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1939_07_21 ALSO IN ME


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"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.”       John 14:1


The only thing with which everyone is familiar with is trouble. Everyone knows what trouble is, but few people know its origin. The hungry man is worried about bread, the thirsty man – about water, the mother – about her child, the friend – about the condition of his friend, the scientist – about his scientific works, the lover – about his Love. The one who has eyes, is worried about losing his eyesight; the one who has ears, is worried about losing his hearing; the one who has a tongue is worried not to lose his speech, the one who has legs is worried about losing his legs. Are all these worries justified? If they are not – should you sustain them? No one keeps the trouble within himself, but nevertheless it does exist. The reason for this is the poor faith and the ignorance of man. The one, who is troubled, has to strengthen his faith. The one, who is troubled, has to study and acquire knowledge.


Today, everyone talks about Love, knowledge, and friendship, but as soon as they attain this, they begin to feel sorry. Why do they feel sorry? Because they did not know where to start from. What is the first step with which man should start working if he does not want to feel sorry? The mother gives birth to a child and then feels sorry for this. The disciple acquires knowledge and then feels sorry he has acquired it. A person makes friends with someone and then feels sorry for this friendship. For what reason does a man feels sorry for his obtained wishes? The reason for his discontent is that he cannot know everything. If he knew everything, though, he would have understood that the person he loves has fallen in Love with someone else, so he would have begun to worry. Knowing everything, he would have understood that some other person is stronger, wealthier, and more learned than him and would have begun to worry. In order not to worry, man has to examine what the children from the first grade do. They begin with the first letter of the alphabet and continue until they study the whole alphabet.


What is the first letter a man should start with? Someone might say that he should start with the letter “a”, since it is the beginning of all the alphabets. It depends on what we consider as a beginning, though. According to a Jewish myth, when He created the world, God called together all the letters, so that He could see which of them to begin with. The letter “Aleph” came first, but God said that He cannot start with it, because it was the beginning of a bad word. After the letter “a” all the rest of the letters took turns, but God also rejected them for the same reason. Finally, the letter “b” came. Due to the fact, that in the Hebrew language this letter was not a beginning of a bad word, God began the creation of the world with her. In the Bulgarian language, though, with the letter “b” begins the word “battle”, which shows, that the creation of the world has not been peaceful. There was a great battle upon the creation of the world. What does the word “battle” mean? When and where do people fight. Do they fight as friends, or as enemies? The fight is being used everywhere: between brothers and sisters, between friends, between parents and children, between men and women, between two nations. What is the reason for the fight among humans? Why does the mother beat her child? Did she ever ask herself why she beats her child?


One of my acquaintances saw what a bear did with her five whelps. This happened in a village by the Black Sea. The bear used to go to the river with her whelps to find food for them. She used to take a stone and bang with it in the river. Then to immediately thrust her paw in the water and throw out a crab. One of the little whelps used to take the crab and eat it. The bear was taking out the crabs one by one, but the same little bear ate them. The other baby-bears could not take even a bite. The bear lost her patience and hit it with her paw. The little bear rolled on the ground and did not get up any more. As she saw this, the bear came near it, begun to sniff it, but the little bear did not move. As soon as she understood what she did, the bear begun to roar and continued her way with the rest of her little bears. Why did the bear roar? The bear roared because she did not know how to hit.


Contemporary people also cry often. Why? They cry often because they do not know how to behave. Each man who does not know how to behave harms himself and his fellow men and after that roars - like the bear that killed her whelp. The bear could hit her whelp without killing it. Losing her patience she hit it hard, wanting to teach it not to be self-interested and greedy. She wanted to teach her little bear how to behave properly: to make it move aside after it has taken a crab, so that the rest of the little bears might take their crabs too.


Today everyone strives towards acquiring a lot of knowledge. Why do they need a lot of knowledge and science? Why do they need a lot of food? How many bites does a person really need? You pretend to be learned men, but you do not know how many bites you need, so that you can eat enough without eating too much and to preserve your natural disposition to eat again. The number of bites determines the health of a person. If he takes 20 bites, man feels like quarrelling with the others. If he takes 13 bites – he becomes suspicious and does not trust anyone. If he eats 14 bites, whatever he undertakes will be dissolved. If he eats 15 bites, he will easily change his convictions. If he eats 16 bites, he will enter into a partnership with the Devil. “To enter into a partnership with the Devil,” means to put his methods into practice.


One cold winter day a gentleman visited some acquaintances of his. As he entered, they asked him how he felt – did he not feel cold. – No, I do not feel cold – he answered. So, they asked him to sit far from the fireplace. He occupied the place so indicated, but soon after that he began to shiver and asked for permission to sit by the fire. In the beginning he wanted to hide the truth and show them he is strong, but as he could not bear the cold, he was forced to reveal his true situation. Can we say, that a man, who - feeling bad, says, that he feels good; and feeling good, says, that he feels bad - loves the truth? This way of behaving is not right.


What does “to tell the truth” mean for a man? “To tell the truth” means to create something within yourself. “To speak the truth,” means to give things the content and meaning initially put into them. For instance, what content and meaning can you give to the letter “a”? To use the letter “a” in its dynamic state means to load some of your acquaintances with something. If he is a friend of yours and you love him, you will load him with Love; if he is not your friend – you will load him with hatred. In the first case, the load has value. Your friend is loaded with gold. In the second case the load has no value. You have loaded your acquaintance with sand. If you say that you do not love somebody, you should expect that people would not love you either. In spite of all this you want everyone to love you. Unless you learn how to love, you will not be loved either. If people love you, you will love them as well. Consequently, unless you love, the others will not love you. And unless people love you, you will not learn how to love either. People learn how to love in the process of their mutual Love. First, God loves us in order to teach us how to love. At the same time we should also love God, so that we can learn how to love. Consequently, in order that a person might love someone, he should love himself first. Can a person not love himself? Sometimes a person may come to a point not to love himself, but thus he comes to a point of committing suicide. All suicides are due to the fact that a person has stopped loving himself.


Now the question arises: is Love finite, or non-finite; that is, is it limited or unlimited? In all its manifestations Love is limited. How much water can you put in a bottle with a capacity of 5 litres? You can put in it five litres at the most. As soon as the bottle is filled, the water you put in will start to pour out. Consequently, if you love a person more than he can accept, then part of your Love will be in excess. This Love will pour out and the result will be mud around you. This mud splashes around you; as a result troubles between you follow. What is the reason for which you love one person more that you should? The self-interest. What is the reason for which you love the banker more than the one, who has no money? You love the banker and praise him because you want to open his heart and make him give you more money. Likewise, the quarryman praises the stones when he likes to break several pieces from them. He praises them not with his tongue, but with his hammer: he hits them from here; he hits them from there, until he breaks some pieces. As soon as his hand starts to ache, he gathers the split pieces and goes home. He is satisfied that in return for his Love towards the stones he has something valuable. As they quarrel, people manifest their Love in a negative way. They say to each other bad words, which – after transformation - acquire some meaning. For instance, they tell somebody, that he is not reasonable, that he is not a clean person. What should this person do? He can put a comma after the particle “not”. Then the phrase becomes: no, you are a reasonable man; no, you are a clean person. The words “unreasonable, unclean, ignorant” are relative terms. What is unclean for the Bulgarian is clean for the Swiss. There is a special kind of yellow cheese, which the Swiss eat only after worms begin to grow in it. Bulgarian people consider such yellow cheese decayed and do not eat it.


What is the worm? According to Bulgarian, worms symbolize a mistake. As he sees, that someone has made a mistake, he says: This person is bad. The Bulgarian throws the worm outside, while a Swiss person digests it. Where should you keep the other people – inside or outside yourselves? You will have to solve this question by yourself. If a person is poor you leave him outside yourself; if he is rich – you receive him inside. You love a person because he is learned, rich, and strong. What should be the measure of love, though?


Imagine that the worm turns into a wheat grain. What would your attitude be towards it? Will you leave the wheat grain in the barn, or you will sow it in the cornfield? The Bulgarian likes to sow. As he sees wheat in his barn, he takes it out and he throws it in the field. Swiss people like to gather. The Bulgarian depends on what he has thrown into the field. Several months later, he goes to see what has become of the thrown wheat and finds stalks of 60-70 wheat grains. A Swiss person thinks that nothing remains from what was thrown. Sometimes people have an incorrect attitude towards their fellow men. As they see a poor and unkempt man, they write him off as something from which they do not expect anything good, and they forget him. Soon after that, this person amounts to something good. He becomes famous in a certain field of science or art. They did not suspect that the person, from whom they did not expect anything, could have great potential.


Contemporary people do not understand the laws of life; as a result they do not have proper relations with one another. Likewise, they do not have proper relations with themselves and their states. For instance, if grief comes to them, they want to get rid of it as they got rid of the poor person. If joy comes to them – they receive it wholeheartedly. If grief makes man dissatisfied and joy makes him satisfied, this shows that there is something unbalanced within this person. If a student is rated “six” on a subject, he is delighted. Why? Because the grain is already thrown into the soil and it will soon grow, flower, develop, and bear fruit. If he is rated “poor”, he suffers and cries. The poor grade means that they will yoke him as an ox to plough. He will plough in the field all day long and he will not get anything special for this. His master will collect the wheat in the barn, while he will eat dry hay or will go to the forest to graze. Living on Earth, man experiences various situations, from which he learns. If he is a soldier, he will lift and put the gun down all day long and he will conclude that he has not learned anything from it. The gun is equivalent to a poor mark. If a soldier is a philosopher and likes to think, he will be able to make something good from this activity.


Consequently, rate the ordinary person with six[1], so that he can have what to sow in the field. The philosopher, or a wise person, you should rate with “one”. In the hand of a wise person this “one” will transform into a pen and amount to something good. Contemporary people come across great difficulties, because they have confused things. They have put the “one” in the hand of the ordinary person and the “six” in the hand of a wise person. The ordinary person, the agrarian, lifts and puts the “one” all day long and he finally says: Nothing came out of my business. Give the “six”, that is – the cornfield - in the hand of the agrarian, and let him plough and sow, but put the golden pen in the hand of the wise person. The cornfield of the agrarian will amount to food for the whole world, while the pen of the wise person will amount to great words for all humanity. Each person has a “one” in his mouth – his tongue. With this “one” he can go round the world and enlighten it.


Everyone wants to be happy. They do not know that their happiness is in their skill to manage the “one” in their mouth. Some people are considered patient. They sit and keep silent. Their mouth is shut, but their tongue moves. It is an art to know when to move your tongue. The result of its unreasonable movement might be a great misfortune. It is not important if the mouth of a person is open or shut. It is important if his tongue is moving. A person sits with his mouth shut, no voice can be heard, but his tongue is moving. This is equal to talking. Another person opens his mouth, talks, but his tongue is moving forwards and backwards. The important thing is what the pen – the human tongue – writes. If it writes “love”, “peace”, and “joy”, the result is one; if it writes “hatred”, “envy, “revenge” - then the result is different.


When people talk about freedom in the world, this implies a review of the book that a man has written. When man goes to the other world, God will not judge him, instead, He will order an Angel to open the book of his life and start to read before him all he has written with his tongue. The Angel will read the book of your life and you will suffer from what you hear. As sensitive people, you cannot pass this exam: you will want to come down to Earth as soon as it is possible, so that you can correct your mistakes. This is the only way to understand that such an essay should not be written. It is not easy to enter the invisible world. As a three day visitor each person can go, but on the fourth day he himself will want to get back to Earth and correct his mistakes, to write a new essay on a new theme.


Many people want to go to the other world, so that they can see Christ and then return to Earth again. They do not know that they have met Christ on Earth many times and treated Him badly. What will be their state when they meet Christ and He shows them all the good and ill, which they have written about Him? How many times have you doubted God and Christ? How many times have you spoken ill about them? How many times have you blamed them wrongly! A person complains that since he began to read the Bible and the Scriptures, his business worsened. Why was he out of luck? Because he does not understand what Love is. It was said in the Scriptures: “Love does not take offence.” As a person offends this person, he does not listen to the words of Christ, but gets angry, asks for explanations and is dissatisfied by people. If he wants to overcome the offensive words, let him imagine, that the one who offends him speaks a foreign language that is unknown to him. If someone is telling you offensive words in English, or in French – languages in which you understand nothing - will you take offence? You might listen with content and say: How nicely this man speaks! Consequently, apply in your life the following rule: Never allow anything negative within yourself. Whatever negativity you hear, see, or happens to you, say to yourself: I do not understand this. It is better if a person is ignorant about bad people and a learned man for the good things, instead of being a learned man for the bad things and an ignorant man - for the good things.


Christ says: “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Trust, that all what God has created, is for your own good. Trust, that I have come to show you the real way that leads to the eternal life. This faith is real, that withstands all the hardships. If it does not withstand all the hardships - then it is a poor faith. The healthy person withstands heavy burdens. The believer should give an example to all the beings that live within him. Milliards of beings live within a man and rely on him. They want to see a good example from their master. If he does not know how to eat, their master causes trouble to his stomach; if he does not know how to breathe, he causes pain to his lungs; if he does not know how to think – he causes disorder to his brain.


So, the human state of health depends on his proper feeding, breathing, and thinking. As he eats, a person should feel fine. He should know how many bites he should take. Children should take 21 bites at one meal, while each grown-up should take 12 bites. For a person to eat properly means to assimilate vital power from food. If he does not observe this process, a man is exposed to many unnatural states that cause diseases. Some people ask how much a person should eat. If he eats little and does not think, a man does not use food; if he eats a lot and does not think, he again does not use it. In general, if the eating is not accompanied by thinking, it is of no use. In order to eat properly, man should be reasonable. If he is reasonable while he eats, he uses the goods he is given properly; besides, he should send a part of the surplus goods outwards. In fact, he processes this good as a thought that he sends outwards in the space. If there are beings near him, he gives them directly from the goods he himself has been given. If he is far from them, he will send them these goods as a thought. You should constantly give to the contemporary world. People are afraid to give, for they might suffer privation. As they give away everything they have, though, they will remain with their own life and will establish a proper relation with God. The one, who does not give, breaks the relation between God and his own soul.


"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” As a remedy against worrying, Christ recommends to have faith and that is why He says “Trust in God; trust also in me.” In other words, believe that God has created everything for your good. Trust also in me – trust that I will show you the real way that leads to The One Whom you seek. Christ says: “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him. And no man can come to my Father, unless I show him the way.”

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Why is a man troubled? He is troubled, because his faith in God and in Christ is weak. As soon as his faith becomes stronger, his trouble will vanish. The trouble is nothing but clouds that hinder the Sun from a man. [M1] Today the sky is clear there are no clouds. Consequently, today nothing hinders you to see the Sun and nothing prevents you from believing. – But what will be tomorrow? – You should not worry about tomorrow. The program of today does not include tomorrow. If clouds appear over you, it means, you have descended. If you have faith, you will ascend above the clouds, where the Sun is shining brightly. The difficulties you encounter are the clouds in your life. Apply your faith, so that you can rise above the clouds. As the contemporary aviators rise with their airplanes, several kilometres above the clouds, where the Sun is shining, so you too can rise above the difficulties in your life with the help of your faith.


I wish you to rise - with your mind and heart - above the clouds, which prevent you to see the Sun, and to receive the bright thoughts and noble feelings.


Believe in Life, Light, and Freedom.


July 21, 5 a.m.


[1] Six is the higher possible school mark in Bulgaria.

 [M1]{the Sun from shining on a man.}

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