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Here there should not be hungry people!

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This word ‘nourishment’ brings us back to those unforgettable moments when, at The Sunrise (lzgrev), there was a salon, and when before a wall of hazel trees there extended white tables and benches beneath the soft and light shade. From the small salon, which was the dining hall, the sisters carried forth tasty, simple dishes prepared with Love, prepared simply and with cleanliness, and voluntarily. In the kitchen two enormous kettles of honey, their silver plating shining, were giving off a light sweet steam. On Fridays they were full of angel soup, the very light and beautiful food after the Friday fast.


The Master sat at the table, having lightly come down from his Upper Chamber, his room with a balcony. Over this table made by brotherly hands, there shone a heart filled with the tender rosy flame of love.


Here, opposite the Large Salon, in the midst of small rose gardens, the brothers and sisters sat at dinner. Anyone could come to those dinners, the hungry, the persecuted, whether he was a member of the Brotherhood or not. How many poor students remember the warm, pure food prepared with Love! A bowl made its way around the table. Whoever had five pennies to drop in could do so; whoever didn’t did not have to worry. And those who had a little more dropped it in for the others.


This table for the brotherly dinners was created during the time when Sunrise was being built, the little settlement in which the Master lived during the last twenty odd years of his life. It was not an ashram, but a settlement of brothers and sisters, the disciples of the Master. The gardens and yards with the fruit trees, meadows, small wooden houses or simple barracks, in the midst of grass, without any fences or other division of the land.


When the Master spent the first night in the tent raised for him in that place, near the young pine forest, on a hill near the capital of Bulgaria, he spoke these words:


“Here there should not be hungry people!”


The brothers understood. The brothers rose to their feet. It was necessary to build a common dining hall. And they built it!


A long spacious structure with enormous windows and white tables with benches and chairs. Next to it the kitchen with places for huge kettles. Who brought them, how did they get there, where did the sisters come from who prepared the food voluntarily? Everything was accomplished. And so there were no hungry people at Sunrise! When a hungry person came here he went away satisfied.


And when Spring arrived the outdoor tables became the dining hall, a place for rest and song, a place for conversation with the Master. A place for song and sweet bread.


“Here there should not be hungry people.”


There will be no hungry people in the world. This is what the Master’s words mean. No one should die of hunger. Bread should be free.


The dining hall under the hazel trees will never be forgotten. Under the overhanging branches he sits, while the brothers and sisters as well as occasional guests eat slowly and with concentration.


The Master eats very simply and gracefully. Each gesture of his conveys music. His eyes sparkle like diamonds. He eats every day at the common table.




I hat dining hall is imprinted in space ...


That model must go throughout the world with his words: “Here there should not be hungry people!” Who will be the first to accomplish this most simple and beautiful deed in their own country, for their own nation?


The following are some thoughts extracted from his Talks. They are insufficient to give a general idea of his conception of nourishment. They will be added to from time to time, as his word is made ready by those who have come with a thirst to know the truth.


Beinsa Duno pays special attention to nourishment. In his special lectures on the occult he spoke on nourishment. He spoke about laws which were so simple and great. Because they concern pure, natural and simple food, which in turn connects with deep principles of existence.


What kind of food did the Master talk about? He talked about natural food, which grows and bears fruit. Of course, it was vegetarian. But there was a deep mystical idea behind that vegetarianism. The Master explained it in this way in one of his pamphlets:


“Now you must become vegetarians, but in a spiritual sense, ceasing to be involved with evil. That is just as possible as it is for a man to cease eating meat.


In my opinion meat-eating is an evil which came into the world from outside, and it has encroached upon the good in man.


Vegetarianism is a good in the world. It is a basis for life on which one should build. In this sense good, pure, healthy food is that which continues life.


In nature there are two processes which are accomplished by two types of cells: one group of cells is of divine origin and serves for the creation of life, for the creation of organisms from the tiniest up to man. The second group of cells does not have divine origin, consequently they cannot create, rather they destroy, they create contradictions, provoke illness.


Consequently, whoever uses food containing the first type of cells, those inducing life, will gain immortality, will pass from life to life, from the word to glory.


Man has four friends: light, air, water and food. Nourish yourself with ihe superior qualities of air, water and bread.


Remember to keep contact with spirits of the Light, which have contact with the world of the intellect. Keep contact with the good spirits of the air, which is the breath of God. Keep contact with the good spirits of water and bread, from which come the blessings of life.


If you sin, it is your fault. Light, air, water and food never sin.


Contemporary people should nourish themselves with light. There is no better food than light.


In plants and fruit everything is condensed light. The sun sends light to the earth, the plants collect that light, using it to maintain their life. They transform the rest (the excess) into fruit for man. They are factories which prepare products for human existence.


Contemporary man has a very obscure understanding of plants. He studies only the mechanical aspect of plants. But plants are the purest beings which are on earth today. They are so selfless that they give away the most beautiful fruits. What is the cause for this? The cause is the all-encompassing love of the One who sent us to earth. Because He is thinking about us, they feel this love and are ready always to serve us.


Plants love very intensively, they become very attached. They have a very enduring love. Some plants become so attached to a person that if he dies they dry up.


In order to manifest higher spiritual qualities a person has to have finer matter. This comes about through his food; but a person should know how to extract what is important from it. When he is not upset, he can easily receive a food’s energy, its prana.


When a person is eating, he should be in touch with living nature and give thanks to God. The best food is that which leaves a person satisfied. It is good for a man to eat three times a day, but the most important thing is for a person to eat with satisfaction.


Every living being which eats incorrectly perpetrates evil. One of the universal processes to which everyone is subject is eating. In spite of that fact no living being knows how to nourish itself. Take man, the most. perfect being on earth; even he does not know how to eat. He eats quickly, without keeping the food in his mouth, and consequently his digestion does not take place in the correct manner,


Above all, the food should be kept for a longer time in the mouth, so that a portion of its energy can be ingested by the tongue. Through the tongue that energy is directed to the brain, and from there to the heart.


Christ knew the law: the bread was multiplied.


You say: Christ could do it. That’s because He believed, He loved. He lives according to the law of Love, Wisdom and Truth. Every person who lives according to the same law can do it.


It has been said: “You are what you eat.” The manifestations of a person depend to a certain extent on what he eats. If physical food exercises an influence on the character of a person, how much greater will be the influence of psychic food on his organism!


A person should follow the rules which nature provides while eating. And just as he follows her rules while eating, so too should he follow her rules concerning breathing and working.


Nature has defined for every man just how much food he needs daily. And not only that: he must also use such food intelligently. Just what food people should eat has already been defined. What a person needs in today’s life is wheat. Today wheat is abundant, and no person should complain that he will die hungry.


When life becomes difficult for me, I eat 90 grammes of wheat a day: 30 grammes in the morning, 30 at dinner, and 30 in the evening. How much does ninety grammes of wheat cost?


Contemporary people expect to achieve great things without even knowing the basic laws of digestion, breathing, and thinking. If a person (jogs not understand the concept of nourishment, breathing, and thinking, life will remain incomprehensible. Life demands that man’s thought should participate in all kens. A person should pay attention to his spiritual food, which expresses itself in his thoughts, feelings and desires, and beliefs. If he continues to nourish himself with the old beliefs of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers, a person cannot progress.


Nature has provided all possible forms of nourishment, and a person should nourish himself with food that is specially for his organism. Every person, every nation, every society should select the food that is appropriate for it. The genius should eat the food for geniuses, the holy man has his appropriate food, and the king as well.


A pregnant woman should eat specific food, and her husband, before he becomes a father, should use specific food. That is science.


Pure food is that on which not a single drop of blood has been spilled. Many civilisations and cultures have perished because of the poisons contained in meat. The people of Atlantis, for example, disappeared because of the poisons contained in animals. Contemporary culture is destined to perish for the same reason. Animal or human blood spilled in a violent way cannot help but bring evil consequences to man. That is an inescapable law of nature.


The solution of all social and economic problems depends on correct nourishment. Man’s welfare comes from his food. God will never help people who do not know how to eat, to breathe and think.


Man’s nourishment is linked to the process of Love. Whoever cannot eat properly cannot love also.


Eating is connected to the sympathetic nervous system, with man’s feelings. All people who do not eat correctly destroy their nervous system. As a consequence they are nervous, easily upst and given to anger. Whoever want to be cured of his nervousness must eat properly When he first sits down to eat, he should look at his food and decide whether he should eat it or not. Every human being has an internal feeling which eat whatever he finds, you will know that he has opened the doors of his organism to all kinds of illness. A person should not eat what he finds before him, but rather he should know what food is appropriate for his organism. While he is eating, his heart, mind and will should take part in the process. Every cell in his organism should play a role. Only under such conditions can a person be healthy and preserve his youth.


Every stomach has a specific time during which it should receive food. Every person should know the time when he should eat, as well as the amount. The general rule is that he should remain a little hungry, that he should feel as though he could eat more. In that way he will not expend all his mental energy. Every person’s brain should have a certain amount of reserve energy.


Man is not allowed to overeat. On the one hand, he destroys the forces of his organism, and on the other, he takes a portion of the food that is meant for others.


Overeating and hunger are two extremes. The art is to eat in such a way as to transform the energy acquired from the food, to change it from a lower to a higher state. This means that you understand the divine life and make use of it in an intelligent manner.


The stomach is tied in with the sympathetic nervous system. It should not be overloaded with excess substances. If such a thing happens one should fast, in order to restore normalcy. A fast should be moderate, sensible, and last until you have rid yourself of the excess fats and deposits. A fast produces certain reactions in the organism. Do not let them frighten you. But also do not think that you will immediately rid yourself of the excess. It makes sense for you to fast, just as long as you introduce the idea of fasting into your mind, heart and will.


To fast in such a manner means to avoid evil thoughts, feelings and actions. Such a fast conceals within itself magic powers. While fasting it is good to be among harmonious people and not near excitable, nervous, or evil people. People who work at concentrated intellectual labor, and who strive spiritually, never become fat.


If digested food penetrates the three worlds, the physical, spiritual, tells him whether he should eat or not. The most beautiful gift that nature wishes to give man it has placed in his food.


Food belongs to a higher culture. In order to know how to eat a person has to be of a higher culture. If he does not know how to eat, his thought will not be clear or fresh. If he does not eat correctly, then the breathing process, which is very important, will not take place correctly. If his breathing process is incorrect, then his thinking will not develop properly. People who nourish themselves with the everyday word will have a certain character, and those who nourish themselves with the divine word will have another.


When a person comes down to the Earth, the invisible world predetermines exactly the size of his limbs and the food which he needs.


A person receives the prana through the nerves of his tongue, palate and gums. This is why one’s food should ke kept in the mouth for a certain amount of time. The food taken by the tongue is spiritual, that received by the stomach and intestines is material food. When you are chewing your food, you should think. When you think, you intensify the process of ingestion of the prana.


When you eat you come into contact with reality, with those beautiful things which God has created.


If a person knows how to eat, he will live longer years than if he eats too much and lives in luxury.


Nature has a defined time for all beings. Nature also has a time for work. A person should eat moderately and at the proper time. He should neither starve nor overeat. He also should not mix his foods. While eating one should be conscious that food is a conductor. If you want to nourish your heart you should have the nicest feelings. They too are food. If you wish to nourish your mind, you should have the most beautiful food. You should not overload your heart and mind.


We should not be seduced by the food of others. We must be satisfied with what we have. We have fresh bread and apples. We must be satisfied with what nature has given us. If you hear someone say that he can


Christ showed mankind what the true food is. Some day the soul will be nourished only with the divine word. Whoever nourishes himself with this word will always be healthy. If he does not nourish himself with the divine word, he will become ill. Consequently, if you are sick, you know you are not nourishing yourself with God’s word.


The majority of diseases come from an abnormal diet.


Water conceals a magic power. No culture can exist without water. Contemporary people drink water in the same manner as their ancestors.


Few know the significance of water to the organism. Water contains a magical power. The typical person knows that he is thirsty and that he should drink water in order to quench his thirst, and that is all. But that water cleanses the organism, that it dissolves deposits which have accumulated, that it is a good conductor of magnetism, he does not know at all.


Contemporary man does not know how to drink water and in what quantity. Every organism needs a certain amount of water, which is maintained in the cells to keep them moist. If they lose their moistness, the organism dries up. Such people are usually nervous, dry, irritable. In order for a person to be healthy he must keep that dampness within his organism. Without internal moistness and water, a person cannot purify his organism of external and internal sediment.


Nourishment educates the will. It is the fundamental key of education. The most powerful foods are sweet, but you need to know how to transform this sweetness.


It has been said that “a sweet word opens even iron gates”’. Consequently say a sweet word to a person so that you can elevate his spirits and calm him. A sharp and coarse word incites and irritates a person. The kind word is the natural food of man. Give him sweet food, if you want him to thank you.


A person should eat food which gives him the spiritual strength necessary for his development.


and divine, we say that a person is eating correctly.


Eat as slowly as possible. If you chew your bread well, you will assimilate it in one way, and if you do not chew it well, you will assimilate it in another way.


Food should be hot. If raw food is cold you can put it in hot water until it gets hot.


A person should take warm water, not cold. The stomach is injured by cold water or by cold ice cream. Many illnesses come from a person’s eating cold things, cold melons or cold dishes.


One should make the correct combination of foods. For example, one should not mix milk and dairy products with fruit. One should not give a child other food after he has eaten fruit.


For people who are recovering from illness it is good to eat raw food. You should try to eat raw foods. Some of you suffer from certain illnesses. You should try raw food. For example: pears, wheat.


Always, while eating, your mind should be engaged. When you warm bread over the fire, give thanks to God and then begin to eat. When a person is heating bread, he acquires patience. If you have problems with your nerves, try eating heated bread.


In the future people will eat only fruit, like angels.


We distinguish three types of food: sweet, sour and hot. Sweet foods relate to Venus, sour to Mercury and hot to Mars. Because the Bulgarians are a Saturnal type, they like spicy foods. The Englishman, who is Mercurial, prefers sour foods, but he will also eat sweets.


Generally speaking, every age has its own special food. This is a question which will be researched in the future. Eating makes sense when a person is good. If he is not good, no matter what food he takes he will not enjoy it. In my opinion it is enough for a person to change his way of eating to get well. Once he has healthy food, pure air and light, the problem is solved.


What is responsible for the impure blood in the human organism? Impure, unhealthy food. By pure, healthy food we mean not only physical food, but also pure thoughts and feelings. They create within a person an impulse toward what is new and elevated.


If you want to remain an average person, you should eat roast duck and chicken; but if you want to become a scholar, saint or philosopher, you are forbidden to eat such things or to live in willfulness. Christ tells us that the good life is not to be found in abundance and wilfulness, but in the correct understanding of the laws of nature and their correct application.


Vegetarianism is nothing more than a method of healing. Until nations have been healed, we must eat leaves, i.e. growing plants. After that we shall come to true nourishment, fruit eating, which was the first food of man in paradise.


He who wishes to reform, to organise his body, should first eat wheat, rice and corn, and afterwards fruit. Barley is not to be recommended: it promotes weight.


If you have neurasthemia, eat beans. If you have hypochondria, eat wheat. If someone is very excitable, let him eat corn. If someone lacks the ability to fulfil his obligations, let him eat rye. There is something idealistic about rye. It grows tall. When it enters man, it creates idealism.


You cannot become a vegetarian unless you turn toward the sun. You must pursue the sun, angels, God. That is where you will get your ideas and awaken your conscience. As you come to love God, you will come to love all the beings in your environment from the tiny to the largest. And then you will no longer have any desire to eat meat. All carnivores tend toward the centre of the earth, their aspirations are downward. Such a person can talk with you about ideas, about God, but for him these are secondary subjects. His conscience is not awake. He is in perpetual conflict with himself.


Preserved food prevents the correct development of a person. He who eats preserved food cannot go before God. If an angel should eat human food, he will become a human, he will lose his angelic qualities ... When Moses led the Jews from Egypt, he drove them through the desert where they lived for forty days on manna, so they could become men. What greater pleasure can there be than to eat an apple, in which divine energies are hidden!


Red cherries, like all red fruits, have come from paradise. The cherry is a beautiful fruit. It begins with a red flower. If your stomach is constipated, eat cherries and think about the garden of paradise. If a man eats pumpkin, he learns to be calm. When you are in a dark mood or indisposed, eat beans. Beans clean one’s system, but if you eat too many you will develop gout. Eat beans one day a week. It’s not good to eat them every day.


Cherries are excellent for the nervous system. Cucumbers are good for the nervous system. Black beans develop intuition. Nuts make a man think. Egg-plant calms a person. Water-melon cleanses the stomach and the intestines. Eat water-melon after it has been in the sun. Break off its stem and eat it. But you eat water-melons after they have been in a store for a long time. Musk melon is good if you want to be polite, to get along with others.


In general all fruit serve to manifest one or another virtue in man. The particular combination of virtues will depend on the particular use of fruit and grain. A man should eat whatever fruit he needs. Do not eat what you do not like! Eat what you like and what attracts your attention.


For breakfast, dinner and supper over ten days take one pear and a bowl of wheat. The following tend day take one sour apple and the wheat. After that, for the next ten days, take half a kilo of cherries. The food which nature has prepared for man is very varied. Afterwards you may take cranberries and grapes.


Eat fresh cabbage, and you will rid yourself of many illnesses. Do you know how many illnesses cabbage cures?


Tomatoes improve the circulation. Peaches and mulberries heal the stomach. Chew them well as you eat them. Grapes should be washed several times with warm water. The red muscat grape is most effective for improving the blood. The muscat regulates the cerebral and central


nervous system. The musk melon improves the disposition and acts on the mind. Figs are very useful for a man’s health, if they are eaten directly after they are taken from the tree.


Sweet foods give softness, salty foods give balance, one should use spicy foods in exceptional situations. They give vitality. Sour apples are good after eating. They aid digestion. Sweet foods should not be mixed with other foods. They are easily digested. Peaches should not be eaten after apricots. Roasted peppers are sweeter, but raw peppers are more healthy.


If you want to acquire manners, to get along well with others, try eating apples. If you want to acquire greater intelligence, eat pears. If you want to develop faith, eat plums. If you want to strengthen hope, eat cherries! Cherries contain within them a reserve of the energy which nourishes hope in man. That means that hope nourishes our hearts.


Fruit trees came down on earth in order to aid man’s development. A person should observe the influence of fruit not only on his physical disposition, but also on his character, in order to make use of them as a method for the education of children, A person does not have to use one and the same fruit constantly, but only when he consciously wants to make use of its particular quality.


Whoever is apathetic should take one piece of lemon every morning, so that he may combine with the forces that are found in it. The bitterness of lemon increases a man’s activity. Cucumbers act beneficially on the nervous system, but they should be eaten in the morning and at dinner. In the evening they can have an adverse effect on the stomach. Cucumbers should not be eaten in the evening.


All food originates in wheat. Wheat represents the first “atta matter”, which gave the impulse to the organic world. That impulse is divine. Consequently, he who wishes to obtain that impulse in himself must eat wheat. Wheat can help him by showing him the way to organise all his activities.


Bread contains more nourishing substances than any other food. If you wish to eat the finest food, go to the fields at the end of spring, just before the wheat is completely ripe. That is the finest grain. It is the manna which the Jews ate in the desert. Only he who has within him a disposition similar to the energies contained in wheat can drink wheat juice. This pertains to the interior side of nourishment.


Wheat and bread serve only as conduits through which life passes, but life itself is maintained by a person’s impulse to eat. This impulse, this feeling attracts certain energies from nature, which actually sustain life.


It is good for you, from time to time, to eat only raw grain. Those of you who have weak chests or weak stomachs, try a wheat diet for one, two or three months maximum. During that time you should not take any other food, not even bread just chew raw wheat that has been cleaned and washed, without any dust. If one month seems a long time to you, try it for one week, taking one hundred grams of wheat a day. Put one hundred grams to soak in a glass of water in the evening, and the next day take it for breakfast, dinner and supper. You can drink as much water as you wish during the day. Those of you who have poor teeth may cook the wheat a bit. If you had tried such a diet earlier, your teeth would be better and your nervous system would be in better shape.


Nature controls you through the foods you eat. Depending on the food you eat, nature determines your character. Once the eating process is correct, circulation and breathing are improved, and the cerebral and nervous systems as well. Once this cycle has been achieved a person thinks correctly.


With respect to quality, quantity and composition of food, the stomach understands more than contemporary chemists. If you give it some inappropriate food, it throws it up and says: “Give me something nice to eat.” All misfortunes originate with incorrect food. If you want to develop your mind, heart or will, you will have to take the appropriate food. The meat of nuts, with their creases, resemble man’s brain. There is an internal tie between the brain and nuts. This is why they are useful for increasing brain power. Lentils have a link with the eyes: that is why they stengthen the eyes. Rice is beneficial for reflection or meditation. Parsley acts in a healing way on the stomach. Sugar-beets have a connection with the eyes and heal the eyes. Slices of boiled sugar-beets are applied to the eyes and the water is drunk. Cucumbers are good for anemia.


Tomatoes are good for the faint of heart. Garlic heals. When you have a pain in your tonsils, take hot garlic. They make excellent pills. Sour foods, lemon, sour cabbage, are good for the gall bladder. Stay away from fatty foods, they have a bad effect on the liver. Avoid unharmonious feelings and all lower types of feelings because they have a bad effect on the gall bladder.


I call food the fundamental religion. All beings, from the tiniest to the greatest, to the very angels, maintain the religion of food. It has four parts: 1) the reception of light; 2) correct breathing: 3) taking water; 4) eating.


Eating is a special type of music. Man’s health depends on that music. Without having read any special book, the sheep knows what kind of grass to graze. But contemporary man must read all kinds of books in order to know what food is good and what is not. If man returns to his first state of purity, he will reach a state where he can distinguish what food is good for him and what is not. If man relies on nature, she will guide him, she will decide correctly for him not only the question of food, but he will positively know what kind of life he should lead and how he should live.


Goodness is the true food which people should use. Eating is a sacred act; man’s health depends on it. If you do not like food, leave it alone.


I call vegetarian food that food whose vibrations fully correspond to the vibrations of our muscles. This means that between the cells of the food and the cells of our organism there should be complete correspondence.


Many years must pass before the ideal manner of nourishment is realised. The people of the sixth race will eat purer and healthier food. They will stop using knives and forks; copper vessels will be replaced by vessels made of a more beneficent metal. But it is not yet time for the ideal, perfect manner of nourishment. Once man was nourished with light only. Today he has forgotten that manner of eating. Today only his eyes have preserved the art of being nourished by the light.“


Whoever wishes to enter the race of Love must give up meat as a matter of conviction. Man must rebuild his organism.”




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