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When the soul leaves the Earth, it spends about 45 years in the invisible world, where they make detailed calculations for it, i.e. determine its horoscope. When they accomplish this task, they send it to the Earth to realise its horoscope.


What astrologers call a "harmonic combination" is the moment when the evil in the world cannot give up. Specifically, man should not have bad influences of Saturn, of the Moon and bad influences of Venus. Partly - as astrologers say - the bad effects of Mars. And all must be under the sublime influence of the elevated Sun, under lofty influences of Venus, of Jupiter. These are tasks that can be transmitted to a modern language. I do not have time to deal with what I understand by this and what astrologers understand. Everything high, wise, noble in man, who raises the human spirit, it means the planet Jupiter. These are reasonable influences acting on the Earth. The strongest influences are of the Sun - life-giving influences.


Bad or good, it is relative. I say: relative things are determined by the time in which the energy and activity change. You cannot always do good or evil. Someone will say: "Why not?" You cannot do evil, because all evil is astrologically determined. There are circumstances in which you can do wrong. And if this condition is gone, it is closed and you are no longer able to do evil. And this energy, this activity, which has gathered, pushing, but if its path is closed, you will change the energy in another direction. So it is for the good, so is for the evil. Conditions are not always for doing the good. And every moment is for doing evil.


Man is not master of the planetary influences, but he can reasonably use what they carry.


Whoever wants to be born on the Earth, he should know very well astrology, to know in what year to be born in what month, what day, hour, minute and second. If you're not born during the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second, when you should be born, your works on the Earth will not go better. It is not because nature is not willing to help you; but between choosing the time for you to come, nature and the planet influences there is a discrepancy.


To bear a child in a physical way, it's easy, it is important to bear the child spiritually. Real Birth understands to bear a child simultaneously in the four worlds: the world of truth, the world of wisdom, the world of love and finally into the physical world, to put the child in flesh. That means - born of God. Only the born of God has a future.


If he wants to create a healthy, capable child, man must be serious about marriage and childbirth. In ancient times, in addressing these questions people have benefited from the occult sciences, astrology in particular. They have consulted experienced astrologers, when, with whom and how they should get married. In fact, they have enjoyed astrology in their upbringing and self-education. Today, few people are interested in the occult sciences, they treat them with suspicion. Modern people are unaware that it is defined for man: when will be born, of what kind of parents, what talents and abilities he will have, which teachers will teach him, how his lives will end, etc. An experienced astrologer can predict this in great detail.


For each birth there are mathematically précised dates. There are dates in which it is not possible a man to be born.


Nature does not allow violating its laws. It says strictly to the mother: removal will become only on the ninth month of the ninth hour of the ninth minute of the ninth second. The ninth hour can be in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening, it depends on the rotation of the Earth. If this time coincides with the rising of the Sun, the result of the subtraction is one, if it matches the setting of the Sun, the result is different. I'm not talking about simple counting of time, as we are counting. Nature has a different way of counting time.


If young children die, this means that their mothers have not born them properly. All the children who are not born on time, die.


The mistake of the people today is that they are not born on time. The whole mistake is there. In my opinion many people are not born on time. Let's say, someone is astrological Martian, but not brilliant Martian. This man will make scandal wherever he wants. Do not bring him into a world where he should. Someone is Jupiterian, but has no positive nobility. Another is Venus type, but has no positive love. He is a Merkurian, but has no that technique of knowledge, wisdom, he is embarrassed by small things. Or, someone is Saturnian type. They say: "Poorly written." Genial Saturnian type is excellent in reasoning, he is an excellent philosopher.


So believe in what is inside you. Do not believe in what is outside of you. And in it you can trust. At first, believe in what is inside you. It is the most valuable.


Who is to blame if a woman has given birth to an idiot? The mother or nature is to blame? When a woman is ready to become a mother, she has to know the conditions under which to conceive this child, not to give birth of an idiot.


Many of you are familiar with astrology as well as with the pedagogical rules and say: "In the past it's been like that!" It is so, and then people have been getting married, and children have been born, but at a certain time. It is not defined to give birth always and at anytime. It is not certainly defined to ever die, nor is determined to get married ever.


Some astrologers claim that in one second are born of thousands of people, so they will all look alike. However, they take the second as a base, the shortest measure of time, but they forget that it can be divided into millions of smaller particles. From this follows that, the two men can never be born at the same moment. The light for a second passes the enormous 300,000 km. If 300,000 people are born in one second, one kilometre distance there will be from one to another between them. As you look from afar, thinking that this distance is not great, it's 300,000 km, collected in one place. Imagine a thin wire, which we assume to constitute one thousandth of a kilometre. One hundred thousand kilometres of such a wire how much space will occupy? All your ideas you can gather in a hazelnut. Once you have lived 70-80 years, all your grandiose ideas that you have ever had, you can bring in a little hazelnut. You say: "Prove it to us!" This is a scientific statement. There are things that cannot be proven. Reality cannot be proven.


People come down to the Earth at all zodiac signs, but their success is not the same. Some people come to favourable combinations of planets, due to that their works are going well.


Man is born neither happy nor unhappy; however, people are born with conditions to be happy or unhappy. The moment of birth determines the conditions of his happiness or unhappiness.


In occult science there is not great success, because there are many collected data that cannot be generalised. It has facts, where there are many exceptions. For example, in physiognomy it is said that the long nose is a sign of intelligence, but this is not always true. When the lower part of the ear is well developed and the ear itself is big, it is a sign of long life, but this is not always true. There are certain relations. Is said that people with big eyes are very impressive, and some say that people with big eyes have been born at night, so their eyes are large. To some extent these data are correct.


In order to develop well the brain system, man should be born around March 22, the day of the equinox, and if the mother is in particularly raised state of mind and soul.


Those who are born from March 22 onwards are more idealistic, their mind works more than the heart and they suffer mainly from headaches. If someone says he suffers from headaches, I know he was born in March, when the Sun is in Aries.


From an astrological point of view, man who was born in Aries in the first house of astrology, what kind of person would he be? The first home is the house of move, the house of fire. It is the home of the human mind, the human head, and manifestation of life.


Today, 75% of scientists, artists and philosophers are born under one of five signs: Gemini, Libra, Aries, Scorpio and Virgo.


If a child was born in May, his feelings will prevail, that child will feel more; this child will think less. May predisposes to eating and drinking, to music and fun. .


If a person is born when the Earth has passed closer to the Sun, or when he was born, one of the other planets was flowed closer, it will affect him. Could be Venus has been near when he was born, the Moon could have been closer, this will have some impact on the man's character.


Scientifically, how have astrologers found out which planet how influences? They say this and that planet affects the man like that. They have dealt with the issue in purely mechanical way. When we speak of a planet, we mean rational societies, rational societies of the Sun, rational societies of Mercury, rational societies of Venus, rational societies of the Moon, rational society of Mars, and what influence they have had. The planets, the Sun is housing these creatures.


Those, who are born in the morning, they are completely different from those, born at night. Everyone bears the scars of the hour, minute and second of his birth.


There are people who are born during the day and others who are born at night. These people, who are born at night, in the dark, no matter how much you teach them, they will always remain on a special point of view. Meanwhile, the born at night are still more people than the born during day. Consequently, they have done a whole organic world. But scientists are people who were born at night, in the dark, all the priests, who were born in darkness, philosophers, and poets, writing in the dark. Their views on things differ. When the day comes, they already have a different concept. You say: "Why the world is cranky?" Keep people to be born during the day! If you cannot do this, the world will be in this situation as it is at the present. Any teacher to come to preach any doctrine, any religion, he is unable to fix the world under the current organic structure. The world needs to restructure the laws that exist in living nature. This is not arbitrary.


All things, all phenomena in nature must be studied scientifically. By studying all modes in which life occurs, and we come at last to the man who is the most perfect form. It is like comparing humans to animals, but when it comes to the angels who are still creatures of mankind, more sophisticated, we see the enormous difference between humans and angels. You say: "Where are these angels?" They are on the Earth and we humans live beyond the Earth. We are still in the vestibule of the Earth. The Earth is much larger than we know it. Now they measure the Earth and say that it is 12,000 kilometres in diameter. This is the perception of beings. If animals had measured the Earth, they would have had a completely different view of it. This is up to the consciousness. The people in their consciousness have come to 12,000 km, but the Earth is much greater. At first we are not inhabitants of the Earth, but we have come to Earth to learn that great law, how should man be born and how should be educated, and how to overcome difficulties. That is why he has come to the Earth. Anyway, if he wants immortality, he will return to the Sun. The Sun is the real life; the Sun is the true land. It has 100,000 km in diameter. Astrologers see the Sun as a land. Astrologically, they take it as a planet. They say: solar type, Saturnian type, etc. So, astrologically the Sun is a planet. And they are right about this: The sun is a great land on which to live best.


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