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1926_01_31 Simple problems in mathematics


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Беседата на български


Translated by Victoria Koleva





Year 5, Lecture 12 of the Youth Occult Class (Special Class)

Given by the Master Beinsa Douno

On January 31, 1926, Sunday

 19.00h, Sofia - Izgrev




Always be faithful, true, pure and kind!




I will now ask you the following question: is there any correlation between sounds and human ideas? If there is one, what is it exactly? Imagine that the sounds of a violin reach your ears. Can you perceive these sounds without imagining that there is a conscious being behind the violin which produces them? There is no movement in Nature, however small it may be, which doesn’t contain some form of life. The word “живот” (Bulgarian for “life”) starts with the letter “ж”. In this letter the diagonals are the longest lines. The first limitation in life is the circle. It has four important points – the points at which two perpendicular diameters cross the circle. However, when the diameters move, the points move with them too. Therefore all points in a circle become important. The points in a circle are also points of life. Two of them are negative (magnetic), and the other two – positive (electric). This idea can be expressed geometrically with the letter “ж”. If point C in the diagram represents the centre of the Earth, and points A and B are bodies moving towards C, then the movement of these bodies towards C will be most difficult when they are closest to the centre C. It is here that they will be faced with the biggest obstacles, the greatest difficulties. Whatever they do they can’t penetrate the centre of the Earth. One can’t reach the centre of the Earth with his physical body, but it is possible to do it with one’s astral body.


The same law applies to human psychological life as well. The closer one gets to the centre of the circle, the bigger the suffering one goes through. When faced with a difficulty, one closes himself in a circle. In order to manage this difficulty, one needs to come to the centre of the circle, to the most difficult conditions, and to start ascending from there. The most difficult part is getting to the centre. Once you reach it, ascending is easy. When going down towards the centre of the Earth, one needs to spread his wings and start descending gently, avoiding any concussions and injuries. You can only achieve this when you are fully conscious, fully self-aware, all the way keeping the connection between God and your soul intact. Only under these conditions can you overcome all difficulties and suffering and come out unharmed in the end. The first Christians knew these laws and maintained their connection with God through constant prayer.


Scientists solve their problems in the same way. Instead of a prayer, they keep some higher idea in their minds. Each time they solve a problem, they start with this idea and then come back to it. There are three important principles when solving a problem: you work either with negative values, i.e. under the negative influences of Nature, or with positive values, i.e. under the positive influences of Nature, or by reconciling the positive and negative values, i.e. through equality. Wherever there is equality, intelligent forces work in all directions. When you work with positive and negative values in Mathematics, at some point you have to find a method of putting these values into an equation. Therefore solving a problem doesn’t involve only operating with the positive and negative signs in front of the values, but it requires their transformation also. For example, if you do the following addition: (a+b) + (a-b), the result will be 2a. If you do the subtraction (a+b) - (a-b), the result will be 2b. Imagine that “a” is an apple seed and “b” is the soil where you plant the apple seed. When the seed sprouts and grows into a plant, it absorbs some of the elements in the soil and becomes “a2 + b2”. If you add and subtract (a2 + b2) and (a2 - b2), the results will be again 2 a2 and 2 b2.


Whatever explanation you give to these operations from the standpoint of physical mathematics, they can’t actually be explained. However psychological or spiritual mathematics can clarify these operations because it works with living forces which move in more than three dimensions. When the apple tree grows, the soil gradually loses its energetic potential. Once the soil’s energetic potential is depleted, the apple stops developing. It stops growing. When a person comes to Earth he needs physical, material conditions for development. Without such conditions his development ceases. I am giving you these examples in order to make you reflect on all arithmetic and algebraic operations, be it from the point of view of elementary or higher mathematics, to translate them properly in your minds and make use of them. If you don’t understand them, you may be faced in life with a problem of higher mathematics and experience a great contradiction. Coming to a contradiction is the same as entering a marsh, stepping on unstable ground. You could find yourself in such a position in science too. For example in mathematics you could come to a place outside of the physical world, where things become invisible and you still have to assume that they exist, i.e. they exist as something real. You say that there is no world other than the physical world. Why? Because you only know the world of three dimensions. In other words, nothing exists outside of these three dimensions for you. However nowadays in calculus they speak not only of a fourth dimension, but also of a fifth, a sixth, a seventh one.


In order to understand these abstract issues, one needs to assume that there are many other possibilities in Nature that one is unaware of. You are only familiar with a few of these and based on that you draw your conclusions. You only know those manifestations in life which originate from the manifestations of the previous day. However there are many possibilities for the manifestations of human life. Today lays the foundations for what will come tomorrow. Is this possible? – Yes, it is. How can this be proven? - It can be proven mathematically. Let’s assume that “a” represents wheat which was first in the silo, then it was planted in the soil “b”. This will lead to a negative standpoint - an empty silo. After some time the wheat will grow, multiply, take some elements from the soil and turn into “b2”. Now we will have a positive process, i.e. something will be gained and added to the wheat. Can the new wheat which has grown in the field be contained in the same silo? - No, it can’t. It has grown significantly in quantity. Here we have processes of ascending. This shows that we work simultaneously with positive and negative values in life and this happens not only in a straight line, but also in other directions which need to be taken into consideration. There are ascending as well as descending positive and negative values.


Therefore if positive values are in the process of descending, matter multiplies, but at the same time becomes impossible to organize. Internal rotting starts to take place. In order to stop the process of rotting, matter needs to be dried up. Increasing and decreasing, i.e. thinning and thickening of matter happen everywhere in Nature. When the soil hardens for example, it becomes very thick and unusable. In order for it to soften, rain is definitely needed. How can you express sun rays, rain and drought with mathematical values? When doing these calculations, you also need to take the weather into consideration. When you work with these values you need to make them homogeneous and then do a number of algebraic operations with them. When you work with algebra, you need to come to the point of bringing it inside you. Your body is the soil and your ideas are the seeds you plant in this soil. When you are faced with certain difficulties, this shows that the seeds are more than what the soil can accommodate and offer conditions for growth to. A person wishing to realize more ideas than what his conditions allow him to, doesn’t abide by Nature’s laws. According to the laws of Mindful Nature an idea can only develop at a particular time and place. Two ideas can’t develop at the same time. At any given moment you need to keep only one main idea in your mind. Once you have realized this idea, then you can put your attention on another one, but a certain amount of time needs to pass between the realizations of two different ideas. A person who breaks one of the laws of Mindful Nature will find himself facing great difficulties.


Contemporary people are happy when things go well in their life. They need to know what they owe their happiness to and make sure that their success isn’t similar to that of wheat grains that have landed on rocky ground, between thistles or on the road. If their success is grounded in a rocky soil, it will soon collapse. If their success has grown between thistles, it will inevitably be strangled. And finally, if it is on the road, birds will devour it. Each idea which has been placed on the road, between thistles or on rocky ground can’t develop properly and can’t bear any fruit. Therefore, when a person comes to Earth he needs to examine the ways in which ideas fail, as well as the conditions which make ideas flourish. The soil on which thistles grow is good, but these thistles need to be removed first before the wheat is planted. Rocky soil is unfavourable for wheat but one can get good building stones from it. A conscious person who understands life will not plant wheat on rocky soil but will use this soil as a quarry and will thus create good conditions for himself. The road, on the other hand, on which people and cars move, is inappropriate for planting wheat. It is a means of communication. Contemporary people listen to talks on different topics and say in the end: “We aren’t interested in this today. This isn’t important for us”. These people are right. There is something which is important for the person in that case, but it is a question of whether it can contribute to his happiness in some way. Maybe what is important for a person today will bring him the biggest unhappiness tomorrow. Therefore one needs to understand the importance of things and to know what he or she should strive towards. This applies not only to other people, but to you as well. The disciple needs to think properly and understand the importance of both bigger and smaller things.


A fisherman took his fishing rod, tied it to a cane on the river bank and threw it in the water. Then he left and went home to do some work. In the meantime, having seen the fishing rod from afar, a curious fish got interested in the swinging object in the water. It approached the rod and saw something unusual. It opened its mouth to try it but felt immediately that its mouth has gotten hooked on that unusual thing and couldn’t be released. It jumped up and down a few times but it couldn’t free itself. At the same time a passer-by saw the fish jumping up and down and asked: “What are you doing here?” – “I am doing a folk dance, but I don’t know how to free myself from it. Please help me!” The passer-by was a famous wise man. He put himself in its shoes and said: “Listen, you have taken up a task which isn’t right for you. You want to examine the length of the radii in a circle, but this is a difficult science, it isn’t appropriate for you yet. Come closer now”. The fish approached the bank, the wise man removed the hook from its mouth and said: “Go on, be free now! Go swim in the water again and tell your friends that it isn’t their time yet to study the length of the radii in a circle”. The fish started swimming lightly in the water and thanked the wise man for setting it free. Indeed the fish needs to thank this passer-by because if the fisherman had come earlier it would have found itself in a world it didn’t belong to.


What conclusion can you draw from this example? It shows that there are a number of thoughts and wishes in a person whose time to be realized hasn’t arrived yet. Therefore a person shouldn’t be interested in those thoughts and wishes whose time to be realized hasn’t yet come. If he starts developing an interest in them, they will inevitably bring him pain and suffering. The fisherman will come and get him hooked on his rod. Then he will jump up and down in his mind in order to find a way of freeing himself from suffering. When a person has the right thoughts, at some point he will definitely meet the wise man who will free him from the rod. In this case the wise man is a person’s intuition which is the only thing that can help him free himself from the limitations of his ordinary thought. Until your intuition comes to your aid, you will be in the position of a scientist examining issues which he isn’t yet ready for. His intuition will ask him: “What are you doing here?” – “I am doing a folk dance, I am moving along the side of a circle in order to study its radii.” His intuition will answer: “You can’t examine this issue today. However one day when you reach a higher level of consciousness and become a master of your circumstances, then you will solve this issue.” This means: leave aside all thoughts and wishes which you aren’t ready for yet. When you become your own master, then you can start studying them.


Now let’s come back to the formula: “a+b”. The letter “a” signifies the human mind, and “b” – the human heart. How can we express this formula verbally? We can say that the abilities of the mind and those of the heart are equal to the abilities of the will: a2 + b2 = c2. Therefore the powers of the mind and the heart flow into the will like tributaries. In other words, the powers of water (a) and those of the wind (b) create a result ©: a2 + b2 = c2. Water represents human feelings and air – human thought. The will manifests only under the influence of human thoughts and feelings. Will exists only wherever thoughts and feelings exist. Without thoughts and feelings the will doesn’t act. Each act of will is dictated by those thoughts and feelings which are operating at a given moment. That is why there is a saying: “A person is that which he thinks and feels”. If a person’s feelings are positive and ascending, they will have matching results. A person’s willpower depends on the power of his thoughts and wishes. The stronger the images created by a person’s thoughts and wishes are, the more active his will is. Tell someone that a given person is his enemy and step aside. This image will grow in him and give him power and a stimulus to fight his enemy, to oppose him. A strong image of something is enough to make a person always remain on the alert. Some people are afraid of snakes, others – of mice. Just try pronouncing the word snake or mouse in front of such people and you will find out just how active they are. Their will’s hidden activity will come to the surface and they can start running or hiding. Some excellent brave swimmers are afraid of leeches. When it comes to swimming, they are ready to swim in the water for kilometers in a row, but as soon as they see a leech they withdraw and go back. The sight of a leech terrifies them, even if it is in a bottle. A person needs to study himself in order to know which images paralyze his will and counteract them. He needs to use methods for regaining one’s balance. The snake’s image has a negative impact on some people. How can they release this fear? – By applying something positive in their will. In this case Love will save the day. It has been written in the scriptures:”Love excludes fear. Faith excludes superstition”. Therefore Love drives fear away from people and faith brings Light to their minds. In order to reach faith, one needs to study the pathways of Light.


Nowadays people talk about everything: love, faith, brotherhood, equality, etc. However they haven’t yet paid enough attention to issues which are close to them and which their well-being depends on. For example, how have they solved the issue of nutrition? Do they know what food it is appropriate to eat on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, etc.? Do they know what kind of food they should eat in the morning, at lunch and at dinner? You would say that these are simple things which a person shouldn’t bother with. For you it is enough if a person ate something, it doesn’t matter what food he ate and when he did that. Or you would say that the more lavish his food is, the better it is for him. It isn’t so. The issue of nourishment is a mathematical problem which may be simple but it needs to be solved by all means. Until you solve this problem correctly, all your efforts to complete greater and more complicated tasks will remain unsuccessful.


Once you solve the problem of nourishment, you will have to solve the problem of sleep. Do you know when you should go to bed and when you should get up? You would say that this depends on the circumstances. – No, external circumstances in life cannot change the laws of Mindful Nature. It has strictly determined for each person when he should go to bed and when he should get up. Therefore each person needs to find the time that was determined for him to do that. The hen, for example, goes to bed before sunset and gets up before sunrise. When a person has solved the problems of nourishment and sleep correctly, this means that he has achieved a certain amount of harmony between his thoughts and his feelings. Once he has achieved this toning, he is ready to solve all other problems correctly as well. He solves them quickly and without making mistakes while other people will need months or years to do that. They will use a lot of energy and achieve only microscopic results. Human thought needs to be fresh and lively. If it isn’t lively and doesn’t have the necessary Light, it cannot manage the contradictions in life. Nature knows no contradictions. It allows no discouragement. “But we are suffering. Doesn’t Nature see our tears, our hardships?” When Nature sees tears in your eyes, Nature says: “My children are clever. They have opened their springs to water their gardens.” When it sees that people’s tears stop flowing, Nature rejoices and says: “My children are clever because they have keys with which they open and close their springs, all according to their needs.” When it sees a person in despair who is planning to jump off a cliff, Nature says: “This child of mine has decided to fly before its time. One day it will learn its lesson.”


Therefore you need to study the language of Nature. Come into contact with her and start thinking correctly. – “But we study a lot!” – It is not a question of studying a lot. You need to study little, but consciously. And whatever you learn, you need to apply it in life. Nowadays people study a lot but gain very little. They work a lot but use little. Nowadays people touch things but can’t see them. A person who has developed his clairvoyance works with seeing, not with touching. Thus he will free himself from the unnecessary matter which burdens his nervous system. However, for as long as one lives under unfavourable conditions in life, he needs a lot of things. If he studies a lot but gains little, this shows namely that his living conditions are unfavourable. A person who has toned himself can gain a lot by studying for three hours only, as long as it is done with love. This isn’t the case with everybody. If an ordinary pupil or student studies for three hours a day, he can’t succeed. This applies to conscious students who have come into contact with Living Nature and abide by its laws. Nature gives people time and energy and orders them to save energy and use more time instead. It doesn’t allow for her energy to be wasted. It disposes of energy in abundance, but doesn’t allow anyone to waste it. A person who breaks this law is doomed to suffering. This is the reason why it is recommended that disciples work consciously on themselves in order to harmonize their thoughts and feelings and come to a state of consciously using Nature’s energy. A person who saves energy, gains energy – he doesn’t age prematurely.


Today everyone complains of premature ageing. Why? – Because they waste their energy. A conscious person is someone who remains lively and capable of working from youth to old age. A conscious person doesn’t get influenced by external circumstances. There may be storms, winds or rain – he knows that everything is in its place. Storms will come and go. Rains will flow and overflow. These are natural processes which need to fulfill their purpose. The disciple, however, needs to think correctly, feel correctly and act correctly.


Always be faithful, true, pure and kind!


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