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1940_09_04 The Laws of Breathing


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The Laws of Breathing.


Modern men know about many things but they do not know about the ordinary things. For example, sometimes they are joyous, well disposed, but they do not know why. Many people strive to become rich. Why do they want to become rich they do not know. They think that with wealth, with money everything can be achieved. It is true that one can purchase many things with money, but you cannot purchase life with money. With his wealth one can cause himself many diseases but with wealth one cannot rid himself of diseases. When one becomes rich he starts to worry not be robbed, not to loose his wealth. As a result he cannot sleep well, he cannot eat well. Because of this fear he becomes ill. Yet his wealth cannot cure his disease.


Man uses his body like a machine for work, but he does not know the needs of his body. He says: I need to have more fat so that I may endure the external conditions. - You need fat but you need also muscles, bones, and nerves. The most resistant matter in man is the brain. When a man is suffering from a serious illness he first looses his fat. It melts and he becomes thin like a candle. If the illness still continues the muscles vanish, but the nerves and the brain last to the end. They are the most resistant. The opposite is true, too. When the organism begins to recover first the brain is restored, than the nerves, the muscles, and at last comes the fat. People that have more fat are more relaxed, have a better disposition. Those with less fat are irritable, nervous. The uptight and nervous man says: Nature has created me this way. The relaxed man says also: Me, too, nature has created me this way. We say: The character of man is defined by his head. What his head is such is his character. The mind of man depends upon his brain and then upon his relation to his lungs and to the heart.


You must remember one thing: The health of man depends upon the laws that govern his body. In first place the health of man depends upon man's thoughts. When he knows the laws of thought and applies them correctly man is healthy. We do not speak about the ordinary human thoughts that are accompanied by worries and unrest. We are speaking of the enlightened and elevated thoughts. A man whose thoughts are elevated, right, has a special warmth, a distinct pulse, a distinct relation towards things. He who does not have a proper relation to the air cannot be healthy.


Many people cannot be healthy because of an inner fear to which they are subject. When one worries about his wealth he is being influenced by mental microbes and becomes ill. Beware of any mental, emotional or organic microbes. You must become their master and not their victim. Doubt, suspicion are mental microbes. Do you need to become subject to such microbes? You say that one of your closest relatives, your mother or your father do not love you. How do you know that? If you love them, they too, love you. Have you measured your neck to know if you love them? When you rise in the morning measure the width of your neck. After that start thinking about your mother and father and then measure your neck again. If there has been at least a microscopical widening of your neck this will indicate that you love your parents. If you love them, they love you, too. Therefore, do not permit suspicion to make deep roots. If the thought should enter your mind that someone close to you does not love you, without delay measure your neck. Put suspicion far away from your mind if you do not want to be sick.


These are facts which need to be studied. Yet the facts do not represent the science itself. There are laws which must be observed, yet even the laws do not represent the science. You must come to the principles. In order to have a clear opinion about a given question, first of all man must know the facts, the laws, and the principles which define it. For example, it is a fact that the mother loves her child. On what law is her love based? What principle governs this love? You must know all this. You may say that love is defined by the law of giving. This would mean that the mother has given something to her child and for this reason she loves it. Man gives in two ways: First, he gives and then he wants to take; or, first he takes and then he wants to give something. Therefore, if someone wants to be loved this indicates that first he wants to receive and then to give. When he wants to love, man first wants to give and then to take something.


Someone complains that he wants to love but that he has not found the right person. This is strange! The world is full with people who wait to be loved -yet he cannot find a man whom to love. - Why is it that he cannot find such a man? - He is searching for a man who suits him, who fulfills his expectations. The skinny man matches with the fat one, and the fat man matches with the skinny one. People must relate in such a way that their powers may be balanced. The muscular and nervous systems of the fat man are well greased with fat and as a result his wagon does not squeek. The fat are accumulators for heat energy in man. He who does not have inner fat looses easily his warmth. For this reason the skinny people and those that live in the North need more fat in their food.


Let us return to the question of health. What does it depend upon. It depends upon his thoughts, feelings and emotions. The brain is connected with man's thoughts, the lungs and the heart with man's feelings, and the muscles, fat and bones — with his deeds. If the muscular, the bones, and the digestive systems were not connected man could not move. When he cannot move he cannot work, he lacks power. When you know the relationship between the different systems in man and the manifestation of his thoughts, feelings and deeds you will take good care of them, to keep them in excellent condition. Only then is man able to think, feel, act, speak, and move.


What is the function of the mouth? You will answer that the function of the mouth is to receive the food from outside, to speak, to express man's thoughts. We say: The service of the mouth is to receive and to give. When it opens and closes it receives the food from outside, chews it and sends it on to the digestive track. In this respect it is very stingy. What it receives from outside it considers its capital and shares it with no one. In respect to that which it considers its own the mouth is stingy. In respect to that which is not its own the mouth is very generous. Here it acts very democratically, shares with great ease, which is the foreign capital of the mouth? - The air that is passing through it the mouth creates such beautiful words with which it can become famous in the whole world. When you listen to such a speaker you say: This man has honey in his mouth. This is true but with someone else's capital. To take part of the air that should go out through the nose and from it create a beautiful speech, this is not a minor art. It is said in Genesis (2:7) "God fashioned man of dust from the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life, and thus man became a living being." This will say that God breathed through the nose air into man and he received the divine life. Therefore, when man finds himself in difficulties he must breathe. When he breathes and receives air through his nose he will find God. When he breathes man begins to think. After thought cone the feelings. Only he who breathes conscientiously can find God. God speaks to man: When you breathe through your nose you will find me and you will hear what I am saying to you. The air is conductor of electricity and magnetism. These energies pass through man's nose and renew his nervous system. There exist many methods for breathing but some of them are very costly. When people want to produce one pound of rose ether they must use three thousand pounds of rose petals. You can imagine how many workers are needed to collect the roses, to boil and distillate them in order to receive one pound of rose ether. Under such circumstances, naturally, the price must be very high.


The rose ether is very valuable but even more valuable is a good disposition. Man can create his good disposition from the air through his nose. Through breathing you can make your brain to think properly, your heart to feel properly, and your stomach to work normally. Many people get angry, nervous, think improperly. - Why? - They do not breathe correctly. Incorrect breathing causes many ailments: headaches, stomach, heart, chest disorders. You have pain in your feet because you do not breathe correctly. You have pains in your spine because you do not breathe correctly. In general, all diseases are due to improper breathing. Fast and shallow breathing is very dangerous for the organism. It leads to many diseases. Breathe calmly, regularly with a definite rhythm. Be careful of the air which enters through your nose. With it enter also the divine thoughts which prepare the path of man toward the divine. God’s blessing, however, passes through the upper part of the brain of man, descends vertically to his physical brain and then through his nose it goes out.


Make experiments to cure yourself through breathing. If you have head or stomach aches, or you don't feel generally well, make in the morning, at noon before lunch and in the evening before dinner twelve to nineteen breathing exercises. If you are not used to do breathing exercises do only six. Each inhaling, holding the air and exhaling represent one exercise. This means that you will make six inhalations, six holdings of the air and six exhalations. When you do these exercises your mind must be concentrated. When you breathe, the diaphragm must move up and down, it must contract and expand. The diaphragm represents a borderline between the spiritual and the physical worlds. One of the causes for an increased heartbeat, for asthma and some other malfunctions of the chest is the displacement of the diaphragm from its natural position. If the diaphragm rises higher than normal the lungs and the heart are suppressed and cannot function properly. When one inhales deeply air, the lungs get filled with air, press the diaphragm and it returns to its proper place as a border between the two worlds - the physical and the spiritual.


Have you made the experiment while breathing deeply to say a prayer? If not, start doing your breathing exercises by saving in your mind the prayer, "Our Father", or "The Good prayer". Inhale, hold, and exhale calmly, slowly so that you may recite the whole prayer during one breathing exercise. When you make the exercise by saying mentally a prayer you will feel a soft warmth in the area of the solar plexus. In order to be convinced of the power of thoughts you must make experiments.


Modern scientists believe only that with which they can experiment. For this reason there exists the argument whether or not there is life on the sun, on the moon, and the other planets. Some say that there exists life on the other planets. Others deny this. Now experiments are being made to communicate between the inhabitants of the earth and the moon. In order that the inhabitants of the earth may be able to come in touch with the inhabitants of the other planets first of all they must have a spiritual concept of things. Today the scientific facts are in pieces, lacking a connection because people pass through different morbid conditions. When they will make their nervous system more stable and organize the powers of their body, people will understand that there exists a close unbroken connection between all facts, phenomena and laws of the different sciences.


Today people cannot reach the spiritual sciences and come in touch with the spiritual world because they are occupied with ordinary things. Everybody worries thinking of tomorrow. Everybody want to know how he will pass his physical life. With other words everyone thinks about his stomach. Is it necessary for the son to worry what will happen to him? His mother and his father love him. They take care of him. His work is only to learn. The parents care for the material needs of their children and the children must study. Every man is a child of some advanced spirit. Therefore, man's assignment is to learn. If one's affairs do not work out well he must pray for help to come to him from somewhere. Someone prays hastily and says that his prayer has been heard. No, a prayer that is not accompanied by slow, calm, and rhythmical breathing and thinking is not accepted. When you pray you must concentrate your thought only on the subject of your prayer and will inhale the air slowly and deeply. With every inhalation, holding the air and exhaling you will think only of that which is concerning you at that moment. If you have pain in your stomach you will think about your stomach, if you have a headache you will think only about your head.


He who is not accustomed to deep breathing should hold the air only for two or three seconds and should prolong the time for holding the air every day with one second. This way after thirty days he will be able to hold the air as long as thirty seconds. If he can hold the air for thirty seconds he will be able to cope with many of his morbidities and diseases. Headaches, chest diseases, stomach problems, paralysis - all this disappears. Therefore, if you hear that someone is sick advise him to breathe deeply. If he does not know how to breathe he will lie in bed and will say: Let the will of God be fulfilled! - Let the will of God be fulfilled means that a man can move his hands and feet freely, that he thinks, feels and acts as God thinks, feels, and acts. Man must free himself from all misconceptions; he must understand his actions as well as those of the people who are close to him.


Someone shakes hands with his friend and applies a lot of power. Why? -He wants to indicate that he loves him. Someone else shakes hands by barely touching the hand of his friend. Someone else reaches out only with two fingers. In general through shaking hands one gives and receives energy. If a man does not breathe deeply he cannot shake hands properly, either. Before shaking hands with someone take a deep breath. Before entering your room or a hall, again, take deep breath. Before speaking, again, take a deep breath. Good speakers breathe deeply. Those who do not breathe deeply are not good speakers.


If one breathes deeply through his nose he receives within himself God's blessing. When one breathes properly he also eats properly. When one breathes and eats properly, all processes in his body are proper, too.


And thus, if you want to be healthy, breathe deeply. It is worth it to pay a doctor for a good instruction in breathing before one gets sick. In the future the doctors will be more occupied with the healthy people, to teach them how to preserve their health. Take care of yourselves before you have become ill. The medicine cures those who breathe deeply. If one does not breathe properly no medicine can help him. Someone becomes angry and after that starts to breathe deeply. No, before you get angry, before you start an argument, before you start to speak, breathe deeply. Fill up your chest with pure air and then start speaking. If you do not observe this rule your words will remain without a result; neither you nor the others will profit. Be very kind to others so that you may not disturb your heart. When you think about the mistakes of others, breathe deeply so that your thoughts may become enlightened.


As disciples you must cure yourselves through deep breathing. If your stomach or your intestines are not well make six breathing exercises four tines a day. When you do this exercise place your left hand on your stomach or belly with the palm down; on your left hand put your right hand, again, with the palm down. When you breathe deeply you must feel the expanding and contracting of your diaphragm. He who does not practice deep breathing cannot be a disciple of the new teaching.


When you study the location of the human feelings and skills in the brain, you will find that in the back part of the brain are to be found some feelings: the feeling of friendship, of communication, love for the family, for the children, the wife and the husband, the so called love of the youth. The love of the youth is peculiar. It is located in man's small brain. When more blood flows into this center it hinders the blood circulation which then cannot be proper. When the young people do not breathe properly they constantly fight. In order to be able to avoid arguments and disagreement among themselves the young people must learn to breathe deeply. When a man does not breathe correctly love cannot be manifested properly. Such a man has a bad odor in his mouth, his sweat, too, has a bad odor when he starts to breathe properly his blood circulation improves. He then is healthy.


Breathe deeply and believe that you will achieve that which you desire. Faith is a divine feeling which awakens in man the process of thinking and urges him to work. When breathing, one must be calm, sing, and by thinking search for the reason of his pain. Breathe and sing to your pains! For example what is the reason for headaches? When in the head of man is accumulated more electricity an inner tension comes about and this affects the nervous system. When the tension lets off the headache disappears also.


When you get ill sing to your illness. To each illness sing a special song. When you breathe properly you will be able easier to leave and return to your body whenever you wish. Then you will not die of asthma as so many people do today, but you will leave your body easier. You will invite your friends and family to a feast, you will sing with them, speak with each one, and when the hour for parting comes, you will say good-bye to all saying that you are returning now to your homeland and to your friends. He who breathes properly is a good tenant and is kept longer on earth. If you breathe properly you can live on earth for 120 years. If you do not breathe properly you will hardly make it to 30-40 years. Longevity depends upon deep and proper breathing. The breathing depends upon proper thinking and feeling. Breathe deeply and think the God's blessing comes to man through the air.


People on earth breathe air. "When they go to the world beyond they will breathe ether, a thinner matter than the air. The fish live in a thicker matter than man — in the water and from there they receive the air.


At present the only being that breathes consciously is man. For this reason it is said about him that he has become a living soul. The animals breathe, too, but subconsciously. When you breathe you must realize that you are receiving God's blessing. If he breathes and does not think, man is in a state of an animal. The longest life on earth have the plants because they breathe properly.


Therefore, remember that all diseases and morbidities can be cured through deep and conscious breathing. For every man exists a special method of breathing. He will discover this method with the help of his inner teacher and doctor. Listen to your inner doctor, listen to the divine in you. He will guide you onto the right path. If you do not listen to your inner doctor you will also not listen to the physical doctor. When you listen to your inner doctor you will be able to correct all your shortcomings. What you lack you will attain; what you have not developed you will develop.


And so, you will breathe and sing. If you do not sing you will not be able to breathe properly. He who sings can improve his breathing. If he does not breathe well man goes to the other world before his time. He will not be accepted as a disciple in the other world, too, if he does not learn to breathe well. When he arrives in the other world he will be stopped at the gate of paradise and will be requested to say "The Good prayer" through inhaling, holding and exhaling of the air. If he cannot read it fluently with deep breathing he will not be accepted in paradise. The world beyond is well organized. All people there are beautiful, with excellent features on their faces and bodies. No diseases, sufferings, and problems exist there.


Knowing this you must breathe correctly. Breathe consciously and with love. When you rise in the morning before you do anything else take a few deep breaths. Breathing helps for the improvement of the human character. Proper breathing improves the light of the mind and the warmth of the heart. It makes the face pretty. If he does not breathe correctly man's skin on the face and the hands wrinkles very early. The wrinkles are due to malfunction of the liver and improper breathing. As soon as he starts to breathe properly the wrinkles on man's face and hands will gradually disappear.


Some people avoid deep breathing because it makes them suffer. This is not important. There exists in man some inclination to rest; he does not like to suffer. Let the tendency for inertia suffer, why do you feel sorry for it. When this desire for rest suffers man improves. The same is true with small children. When they do not breathe properly they cannot develop their thinking and feeling.


Modern man breathes fast and on the surface only. In one minute people inhale and exhale twenty times. This would mean that in one minute they have twenty air lunches. This is too much. When he learns to breathe correctly man must gradually diminish the number of his inhalations, to come to two air lunches per minute. This can be achieved gradually in the course of many years of practicing, and not at once.


Do apply deep breathing also when you make the gymnastic exercises. Doing the exercises you kneel down and rise again. Each time when you rise you inhale deeply, then you hold the air in your lungs until the time comes to kneel down and you exhale the air slowly. When you rise again you inhale again. When you make the exercises with deep breathing you concentrate and this way the exercises gain in meaning. In this case the result will be much greater.


September 4, 1940, 5am, Izgrev, Sofia, Bulgaria.


The Laws of Breathing

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