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The University of the Sun


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The University of the Sun


The most beautiful place to live is the Sun. There is an even climate there, tempered. Adepts of the first degree can visit it. As resurrect, and you will have a ticket to the Sun. You should study the heavenly language, this Divine language that man has forgotten. As we study the scriptures, we see what connection there is between the Heaven and the Earth, but subsequently the conditions have changed. Life of the Sun and is known today to some people, but they are not allowed to speak.


A great man should not only go to school on the Earth, but should go to another school - and they do not speak. Funny, if you tell people today that you have done another school on the Sun. They will think that you are crazy. A man to steal is not cracked, but to say that has studied at the school on the Sun, they would say that he is cracked. Lying to others is not cracked, but to say that has studied on the Sun is cracked. We live on the Sun from morning till night. He says: "Is it possible that you have been on the Sun?" He has never left it. He lives in the Sun, but does not want to admit it. The Earth for thousands of years is trying to imagine that it is out of the Sun. One mistake is that it wants to get away from the Sun, it revolves around the Sun. Now do not get things literally. The Sun is not only what we see. Under "Sun" we understand that inner rationality in which we live. Supreme Intelligence in the world, it is the Sun.


You want to become saints - that is not possible. Until you enter the group of all people who are bright, you cannot be holy. You cannot be a saint, if not go to the Sun.


Has anyone gone on the Sun? There are people who have walked. On the Earth there are at least 4-5 people who have walked on the Sun. Historically can be proved that they have gone and have returned.


The warmth of the Sun is outside, but inside the Sun there is an excellent atmosphere - spring gardens, the most beautiful living is there. From Bulgaria no one has been there, but there are Hindus who have walked. From Europe only Swedenborg has gone. He has walked on Jupiter and Venus. To believe in these things, you must have specific abilities and feelings.


The Sun has several deputies Bulgarians and Bulgarian women MPs (Members of Parliament) who represent Bulgaria. The Sun has several Bulgarian students and women students sent there to learn. Who are they? This is a spiritual secret.


If man can concentrate his mind so strongly to the Sun, he can raise his body wherever he wants. On the Earth there are some currents that come from the Sun and if you get in touch with them, they will raise you, but the smallest doubt will stop the motor. There are saints who have studied this law and have raised their bodies. This art can be studied, but if people know about it, they are going to stand in your way with their thoughts.


The conditions on the Sun are very different from those on the Earth. Man by no means can go to the Sun with his current body. If a man weighs 60 kilograms, and goes on the Sun his body would weigh millions of pounds. How can he move on the Sun with this huge mass of himself? The life on the Sun is beautiful, but it is not yet accessible to the people of the Earth.


Now as you are, you cannot go to the Sun. Why not? With such a body you cannot go. Because on the Sun there is 16,000 tons pressure, if you go on the Sun, you will become the thinnest paper that exists in the world. Or in scientific language said you will turn into a gaseous state. Your thought should not be attracted to the Earth. Man wants to go to the Sun, but there should be perfect Love. With Love he may go and withstand any pressure. In the present state to go is a great misfortune. Even sometimes to think about the Sun, it is a pretty hard work.


Why do not you believe you can go to the Sun? I can tell you: because you love for the Sun is less than your love for the Earth. And with me my love for the Sun is greater than my love for the Earth. This is the only difference. If you love for the Sun is greater than that for the Earth, and you can go to the Sun. All things happen by the law of Love. The language you like, or the subject you love, you will always be the first. One subject for which your love is less and your success will be to the average. The same goes for life. If your love for life is not so strong your life will not be so good.


The one who has knowledge he can freely be transported from the Earth to the Moon and to the Sun. After 20 minutes he can be transferred to the Sun. It will not take him more than half an hour. After half an hour he would go to the Sun and come back. And as he goes to the Sun, his heart rate would almost stop. No heartbeat will be noticed.


The heart has three pulses. Only the first pulse of the heart is known to people. The second and the third pulses they still do not know. There are three types of breathing: normal, which is related to the first pulse, then a second and a third breath. Breathing is the first purely physical breathing, while in the second we breathe achievement. You say, "Tell it to us!" How should I say it? If I'm talking water and raising the fish and say, "There is a world out of the water, there are creatures that live very freely fly around in the air," they say, "Bring us!" But if you bring them out, with these gills they will die. At first you need to transform their gills to enter the new area and know how to breathe with lungs. Fish have not learned to breathe with lungs. And the difference between man and fish is that the fish does not know how to breathe with lungs. It's all about breathing.


The other life is not separate from that. This life comes as a part of it. That world is the entire life. We on the Earth are a part of that life. Life is not only here on the Earth. There are so many billions of suns with their planets and moons! Do you think they are just deserts? Even there is organic life on some of the heavenly bodies. Even on Mars there are creatures, elsewhere there are even more advanced creatures that have channels. On Venus there are creatures. A Russian woman wrote a story about the inhabitants of Venus.


This is not just a statement, it is a reality, but according to the conditions that are there, there is a variety in the external forms of life. Some go even further and say that there is life in the centre of the Sun. The warmth of the Sun is from the outside and inside the Sun there is a great atmosphere - spring gardens. There is a sumptuous life there. The best life in the solar system is in the Sun. These claims are now. You may wonder whether it is so. Some even dare say that they have gone to the Sun and have returned, but they are not from Bulgaria. From Bulgaria have not yet gone, but there are Hindus who claim to have been to the Sun. Hindu scholars adepts argue that in order to go to the Sun, man has to stop his pulse completely and then, when he comes back he needs to be awaken. If you want, you can check this, but whether they will give you now to go from the Earth to the Sun? Because the borders are closed and a lot of money is needed.


If you are willing to accept the citizenship of the Sun, to renounce all earthly life, they will take you. Otherwise you will go back. They do not want to have such anarchists as there are here. There cannot be anarchy. There is so much land for cultivation; there is so much money that you can carry them with donkeys. On the Sun there is no polygyny; monogamy exists there; if you have the idea for many women they will immediately expel you out. If you bring to the Sun an icon or an idol they will return you back. No newspapers, no icons, no pictures! If you want on the Sun to shoot someone he will come to visit you and say, "Look at me alone," but you are not allowed to photograph, if you photograph, they will persecute you in general terms. Then on the Sun there are no toilets like ours. There is a high temperature at which excrements are immediately purified and there is no smell. You will go to at least 100 km and return clean. In this orbit, everything is cleared.


Some learned men write in their notes what is there on the Sun. I do not speak what is in that world, I am talking about a physical world that is advanced and is close to the spiritual world. After going through all of the solar systems of the material world you will enter the Sun and from that point forward you could be candidates for the Divine world. Once you learn all the science of the Sun you can return to the Earth and live properly. Then you will have a model. You say that you have to live in Love, in Wisdom and Truth. But what Love is, Wisdom and Truth you do not know. Each has its own model. When you go once to the Sun, you will become at clear with these concepts.


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