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After performing Paneurhythmy, we came back to the hall and undertook a conversation with the Master about the straight thought.


Both the matter and the Force are thought. Everything else is real, but that is a relative reality, and the real reality is the thought. For someone to acquiesce to somebody means that he has straight thought. Start thinking straight and you will become handsome, strong, and your thought will improve. You have a pain; start thinking straight and it will decrease in half; then - to a quarter, and eventually it will disappear. To believe in God means to think straight. God is your Father, who has created the entire world. Think about the Name of your Father.


You sit down on a stone in the shade under the trees, and say that they are stupid. Think about them! When you start thinking about them, you will see that they are not stupid. The stone also thinks; wasn't it that when you carry a diamond you will not get ill. The simple stones are more ignorant, and the precious stones think, only not like the people.


When the grief comes along, rejoice that through it you come to the straight thought. Each piece of joy is a fruit of a straight thought.


What is straight thought? Straight thought is the Divine thought. Straight thought is to think like God does. You shall perceive the Love of God, and the slightest good feeling, which would arise within you, is from the Divine world. It shows that you have a straight thought. You have to equally love both those who bring you grief, and those who bring you joy. The Love towards God and the love towards the neighbor is a whole science in the Esoteric school. In order for your thought to be carried out, you have to love your neighbor and with that to help him think as God thinks.


Which thought is straight? Each thought that produces Love is a straight thought. And each Love that produces thought is a straight Love. If you think, your grief will turn into Joy. If you stop thinking, your Joy will turn into grief. Once you stop thinking about God, the grief will immediately come along. That, which we accept from God, is His thought. I need to have a desire for God's thought to be carried out within me as Love. To apprehend God's thought as Love - that is the accomplished thought of God.


The righteousness is in stages. To not be disturbed by the outer things is achieved through the straight thought. As long as man is not disturbed by the outer things, he knows nothing. When your thought becomes stronger than the thought of the wolf, he cannot do anything to you. Otherwise he will stand in your way. With the sufferings there are spirits, whose thoughts are stronger than yours, and they crush you. If you have a straight thought, they cannot do anything to you. A positive knowledge is needed.


How can the thought become stronger? Through the Love! When I talk about work, first and foremost I understand thinking. Thinking is work. The second work is feeling. The third work is acting. But the first and foremost work is thinking. When a righteous man goes to hell, with his straight thought hell will become Heaven. And when he leaves, Heaven will become hell. The straight thought is Heaven. The straight thought creates the most beautiful forms. There is not a more beautiful form than the straight thought. Let us say that you are discouraged and you are sighing for something, "This is unachievable", etc; but once the straight thought comes to you, it is now achievable. With the straight thought you can do many things. If you have a straight thought, you will rejuvenate.


Our strength lies in our straight thought. The dog cannot bite you if you are thinking. Even if a robber comes, he cannot rob you if you are thinking.


Even if he takes your money, he will give it back. Even if he wants to take, he cannot, if you are thinking, because he is afraid. It is the same as when there is electricity in the network. Let us say that during nighttime you are in the woods; you will think and nobody will attack you. A dog is following you; do not turn around, but only think and it will stay away; should you get scared, it will attack you. If you talk to it, it will see that you are afraid and will attack you. The same is for the foe.


You are indisposed, so you do not think. The straight thought has a practical application. It solves the contradictions. You suffer because you do not think. There is something abnormal in the world, because people do not think. When the wolf eats the sheep up, he does not think, because he does not know that when he eats the sheep up the shepherd will shoot him down. The main thing is the thought. You are sitting and thinking that your matters are settled and you are enjoying yourself. You start thinking that your matters are not settled, and you immediately droop. Then start thinking. A man, who was sentenced to death, said to himself, that they cannot hang him in any way, he reckoned that all the ropes would break. And they really broke. And Christ says, "All that you desire will be given to you". And if you are not receiving, then you are begging poorly. And you are begging poorly when you are not thinking straight. When you think straight, the things will happen. And when we are not thinking straight and want things that are not straight, they will not happen. All that God thinks of will happen. And whatever you are thinking of will happen, if you have a straight thought.


Man often goes back to his animal state, and sometimes does things with no thought. When he is not thinking, he is an animal, and when he is thinking, he is a person. The animal looks like a raft, which is carried by the water ever downwards, and the person is a ship, which goes up and down, the water does not drag it, and goes wherever it wants. When you stop thinking, all misfortunes come unto you. When man makes a mistake, he is not thinking. Those who have a strong and good thought succeed in everything. Their thought is stronger than the thought of the others. When a person comes to you bristling up, if you have a strong, straight, and good thought, he will withdraw. Then the cells in him join your straight and good thought and alter his intention towards you. Because his cells perceive your straight and good thought and tell him, "He is a good man, no use attacking him. Treat him well". An enraged tiger pounced at a saint, but the saint had a straight and good thought; he only gave him a look, and the tiger lay down to lick his feet. When the saint, with his straight and good thought, sent Divine life towards the tiger, his cells rejoiced and soothed him. When man starts thinking straight, he will free himself. In the straight thought lies the salvation of the world.


If your thought is moving at a high speed, who can restrict you? Whatever obstacles there might be, it will leap over them. Sometimes man does not believe in what he thinks, and with that he impedes himself. Once you believe, an opportunity will appear. You have despaired and think that Life is meaningless. And once you believe that Life has a meaning, your indisposition will change.


Your thought will be carried out if it is a precious stone. A person was embarking on a ship for a distant voyage; all the others had people to see them off, but he did not, and said to himself, "Is there not a brother in the Lord Jesus Christ, who can greet me?" And when he said that, someone turned up.


You have to think, so that an infusion can happen into you. To think means something to flow into you. A fruit is initially astringent and bitter. Then the light and the Rational creatures come, the fruit becomes sour, and finally - sweet and good for eating. Also, each thought, upon coming to your mind, cannot immediately be used. You shall leave it for the Divine Love to shine on it, until it becomes ripe.


If man wants to develop his mind, he has to take up mathematics. If you toss a bird into the air, it does not fall, but when you throw a rock, it falls. A man who thinks does not fall, and when he does not, he falls. The base desires tie the people to the Earth, and the thought lifts them up. You are gifted. You shall develop your mind. So far you have paid attention to your feelings, and now you shall pay attention to your mind. When you come to the mind, the human beliefs will start to fall. When wind comes out, mosquitoes hide. They cannot withstand the air resistance at all. "When wind blows" - this corresponds to the thought. When one thinks, all mosquitoes will be gone with the wind. Mosquitoes are the bad thoughts, feelings, and desires.



Figure 2


In order for man to enter the experienced side, he must think in a completely different way. The reason for your misfortunes is that you do not understand. When you become a little cruel, push the center of clemency above, and you will grow mild immediately (see B on Figure 2). And if you want an even more elevated state, push the highest spot of the head (see A on Figure 2).


God has to be like a Sun to you. Some days we might not be able to see the Sun, there are clouds, but through the clouds comes its light and warmth. I feel that the Sun is somewhere and I accept its light and warmth, and I know that one day I will see it. The clouds will disappear, but the Sun will not. I can have difficulties, they will go away, but the reality - God - will be there always.


We think that God has forgotten us. No, we have forgotten God. A child, who knows the name of his father and his mother, does not get lost. They ask him and he finds them. And a child, who does not know their names, gets lost, because when they ask him, he cannot say.

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