man who himself satisfies the needs. You do not need anything. You are not afraid of hunger nor of poverty; there to you is available everything. It is that world, the Divine world, when you have everything available. When you do not have everything available, you are in this world. While you are in this world, you will sit in place while the teacher speaks. To come in and to go out, you should get permission. It is a static position.


A saint lives 120-150 years; a secular man lives 60 years. Eating half he continues his life. Not only eating, but also you must understand those hidden forces that the providence, the Grand has invested in the world, in the matter. Therefore, if man is well disposed, if man has an original thought, if he thinks right, if he understands the reasons, if his feelings understand the laws and if his will understands phenomena in the world, eating will be correct.


So I say: should be learned those principles that work. Mankind has come to those living forces it needs to listen. Some call it super-consciousness, some call it intuition, some call it Brahman; some call it God.


The law is: once man understands the outer side of the physical life and then he finds out the inside of the spiritual life, he already enters the Divine life - the law of unity.


If we understand God's ways, we would not dig the Earth; all these treasures are stored up in the air above. Because we are materialists, we are looking for these things in the ground. If we have had love, all these blessings will come from the above. We do not need coal, digging the coal is a torture. If you have had love, once you take up a pointed stick, you will put a wire on your floor, you will always have heating. Just as you think of it and the current will flow. Once you think that it should be warm and will become warm. To think that the water has to come, and the water will come. As you think about the bread and the bread will come alone. You go anywhere, you think of a meal, immediately will come a table with fruit. You have eaten, the table is lift. What we are doing now is more difficult. If this most difficult is made possible then why should the other not be possible? For instance, now they will make an airplane, they will go up. What amenities does the airplane have? Look, it has fallen down. And the new way is to get a rug, to sit on the rug, to push it and come on, you will fly. I ask then: on what kind of airplane do the angels move in the infinite space? They move by their great thought. With lightning speed they move. A scientist has calculated that the speed of the human thought is 3 quadrillion kilometers per second. You know that light travels at 300,000 kilometers per second. A thought runs with 3 quadrillion per second. With this speed throughout the entire Solar system can be swept in a second or a few seconds, even the most remote stars at that speed of the human thought can be visited. In front of us sits a future. This is achievable only for that great love that we have for God. All the worlds created with its numerous features are based on a law. This we will achieve if we have the love for God. No such love as the present. Love, in which there is no contradiction. Once you come to God, you must have a holy feeling; all the contradictions you see disappear immediately.

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