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On July 22nd 1940, the Master set out for Musala with a small group. After a short stay in Borovetz, we set out for the top. Here are a few thoughts of the Master on the way to the top of Musala.


In the music of Nature there are no rests, there is no interruption, it is perpetual. And when in our music we place rests, it continues within the thought of man. There is an eternal circle (apparently, here it refers to the geometrical figure) in life. There are no contradictions inside it. And if there are any contradictions, it is ostensible.


Look at those pines, their tops point towards the Sun. The Sun is where their tops point.


Here is the conversation with the Master at dusk by Musala Chalet.


The current war is liquidation of the karma. All the first Christian martyrs liquidated their karma by forgiving. And that is how the connections were broken. The law is: if you forgive, the karmic connection breaks. When you do not forgive and you oppose, the connections of the karma extend. What is going to come after the events of today is very good. The contemporary modern war is a horrible thing; you have no idea of its horror.


The Day of God was postponed, so that the people could acquiesce, but it will come. The coming of the Day of God is accompanied by suffering. Now the consciousness is awakening, and the nations are already becoming convinced that they cannot do anything alone, and that they need each other. First of all, the Mental world starts to get purified. Inside the mind there are parasites, as well as in the Spiritual world. It is being purified as well. In the physical world too, purification will happen. The liquidation takes place in all the three worlds. From the Divine world comes what is New, come the creatures of the Sixth race.


We are in the beginning of the Second Coming. You, the spiritual ones, need to be well armed. The Day of God is being postponed, postponed with the only hope that the people will mend, but the Day of God is already coming with power. A rearrangement of the entire planet Earth is happening. We are at the beginning of the Second Coming. The first period of the Second Coming will last 45 years. Then it will be put off for a while, and then it will start again. In waves, in waves it will come! Then there will be a second period of 45 years. Then it will be put off for a while again. After that, a third period of 45 years will come.


They ask, "How will the world mend?"


If the stupid come to fix the world, it will take thousands of years. But if the smart ones come to fix it, it will be fixed very soon. Everybody can plough the field up, but not everybody can sow. The good seed has to be sown. Suffering is ploughing. The wheat seed, in order to sprout, has to be sown at a two-finger depth, not at a depth of one meter. Some people are not ready yet for a spiritual life.


Here, in these parts, electricity prevails. When people are inert, let them come here to become active.


On July 22nd we spent the night in Musala Chalet. In the morning on the next day we were on top of Musala. There, the Master held the lecture "The Divine and the Human World", which is published in a volume with the same title. After breakfast, the Master held a second lecture on the top - "Rules of Love", printed in the same volume. After that, a conversation on various topics began. The topic about a visit of God was also raised.


There are two moments, when God seeks us, and when we seek Him. Let us observe the concurrence of these two moments, because then things are achieved most easily. And if God is far, then it is hard. God says, "Seek Me out as long as I am near". When joy comes, and you do not know what the reason is, it is because it is a joy of a most paramount order. The causative body is not yet developed, and that is why we are still only sensing it, without knowing the source. The psalmist says, "When he sees Your face, his heart will exhilarate". Joy and Merriment come from the presence of God. When the Spirit of God visits the man, man is then joyful. When man is ready to carry out the Will of God, then comes the Joy.


A brother shared, "On one of the last Sundays, at 5 o'clock, at the gathering in the hall I had a Divine state."


Man can enter the way of "Eternal Generation". The eternal generation comes from the Spirit, which originates from God.


There was a conversation with the Master by the "Okoto" lake at 1 p.m.


When Christ sent his students two by two, He sent them like soldiers to work. And that is why everything was prepared for them from above. Everyone who goes like a soldier to God's field (here it refers to a crop field) is supplied with everything.


When you are looking for an explanation for an order, do not explain it mechanically. A 3-4-year-old child is in a pram, but when it grows up, it cannot fit into it, therefore, another order is needed. Mankind also in its present-day order is a grown up child that cannot fit into its pram; so the order has to be changed.


You meet a man who is rude. He who treats you that way is testing you. Neither a poor man, nor a rich one can go to school, but only a smart one. Many of you pay attention to what people say. Few think what God will say. In America, God told an American that he has to preach the Divine truths. He refused, and he went and crossed the ocean, reached Australia, where he took up merchantry, however, 20 years later he went bankrupt, he went back and again he became a preacher. Then he had an insight, and what God had told him happened eventually.


At dusk we came back to Musala Chalet, and in the morning on the next day, July 24th, we climbed up to the top of Musala. There, the Master held the lecture "Law of the Parts and the Whole", again printed in the same volume. After that we set out downwards toward Borovetz. At the bridge between Musala and Borovetz we had a short stay, and there, in a conversation, the Master said:


When you do something out of love towards God, you are free. Freedom is only there! God has to come down into the people, in order to alter the human love and transform it into a Divine one. And we have to live within God, in order to straighten our love. Man has to rely on the Divine. There is a Divine providence, on which man has to rely. We think about working spiritually, after we settle our matters. No, begin to work now!


You love a man. You have to adapt yourself to his love. If you do not adapt yourself, you cannot perceive it. The thing about marriage is you are hiring yourselves out as servants. In the next world there are no marriages. The next world is like that light, which is above us today. The Mental world is so well arranged, that you can go wherever you want. In the next world you will not be able to quarrel with anyone. Yes, first of all you have learned to love the Whole, and now you are learning to love the parts. You seek to love someone, to love a part of the Whole. No soul must go outside of its orbit. Two souls have an aphelion and a perihelion. When they come to a perihelion, they display their love.


We can bring the Love into the following comparison: you have someone, to whom you have given your treasure. The treasure is the Love, which you have invested in someone. Somebody says, "He does not deserve that love." You must not speak like that. You should encourage the people, because every man deserves the Love! If he does not deserve it, he has to die. You should have the scope as if among relatives. If somebody cannot give you an amiable look, you will give him it! Wish well to everyone. You have not yet displayed your love. Increase your love each day by a hundredth of a degree!


We continued on the way to Borovetz. We arrived there on time, and in the evening we were in Sofia.


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