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In a private conversation with a brother, the Master said:


The souls have derived from God two by two. These are kindred souls. It is presumed that man will have 777 cardinal rebirths, and 12 of them will be epochal. Epochal rebirth is when two kindred souls meet on Earth. When the two that love each other meet on Earth, they say no bitter word to each other, and perform great things in Life. In the other rebirths, when a soul is below, the other is above. The one that is above will choose somebody here, who looks like him, and through him he will manifest. However, that is beguilement and in that case man must have patience to wait. The two kindred souls merge to form one whole. The kindred souls are placed in order for the two of them to work like the right and the left hemisphere of the brain. This is called polarization. The other soul might be on the other side of the world or in the Invisible world; they will connect together. The space, the matter cannot obstruct. That is a law of the Love. When you find your kindred soul, you come to the thoroughness of the Love, then God manifests through you, and should He manifest, you learn, and when you learn, you will manifest. When the kindred souls help one another, the kinship becomes realized. It had been there earlier as well, but it is now being realized in another form. The ideal Love is the love between the kindred souls. There is a difference between the love of the kindred souls and the love towards the others. The love between the kindred souls is a measure. There is nothing better than the kinship of souls. People consider marriage to be what it is not. When two kindred souls get married, the kinship disappears. When two kindred souls connect, they look for a third creature - God. Every Angel has a kindred soul, as well as the people.


The brother asked the Master: "What relation do the kindred souls have to the Spirit that is sent to man?"


The kindred souls, in their development, come down to Earth, when at one moment one of them becomes embodied, at another - the other one does. Together they walk and help one another. The kindred souls are human souls, above which there is a perfect Spirit. This is namely the Spirit that guides them and distributes all goods. The kindred souls have an equal purpose, but have two different functions. When the kindred souls merge, the unity comes, and then the outward contradictions disappear, a merger with the Lord happens as well. Or, more properly speaking, these two kindred souls do not merge, but form a system. They do not become depersonalized. After that, a pair will merge with another pair, then with a third, etc; eventually, all souls will merge, and the Cosmic human will be formed. Thus, when the kindred souls merge two by two and more, they will become one whole; without becoming depersonalized, they will work together and will form a powerful force. All pairs, united together, will form a Universe, a whole.


The two poles of a pair cannot be drawn together entirely. They have a certain relation between each other, as the two poles of the Earth. In the future, when two kindred souls merge, they will not be born in the same body on Earth, but in separate bodies; however, they will have a shared body, which will be uniting them. And then, they, with their separate bodies, will function like poles in that bigger body. The body that will unite them will be finer, thinner, and will invisibly envelop with its powers these two bodies. Those things are not said to everyone. They are only for the devoted. They are spoken only to the most advanced students.


The brother asked the Master: "What is the relation between the love towards the kindred soul and Love towards everybody?"


The kindred soul is a kernel. All souls compose the common organism. When man loves the other people, with this he can love the kindred soul more. The kindred soul is a window, through which we see all souls and their beauty, that is why in the Love towards the kindred soul we love everybody. When man loves all people, he makes a connection with his kindred soul. The Love towards the others is the connection with the kindred soul. Should you meet with your kindred soul, there are no contradictions for you, you love everyone. When the Love is selfless, the manifestations are ideological, elevated; if the idea in man does not alter, if his love does not alter as well, this shows that we are with real kindred souls. Once we come to the kindred souls, it already pertains to the Divine order. In order for man to be able to manifest, two centers are needed; those are namely the kindred souls. The two kindred souls might be on the same stage of development, and it is also possible for the one to be more developed than the other. When two kindred souls meet on Earth, if there are favourable conditions, then both of them remain to work together. And sometimes, after a certain sojourn here, one of the kindred souls goes above, and the one that is below works under the impression of the latter, when it was on Earth. Through the kindred soul everything passes. If it is in the Invisible world, it is the hand, through which the things come to you. It is the inspirer. Everything that comes from God passes through it towards us, and through us towards it. When man receives what comes from the kindred soul, he will then love everybody. The kindred souls represent the Divine side of Life. Without love towards the kindred soul, no Love towards the others can manifest. The Love towards the others is a polarization of the love towards the kindred soul.


Imagine that there is a garden created by you. The one who plants and prepares the garden is your kindred soul. When do the kindred souls merge? Ultimately, when they complete their evolution, they merge and work together.


The brother asked, "Is it good to direct our thought towards our kindred soul?"


You have to aspire to make room for the kindred soul to manifest through you. Open your heart towards it. Everything most ideal, which you can imagine, you shall deem your kindred soul. All kindred souls compose one whole. That body is Christ. In the kindred soul you will feel the presence of the Lord and the Christ.


The two kindred souls are a collectivity. The one kindred soul is a total of all creatures that have loved you, and the other - a total of all the souls that have loved those souls that form the collectivization of the other kindred soul. So the two kindred souls are a collection of souls, loved and loving. This is for the Inner school.


The two kindred souls walk in parallel and are connected with Supreme creatures that are on this path. The parallel lines are paths of Rational creatures. They do not come into collision, they do not intersect. When two souls love each other, when they aspire to the Lord, their ways are parallel, there is harmony between them.


The brother asked, "Why are the two kindred souls, throughout the entire human evolution, found only 12 times simultaneously on Earth?"


When the two kindred souls meet on Earth, if they are not ready, they will forget everything, they will forget to fulfill their duties, they will be entranced. And that is why it is allowed for them to meet only 12 times in favourable conditions. Then they display genius.


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