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"Then shall the Righteous shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father."


Neither on earth nor in heaven, but in "the Kingdom of their Father."


This kingdom is not the kingdom of nature. The kingdom of nature is a kindergarten for the education of little children.


And these righteous men are not the ordinary righteous of the earth, nor is the Righteousness of which I am speaking the ordinary righteousness.


I speak of that Righteousness in which there is light. "Then shall the Righteous shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father."


If you radiate the light of that kingdom, you are righteous; if you do not, there is no righteousness within you.


Among the ordinary righteous on earth, who have no light, everyone might pass for a righteous man.


"The Righteous will shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father."


Many might say: "What does it matter to us that the righteous people will shine forth in some kingdom or other?"


But this is of great importance.


There can be no advancement and no development in the world without light. Billions and billions of years ago these beings - the Righteous - entered the Kingdom of their Father and acquired this light.


Because of this light the world sees now.


The light we live in now, is the light of the Righteous. It is the radiance of their righteousness.


Who are the Righteous who shine forth? They are bright angels, servants of God.


And if they stopped shining, stopped living in righteousness, we, here on earth, would be lost.


If you ask me why Righteousness is necessary, I will answer: "So that future generations might live in your light."


The light which comes from Righteousness is the essence of the light that gives life, that carries life within itself.


Love is revealed only to those who are righteous and who "shine forth in the Kingdom of their Father," that intelligent divine world where the Righteous comprehend the deep meaning of all things.


Righteousness is a quality of the human soul.


Each soul is born in order to be righteous. And in the beginning it was righteous.


Acquire this quality, this heritage which is given to you - to be righteous.


Every soul must be righteous. Why? In order that the great light might emanate from it. And within the light that emanates from Righteousness, Love will reveal itself. Righteousness is the foundation on which Love reveals itself and illumines the human soul.


All souls can be righteous and shine forth.


Souls that do not wish to shine forth, are souls that fight against God.


Do not fight against God!


Enter into the light of Righteousness and realize that you do not live as you ought to live.


Do not fight against the great Father of Love, who unites the whole universe and all beings in His harmony.


Sanctify His name because it is He who has sacrificed Himself innumerable times for all beings.


Once you hear His voice, the desire to sacrifice yourself for Him will arise within you.


You will be ready to give everything without the slightest regret. You will say to yourself: "What I have given is very little; would that I could live for millions of years so that I might continue to give."


The absolute Divine Love requires absolute Righteousness. Where there is no Righteousness, there is no Love. The physical aspect of Love is Righteousness. In order that Love might manifest itself in the physical world, Righteousness must truly be there.


If there is no Righteousness, the sweetest words are empty.


People are in need of the absolute Divine Righteousness - that Righteousness which will be applied equally to all without exception, which will take into consideration the good, not only of man, but of all living beings, from the smallest to the greatest.


The great Righteousness requires that the law be equal for all - for the ox and the man, for the learned and the ignorant, for the common citizen and the king.


When this sacred law is revealed to us, we all must feel deep reverence.


Whether the common citizen or the king makes a mistake, it is nevertheless a mistake before the law of Righteousness.


It is Righteousness that creates true relationship among human souls. If it is achieved, then proper respect will be manifested, that respect which men should have for one another. Then we shall not look with disdain at anyone, but shall all hold one another sacred.


Therefore, in order to attain perfection, you must establish Divine Righteousness as the first step in your life, through which Love towards all beings - man, animals, plants - is manifested.


When you acquire this, wherever you look you will see only good.


Seeing good everywhere, you will feel a holy awe within your soul.


Righteousness is something inward. Being just means learning how to cope with each of your thoughts, with each of your feelings, with each of your actions.


Being just is knowing how to act as a thinking being, as a reasoning, truly cultured man.


If you desire to have good relationships with all beings, be just toward them.


Righteousness is a great inner process of distributing all Divine blessings among all parts of the organism - be it the organism of the individual, of the community, or of all humanity.


Righteousness is the circulation that carries blood throughout the body so that each cell may take all that it needs to perform its service.


Thus, because of Righteousness, because of this great process of circulation, the smallest cell, the smallest being of the world receives its nourishment.


Righteousness might be likened to water. Righteousness is for human life as water is for the hard ground, because it is Righteousness that softens hard bodies.


People who are embittered are hardened because they lack righteousness. And those who have become softened possess righteousness.


Render to each man his rights and he will be softened. Water does the same to the plants.


We must render to each man his rights because as water is necessary for the growth of the plants, so Righteousness is required for the growth of our minds and hearts.


Without Righteousness there can be no growth.


If you wish to develop correctly, you must be righteous.


And when you must act righteously, do so even if the world has to be turned upside down.


The faint-hearted cannot be just. The man of Righteousness must be absolutely fearless.


There must be Righteousness in a country in order that there be peace. If there is injustice, disorder will follow.


Open the pages of history, examine the present and you will see that injustice has always been the cause of disorder.


Everywhere the law is one and the same - where there is injustice, there follows disorder.


Righteousness defines the relationships among men. It distributes God's blessings - the blood of life - to the organism of humanity.


Righteousness must so prevail that there will remain not a single poor man in the world, sighing: "Isn't there a God in this world?"


Therefore, a truly righteous man on earth, when he prays, should ask God to show him a suffering soul whom he might help.


Divine Righteousness does not acknowledge any honor or fame, any riches or learning gained for personal advantage.


As long as man seeks the things of the outer world, he will live in the transitory world and everyone can steal his blessings from him. When his riches are contained within his heart, then he has already found his beloved, the Divine Righteousness that makes man steadfast and invulnerable.


From the fullness of their hearts, from the abundance of their blessings, truly righteous men share.


They are indeed rich.


They have come to earth to do some special work and to acquire experience.


They have come from another realm, and the whole earth is at their disposal. They may live here as long as they wish. When they complete their mission, they will return to their own realm.


The righteous are rich. They are Sons of God. And every man who is a Son of God has at his disposal the resources of the whole solar system.


They are the heralds of Divine Righteousness, which is coming now into the world to warm human hearts. And in the future, in the new culture, in the culture of the Illuminated, the human hearts within which Righteousness abides will bring light and warmth to the world.


From the realm of divine Righteousness Christ sends His Word - Christ who is Love, manifested in Righteousness that shines forth in those who love Him.


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