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Life on the Sun


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Life on the Sun


Suns are homes for all higher hierarchies, and planets are homes for us, the humans.


Many modern scientists say that the Sun has no inhabitants; there is only fire there. They do not even suspect that the energy that the Sun gives us is due to the free minds in the Sun, who generously give of their energy.


Light that the Sun sends us is the result of rational, bright creatures. By the qualities that the different creatures have you know what planet they come from. In the future all creatures will gather on the Sun to form a new type. The Sun is the centre, which collects all creatures, bearers of good and light. This is usually a claim that to be scientific, must be well justified and proven.


It is said, "God has created Heaven and the Earth." You look at the sky and wonder: is it so? If a modern student enters the lab and sees all the tools he will say, "This is not for me." This has created the human mind. If you go to the Sun, is populated with men slightly differently designed not with such forms. Their ideal is greater because they are not engaged in private affairs. The residents of the Sun have their story. I do not want to drive you to believe. If you do not believe I will be happy because if you believe, you will say: "This is a fairy tale." If you believe, you will say: "How it is possible there is a molten fire on the Sun, if there are residents there, they will melt!" In the Sun you can live much better. Scientists claim that there is a very high heat. We hardly endure 39, 40, 42 degrees. On the Sun the residents endure a heat maybe 35 million degrees. Therefore, if a solar resident comes to the Earth, he will find himself in that great conflict with the cold that he will find. They lose their strength and that is why so rarely they decide to descend to the Earth.


The warmth of the Sun is only on the surface, but inside it there are excellent living conditions. These people of the Sun live in eternal spring. The surface of the Sun has thousands of degrees of heat. Now in you mind will appear the thought: "Why is this heat only on the surface of the Sun?" It is to keep it from other suns, not to be attacked by anyone. Therefore the Sun has an outside armour that protects it from the attack of other suns.


I do my research and I see that the world has not been created, as scientists speak. That on the Sun there is a fire that has 25 million or 50 million degrees heat. The interior of the Sun is solid, there are creatures that live outside, and because there is an invasion from another sun, they put out a fortress, it is high heat fuse - means measures do not attack them. And suns fight sometime. Because they fight, that is why God has provided, has put them over long distances. The closest to our Sun is at such a distance that it takes the light three years to travel, to come to it. In this space can put three thousand systems like our solar system. God has put this space, so that no conflicts could be between these two suns. It is excluded a war to open between the one and the other sun. Then high costs are required. Now you may ask: "But these advanced creatures, what need they have to fight?" I will ask you: that king's daughter, who lives lavishly with her father, what makes her find a beloved? There is no scarcity. King's daughter is assured to live, to grow mentally. But she says: "I have to get married."


Life on the Sun is the most perfect life in the entire solar system. If some residents of the planets want to copy the concepts of life should go to the Sun to see. I believe that the surface of the Sun's photosphere is at 101.52 billion degrees heat, but somewhere it reaches 50 million degrees or more. Because there is a danger one sun to attack another sun, therefore this heat serves as protection against attacks. Because the creatures on Sun are very advanced, sometimes there can be an invasion, an attack against the Sun, therefore they put such great defences to repel these enemies. Sometimes might attack them from the Earth. These are only assumptions for now. I say that the Sun has an area so favourable; there is an area where there is perfect life. Our Earth is represented there. A whole Earth is in the Sun that lives there and is similar to our earthly ideal. And Venus is represented there, and Mars is represented, and Jupiter is presented, all the planets in the Sun have an excellent life.


According to scientists today, the sun has 6,000 thousand degrees of heat. According to some others, it has warmth of about 24-25 thousand degrees. For others, there is more, even up to 25 million degrees of heat. The smallest heat of the sun is about 6,000 thousand degrees. In the heat of the sun residents plow, marry, give birth to their children, send them to school, etc. You say - how is it possible at this temperature in this heat so great to have a life, people can multiply and flourish? You are right to ask. The fact is that on the Sun there is life at 6,000 thousand degrees of heat at least. However, Life on the Sun is not what life is like on the Earth. Speaking of this high heat of the Sun, we understand those conditions under which can have senior life. Our life is a lower life, because we can hardly stand the heat of about 42 degrees. What can be claimed by a person who cannot withstand heat over 42 degrees? They say that a man has been great, has been a saint. Thank you for such a saint who dies at 42 degrees, thank you for such a genius who dies at 42 degrees. And thank you for this professor, for such a scholar who dies at 42 degrees. Where is the doctrine, where is the sanctity of this man? As you put an egg in a heat of 42 degrees, it emerges, not dying. As put at even more heat, it can be roasted and man put on 42 degrees of heat, dies. Some say: "Imagine that a person has high temperature around 42 degrees. What will become of him?"


You say, "Are there people on the Sun?" The people that live on the Sun are angels. They go out; they move in the entire solar system and regulate life on the Earth. They go to all the planets and go back to the Sun. Sometimes they go to other solar systems. They go out on regiments, and again return. Creatures that live on the Sun are rational, they move in space, in the Divine consciousness. These rational creatures have exactly dressed the Sun in bright, nice clothes and are continuously moving around it, so that some beings would lower level not try to get into it. If they try to get into the Sun, they throw them out. And our Earth is one of the creatures, the Sun has thrown outside. Once in the past it has rebelled against the Sun and the Sun has thrown it out of itself. And all the planets, which are now outside the Sun, have been driven out of it. Scientists create various theories about the formation of planets, but I tell them that the Sun has ever driven them out of itself and teaches them today. There are planets that are millions of miles away from the Sun. What laws keep them in space? It is the law of gravity. Yes, there is something that attracts people to a common centre. This centre is cosmic, the Divine consciousness, whose activities are uninterruptible.


You want to become saints. It is impossible. Until you enter the group of all people who are bright, you cannot be holy. You cannot be saints if you do not go to the Sun. Light comes from the Sun. There is light on the Sun. This light that is transmitted is a reflection of the sunlight. These creatures living in the Sun, are so intelligent, so intense is their thought. Thoughts that they send are light on the Earth. The entire Sun is a rational being. These are countless beings that send their energy. Each angel has turned his thought to someone on the Earth. All the elements that exist on the Earth, they exist on the Sun as well, because the Earth has come out of the Sun and as well as all the planets.


There are places in the Sun that burn; there are places that do not burn. The Sun has all climates. The best climate is there. The Sun has some areas where everything could melt. There are refrigerations, where man can relax; there are valleys and fruit trees. I do not want you to believe it, I only guess. And there are rivers and water running, thousands of times cleaner than the water on the Earth. If we have a bottle of solar water, then all the people in Bulgaria would rejuvenate if we give each of them only one drop of it.


When you go to the Sun, you will see a million times more beautiful mountains and fields. There are mountains several thousand kilometres long and no poverty like this here. It is impossible for people to quarrel, they have more than they need and when they see someone they are happy and willing to give. Giving makes the creatures feel joyful. Sometimes, if a solar resident notices that here you are falling in trouble, he flies from the Sun and he raises you up. It costs him a few seconds, then he returns again. It is a pleasure for him that has descended and has made a small favour. Small mysteries are knowledge of the Earth and the secrets of the Sun are the big mysteries. Creatures that live in the Sun, by their intelligence, by their thoughts develop this enormous heat, which is in the photosphere of the Sun or in its aura.


The Sun only produces fire, without being a fire itself. You cannot imagine what strength, what energies hide in the Sun, which emits light that moves with speed 300,000 kilometres per second. And yet, thousands of years have passed, since the sun moves through space without reducing its energy. The energy that comes from the Earth develops some heat. We need this heat. In the Sun live rational beings that have completely different body, not ours. They are creatures that withstand high temperatures. The fire, which is the Sun, seems to them very nice. In this fire, they walk freely as walked the three youths in the fiery furnace. These creatures are experiencing pleasantness in this high temperature, in this fire, and we wonder how they can live in this fire. Without fire there is no life. This fire is in steps. Our body withstands thirty-seven degrees. When it comes to forty degrees temperature, it is already sick. At one hundred degrees man is already completely singed, and at a thousand degrees man evapourates, nothing remains of him. There are creatures that feel well at a thousand degrees. At two thousand degrees they feel even better; at three thousand degrees they feel even much better. When it comes up to a hundred thousand degrees or one million, they even inspire. When entering into the Divine world, in the Divine fire that creature melts and nothing unclean remains of it. In the Divine flame everything unclean disappears and remains only the reality of things. Only in this situation man understands the inner meaning of life.


Living on the Sun is ten times better than living on the Earth. There are much nicer fruits there than on the Earth.


Wheat grains and all the sweet fruits show what the people of the Sun are. If you look at the Sun as a body, the exterior and interior is wrapped with a diamond coating - a smooth ball, which has one million kilometres in diameter. The population is of rational creatures, all dressed in such a garment.


The Moon has 200 degrees of cold, and on the Sun the heat is above 35 million degrees. Inside the Sun sublime beings live in beauty and grandeur. The Sun has mountains higher than the Himalayas; inside the Sun there is life.


I can give you a theory that the heat of the Sun is only on the surface, but inside it there are excellent living conditions. There the people of the Sun live in eternal spring. The surface of the Sun has thousands of degrees of heat. Now in you will appear in mind: "Why is this heat only on the surface of the sun?" It keeps other suns away, not to be attacked by anyone. Therefore the Sun on the outside is with an armour that protects it from the attacks of other suns. While pass this barrier, they will see a miracle. If any of the solar systems and the Earth, decide to make an invasion on the Sun, to fight with it, what will happen? The nearest star to the Sun is Alpha Centauri. The light of this star that travels with 300,000 kilometres per second needs 3000 years to come to the Earth.


The inhabitants of the Sun are very ambitious. When making something they make it in large scale. The inhabitants of the Earth deal with small things. The creatures that live in the Sun are angels. They walk out through the entire solar system and regulate life on the Earth. They go to all the planets and return to the Sun. Sometimes they go to other solar systems. They go out in regiments and return again.


The solar creatures are fundamentally different from those on the Earth. How many years a solar creature lives? The Sun, to turn around its centre, needs 20 million years. So, when we say that someone from the Sun is 10 years old, 20 million must be multiplied by 10 to get his real age in our years. So, this creature has our equivalent to 200 million years. Then what is the difference between a man who has lived 10 years on Earth, and a creature that has lived 10 years on the Sun? Solar 10 years is equivalent to our 200 million years. There will be a great difference! Such a man is totally different from the man of Earth. Earth man will remain silent as a stone in front of the man of the Sun.


In every good is hiding God. We eat sweet fruits, unaware that their sweetness is God. Sweetness is a Divine quality. Light is also a Divine manifestation, indifferent whence comes from the Sun, the electrical machine or candle. No matter where it comes from, light has Divine origin. It is due to the thoughts of the sublime creatures that inhabit the Sun. If their thought has been as selfish as the people are, the world would be mired in gloom and darkness.


Rational and sublime are the citizens of the Sun. They observe life on the Earth from afar and know all the people; they even know their names. People on the Earth do not know each other by name, but the residents of Sun know them by their deeds, by their character and the possibilities that lie within them. "Is this possible?" Once you will check it out and you will be convinced in the truth of my words.


This, what happens in nature, is due to those eternal changes that happen in the life of all creatures. Nature is an all in one result of all those rational creatures that live in the whole universe - not only on the Earth but everywhere. The Earth is entirely dependent on the state of the Sun - what bread, what light and heat it sends. Now people believe that only the Sun affects us with its warmth and the light. Otherwise, we know nothing about the Sun. Are there people out there like us? About the people of the Sun you know nothing. But the Sun lives for itself - notwithstanding, that the Earth does not know about it. And the Sun has some works not known about by the Earth. The Sun sometimes does not know these crimes, happening on the Earth. There the newspapers have not yet written about the new agreement between France and Germany; or about the small suffering of Czechoslovakia, nor about the residents of Sunrise what from they suffer - that they have no coal the newspapers there have not yet written.


On the Sun they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but live as souls. Man and woman are still poles, they are not yet souls. The woman is the South Pole; man - is the North Pole. The Sun has poles, but they are not cold, not frozen, there the temperature is the same everywhere.


Great is the universe with its solar systems with billions of creatures in them! For all these beings exists Providence. One is Who takes care of everyone. Today you can hardly convince people that there is life on Sun.


Some even think that on the Sun live people like these on Earth. Not so. Earthly man cannot live on the Sun. If an Earthly man goes to the Sun, he will weigh 16,000 tons. The Sun does not need such heavy matter and in this amount. The matter that the inhabitants of the Sun are made of is extremely malleable and durable. It withstands more heat and light. Solar inhabitants walk huge distances reaching far ends of the solar system. Whether you believe it or not, it is not important. You can take it as one of the tales of "One Thousand and One Nights." If someone says that there are no people of the Sun, I say: it is true that on the Sun cannot live people like those on the Earth. It is true that on the Earth cannot live creatures like those of the Sun. If a resident of the Sun descends to the Earth, he will put it on fire. The Earth cannot withstand the intensity with which he lives. When descending on the Earth, the solar citizen should take precautions not to do any harm. In the Old Testament it is said that many times when someone from the inhabitants of heaven has descended to the Earth, people who have seen it, have fallen to the ground. It is not easy to withstand greater light. The present man is not able to stand before God's judgment. So today rigour gives way to mercy.


Matter of which the people of the Sun are made is so plastic, so much resistant to heat - very resistant are these bodies.


A man who has knowledge can check the status of the Sun. You, if you have those vibrations of red, or if you have vibrations of yellow, or if you have a vibration of the colour blue, you can get in connection with the people of the Sun and talk to them. Because light is the language of the inhabitants the Sun, as they speak, they form the light and send it worldwide. Light is their speech, therefore it is so nice.


You, being joined with the music world, you will see that music exists somewhere outside of the Earth, far into space. You will ask me, where it is. The best singers of the solar system are on the Sun. The most sublime creatures, which manage the entire solar system, live on the Sun. All other planets are apartments, suburbs of the Sun, where they sometimes go to live. For instance, Venus is a suburb, Mercury is a suburb, the Earth is a suburb, Mars is a suburb, Jupiter is a suburb, Saturn is a suburb, Uranus, Neptune are all suburbs. Is not it that the rich people go to the suburbs in the summer? Summer time, when it becomes very hot and they go to the suburbs for coolness, to spend the summer. I speak your language. For instance, you go to the mountain resort locations in summer, high, you do not go to hot, but you go somewhere where it is cool.

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