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The human arm is a precious thing. Through it man expresses the power of his will. Through it he accepts the changes in nature. By holding a hand against the sun and closing the eyes, the weather for the day can be forecasted.


The hand is an antenna for receiving and transmitting the energies of nature.


When you hold the hand of a healthy person, with a strong mind, you will feel a flow of energy coming out of him.


When man is not healthy, his mind is not strong. Holding his hand you can't feel an energy flow. The unhealthy person is a closed tap. On the contrary, the healthy person is an open tap. The flow of energy, in and out, has to be right.


The palm of the left hand is the negative side of man, it transfers slight magnetic vibrations. The back of the left hand is positive, i.e. electrical. The same applies for the right hand. So there are two types of electricity and two types of magnetism. One type of electricity and magnetism flows out of one's left hand, and the other out of one's right hand. The right hand is the hand of wisdom, it is made to bless. The left hand is the hand of love, man helps the poor and sufferers with it. When you stretch out your hand to someone, you can either bless him generously or curse him. You can experience all the goodness and the evil in the world with your hands.


When you touch the right hand of a healthy person, you feel a pleasant coolness, while his left hand emanates slight warmth. But these two currents mix in the organism at the slightest sickness, be it mental or physical.


The hands are the two currents of a battery, and it depends on you how you get them to regulate your currents.


If you hold your hands loosely, limply, you will always be weak. On the contrary, if you want to be in contact with the intelligent forces of nature, you have to hold your hands tightly. When you want to contact the current from the earth, tighten your arms and legs, the muscles of your whole body for only a few seconds. In this way you regulate the currents within yourself.


An exercise: put your hands in front of your mouth as if for a prayer. Relax, clear the mind of all concerns. Blow quietly into your hands as if you want to catch your breath./ 3 times/ Blowing in this way you regulate your magnetic currents.


Each finger of the hand is connected to a precise centre or organ of the brain. Each organ is connected with specific forces. These forces are linked with the noetic regions and worlds. It is sufficient for you to lift one of your fingers to make a contact with the appropriate organ through which the energies of the noetic world flow. So each finger is a conductor of special energy or current. A specific cosmic energy flows out of each finger.


When you are not well and at a loss about what to do, hold your thumb with your right hand, then hold the forefinger, the middle, the fourth and the little finger. Become aware of the change that is taking place in you.


The thumb represents Divine world. When you don't feel well, experiment with your thumb in order to learn of the powers hidden in it. Stroke the top part of the thumb beginning from the third phalanx to the finger nail. Then stroke the inner part - the venerian area, see if your indisposition will disappear. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings whilst doing this exercise.


If at first you have no result, repeat the exercise. Someone whose fingers are sharp-pointed uses a lot of energy because of a great outflow. The rounder the tips of the fingers, the less energy flows out.


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