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Loving God, the Neighbor and Your Soul


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Loving God, the Neighbor and Your Soul


In the world there is a law unknown to present humanity in its essence. This great, sensible law is unknown, because the human soul and the human spirit have not come to such a stage of development to grasp its height. It has been handed over to the two great commandments of the Gospel that Christ says that on it has been built the entire world. They are: "Love your God with your all mind, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength! Love your neighbor as yourself! " The third law that has not been, now is: "Love and yourself." You still yourself have not loved. You are doing harm. You in yourself think bad things, you torture yourself; you think for your soul bad, you think bad for your heart, you think of your mind bad. You say: "My mind is not worth, my heart is not worth." Do not adulterate your heart! You have tainted hearts of the past, you have tainted minds of the past; you have tainted souls of the past. The law is: to love yourself, do not stain yourself. Never affliction negative thoughts! You torture yourself, you torture your heart; you torture your soul. With one negative act you torment your soul. If we torture our soul, what do we gain? There are three laws: the first is - the love of God. In this law, there are no exceptions: God you will love with all your heart, with your mind, with your soul, with your strength. How? You will learn. The second law is: to love your neighbor, and the third law is: all to be perfect - nothing more.


In our small deeds we can be perfect. I want from you perfection in the small words, in the small works, in the small deeds, everywhere across the little things - and in this anyone should be perfect; then the other perfection will come.


The law "charity" causes all beings to associate together, to live in societies that have relationships to each other Love of God or the law of the whole itself is incomprehensible and it remains to be investigated in the future.


In life there are three important laws: the law on the whole, the law of multitude and the law of the parts. The first law we call the law of God, the second – the law of neighbor, and the third - the law of oneself. The first law includes everything in itself. Therefore, if you love God, you will have love for the neighbor, and love for yourself, because both these laws are included in the first. If you do not love God, you cannot have love for the neighbor. If you do not love God, you cannot love nor your neighbor not yourself. Above all stands the love of God. Then the love to many and the love to parts come.


Love to all, it is the law of God. This art only God can show it. Only God can show us how to love all, nobody else. And the angels teach the same law. And people have to learn the same law. You might say that God is the One whom we love, who loves all and through him we learn how to love. You and after millions of years to love, you cannot love everyone, but you will love more.


You will at first love unto one. At first man loves himself, and then his mother, father, brother, sister, friends, acquaintances, his people, foreign nations, then he starts thinking about the angels who he does not see, then he thinks about the gods. Have you encountered gods in the world? Angels you have met many times.


You need to work for yourself, you are free in the physical world, you have to work for the neighbor to be free in the spiritual world; you have to work for God, to be free in the Divine world. Freedom in the Divine world gives value, freedom in the spiritual world gives content and freedom in the physical world gives beauty.


If you look, everywhere in life number 2 functions. You have a father and a mother. The father, this is the first law, the mother – this is the second law. The father, this is the law of God and the mother, it is the law of neighbor. Then again you have the same law for the pair - brother and sister. The brother is first law - to God, the sister is the second law - his neighbor. And if we do not respect this law, ie if we do not respect our mother and father, our brother and sister as a manifestation of this law on the physical plane, we will not have life in us. This law exists in the 3 worlds - the physical, the spiritual and the Divine - everywhere this parallelism exists. Then there is a pair of the eyes – we have two eyes, two ears. Some have suggested that initially man has had one eye only. Yes, it has originally been the case, but now man has two eyes. The human brain is composed of two hemispheres. His lungs are still double - anywhere there is this duality. These two laws have allocated all functions in man. There are functions in us that are governed by the Divine law; there are functions that are governed by the human laws. We call the human laws secondary. In philosophy these laws are called "inserted" which afterward have been inserted into human nature, imparted laws. The first law of God refers to the inputs in man, to that capital that is inside him. The second law refers to what is outside of man, to his neighbor. If a man does not keep these two laws of God and of his neighbor in his conscious awareness, superconscious and subconscious, he can achieve nothing.


Dealing with mathematics man should understand all aspects in it. I say: 1: 2 = 2: 3. What does this proportion mean? Mathematician knows the importance of the unit; he understands the word "one." But what does the unit, the one mean? You might say that the unit is a straight line. By the "unit" we mean that the initial force that has put everything into action and has become tangible for people. So, the manifestation of one in every aspect we call unit. Then we say: that matter, which takes the unit and reveals all its forms, refers to the pair, ie the conditions, as the pair refers to three, ie to the already outstanding results. In other words: the father (1) relates to mother (2) as the mother (2) refers to the son (3). This represents a ratio of 1: 2 = 2: 3. At first the father loves the mother and the mother loves her child. It is the law.


Surely the child should have love for his mother and for his father. Then we go farther – we say so: if a person does not love God, if there is no love for the fellow men, it is not reasonable, nothing more. All my experiments have shown that the law is very true: the relation of the son to the father and mother set his intelligence. The attitude of our love to God, to nature, the attitude of our love for our neighbor determines our intelligence. Why should we love God? If you cannot love God, you can not be reasonable. If you do not like nature, you cannot be reasonable. If you do not love your neighbor, you cannot be reasonable.


The first thing is - to honor one another. Man, who honors the other people, honors himself. Whoever does not honor the other people does not honor himself. Honor the others to honor yourself, love your neighbor, to love yourself. You cannot love yourself, if you do not love your neighbor. We will not talk about love. This love, as you now understand it, is the soft side of reverence. It is the penultimate door of love. You, to enter love, for years you have to come and go through this door to find out what reverence is and after that you will enter the door of love. Then you will enter the first door of life to understand life. The true meaning of life begins with reverence. It is already in the preface to life. And a man who has not learned to respect, he cannot understand life. Man is the first being that has filed the law of mutual esteem. Man tries now - this law he has not mastered yet, but he just wants to come in love and to be happy. It is unthinkable! It is inconceivable until esteem is not a fundamental tone. You have to take the basic tone, so you can get the other tones. Now you can easily say this: respect the others to be happy.


Thus knowledge is not obtained. An educated man when you meet, you should love him. If you want to give you the knowledge, when you meet a scientist, you will love him. An artist when you meet, you will love him. In the world, people express themselves just as they are loved. "Love your neighbor" Apply the law. If you cannot love the people you will always be ignorant.


He who passes for a believer and recognizes God, he must prove this. How would he prove it? He will prove it through his life. If he loves God with his whole being and if he loves his neighbor as himself, he is a true believer. He is equally fair and to himself and to his neighbor. In the concept of "neighbor" is included not only man, but also every animal and plant, from the smallest to the largest.


The Divine law incorporates the people, animals and plants. Consequently he has meant suffering and of the smallest flies and plants. It is not indifferent if a plant suffers or not. Sublime beings listen to the sufferings and of the plants and they come to help them. People do not feel the sufferings of plants and animals because they have not developed the heart to the extent to perceive the slightest pain.


The first law is: to love God. Once you love God, you will love and your neighbor. Once you love God and the neighbors will love you. So does the law act. Then 101 percent true is and the other relation: that you to know whether God loves you, it is very easy - the touchstone is this: see if you love your neighbor. If you love your neighbor, God loves you. If you do not love your neighbor, God does not love you. You say: "I can not love my neighbor." And God then does not love you. There is an adverse law: if you want to know if you love God - if your neighbors love you, then you love God.


Many of you say: "He has a severe karma. He is not cultural. "Who is not cultural? Everyone who does not think properly is not cultural. Everyone who does not feel right, he is not cultural. And every man who does not act right is not cultural. Not only an act to be proper but man has continuously to act properly. This he should put in his mind. This you will know for yourself if you want to understand God's law. And you do not take any man as a measure. Nether man for you nor you to the others cannot be measure. When it is said in the occult science: "Love Yourself", it means to love the Divine that God has put in you soul. It is a measure for you. Therefore, listen to the soul that God has put in you; it will show you the way. Otherwise, trouble will follow in life.


Loving one, that means working on this soul and learning that in it which is common to all souls. This is the law of community. To love all souls, it means to study the law of unity. In the law of the unity man is gradually coming down. He begins working for God at first, then for his neighbor and finally for himself. The law of a community is exactly the opposite – man at first works for himself, then for his neighbor and finally for God. To develop properly, man must pass from the one law to the other. If he remains only in the one law, he experiences a major controversy.


Our afflictions stem from the fact that our love is not like God's love. And we must begin to love our neighbor as ourselves. Three things are necessary: to love God with all your mind, soul, heart and strength to love your neighbor as yourself. Then we will learn to love ourselves. Until we learn to love God properly, our neighbor and ourselves, we cannot understand the world in which we live. As we learn to love God and our neighbor as ourselves properly, then it is true the law: "Anything you beg, you will be." It is said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the rest will be applied." But these things are achievable only in love. If we have inside this Divine Love, if we love God, to ourselves and to our neighbor, then things are attainable.


The true understanding of life is sitting in the love of God. Love of God is the beginning of things. Love of the neighbor, this is the solution of things. In this resolving love is the urge reason. Self-love is the last thing. And if the life of modern men is not going, as it should, it is because they have turned this law back: self-love is a consequence of the other two kinds of love. Love of neighbor is the reason and love of oneself is a consequence of this, and the love of God is the beginning of which all that other stuff comes out. So self-love is the result, the consequence, the last thing. People have turned this law: they have abandoned the love of God and the neighbor to the back, and self-love have put in the first place, resulting in a discord between people. People cannot understand each other because everyone pulls his towel, his purse or bag to himself.


Serving yourself - this is a law of descent, serving God - this is a law of ascent, of ascension.


The law is: as you restore your relationship with God, you restore and your relationships with the others, because when someone comes to you, you see God in him.


At first you will say: "God must live in me. Then I have to live in God. Once God lives, if I live and my neighbors will live." If you realize that, no power on the Earth can prevent you. This is because you walk down a law, which nothing can prevent. If you turn this law, and say: "First of all my neighbors live, then I live and finally God lives," the law has already no power. Reasonable student must apply that law in the first sense. In this sits the Will of God. If you fulfill this law, and the blessing of God will come upon you. When the Divine comes to man, he no longer thinks about chores, he thinks only of the Divine, which is developed in beauty and splendor. Then in the Divine arises life of the individual, as an oasis amid arid desert. If he understands and his life, man at last sees the relationship that he has with his neighbors.


No one can turn anyone to God. To indicate to someone the path to God, it is possible, however, to turn him to God, this is absolutely impossible. (...) In man there is an internal law of liberty. The law of liberty, the law of great truth requires man himself to turn to God. He himself must seek Him. In this respect, one must understand the meaning of the heart. He must find his heart and study it.


Therefore, the most important thing for man is freedom. Everyone wants to be free. Every living thing wants someone to love it. This is the foundation stone of life. When man is convinced that there is a being that loves him, his life gets sense. Once he hesitates in this basic idea, his life becomes meaningless again. But if the human consciousness awakens, he realized that the first being that loves him, is he himself alone. When man loves himself, he connects with God. Otherwise, he cannot find the truth. You say: "To love yourself, that is selfish." If man in his self-love cannot see Him, Who loves him and submits to him the truth, that his love has no sense.


To love yourself, it means to love God in yourself. To serve yourself, it means to work on yourself to develop the image of God in yourself. Loving yourself means to prevent bad thoughts, feelings and actions. Loving yourself means not to harm yourself, not to create bad habits. Who does not comply with these rules, he does not love himself.


Remember: if man is dissatisfied with himself and people will be dissatisfied with him, if he is dissatisfied with his neighbor, and people will be dissatisfied with him, if he is dissatisfied with God, all creatures would not be satisfied with him. That is the law. Therefore, you cannot be happy if you are dissatisfied with yourself. So, at first you have to deal with yourself.


Find at least one good trait in yourself and be happy that you stand out in anything of the others. This feature is distinctive - no one else has it.


Once you acquire an absolute faith in yourself, then you will come to the other law: the love of God. This law will create in you work, diligence, efficiency, science, etc. All of this comes from this law. So you will first go through the course, then you come to the second law. Here you will be free from any restrictions. In the Divine Love, you will learn the law of liberty. Therefore, if we can first solve this important internal law of faith as it relates to the individual, the inner life of man, and then the second fundamental law - the love of God, get to study this basic law - the love of society and one's neighbor, we are in a dangerous place. Once you love a people or a society, you will fall into known sin. To avoid entanglement should not create a close interconnection with anyone, you have to be completely selfless, doing good without obligations. Once you love anyone, and contact him you will surely fall into sin.


Therefore, you will start with the basic law of faith, then with the basic law of love of God and then you will return to the basic law of hope - it is the most dangerous law. I include in hope the material world, the relationships that exist within it. People can hardly deal with this law.


The one who loves you sits higher than you. If you do not keep this idea in your mind, you can have no love. For only he who sits above you, can love you. If we love God, we expect God to love us. We love God because He sits higher than us. And as God has created us, this shows that He sits higher than us. Why should we love God? For without God's love for us and our love for Him, we can not have any life. And if you do not love God, you will go to love someone else. And you will go to a mistake because he is sitting on the same plane with you. And this is the reason why people today are unhappy - they do not believe in the great laws that are in nature - they are looking for the manifestation of love there, where it is not.


In physics there is a law. There is a plane with A and B on it; if there is no slope can a passage between A and B be formed? It cannot. So, one being that is on the same level with you, with your understanding, there can be no understanding, no relationship. If it has your understanding and you its, what do you represent? You are the only a point of a straight line, you have a simple relationship of consciousness. If it has a different understanding, and if you have a different understanding, then you are two points of a simple mind. Then a straight line is formed. Between two points can be drawn only one straight line.


So, I say: that creature you expect to love you, it sits higher than you. And then we can have a desire for higher beings. What is the pursuit of the higher being? Being that cannot come down to you, does not sit above you. A creature that can come down from somewhere to you, it always sits above you. So we are in an effort to get up on top. Once we get up to God, and He comes down to us. Relationships are right. If you cannot climb up, then you have not understood the laws. If you wish to become a stronger man, it is going up. So, you have an idea, you have a desire to know, to go to one being that can make its way. Going up it means expanding, developing.


You say: "Do we just have to love God? You are told to love your neighbor as yourself, are not you? 'I say: in the love of God is included the love of your neighbor, but not vice versa. Many people love, but soon they become disappointed by that love. So, in love they lack something. What is missing to this love? An essential element, namely when people love their neighbors they must love God in them. Tell me one case in life, when someone has loved the people to have won something! Tell me one case in the history of humanity, someone having loved his similar, to have acquired something substantial! Who has loved at first his neighbors, he has gained nothing. Real benefit has only the one who loves God and serves Him. There is nothing better than serving God! Who serves God, his relationship to the people would be correct.


Such a man is always rich, not poor. Why? Because when he goes to God, he always assumes, enriches; once he goes to the people he always gives, applies. Whoever properly takes and gives correctly, he lives in the law of combination. Expression of this law is in the application and in the implementation of the best, embedded in the mind and the heart of man. The law of application is expressed by the heart and the law of execution - by the mind.


Once I do not love God, I do not love myself, neither my neighbor. I should love God because I have come out of him! Once I love God, I love myself and you. This is a law that has no exception. You say: "I love my neighbor." You cannot love your neighbor without at first loving God. Love of neighbor is a reflection of the love of God. That love should be the starting point in your life.


Remember: Love allows man only once to get married. If he marries several times, it is a human work, out of love. To contact the man means to contact a soul that has come out from God. In every body lives a Divine soul. How you treat your body, it is your job, but the Divine soul you have to treat well. You say: "I can not love this soul." If you do not love, and you will not be loved – that is the law. And God will do to you as you do to others. Whatever you do, you cannot change the law of God. You will love your neighbor as yourself. God requires the least from man. He says: "Love your enemy" – it is the first degree of love; "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" – this is the second stage of love, "You will love God with your all mind, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all strength "- it is the third stage of love. Start with the ordinary love - to your enemy. Then go to a greater love – to your neighbor. And finally – go to the greatest love - to God. All advanced beings called the Sons of God, express their love for God. Whenever you become the Sons of God you will show your love for God. Then you will love God with your heart, with your mind, with your soul and with all your strength, and your neighbor - as yourself.


Then you will quote the verse "Love all the people!" This is another law. When should we love everyone? Love to all is not love on the Earth. On the Earth, you can not love everyone. Even in the angelic world love can be halved. When they say that man should love all, this refers to the Divine world. This is natural only for the Divine world. In the angelic world, however, half the people you will love, and half you will not love. So you will just love the good people and the bad you will not love them. This is not in your nature. You should therefore not think that people on the Earth could all love. On the Earth, love is very different and it should be respected.


By the word "man" we mean a rational being who does not like to sin. It is man. Man is one who wants to live according to the law of love. A man is who does not want to use anyone. You say: "To love all people!" How can you love a snake that bites? How would you like a poison that destroys man? How would you like moldy bread? How can you love what burns? You say: "To love the people." By the word "love" we mean everything that is reasonable in the world. And inside is the same law. And inside yourself love everything that is reasonable. You say: "Man must love himself." Love in yourself all that is good, beautiful, nice; fine. But when you find something that is not good, drive it out. For instance how would you love an impatient man? Or how would you love a whiner? Or how would you love someone who is dissatisfied? Whatever you do for him, he is still dissatisfied.


Christ says: "If you love me, protect my commandments, my law." Which is this law? It is happiness. The happiness of man sits in one thing – to love. Once he loves all, it means that he is happy. To love only one, in a human way, it means to be unhappy. And when we say that we love God, this means that we love in our soul all the beings. It means to love all beings, but not outside yourself, but keep them in your mind, in your soul. Because you cannot love a being outside that occupies a place, a part of the space. This little being in you that you love does not take any place in space. All creatures that you love and that exist in God can fit into your brain, in this small country. Then you cannot love all, because and they do not love you. What is wrong with loving those who love you? The Scripture says: "Reconcile!" Whom with to reconcile? Reconcile with the one who loves you. Now it remains the people to learn how to reconcile. A reconciliation of the world cannot be done without love. Man should have the knowledge to understand if it is time to reconcile or not. Man needs to know if it is time to love the others or not. It is because love should come on time and with the degree corresponding to the development of each soul. It requires a lot of smart people who love each other. For with love man can do the greatest good and the greatest evil. And with the knowledge is the same: man can do the greatest good and the greatest evil, if his knowledge is revealed prematurely. And in freedom man can do great good, but also very great evil. If some people are given more freedom with it they can make an order of offenses.


Many times your pots are full of useless things; you should turn them down with their throat and empty them. Empty pots are sometimes preferable to the full pots. Each culture starts with empty jars, not with full. When man is full and there is nothing to fit, he goes to the other world. Why does he go to the other world? Dying is a process of giving and life – of taking. The child collects, collects, collects; reaches a process, this range develops to the limit, then starts shrinking, shrinking. So the old man goes to the reverse process. The young man learns the law of the individual, while the old man learns the law that he has to live for the others. These are processes. And when he has learned how to live for himself and how to live for his neighbor, he dies to learn to live for God. When you die, from that point forward you will serve God. How would you know that? In death, can there be service? That worm that has eaten leaves, it becomes a butterfly, goes from flower to flower, takes juices of flowers and gives them something in return. It helps in pollination of flowers.

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