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The Role of Music in the School

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The Role of Music in the School

In Peter Deunov's school, music was a means to further the disciples' spiritual qualities. Under its influence, their minds became more open to the philosophical truths that the Master explained in his lectures. Here is what the Master said about the special role that was attributed to music in the classes: "I use occult music so that the great Truth that I want to imprint in your minds may come."


Peter Dunov composed original music. He contributed more than 150 pieces to the Bulgarian musical legacy. His most prolific period was the second year from the establishment of the School (1923 - 1924). This is when he wrote a number of songs and musical exercises that he used in both the General and the Special Class. Each song was charged with energies that acted on particular brain centres. This is how the Master explained their essence: "These songs are created by the laws of the music of the future.

They are characterized by purity of tone. They liberate man of all confusion and of all inherited faults." As early as in 1922, Peter Dunov practiced musical therapy at the School with an excellent result: "I use music as a means to install harmony among you. Sometimes, when I go back home, I play a song and set things right. When I see you are confused I take my violin and start playing." The Master often talked about the meaning that music conveys, of its positive effect on life in general. "The music transforms the energies of the mind and the heart. It is a contact, a link between two worlds, the physical and the spiritual. Do not cut that link, or you will hinder the development of your mind and heart."


The piano in the lecture hall.

The Master never parted with his violin. "My happiest moments I have had with my violin. I study it while I play. I study every note, every movement of the bow. I have experimented for hours to obtain the tones that can change my state." "In music, there is immense power. A musician should be aware of the power of his music and its effect on others."

"One day I made an experiment with a friend. I started playing the violin, expressing the gentlest notes of my soul. He listened for some time, then caught my hand and said: 'Please stop. I don't know what is happening to me, I just cannot bear this music. Play some Bulgarian dance for me. There is something menacing, something very powerful in this music' I told him: 'In every new thing people are not accustomed to, there is something frightening and threatening'. "One day your ears will open and you will hear the majestic music wafting everywhere in the world, and then you will understand the meaning of life." The awakening of consciousness, the desire to penetrate the secrets of nature was the result of the wave of spiritual development that arrived with the Age of the Aquarius. The Master's music was a driving force in that process. Its vibrations carried new elements which, having once reached the human mind, help it open up to the reality of life.

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