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Essence. Performing the Paneurhythmy. Effect

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To a non-initiated observer, Paneurhythmy looks like this: pairs standing in a circle and doing rhythmic movements to the accompaniment of music played by musicians standing in the circle's centre. An observer with a taste for music would find it pleasantly melodious. An observer with some knowledge of astrology would see in that living circle with its centre a symbol of the sun. An ordinary observer would only see in it another circle dance. Paneurhythmy is very different to observers and participants. To those who perform it, it is the most soothing and harmonizing experience for soul and body. The movements of each of the 28 exercises of the living circle symbolize the creative powers of nature. Anyone who stands in the circle of Paneurhythmy moves in the rhythm of a life of joy, inspiration, and creativity. That is the life of the Intelligent Nature, the life of Reality. That life is also expressed in another set of exercises known as "Sun rays." The participants stand in 12 lines of six couples each (symbolizing the rays of the sun), facing the centre. The movements are accompanied by vital music to the rhythm of the Bulgarian dance rachenitsa which, according to Dunov, originated from ancient sanctuaries. Step by step, the participants form a living Pentagram in which the five principles of truth, equity, love, wisdom, and virtue intertwine and symbolically exchange energies. They help the souls find the way to their true home, the sun.

Performing the Paneurhythmy

In order to benefit from the exercises of Paneurhythmy, to achieve a real contact between the mental, the spiritual and the physical world, each participant should concentrate on the sacred act of its performing. Any distraction or distortion of the movements may have negative consequences. Paneurhythmy is not just a dance of joy and good humour. Indeed, these emotions are the result of its performing but this result is not easy to achieve. Anyone who joins the living circle should know that he takes a responsibility. He becomes a part of the whole and undertakes to observe lovingly and conscientiously the rules of that sacred game. The power of Paneurhythmy lies in its correct performing. It is beneficial only to those who realize that it is a conscious effort to elevate all humans, and who do it attentively and lovingly.




The effect of Paneurhythmy is that it charges you with positive natural energy. It harmonizes the functions of the separate organs in the physical body. Through it, the excess energy is released, while the exercises restore the missing prana. Through the contact with vital natural energies by means of the Paneurhythmy, healing processes are initiated in the human body. The various movements of Paneurhythmy rhythmically put in tune all bodily systems and have a beneficial effect on them.

A general revival of the cells begins, all glands are activated and one feels alert, vigorous and young.

Paneurhythmy takes one to a zone of vital activity from which energy can be drawn for a better life.




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