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I. Calmness and a Good Disposition Create the Best Condition to Accept the Benefits of the Air


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I. Calmness and a Good Disposition Create

the Best Condition to Accept the Benefits of the Air


Man, at the time of breathing exercises, must be free of any disturbances, fears, excitement or worry. The Master gives the following:


When man begins to do breathing exercises, he must be calm. He must think that everything in the world is well and that the correct rational thinking is in the air. Never let your mind be possessed by negative thoughts and feelings. Before you go to bed in the evening, breathe fifteen minutes with thankfulness. Then when you go to bed you will have a very restful sleep. When you are breathing, keep in your mind the best thoughts you can. During the breathing do not occupy yourself with the faults of others. Keep in your mind the best people you have met during life. Think about the trees, the flowers, the pure fountains that bubble as sources for the brooks and then you will accept the best benefits of the air. If you see a very beautiful plant, immediately photograph it in your mind. If you see a brook a mountain or a rock, also photograph it in your mind. Retain these pictures in your memory and they will bring nice thoughts and actions. Don't keep thoughts in your mind about some broken instrument or quarrelling people. If you keep negative pictures in your mind, your breathing will not be correct. It requires the best disposition of your spirit and the best thinking. If you inhale air and your mind is full of negative thoughts, you are poisoning yourself and you are not able to accept vital energies from Nature.


Every bad disposition, feeling, desire or action destroys the breathing process. Then man loses the intimate contact with the benefits which penetrate the air.


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