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Treatment by Colors


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Treatment by Colors


Each disease is treated by light - red, blue, yellow, orange, violet. The light is selected in accordance with the disease.


It is not important for you to live in the colors, but in the energies of those colors. One, who wants to transform his life, he must connect to the light itself, to benefit from its energies.


The most beautiful colors can be found in plants. Plants are the greatest art exhibition. They are pages of the great Divine Book.


The external light that we see is a result of the mind activity of the higher beings, who are above us. It comes out of the eyes of these beings. Animals perceive the light, which comes out of us.


The effect of the colors depends on their vibrations. The higher the vibrations of a color are, the better the result is. When you do not feel well, you should know from where this indisposition comes, in which color you are and by which color you can help yourself.


Light manifests by vibrations, but the vibrations themselves are not the light. Thought also manifests through the brain, but the brain does not create the thought.


Humans know only seven colors of light, without being aware of the fact that they are to know 5 more colors. Humans may see only 12 colors of light on Earth.


The more yellow rays there are in the brain, the better one thinks. When the thought is not awake in him, he is deprived of the yellow rays. The first three rays of the seven ones have an impact on the physical life; the second three rays affect the spiritual life. (Under 'spiritual life' it is understood the ability of someone to realize things inside himself as they manifest in the physical life.)


Even before getting ill, one can be healed by the colorful rays. The seven colors represent seven sacred worlds that send by one colorful ray. The seven colors are the solar spectrum The more intense the color is, the closer the world that sends this color is to us. From the rainbow colors we can guess toward which area we move. Which color is dominant on the Earth? It is the green one. All creatures on Earth are immersed in green. At the same time, we are connected to all planets and suns, as well as to the beings that inhabit them.


Each color has its own purpose, which learned people know. For example, the green color is materialistic, the red is active (it is mainly an animal color), the orange is a color of the extreme individualism The only colors that correspond to the current development of people are the light blue and the light green ones.


The red color, on its part, is composed of seven colors with different intensity of vibration and different number of vibrations. A person with a well- developed eye may distinguish seven nuances of red and benefit of them reasonably. These nuances are negative and should be turned into positive. They represent a written book that should be unriddled. One, who can distinguish the seven nuances of the red from each other and benefit of each of them in accordance with the relevant qualities, he will feel completely refreshed.


You are ill. Your illness is due to deficiency of light in your organism How will you recover? By accepting the needed light in yourself. Each disease is treated by light - red, blue, yellow, orange, violet - light is selected in accordance with the disease. No matter if you suffer with deficiency or excess of light in your organism, you are exposed to irregular conditions - physical and mental.


The seven nuances exist in the different worlds in different octaves and differ in their influence and importance. They mean one thing in the physical world, and another in the other worlds. At its low manifestation, the red light means a struggle, an element. All creatures that, in one way or another, have stored in their blood that light, are extremely active and rude. Cold is a small amount of light. Behind the ordinary light, other energies of higher type stand, and behind the latter something rational stands. The clean red color produces life, vitality, cheerfulness. The clean orange color gives noble personalized service to God, and the unclean one - doubt, disbelief.


The clean yellow color gives balance of feelings, peace, serenity, intellect, and in its low manifestations - use, self- interest, everything for personal purposes, foxiness. The clean green color - growth in every aspect, and in its low manifestation - drying, attachment to the material. The light blue color - boom, extension of feelings, most sublime feelings, and faith. In unclean form - doubt, disbelief, vanity. The clean dark blue color gives calmness, firmness, decisiveness, and in its unclean nuance - inconsistency. The violet color, the clean one, gives power, used for higher purposes, fortitude, and in unclean form - power, but used for personal benefits.


Light speaks to people simultaneously in seven different languages. Each color of the light has a specific language. One, who understands these languages, is healthy, learned, strong or if he is ill, ignorant, weak, through these rays of light, he can recover, because each color is associated with a certain type of powers of the human organism Thus the red color is associated with the powers of the heart, the orange one - with the powers of the mind, and the green one - with the powers of will, the yellow one - with the powers of the soul, the blue one - with the powers of the entire sky, the violet one - with the powers of the spirit.


Many people suffer with intoxicants: wine, brandy, tobacco, and others. There are intoxicants in mental life, too - some thoughts and feelings intoxicate like alcohol. One, who does not know them, takes them in and gets ill after that, suffers until he gets rid of them Sometimes the reason of diseases is the lack of a certain color in somebody. If he lacks the red color of love, the yellow color of wisdom, or the blue color of truth, he will certainly be ailing. They can be introduced both in the organism and in the psyche.


The more intelligent one is, the clearer his light is. If intelligence is reduced, the light becomes slightly bluish, then pale yellow, etc. The level of human intelligence may be guessed by the color. When you come to the heart, where love is, you will see there a particularly tender nuance of the pink. At the same time, it also emits pleasant mild warmth. Finally, when you come to the will, white color of virtue comes out of people - the color of virtues. Between these three colors (light, white and pink), the rest colors intertwine. This intertwining of colors is the human aura. Through the aura, the clairvoyant guesses how far a person has reached in his spiritual and mental development.


Red affects the human aura, makes him active. Orange affects one's personal life, makes him an extreme individualist. Yellow gives space and peace of mind.


The more you go into the dark colors (e.g. in the dark blue), the more sadness and grief are felt in the soul. The effect of the light colors (light blue, light yellow) are soothing to the nervous system The blue color is a medium for the spiritual life of people. The green color regulates the magnetic and electrical flows in the human organism It is related to growing. One, who wants to grow, to be healthy, he must get connected to the green color. The violet color is related to the will of people.


Here is what I will recommend you for healing and rejuvenation: buy a prism, about half a meter long and 20 cm wide, put it in your room and focus your attention on one of the colors in accordance with the disease you have. If you have anemia, you will choose the red light of the spectrum You will pour over with this color about ten days. If your stomach is upset, you will select the green rays of the light. If the nervous system is upset, you will take the light blue rays. The colors of the light may heal all diseases.


Work with the colors, with the various nuances as methods for treating and gaining of those energies that are missing in your organism All people do not need the same type of energies, so not everybody like one and the same color.


If you do not have objects to connect you with the various colors, work mentally, by saying such words, which will awaken in you the relevant colors. For example, if you say the word "blue", you imagine right away either dark blue, or light blue. The first one is a color of the valley, so it gets you low in the valley of life. The light blue color reminds you about a sky, height, so your thought is raised high to a mountain peak. The rest colors also produce different states of the human thought.


One, who has developed extreme sensitivity or suffer with neurasthenia, let him use the blue color of the light. Every morning pour with blue rays of the light over your head, chest and stomach.


Generally, it is well one to direct blue, yellow or orange rays to those organs of the body, in which he feels an excess energy. Sometimes, at some places in the human body, a certain blockage appears, which creates abnormal conditions. You shall pour over your body with the blue and yellow rays of the light. Humans may accept these rays from the Sun. Initially, you will use a glass prism Through this prism you can get the solar spectrum on a wall. After obtaining the spectrum, you shall focus on the blue color and try to take it inside yourself. Then close your eyes and see if the same color can imprint in your mind. By doing these exercises, you may, whenever you want, produce blue, yellow or another color in your brain and treat yourself. When doing these experiments, initially great darkness will establish in your mind. After a while, in your brain as on a screen, a little light will flare up as the dawning on the horizon. This light will gradually increase until it strengthens so that it can heal.


Cleanness is the best cure for all diseases. The basic tone of life is obtained through cleanness. Red cannot be obtained without cleanness. Cleanness is a bearer of the red color. Red bears that material, of which life is built. The red color, which you see, is only a shadow of the real one. The red color of the rainbow is not the basic red color. The red color will bring in you joy, warmth, light and power. Once you perceive it, you immediately feel that you have gained something.


If you bring the red color in the organism of someone, who is anemic, the red corpuscles in his blood will start to increase and life in him will strengthen. If you bring the orange color in the human organism, he becomes independent, begins to think freely. If the green is introduced - one starts to build, to create. In every color, Nature has hidden certain types of powers and the reasonable person, knowing that, can obtain what he lacks through each color. By taking in the red color of the light, one can obtain a healthy and beautiful face. There is no a better cosmetic effect on the human body than the red color. There is no easier, more natural way for improvement of the health of people and gaining of vitality than the taking in of the red color. Lipsticks, powders, and pomades clog pores, atrophy and spoil cells. If a child blisters, powder may be used, but there is no need of powder on the face of a healthy person. The face must be beautiful, plastic.


Until the taking in of the red color, one will be exposed to a number of painful states. If you do not take in correctly the orange color, you will lose your individualism If you do not take in correctly the green color, you will stop your growing. If you do not take in correctly the yellow color, you will stop your mental development. If you do not take in correctly the blue color, you will begin to degenerate in religious aspect. If you do not take in correctly the violet color, you will gradually start losing your will.


The white color establishes health in man. The white color brings health. Black evokes bad, negative conditions in man. When one is ill, he has to dress in white clothes. One must constantly change the colors. Colors evoke movement, life. They are energies, which have different effects on people. One has to go through all nuances of the range of colors. Furthermore, it is defined how much time he shall spend in each color, in each nuance of the range of colors. If he spends more time than the defined one in a given color, certain satiety will settle in him.


Black is a color of relaxation and concentration: after working all day, one needs to rest for a while, collect his thoughts, and give nothing out. It is not a bad color. Psychologically its effect is nice. It is a color that collects more energy. When a person is very nervous, it is better for him to wear black clothes to have more energy. Children are dressed in white. It is correct and appropriate, because they have plenty of energy to distribute.


If the heart is ailing, harmonize with the red rays of the light, take the red color in yourself. If the thoughts are disharmonious, the yellow color has to penetrate in you. If the liver is upset, you shall take in the green color. All colors may be separated very well by a prism A reasonable power in Nature stands behind each color.


If a person has more of the red light and the other lights are missing, then he has a predisposition to anger.


When you suffer with headaches, eye problems, rheumatism, or any other disease, do experiments with the colorful rays to see how they will affect your organism There are many ways, in which you can treat yourself, but treatment by colorful rays is amongst the most effective ones.


When you want to heal a certain weakness in yourself, pass the pink and yellow colors through your mind.


Light colors (light blue, light yellow) are soothing to the nervous system Green regulates the electric and magnetic flows in Nature and in the human organism.


Fear is a negative quality of the lower mind and if it heavily occurs with someone, it is better for a person to take in the orange color as a means of balancing of powers. He can recover through it.


You are discouraged. You are in a deadlock. You are not able to think. Use the yellow color. Select the yellow color of the light and do it so that it to shine forth in your mind.


No one of the colors shall be watched for a long time.


Blue brings calmness in man; sky-blue has an especially smoothing effect to the nervous system.


One, who has little faith, let him introduce the blue nuance in himself and remove the disbelief. Power goes through the violet nuance. You will use pink, when you do not feel well, and for health - red.


It is well to take seven silk threads in a notebook, which to correspond to the seven colors of the spectrum, and look at it at any indisposition. Nature treats by colors.


I say: what you know about the application of colors with regard to clothes of the people, concerns also their thoughts and feelings. Each thought, each feeling, each action is dressed in a certain color like in an article of clothing.


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