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Normally after the group lectures at the lake Elbur we would sing a few songs, and sometimes the musicians gave a concert. They played songs by the Master or some classical pieces. Once, after one such concert, the Master started talking about music.


There cannot be any music where there is no rationality. The influence of every tone has to be studied, similarly to the influence of the seven colors. A man cannot be a student without music. The human thought is built by the laws of music.


Love is the greatest musical symphony. In life, there is no greater symphony than Love.


In music there are tones, which can stop the storm, but they cannot always be used because they would cause evil. If the storm stops, this can provoke an even greater disaster.


When the writer comes to the outer limit of his thought, he will become either a musician or a poet. When the music reaches its upper limit, prayer takes its place.


Quiet singing means that things are coming from far away, from the Divine world. And loud singing means that things are coming from somewhere near, from the physical world.


People do not develop their musical sense and as a result they are nervous.


Music is a carrier of great culture.


A new rhythm is introduced into music now - a combination of western and eastern music.


In Egypt, in Chaldea, in ancient times music was devolutionary. And now, the evolutionary music is beginning. Back then, they were entering a progressively denser matter, things were fragmented, and now an expansion is occurring - from the small passing on to the vast.


The traditional Bulgarian songs used to be religious dances, and later they became horo dances.


The future brings the big upsurge in the music of the Slavdom.


It would be good to do a concert with the name The New Music. Through the new music I want to bring back the beauty of your faces.


The new will be victorious through music. From the Invisible world musicians will come, and organize the world.


Beethoven's music expresses the fight of the human spirit with its environment. Bach's music expresses motion in Nature, springs, wind, flower growth, etc.


Whoever wants to become younger, to be like a child, should play Mozart. Whoever wants to strengthen his will, to be brave, has to play Beethoven. Whoever wants to meet Nature has to play Bach. Whoever wants to know the heart of men and women has to play Chopin. Handel and others are commentators.


Wagner's music is that of glory - not of ordinary glory, but of the glory of which is spoken in the verse: "Seek glory not from humans, but from God."


Music has to serve as means of education.


When someone sings in an ordinary way, he looks like a person who wares make-up. He does not feel things deeply.


When a man sings spiritual songs, he has to open his soul to the Divine world as a flower and to have the disposition of an innocent rational child.

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