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Each physic energy is a manifestation of God.


The energy of our physical, mental and moral life comes from the Sun. I do not speak about the physical sun, about the disk, which we can see, but about the other Sun, which is invisible (behind the physical one). It produces all invisible results.


Living creatures are doors, conductors of energies. The highest energies pass through man - the highest form.


There is a certain energy, which comes down from the Sun and is invisible. When this energy comes to the Earth, the female principle turns this energy and light is born. Light was born by the woman on the Earth. Energy has come from the Sun through the man. Energy will come through your brain, through your head. This energy transforms through your stomach brains (the solar plexus) and life begins to function.


The more intensive is energy, contained in our organisms, the more favourable it is. The less intensive is the energy, the more harmful it is.


Many of the creatures, which live in the physical world, are in a low development phase, as a result of which they draw power from those creatures, which are at a higher level than them If you get on their road, they will by no means draw from you and you will feel powerless. In order you to restore the spent power, you shall contact the sublime world and draw energy from there. Whatever you do, you cannot get rid of the influence of the lower world. Hence, at one place they will draw from you, at another place you will draw. In other words, while man is connected to the Earth, he always loses his energies. When he contacts the Sun, he draws from its energies and renovates himself.


There are 700-800 million of separate nerves in our bodies, through which we perceive energies from Nature. Do you know that millions of creatures have worked for these wires?


In each human cell, there is so much energy that it can displace the axis of the Earth at 1 meter away from its path. What power would man have been, if all cells were in harmony! Today people use their power more for destruction than for building. If the power of the mind is used for creative work and building, what enormous results would be achieved!


Man draws his vital powers from a couple of sources: food, air, water and light. He also draws energies from the mind, feelings, and his deeds.


Man can also draw energy for the maintenance of his organism from the light, if he knows its laws; from the life, if he understands it, and from the love, if he aims at it. These are three sources, from which man can draw power, life, and health.


There shall be no an excess of energy in the organism, but exactly so much as it is needed. Excessive energy shall be returned to Nature.


Man is a equilateral triangle with a common centre, to which all of his energies are directed. In other words, man is a sum of energies, which aim at one centre. And vice versa - man is a sum of energies, which go out of a common centre and disperse in different directions.


What is the physical body? The physical body is a conductor, i.e. a great installation of the powers in Nature. Through this installation, two types of natural powers pass: positive and negative electricity, positive and negative magnetism For the present, our bodies are not physically toned: one of us are positive, and others - negative, i.e. some people have more positive electricity in themselves, and others - more negative electricity.


Only the negative energies create. If you are a clairvoyant, you will see that the light appears only on the negative pole. When they say about somebody that he is attractive, it means that he has negative energy in himself- this is magnetism Such a person has something for giving to and something for taking from people.


Magnetism and electricity are powers, which come from God (I do not speak about the mechanical powers). When these two powers from God come down, magnetism goes into the heart, and electricity - into the mind and thanks to them man can move lots of obstacles away from his path.


Magnetism is a power, which promotes the development of the Universe and the development of all living creatures. The movement of the Moon round the Earth, of the Earth round the Sun, of the Sun round other suns - all that is due to magnetism Magnetism maintains the harmony in Life, in the entire Universe. If it flaws away, life cannot manifest itself. If one loses his magnetism, he becomes dissatisfied, dark, and everything looks ugly and dark to him One, who has less magnetism, he will be always cold even if he is at a warm place. Magnetism gives attractiveness and warmth to man.


Energies of magnetism go along curve lines, which wind like a spiral and produce warmth. To a great extent, our heath is due to the magnetic energies, which flow in the organism The electrical energies go mostly along straight lines. Man shall understand the laws, in order to be able to cope with the excessive amount of electricity and magnetism in his body. Electricity and magnetism are powers, which function from outside. These powers polarize each other, but man shall know the laws, after which they function, in order to be able to transform them intentionally.


For the present, the vital energy, which is contained in Nature, as well as in all elements, is not found yet. It is called prana by the Hindus or vital electricity. Such energies are contained in our organisms in the elements hydrogen and oxygen, but are not hydrogen and oxygen; the latter are only bearers of these energies.


Prana has various states: it is physical, heart, mind or mental. Without prana, a thought cannot be formed; without prana, feelings cannot appear and without prana, will cannot function. Prana is the reason for creation and manifestation of thoughts, feelings and man's deeds. This does not mean that all people have equal thoughts and feelings. Each man, in accordance with his development, will accept what he needs and will manifest what he сап.


Prana is needed for the human organism Man's health depends on it. That is why it is recommended people to go out early in the morning in order to take in a larger quantity of prana. After that they have to process energy, which they have taken in and use it wisely. If you do not use it, it will cause you troubles.


The Hindus have scientific theories for the formation of prana in man's organism According to them, each man, who can wisely and correctly use prana, he can get rid of all diseases: in the stomach, lungs, eyes, etc.


At the beginning of spring there is more prana and organisms take it in more. During the summer, the warmth is more, but not prana. There are certain features, after which it can be guessed when there is more prana accumulated in Nature.


The mountains are warehouses of energies, which help people to transform their states.


Special creatures come down from extremely high worlds and process our mental energy, in order it to become suitable for people's minds. Do not think that human brain needs the same energy, which is needed by the stomach. The energy, at which the stomach functions, is different. The same concerns the lungs and brain.


In order the form of a noble, sublime idea to be generated in the brain, a specific energy is needed. That energy involves only the top part of the forehead. The bottom part of the forehead may understand another idea.


Man shall understand the laws, after which the living electricity and the living magnetism function, the so called by the Hindus prana. The spinal cord is the main perceiver and transmitter of prana. First prana goes to the cerebellum, and from there - to the cerebrum If any blockage occurs in the cerebellum, prana cannot continue its path to the cerebrum, as a result of which disharmony establishes in it. That disharmony is delivered to the entire organism.


At the negative pole are the feelings, at the positive - the thoughts. The brain is positive, and the sympathetic nervous system - negative. In the left side of the human body, the energy goes downwards to the left leg and then, along the right leg and along the right side, goes upwards. There is such an electromagnetic flow around each organ. For example, positive energy passes along the right eyebrow. It turns from there and goes under the right eye and turns into negative energy. It goes up from there over the left eye and it is again positive there. After that it goes down under the same eye as a negative energy. In this way, during its movement, that energy forms something like the figure of eight. In the point between the eyebrows or in the root of the nose, there is a rational centre, which regulates these flows round the eyes.


The energies in the human brain are divided into 3 major spheres: the first sphere is behind the ears, where the lower energies function. That sphere can be compared to man's hell. The second sphere involves the energies, which function in the sphere of the forehead - the human life. The third sphere involves the energies in the top part of the brain, where the higher moral feelings function. That sphere can be compared to the paradise in man. Hence, when one counteracts his moral feelings, the energy from that sphere goes down, behind the ears, in hell. In order this not to happen, one shall let his good desires free, and not block them You know from physics that the energy from the positive pole goes to the negative one. Do you know through what path the positive energy passes? It usually goes out of the right hemisphere of the brain, goes along its surface, passes under the left hemisphere, then turns over it and goes back under the right hemisphere. Here, in the negative pole, light is generated. Hence, the thoughts come from the right hemisphere, pass through the left one and as a result of that light are produced in the consciousness.


There is one Moon flow and one solar flow. The solar flow comes from the right side of the brain, goes into the left part and goes out of the back part of tail, down. This is the lowest man's brain. The other flow passes from the left side and goes to the right part. We have the same flow through the nostrils during breathing.


One of the flows is of the mind, and the other - of the heart. They both form a figure of eight.


The energy of the right half of the brain goes to the left. That is why contemporary people think only with the left part of their brains. This is the reason for the asymmetry of man's face. If we take a careful look at the human face, we see that both sides (the left and the right) are not equally developed. That difference is also noticed in the eyes, in the ears, in the mouth, in the arms, in the entire body.


If more energy gathers in the right hemisphere, man becomes nervous, he cannot stand still. If more energy gathers in the left hemisphere, man becomes active.


Man shall work with both sides of his brain (left and right) in order to distribute equally his energies.


Contemporary people do not obey that law, as a result of which they suffer of another physiological defect, and namely: the blood is not distributed equally along all organs of their bodies. In the healthy organism the blood is distributed equally along all organs of its body. Man's thoughts shall also penetrate through all cells of the organism One can be healthy only in this way.


If you touch the hand of a healthy man, you will notice that one of its sides is warm, the other is cold; one of the arms is warm, the other - cold; half of the head is warm, the other half - cold.


It is not like that with somebody, who is ill. The flows in him are changing: they are either warm, or cold. This is so, because of the caused imbalance of the powers in his organism For the purposes of treatment, one shall restore the internal balance of his powers. If this is achieved, he recovers.


There are two poles in man as on the Earth there are two poles (north and south), which are a warehouse of energy.


Your mind will produce a cold flow in you, the heart will produce a warm flow and from these two flows, a rotation, a movement is established. This movement bears the normal life - this is the internal circulation in man. The contradiction is the fact that sometimes the mind produces a larger quantity of coldness than the needed one, and sometimes heart develops more warmth than the needed one.


The higher man stands, the more light comes out of him People say about such a man that he is magnetic; he influences the minds and the hearts of the surrounding people. In his presence, even the most excited and nervous man calms down. Magnetism is a flow, which flows freely and independently out of man. This flow shall not be interrupted. Who can interrupt the magnetic flow in man? Somebody, who is bad and evil.


How can we guess if we have magnetism? If you are in good spirits - you have magnetism If you are not in good spirits, if you are nervous, you have not magnetism Magnetism gives the good spirits.


The little children are the most magnetic persons. That is why we are so attracted by them Moisture regulates the influence of the electricity on the human organism The electricity dries man, makes him thin and delicate. Sometimes it can dry him so much that his nerves may be thinned and unable to endure the surrounding environment. If magnetism takes an advantage, man gets fat a lot. If such man eats a little, he again gets fat.


When man is ready to quarrel with everybody, whom he meets, this shows that there is an excess of electricity in the right half of his brain. When man is in bad spirits, when he becomes pessimistic, this shows that there is an excess of electricity in the left half of his brain.


In the front part of the brain electricity functions, and the back one – magnetism. In this way namely the powers in man's organism balance and he thinks rightly and enjoys good health.


The excessive energy causes lots of diseases. When somebody, who is fat, gets ill, electricity shall be introduces into his organism, and magnetism - in one, who is dry. Dry people shall mix with stout ones, in order a right exchange to happen between them.


The brain system is a dynamo, an accumulator of electricity, and the sympathetic nervous system accumulates magnetism Neurasthenics frequently feel creeping along their legs, along the backbone - these are molecules of electricity, or pinches - these are small explosions of electrical energy. When electricity prevails and has predominance in the organism, one exhausts and becomes dry. The sympathetic nervous system serves as an accumulator of the living magnetic power, which comes from the Sun. When the predominance of the magnetic power begins to restore, the following happens with the neurasthenics: they begin to feel pleasant warmth from below. In the normal organism, when electricity and magnetism unite, they generate pleasant warmth, harmony of the powers.


When there are two harmonious thoughts, one of them is positive; it is connected to the cold flows in Nature. The other thought is a bearer of negative energy; it is connected to the warm flows in Nature. While one moves between these two flows, he feels well and healthy. Cold flows form in one of his brain hemispheres then, and in the other - warm, magnetic flows. When the head gets hot, man gets into painful state. In order his health to be restored, split mind shall be caused in him, i.e. two different flows to be created in his brain. When this state is achieved, the blood begins to circulate normally and man feels healthy.


Can one be healthy, if he never washes his feet, hands, face, and body? The pores of the human body shall be always opened - they shall never get blocked. Pores have a magnetic casing, which shall be kept. One day, when people develop the sixth sense, they will see that there is a casing round their bodies and while this casing exists, man is healthy, because it regulates the warmth of his organism Once, under the influence of bad life, that casing broke and the external influences penetrated in him and caused lots of diseases. That magnetic clothing wraps up the stomach, lungs, all internal organs and the cells.


Man breathes also through his pores, but unconsciously. Pores perceive prana from the air and in this way renovate organism.


In one, who is healthy, flowing out of electricity and magnetism happens constantly; there is always one vibration. When this vibration is normal, streams come out of the pores of the body, which throw the whole sweat out. Such a man is pious. That is why the bodies of pious people is clean; cleaning happens during all the time with them; there is a throwing from inside to outside. Water does not clean them The vibration in them cleans them and in this way pores are never blocked. People can be healthy only in this way.


The backbone is the tenderest place: the biggest shocks happen there. Magnetic living energy flows along the backbone.


There are two flows in man. One of them is from the navel upwards and comes into being in the head and the other from the navel downwards. The second flow leads to the centre of the Earth, and the first one - to the centre of the Sun. Finally, there is a third flow, which unites the first two flows. The third flow is called aura of man.


The second flow, i.e. the one, which leads to the centre of the Earth, includes all lower man's energies, which he has gained in his animal state. By studying the structure of human body, we will see that the first two flows involve two more flows in themselves. All these flows are united in another one. They can be noticed also in man's thinking and feelings.


Blood moves not only because of heart's rhythm, but also under the influence of the electricity in Nature. While heart is under the influence of the living electricity, it contracts and relaxes uniformly, by sending blood all over the body. If the heart is not under the influence of the natural electricity, no circulation is possible. Why? It is so, because the resistance, which arteries and veins cause to blood movement, is so big that the heart would not be able to move it. It can receive energy from nowhere. It receives that energy exactly from the natural electricity.


Hence, if you want your heart to be healthy, keep your brain, from where the electrical flows of Nature pass and the solar plexus, from where the magnetic flows pass, in good order. In order your brain to be in good order, you shall avoid controversial thoughts. In order to keep the solar plexus in order, never let negative thoughts into your heart.


The primary light is the one, which moves the blood. Our circulation has a rhythm, an impulse, which is due to that cosmic energy - the electricity. The electricity is a form of light. The light is an impulse of that primary cause of the world. It fills the entire space.


The duties of the heart do not include only sending of the blood all over the body. It is also a knot of the electrical energy, which is delivered to all cells by giving them a chance to participate in the whole organic life. The lungs and the liver are two transformers of energy - the lungs are transformers of man's mental energy, and that is why it directs the energy of the mind to the brain; the liver - of the sensual energies, by directing them to the sympathetic nervous system Feelings cannot manifest themselves without a lung.


A special kind of energy is generated by each gland. If man cannot create in himself mental and spiritual energies, this shows that the relevant organs in him are not awake. Man shall work on himself, to come to the state of emanating fine energy, with which to perform a higher work. For example, it is known that love has three poles, connected to three different centres: love to God, this centre is in the top of the head; love to the fellow men, this centre is in the middle of the head; and finally, love to yourselves - this centre is in the cerebellum The last love is the most rough, because of the energies, which are developed in man Today people live with that love, as a result of which, they think only of themselves. The centre of the love toward God is the most important one. And if the Bulgarians have suffered so much, this is a result from the the fact that that gland with them, this centre of love toward God is weakly developed. This centre is most developed with the Slavs, they love God in contrast to the Bulgarians. If the Slavs lose that love toward God, they will lose everything, because one's love is due to that centre - love toward God.


Arms are a dynamo; both currents of a battery and it depends on you how you are going to put them in order to regulate your flows. If you hold your hands loosely, you will be always weak. If you want to be in contact to the rational powers in Nature, tighten your arms well. If you want to be in contact to an Earth flow, you shall stretch out your arms, legs, the muscles of the entire body just for a few seconds and you will regulate the flows in you right away.


The palm of the left hand is the negative side in man, through which mild, magnetic vibrations are delivered. The top part of the left hand is positive, i.e. electrical. It is the same with the right hand. Hence, there are two types of electricity and two types of magnetism in man. One of the types of electricity and magnetism flow out from the left hand, and the other type - from the right hand.


On the top side of the human hand, positive electricity gathers and that is why it is hairy. The bottom side of the hand is passive and negative electricity gathers on it.


Frequently, more energy gathers in the left or in the right side of the body. Special type of currents flow out from the left or from the right hand. One of the sides is negative, the other - positive.


No matter how you put your hands, there is always flowing out, but when you unite them, the energies of Nature are more wisely used. If man keeps his hands closed for a long time, blocking appears in him It is better if hands come into contact to each other only through the top of the fingers. When man locks, i.e. closes his hands, this shows that he is blocked, that there is some embarrassment in his soul.


From fingers comes out such an energy, which cannot go out from the silver and gold. Such an energy cannot go out even from the light.


From the first finger - the thumb - the most powerful energy comes out. The rest fingers are like the rear.


Each finger of the human hand is connected to a certain centre or organ of the brain. Each organ is connected to specific powers. These powers are connected to rational spheres and worlds. It is enough man to raise one of his fingers in order to contact the relevant organ, through which energies from the rational world flow.


Through each finger so much energy shall pass as it is needed for the development of the person.


Hence, the fingers perceive the energy, which come from the sublime world. As everything in Nature is accurately defined, each finger, each hand shall take in so much energy as it is foreseen. If it takes in more than it is needed, Nature will make you pay. How you are going to give back the excessive energy, which you have taken in from Nature? Through disease, through crises, through hardships.


In the middle of human brain is the so called flying eye of the soul or the internal sun of man If that sun does not shine in man, nothing comes out of him It plays the role of a transformer in the human organism When the external energy penetrates into the brain of man, that knot, or the eye of the soul, resends that energy along the entire organism It has also other functions, besides transforming of the solar energy. There is also another transformer in the brain, which takes in the solar energy along the entire body. The state of health of the organism, as well as of the feelings, depends on the correct transforming of these energies. Hence, that eye is a transformer of the Divine energy in man and creates conditions for his manifestation.


So, I tell you, as to disciples, first you shall train yourselves to control your brain. Gather the energy from Nature and resend it to the solar plexus, heart, trachea, forehead, the back side of the head and after that take that energy around your body. Start making those magnetic showers, while a light magnetic aura round the body forms and then you will feel yourselves free.


If man eats much, a big part of the brain energies go to the stomach, and he reduces the function of the brain by that. The brain is an accumulator of electricity and magnetism - the moment it succeeds in gathering that energy, food goes to the stomach, where it is devoured; it turns out that it works only for the stomach. That is why, each of us shall know how much, what and when to eat.


Man shall study his states, as well as the energies of his brain, in order to be able to transform them correctly. When man is angry, grumpy or in bad spirits, he shall know that this angry state is due to an energy, gathered round the hears, in the back part of the head and this energy shall be well distributed and transformed in order and explosion not to happen. It may be used for work and it shall be used wisely.


The anger is an energy, which is not used in a right direction. Everybody has felt weakness, one demagnetization after anger.


The anger, melancholy and bad spirits - this is all excessive energy, which can be transformed by taking the hoe and dig for 10 or 15 minutes.


Each sorrow, each hardship comes from that excess, which stays in man unused. That is why you shall study the law of turning of energies. There are people, who know how to transform not only their own energies, but also the ones of his friends or of the community.


To transform the energies means lower energies to be transformed into higher energies.


When a large quantity of energies gathers in one or the other side of your brain, you can influence alone yourselves. For example, if the electricity is accumulated in the right hemisphere of the brain, you shall not stroke your head by your right hand, in order not to increase your state, but you shall stroke the right side of your head by your left hand. And vice versa. If you have an excess of electricity in the left side of your head, you shall stroke it by your right hand. At this experiment, you will notice that you calm down and that you state is changing. That is why, during the summer, when the sun is shining violently over your head, stroke your hair by both hands. You will take out the electricity from the brain through your hands and you will avoid a sun stroke in this way.


As the brain is connected to all parts of the body, the polarization in some of its centres reflects right away in the relevant organs of the body, which, in this way, take part in the accumulation of energy. By knowing this, you shall look for a way for transferring the excessive energy in your organism from one centre to another.


There is a centre behind the ears of people, in which gathers more energy than it is needed. He becomes irritated, grumpy, and is ready to quarrel with everybody. If he can transform this energy and use it for some work, he will easily get rid of the anger. It is a special type of electrical energy. Look for a way of coping with the excessive energy round your ears. Begin to saw woods or to dig. If you cannot do that, touch the top of your nose 4 or 5 times. It is important to find a way to transform the energy of anger into work.


Sin is due to the personal feelings in someone. Personal feelings are a special sort of cosmic energy, which, if not transformed and distributed between all centres of the brain, causes an explosion. Near to the personal feelings is the centre of conscience, through which they have to pass. You shall learn the law of transforming of energies and direct them from one brain centre to another. You shall work the way Nature works. It has a certain time and place for everything. When one understands life, man obeys all laws and rules of Nature.


You are focus, through which the solar energies pass, as well as the Earth ones. The solar energies pass through you from the morning till noon. They come from up and go down to the centre of the Earth. In the afternoons, the movement is vice versa - the energies from the centre of the Earth pass through your legs and go up to the Sun. Hence, if you do certain movements in the morning and in the evening, you will have different results. Generally, bad spirits appear in the afternoons with some people, because the flows of the earth pass through them then.


You shall know how to polarize and concentrate these powers. Do not stop them If you stop them, you will block yourselves and you may create a total catastrophe in yourselves. Resend these powers upwards.


Each man obtains energy from the spiritual world. If it is not so, he would not be able to live in the physical world, where he is always sucked and poisoned.


The different elements introduce different energies in the organism For example, the gold introduces one type of energy, the silver - another and the iron - a third type. Hence, people differ in accordance with the different types of matters and energies and the differences of their quantity.


I say: when the vibrations of two bodies are not equal, that body, the vibrations of which are stronger affects the one, the vibrations of which are weaker. If two bodies with equal vibrations meet, there is a complete harmony between them


People are connected to each other by something invisible, which causes a certain influence on them This is the reason for which people influence each other consciously or unconsciously. People emanate a specific, dynamic energy, which affects the others, too.


People are interconnected, as a result of which energy may pass from one man to another, as liquids are poured from one vessel into another, when they are connected.


One, who is healthy delivers energy, the other - takes it in.


Man's aura is a circle, which is with a different colour, different size and thickness. Man's aura determines his mentality. Is the aura visible? For some people it is visible, for others - it is invisible. There is a centre in the middle of the aura, from where energies flow out: the upper energies are connected to the mental abilities of man, and the bottom - to the energies of his feelings. The upper energies are the masters, and the lower ones - the servants.


Man's aura is a natural barrier. When it is so, nobody has the right to enter without permission in the aura of somebody else. When somebody approaches you, he shall stand at 50-70 cm away from you. If he breaks this distance, if he approaches you too much, he establishes a disharmony in the relations. That disharmony is due to an incorrect exchange between the energies of both persons. One, who is sensitive, feels that incorrectness in the exchange and he begins to suffer. When the master speaks to his disciples, they gather round him, approach their heads to each other, but there is no incorrect exchange. Why? Because the thoughts of everybody are directed toward one common object. However, if two people with two opposite ideas approach each other at a distance less than 50 cm, a clash occurs.


Their auras entangle and incorrect exchange happens between them When they start feeling such a disharmony, they immediately move away from each other. Do not cross that sacred barrier, which has been put by Nature.


The energy, which nature has, is mathematically defined. It has distributed that energy impartially between all living creatures. It is accurately defined for everybody what energy to consume and what energy to spend. This concerns also thoughts and desires and not only food. You love a spiritual person and you want to sit with him for hours, to enjoy his aura. This is a crime. You shall enjoy his aura exactly as much as it is necessary, and you shall not stay for days and hours. It is the same when you drink water without a break.


When two people become close, their astral bodies connect to each other and begin to go from one of them to the other and vice versa. If one of them gets ill, the other gets ill, too. If a woman loves his husband and he dies, the woman dies, too. If a man loves his wife too much and if she dies dies, he dies, too. This happens if they are too much bound.


The duties of the animals are to gather magnetism While animals are in good health, people will also be in good health; when animals begin to suffer, people will also suffer. That is why we shall be friendly towards animals, in order to profit by the magnetic powers, which they store in themselves.


Due to cleaning of forests and killing of mammals, people come upon big sufferings, without being able to help themselves. They do not even know that the animals and plants are a reservoir of vital powers for the growth and development of man. By killing mammals, their vital energy disperses in the space. As people cannot link directly to the powers of nature, they deprive themselves exactly from those vital powers, which are perceived by the animals.


Man gets older, because no more energy inflows into his organism In the organism of one, who is young there is constant inflow of energy from Nature; one, who is able to harmonize in himself the energies of inflow and outflow, he can become young again.


As man is rich in energy, he spends is promiscuously. He does not know that for each energy, which is given to him, Nature holds him responsible for that. It credits him in all cases, but it gives, it is written down in a notebook. One day man will pay for the incorrect and unwise spending of the energy. It is a Divine energy and it shall be spent wisely.


If ordinary life manifests in you and you walk bareheaded, and the sun shines, toward noon you will have a sunstroke by no means, because that Divine energy will pass through the earth, will change some vibrations and will make the brain hot. However, if there is conscious life in you, and you show love toward all living creatures, you will turn that energy into "akasha" and you will feel in yourselves great, pleasant Divine music and great excitement will float along your entire body and you will wish to deliver your energy to everybody. All this will be in you, if you have a conscious life.


When one has been ill for a while, he loses a part of his vital energy. Here is what man can do in this case. Let him catch by his two fingers the lobe of the ear from time to time and pull it lightly downwards. Then let him massage the swelling behind the ear and watches for the changes that occur in his organism Make these experiments not only when you are ill, but also when you are in bad spirits.


What shall we do when we are in bad spirits or if we have any mental embarrassment? Catch your ear by right finger and begin to think. After 1-2 minutes you will cheer up, normal exchange between the mental energies and the heart ones will take place. Each stagnation of vital energies in your organism is due to incorrect circulation. This stagnation stops the mental function. By knowing this, think of the ears and nose as of sacred places - conditions for correct perception and delivering of energies.


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