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I’ll read chapter 10 of the Gospel according to John, who was considered as the bearer of Love. As Love met him for the first time and subjected him to trial, he left his coat and escaped. John is one of the apostles, who lived on Earth longer than the rest of them. Why did he remain on Earth longer? So that he could make the coat that he left in other people’s hands. During his whole life, he was occupied with the goddess Venus and studied her. In the chapter we read, Christ says: “That one, who has come to Earth without Love, is a thief and a robber. The one, who has come with Love, is a shepherd.” That one, who bears Love within himself, has life. He comes to give life, not to take it away. “The thief comes only to steal, destroy and kill.”


As they read the Bible, some people say, that there you can read about past things only. There also exists a past that never dies. There exists a past that dies. From the latter you can gain knowledge, but it cannot give birth to anything new. This past is like a dead man put in a coffin. His relatives love him and cry for him, but he keeps silence and waits the moment of revival or burial. If the Love of his relatives is strong, he will come back to life. If it is feeble – he will remain in the same situation, after which they will bury him. As they bury him in the ground, his relatives say: We could not help you – we leave this to you. If you are hero, get up from the grave. As they see, that his Love is weak, they sing several songs at his grave and leave. Each one who lives without Love is sentenced to death. But the one, who lives with Love and Truth, cannot deal with the trifles of life. He deals with the elevated, with the juice of the fruit – not with its peels.


“The truth will set you free.” When? When you are penetrated by Love. Without Love, man sleeps and is motionless; with Love he is awake and movable. The real motion is the motion of the Spirit. Until he comes to this state, man should pass through several kinds of motions: mechanical, organic, and mental. Today, Love manifests itself through the same forms: mechanical, mental, and Love of Spirit. The mechanical Love is characterized by a great rigidity. The words it uses are also heavy and firm. Everyone has tried this Love. It cripples a man. The mechanical Love should be transformed into an organic one; organic Love should be transformed into mental Love, and the mental Love should be transformed into Love of the Spirit.


As you watch the sky today you do not see any clouds. It is clean, clear, without any fog. The present day is a day of mental Love that already comes. Due to this fact, the Sun rose quietly and calmly. It communicates with all the living beings in a common language. Why? It communicates with all the living beings in a common language because there is no difference in the internal understanding of things. As soon as people come to the external understanding of things, they separate. Languages originated thanks to this great diversity. The existence of many languages shows the external diversity in which people live. As soon as they enter the new age of Love, people will start to use one common language – the language of Love.


All people strive to enter through the gate of Love and acquire its goods. It is not enough to only know how to enter through the portal of Love – one should also know how to exit through it. It is not enough to just accept Love – one should also know how to evaluate and put it into practice. While he is jealous, man can neither accept Love, nor put it into practice. Jealousy is a negative feeling that appears within the children and the adult. As with a given family a child is born, his parents are glad and accept it well. After the second child is born, parents are also delighted, but the first child does not accept the second child well. The child is not pleased at the arrival of the second child, so he gets angry, cries, and does not accept it. Mental Love that is about to come in the world excludes jealousy. The new age considers each man as a revelation of the Divine Love. As he knows this, man should use his words, thoughts, feelings, and actions carefully. Each manifestation of a man should be full of content and meaning. If it has no meaning and content, then it is a blind manifestation that profits no one.


Contemporary people do not understand Love, because they are still not able to break free from their old views. They think that if you love someone, you have to give him clothes, food, bed, etc. This is an external expression of Love, though – not internal. Real Love implies such manifestations in which form, content, and meaning are in perfect unity and harmony. Real Love is distinguished by an inner mildness. The voice of the one, who has acquired Love, is distinguished by internal mildness and plasticity.


No matter how long we talk about Love, after all it will manifest itself in various ways, according to the consciousness of different people. Give a golden pen in the hand of each man and see what each of him will write. The religious one will write: “God is Love.” The scientist will write: The Sun is shining. The one, who is disappointed in Love, will write: There is no use to love. The weak and lazy one will write: The masters treat me badly. The philosopher will write: Love is the beginning of life.[M1] 


I say: Love is not to be transferred, but lived. Love is a feature of God. Only God loves - human Love is a reflection of the Divine Love. No matter how much he would like to, a man cannot give anything without Divine Love. Can you get warm in the moonlight? The Moon shines thanks to the light of the Sun. Consequently, if a man loves, this is due to the Love he receives from God. For now, man is related to the Moon for it can purify him. The Moon extracts all the poisons and toxins from the human organism. Having in mind the present conditions, without the Moon man would have come across great difficulties. That is why young ladies and young men come out in the evening in the Moonlight – to heal. When they want to live, enjoy, and have fun, they go out in the Sun, but they are careful not to get sunburned. The religious beliefs of people are a result of the influence of the Sun. Their views of the Sun are due to Venus. Man should study the Light of the spiritual sun that already rises over the world, though. This sun rises within the consciousness of the people. It brings new Light for the understanding of Life and Nature, a new understanding of Love.


Today we are glad at all our friends that have come from afar, because they have responded to the invitation of the Divine World. We are glad, that they, too, become bearers of the new Love that is already coming into the world. We are glad, that through each of the people here their whole nation is present: through the French – the whole of France is here, through the English – the whole of England, through the Latvian – the whole of Latvia, through the Russians – the whole of Russia, through the Italians – the whole of Italy, through the Germans – the whole of Germany, through the Finns – the whole of Finland, through the Swiss – the whole of Switzerland, through the Greeks – the whole of Greece, through the Yugoslavs – the whole Yugoslavia. In future, when they have the opportunity to respond to the great invitation of the Elevated World, we’ll mention the names of all the nations, whose names we did not mention now. And as one looks at this gathering of various nations, one cannot help feeling glad at the great variety, existing in the Divine World.


A Frenchman, an Englishman, a German, and a Russian had lunch at some European restaurant. They noticed that something was flying high in the air. The Frenchman immediately got up, took a newspaper and began to read what was written about this. The German took his hat and went to check what the scientists say about it. The Englishman took out his binoculars and started to look up. The Russian, though, calmly lay on his back and said: Eagle, see this! Here we see four nations, each of them having its specific manifestation.


Now I congratulate you with the new day of Love. I wish you to release your hearts from all the worries and confusions. Leave your worries outside and bring within your heart more joy and delight, and much more Love. Keep within your mind the words of the Great Master: “I love you as my Father loves me. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”


The one, who was talking to you thousands of years ago, is talking to you again. He comes to bring Love within the hearts of all the people. The people, who believe in Love, are drawing their future. The present day shows your future. Do not be afraid. Your future is bright like the present day. The Sun is shining pleasantly, the sky is clean and clear, and it is easy to live. Before you and all the nations a great future is being revealed. The future of humankind is great, due to Love that will manifest itself. Everyone and all the nations will reach their hands like brothers and sisters in the name of the Divine Love.


God is Love, God is Life, God is Love, Wisdom and Truth, and God is Light.


God is Truth and God is Freedom.


August 14, 10 a.m.



 [M1]There should be consistency with quotation marks.

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