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1926_01_17 Subtraction


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Беседата на български


Translated by Victoria Koleva





Year 5, Lecture 10 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class)

Given by the Master Beinsa Douno

On January 17, 1926 – Sunday, 19.00h

Sofia – Izgrev



Always be faithful, true, pure and kind!




A summary on the topic “What birds think about” was read.

The disciples’ essays on the topic “The most useful plant” were read.


For next time please write on the following topic: “The strongest vowel and the softest consonant in the Bulgarian alphabet”.


In order to write this essay you need to carefully consider each letter of the alphabet – without rationalizing it and philosophizing about it. Pronounce the letters calmly one after the other and observe the impact that the letters will have on you. The important thing for you is the impression that you will get from each letter, not what others will say. Now I would like ten people – five brothers and five sisters to come to the blackboard and write two numbers and a letter each. The first one will write an addition of two numbers, the second one – a subtraction, the third one – a multiplication and the fourth one – a division. The following equations comprised of numbers and letters were written:


5 + 3 = a

9 – 4 = O.

2 x 4 = K.

8 : 2 = Д.

9 + 2 = б.

10 – 2 = ж.

7 x 3 = П.

5 : 2 = Н.

4 + 4 = Л.

7 – 2 = В.


This is a problem that you need to solve. Which number can be seen most frequently in this problem? - The number two. Next comes the number four and the remaining numbers can be seen only one or two times each. We notice also that the result of all these four equations is the number eight. What words can you make starting with the letters that were written on the blackboard? “Вода, лодка, кола, плава, кожа, болка, вложа, влакно, etc.” (English: “water, boat, car, sails, skin, pain, invest, fiber”). I would like each of you to try and make a sentence comprising words which start with the letters that were written on the blackboard. Have you observed the influence that different numbers have on humans? Each number has a meaning. For example the number 3 represents the law of multiplication. In the following mathematical operation: “5 + 3”, the number 3 is inside, which means that one has to grow and multiply from the inside, not from the outside, and this needs to happen through the process of addition. In the following subtraction: “9 – 4”, we have the number 4 which is a positive number. Therefore, when someone is faced with a karmic issue, he or she needs to act bravely and smartly and solve it immediately. The number 9 is a result. You will take out your money and start paying. You will do the subtraction of “9 – 4”, i.e. you will pay without delay. When multiplying 2 x 4, you have a passive number and a positive one. Both are Divine numbers. The number 8 is the number of infinity, of Eternity. That is why when you work for the Truth, do not expect immediate results. The results of Truth are in Eternity. Truth doesn’t occupy itself with trifles and material issues. The seeker of Truth needs to have a broad mind, he needs to have a lot of patience.


Another way of looking at numbers is from an astrological point of view – seeing which planet is related to each number. For example the number four is connected with Jupiter, nine – with the Moon, five – with Mercury. Next look at the blossoms of fruit trees and observe how many leaves each blossom has. The blossoms of cherry, plum, apple and pear trees have five sepals and five petals each. Why do these blossoms have exactly five petals and not six? It is good to study astrology in order to know which planet relates to each fruit tree. Once you know this you will use fruit consciously. If you want to experience the positive influence of a planet, you should use fruit which is connected with that planet. Have you noticed for example what influence cherries have on you? – Cherries bring joy and happiness in humans. One needs to observe the influence that fruit has not only on his physical well-being but on his character as well in order to use it as a method of educating children. You shouldn’t consume the same fruit all the time but eat it only when you consciously want to experience its positive influence. I could give you a number of rules for this but a danger exists which doesn’t allow this to happen yet.


The danger lies in your critical mind. The man of the west has a highly critical mind. If some methods and rules are given to him, he starts philosophizing and thus spoils everything. He works with experiments – he needs to do a large number of experiments and reach his own conclusions. Once he passes through dense matter, then he will start crawling from the bottom up, towards the high peak. Once he reaches the peak he will estimate how much energy he has spent and then make a conclusion as to whether it is worth spending so much energy to climb to the top or it is better to save energy and choose the path of least resistance. The man of the east is a master of descent. When it comes to going up, however, he goes into a dreamy state. For example Indians are at the foot of the Himalayas, yet they make no attempts to reach the peak. The English, however, have undertaken a number of expeditions to the Himalayas and continue doing so. Their attempts are justified. They follow the spirit of occult science which says: never express an opinion about something you haven’t tried yet. Once you have tried something, you have the right to philosophize about it. For as long as he has no results yet, one needs to remain silent the way the chicken remains silent inside the egg. Until the day of its hatching arrives, it remains silently tucked inside the egg. Once it comes out of the egg, the chicken has the right to express an opinion about the world. Therefore, for as long as one lives in unfavourable conditions in life, one needs to go inward and keep silent. Once he comes out of these unfavourable conditions, he can talk about what he has learnt. While it lies under the hen for 21 days the egg is not in unfavourable conditions. However if 21 days have passed and it hasn’t hatched yet, the conditions start to limit it. If an egg isn’t used in time, it starts to spoil. We can draw the following conclusion from all this: a specific time, a certain time period is needed for the realization of human thoughts and wishes. If this time period gets shortened or prolonged, the possibility of their realization is lost. That is why an egg shouldn’t be taken from the hen before it has remained with it for 21 days, nor should it remain there for longer than those 21 days. The same law applies to seeds and to fruit as well.


This law applies to human inner psychic life as well. Each human thought or wish which is in harmony with Nature always brings a certain broadening, an inner lightness with it. When it isn’t in harmony with Nature, you feel an inner constriction and limitation. Now when you get some free time make observations on your handwriting and that of those around you in order to study human character. Observe the direction in which the letters end – upwards or downwards, to the left or to the right. At the same time you should study the four mathematical operations and their application in life. For example subtraction can be applied when we look for our faults and the faults of those around us. When it comes to your faults, you need to be completely fair and impartial, to weigh them on perfectly accurate scales and neither exaggerate nor diminish them. That is the only way to build a stable character and balance the forces in your organism.


An exercise: Arrange in a circle and come close to each other. Straighten the arms and bring them back. Straighten the right leg and bring it forward. Kneel slowly down bringing the arms first forward to a horizontal position, then to the side and back again. Repeat this movement of the arms a few times rhythmically. Stand up, straighten the left leg and bring it forward. Kneel down bringing the arms first forward to a horizontal position, then to the side and back again. Stand up, bring the arms to the side, then place them in front of the chest. Fingers of the hands are against each other, palms face down. Make wide semi-circles bringing the arms forward, to the side and down.


Always be faithful, true, pure and kind!

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