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Treatment by the Sun


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Treatment by the Sun


The energy of our physical, mental, and even moral life comes from the Sun. It brings life.


Only the solar energy is able to restore one's strength and health.


There is no disease that cannot be treated by the Sun.


The Sun's rays are a collection of billiards of rational beings, who come to an expedition to the Earth. Each rational being leaves his signature on the faces of people. They call these signatures tanning.


The Sun is a source of living energy for the whole solar system With respect to the Earth, the solar energy is positive. It develops in positive and negative electricity and in positive and negative magnetism The Earth energy is negative with respect to the Sun. The Earth has both energies, but mostly negative. The Sun also has both energies, but mostly positive. As a result of the contact of these two energies the life on the Earth was created. The mediator that unites and transforms these energies is called ether. It penetrates into the space and the entire Earth. The occultists call it life- giving plasma. The mystics call it spirit.


The Sun contains all the drugs in itself. There is no disease that does not submit itself to the effect of the sunbeams.


To heal, one has to pass the sunbeams through certain prisms. These prisms can be physical, but they also can be mental.


The solar energy descends on the Earth as a vast stream, encircles it from the North Pole to the South one and goes back again to the Sun. This energy is transmitted to plants through life-giving plasma. When plants become to feel that this potential energy begins to manifest and come to the Earth, they bud, prepare, and when it increases, they put forth leaves and finally blossom and knit, while trying to gather all that energy to fecundate themselves.


Wise man, seeing that his body is lacking some energy, collects it from the Sun. He knows that the Sun can provide any deficiency of energy in the human organism.


Energies, which the Earth accepts from the Sun, transform significantly. By penetrating in the Earth layers, the latter absorb from them all nutrient elements and only what cannot be used remains. Transformed in this way, these energies are not useful for the development and therefore they are sent from the Earth into the cosmic space and go back from there to the Sun along certain paths. The Sun sends them to the Central Sun for further processing in order they to obtain their initial rhythm From midnight to noon Earth is negative (actually a certain place) and that is why it perceives more, and from noon to midnight it is positive and therefore it gives more. From midnight Earth begins to radiate in the cosmic space negative energy, and, at its place, it accepts positive one from the Sun. At sunset, Earth is the most positive and therefore it gives most. In the afternoon it starts to radiate into the cosmic space positive energies and when it has radiated enough quantity, it becomes negative. In the morning, at sunrise, the Earth is most negative, i.e. it perceives most.


We are a part of the Earth organism and hence, when it accepts, the human organism also accepts. Therefore, the first beams are the most effective ones. Then the human organism is most receptive to the solar energies. In the morning, we always have more prana or vital energy than at noon Then the living organism perceives most and most powerful positive energies. The first sunbeams are the most active ones. This life-giving high tide is the strongest till noon, then the low tide starts and the strongest one is at sunset. An hour before sunrise, the energy of the Sun has a psychological effect on the cells of the body - it renews their energy and creates new impulse for work in them Before sunrise the beams, which are refracted by the atmosphere, have a greater influence on the brain. During the sunrise, the sunbeams, coming in a straight line, have an impact on the respiratory system and our sensibility. The same beams affect the digestive system Hence, the healing effect of the solar energy is different: before sunrise - improvement of the brain nervous system, at sunrise - for strengthening of the respiratory system, and from 9 to 12 o'clock - for the stomach. In general, in the afternoon, the solar energy has small healing results. The reason for this difference is the different perceptive ability of the Earth and of the human organism.


The energy that the Earth takes from the Sun can be compared to the arterial blood, and the one, which it sends to it, can be compared to the venous blood. Our Sun plays the role of a heart and that role is better played by the Central Sun. In the way, in which the unclean blood from the tissues has to go back to the heart and from there to the lungs for being purified, the energies of the Earth return in the same to the Sun to acquire their initial rhythm.


The solar energy passes every day through 4 periods: from 12 midnight to 12 noon, there is a high tide of solar energy, and from 12 noon to 12 midnight there is a low tide. The high tide comes to its highest point at sunrise. This high tide is the most powerful and life-giving.


To meet the rising of the Sun is to consciously connect with it, in order its powers to be able to flow through your body. If one connects to the Sun of the physical world, he connects to two more suns at the same time - the Sun of the spiritual world and the Sun of the Divine world. If one does not meet the rise of the physical sun, he cannot be healthy. This law is known not only for people, but for all living beings.


The reason, because of which our Sun burns us is the following: a black zone of the evaporations of our thoughts, feelings and desires forms round our Earth and those burning sunbeams form as a result from that. Therefore, we perceive the sunbeams through reflection.


By studying the influence of light, you will notice that there are hours during the day, when the Sun sends to the Earth beneficial beams, mainly in the morning until noon. There are hours during the day when the sunbeams are not beneficial to the organism These are the so called black negative beams. In order not to fall under their influence, beware not to sleep during the day. The disciple should not sleep during the day, especially when the black sunbeams are active. If he sleeps during the day, he feels unwell, tired, depressed. One can expose himself to the sunbeams during the whole day, but his mind must be focused, positive, to perceive only the positive sunbeams. You will concentrate, but beware of falling asleep. Along with the black negative waves of the Sun, Earth waves come, too and they influence badly one's organism Until you learn the rules of fencing, keep away from those waves. It is best for you to sunbathe within the early hours of the day, not later than noon. Beware of the afternoon sunbeams. When you want to treat yourself by the sunbeams, the best hours are from 8 to 10 a.m.


Christ recommends the Sun as a method for treatment. When the day is not sunny, you will cure in your room - you will bandage the wound with olive oil and onion, and when the Sun is shining, you will go out, untie your wound and expose it to the Sun.


If the exchange between the energies of the Sun and the energy of your body is proper, you will always be healthy. Only one, who is healthy, can understand the ideas of the new doctrine.


God put the Sun in the sky, which to shine on you, and you look for your doctor to artificially heat you by a lamp. This is not healing. If you sun yourself every day, consciously, for half an hour, with the participation of the mind, you will get more than if you rummage through books for days looking for what doctors say about a disease.


Wise man, seeing that his body is lacking some energy, collects it from the Sun. He knows that the Sun can provide any deficiency of energy in the human organism When a certain organ, either leg, or arm paralyzes, or the sight fails, or the memory fades, this is due to not sufficient energy, not enough income of blood, food to that organ. Wise and rational man would not say: "God's will is such.", but will get right away what is needed, will gather energy, and will heal himself.


If one does not get tanned by the Sun, this indicates that he is not healthy. The Sun cannot heal him Proper exchange shall happen between the Sun and people. The tan shows that the Sun has taken out from the human body the whole sludge, dirt, and dense matter. If one does not tan, that dense matter remains in the body and causes lots of diseases.


If you tan by the Sun, this means that you have accumulated its energies. Tanning is a sign that you have taken energies from the Sun.


If a person does not have gold in his blood, the Sun cannot heal him.


The more gold you have in your blood, the more you can have outside of yourself. The amount of the external gold is proportional to the one in the blood. If there is gold in the blood, the organism is healthy, the mind is fresh and sober, and the feelings are noble. Gold is a stored solar energy that Hindus call prana. Prana is necessary. Health depends on it. That is why it is recommended one to go out early in the morning when he can take in more prana. Ten minutes are enough for a person to stay out at dawn and sunrise to take in what he needs.


Furtively you will cast a glance at the Sun for one-tenth of the second.


The Sun acts too strongly and in order not to damage your eyes, do not look directly and for a long time at the Sun. The light is not bad, the retina is not adapted.


If you had knowledge, you could perceive from the Sun so much energy to heal every disease. If you knew how to use solar energy properly, you would have made by now the grains of wheat as large as eggs and if you knew how to use properly the solar energy introduced into the grains of wheat, you would do everything! You have to study the energies that come from the Sun.


If at the rising of the Sun you understand that you perceive more of God's love and more of the Divine life, then the sunlight will be healing for you. If you do not think and realize that thing in this way, the sunrise will be for you purely a mechanical process that will not be of benefit to you.


Our organism is made of billions of cells that, on the Earth, they have the property to perceive the sunbeams, transform them and retain from them the needed for renovation and healing prana. If you do not feel well, go out, expose your back to the Sun and you will get from it what no one philosophical thought can give you.


When you sunbathe, it is well if you are dressed in white or light green clothes - these colors are nice. Perspiration is the important thing. If you are at an open place, cover yourself by a thin mackintosh. If you treat in this way, you should focus your mind to heal directly from Nature.


Mountain sunbathing is preferable, because the rhythm of the Sun is not disturbed by the astral mental cloud that covers the city.


The Sun does not function in the same way during all seasons. The Earth in early spring is more negative and that is why it receives more. So, in spring, sunbeams are the most healing. From March 22nd onwards, the Earth gradually becomes positive. In summer, it is already too positive and that is why it receives less. The summer beams influence too, but less.


The best months for renovation are from 22nd March, throughout the entire April and May till 22nd June. Any growing stops on the latter date.


There are days in the month of September, which with reference to the vital energy, are equal to the days in May. Use the sunbeams during these days. Then light beings present around you.


Many illnesses are treated by the solar energy. Moreover, it is proven that for every disease there is a certain time when it is treated. Some diseases are treated in May, others - in June, July, generally, during the whole year.


The sunbeams in the morning from 8 to 9 a.m are the most healing ones. At noon the beams are too strong and do not have a good effect on the human organism Early sunbeams influence well anemic people.


When one wants to use properly the sunbeams, he shall expose his back under a certain angle. If this angle changes, he will not benefit of the rational sunbeams. Speaking of the Sun, we do not have in mind only the physical sun, but also the spiritual sun as a manifestation of intelligent, rational powers, as a manifestation of beings - bearers of love and wisdom.


In future, when people understand that, they will be treated only by sunbeams.


They will know which beams against what kind of diseases and weaknesses can be used.


Under the influence of the Sun cosmic consciousness in man awakens.


The energies that come out from the Sun hide in themselves a reserve of vital powers, of healing energies. If one wants to use wisely the energies of the Sun, he has to expose his back to the early sunbeams, before the rising of the Sun. Energies that he will take in at the time, are equal to the energies that he would take in, if he exposes during the whole day to the Sun. Even on a cloudy day, you can go out before the rising of the Sun and concentrate your mind in the direction of the rising Sun. Clouds only prevent you from seeing the Sun, but its vital energies pass through them No external force is capable of counteracting the energies of the Sun.


If you have an eczema, if your hair falls, if you have rheumatism in the joints or any swelling in the abdomen, if you are rich, built a terrace exposed to the Sun and surrounded by windows, take off your shirt to the waist, lie down with your head to the north and feet to the south, expose your chest to the Sun, keeping your head away and remain in that position for half an hour. Then the back - half an hour, then again the chest - half an hour and continue in this way until you get well sweat. If you make 20-30-40 bathes, everything will disappear.


You can expose to the Sun your entire body. You shall sunbathe in the morning from 8 to 10 a.m. If these bathes have an effect on the spine, brain, lungs, you will feel the effect on the whole body. The brain is like a battery. When that battery begins to take in, if the filling up with solar energy happens properly, after that it sends it to all parts of the body and that energy begins to heal.


The more solar energy you take in yourself, the greater softness and magnetism will develop in you.


When one puts his hands with palms facing the Sun, this can warm the entire body, because the warmth of nerves passes throughout the entire body.


Go out under the Sun every morning, exposing your back first to the south, then a little to the north, a little to the east and stay in that position for one hour from 7 to 8 a.m. Direct your mind to God and say: "God, enlighten my mind. Give health to all people, as well as to me along with them" Then start to think about the most beautiful things you know. Do this experiment during the entire year. You will see that 99% of your experiment will be successful.


The good effect of the Sun on humans improves the state of the arterial blood. The Sun raises human thoughts and feelings, thanks to which human blood cleans too.


There are such diseases, which do not submit to any drug, but disappear once you expose them to the quiet sunbeams. Lumps, bumps will disappear after 2-3 months. When one connects to God, when the Divine light comes, the lumps gradually disappear.


I say that the only best surgeon I know is the Nature - the sunbeams. Only they cut most appropriately - they cut the rotten meat most properly without affecting the healthy one.


When you want to treat yourself, expose your back to the early sunbeams. When you want to gain internal peace of mind, expose your back to the going down Sun and face eastward.


I have often said that one should communicate with the light. If your back hurts, expose it to the Sun, to the light, think about it, about what it contains and the pain will disappear. All diseases of the mind result from deficiency of light, of the heart - of deficiency of warmth. All diseases of the soul result from deficiency of truth.


When one gets ill, he has to connect with the energy of the Sun and the Moon. If he cannot contact them directly, let him use the plants and minerals that are associated with the energy of the Sun and the Moon and transform them properly.


Do not look at the Sun when it shines strongly. Watch it in the morning when it rises. There is also a particular way of taking in the sunlight, not only through the eyes. Few people can use properly the light, air and water. Most people breathe only by their lungs. There is another way of breathing - through the astral body or through the etheric doppelganger.


Whatever discomfort you have, if you expose your back to the Sun, the discomfort will disappear. If your discomfort is due to negative thoughts, expose your back to the south and the face to the north. It will not take long before your discomfort disappears. If you have caught a cold, expose your back to the south, to the sunbeams. They heal all diseases. If the energies, which have produced your discomfort, are positive, turn your face to the south and your back to the north and the discomfort will disappear.


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