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Note 4p




Uniformity leads to the life of the separate man[M1] , of the people, and of humanity. Diversity, though, leads to achievements. Uniformity is a human process, while diversity is a Divine process. Occasionally the human is displeased either with humans, or with animals, or with plants. Why he is displeased, though, he does not know. Very simple – he has got into the realm of the uniformity of life. He seeks the reason outside himself and wants everybody to conform to his disposition. As soon as he enters within the realm of diversity, though, the human rationalizes everything. He finds meaning and rationality even in the greatest discrepancies. As long as the human lives within the realm of diversity, he starts to find sense in everything – in disharmony, evil, and chaos of life. A Russian proverb says: “There is order even in disorder." As a result we say that there is good in evil and evil in good. For instance, the wealth of the rich man is a temptation for the poor man, and also for the thief. As soon as they hear the word “thief” all people shudder. What is so fearful in this word? Almost all people love to take something without permission. People call each thing that they take without permission “theft”. Things people take with permission are called gain or profit.


Studying the human, phrenologists explain theft with a strong developed centre for acquisition of something: money, food, or property. Some people like to dress well. This is due to their strongly developed sense of beauty. This sense is strongly developed in birds as well. If even the birds like to dress well, then why shouldn't the human like to dress well, too? Not all people dress uniformly. They differ from one another in their clothes. The most beautifully attired bird is the paradise bird. By its costume it outruns even queens – the same holds true for some butterflies, too. Those people that do not understand the meaning of diversity in life find a great discrepancy in the fact that some birds are beautifully dressed and have a variegated design, while others pass completely unnoticed. The existence of diversity aims to make people think, though. If all the things were uniform, then the thought of humans would have been at a standstill and there would not have been any impulse for movement within it. In spite of the great diversity in life, in spite of the capability of the human to think, he has again fixed his attention on the uniform thought: How shall I live? By the word “live” they mean, how the human will seek the way to settle his life: how to acquire an apartment, how to acquire three meals a day, how to dress well, how to live richly although with debts, how to dress and undress several times a day, and how to be buried ceremonially after he dies.


As someone dies, his relatives say that he has left for the world of disappointment. While he lives in the world of uniformity, though, irrespectively of whether he is in this or in the other world, man will continuously experience disappointment. There is no need to comment now what the situation will be of a man in the other world. As he goes there, he will see what awaits him at the other world. Go to whatever city you like and you will see both heaven and hell. If you go to Paris, Berlin, London, or New York and visit the main streets there, you will see that all of them have nice streets, that they are clean and that there are high buildings there. If you go to some outlying quarter, though, you will see that the streets there are unclean, dusty, and without any pavements. If you are well dressed, the children there will stone you, and the local pickpockets will attack you and take whatever you have in your pockets – your money, your watch - they will take everything from you. It is frightening for a single man to be at these quarters alone. There are such quarters in Sofia, too. They represent the hell in life, and this shows that hell and heaven are at one and the same place – they are not side by side one another. Where he will live depends on the man himself.


So, whatever exists in the outside[M2]  life of the human will exist in the inner man as well – in his mind and heart and in his thoughts and feelings. Within the human heart, you can find both heaven and hell. As soon as hell enters within the human heart, everything there turns head downwards. As they encounter some difficulty, people say that they should ascertain some facts and convince themselves of a certain truth. They ascertain these facts, yet they do not achieve their goal. For instance, as some murder was committed, the contemporary court procedures resorts to [M3] special studies, so that they can ascertain some facts and show how the crime was committed. Doctors help the court investigation, too. They make an autopsy of the dead body, so that they can find out in what way the criminal acted. What is being achieved as a result of the assertion? Thus they prove how the crime itself was committed – nothing else. The dead person remains dead and the crime was already committed, though. As in the personal, so in the family and social life as well, they ascertain facts connected with the way in which some mistake or crime has been committed, but this is not enough. The really important thing is to correct the mistakes and the crimes. This is what contemporary people, families, societies, and nations seek.


You meet some man who is angry and displeased with other people. Why he is angry? There are reasons for this. Another one likes to talk a lot. Why? He likes to talk a lot, because the centre for speech is strongly developed in him. Consequently, there are reasons for this as well. Whether he talks wisely or not is not important. There are parrots in which this centre is strongly developed too; as a result they repeat one and the same words.


An Englishman heard how a parrot repeated his words, which were: “There is no doubt about this.” He liked the parrot and bought it. As he brought it back to his house, he boasted to his wife, that he had done something nice and had bought a parrot. The parrot immediately called out: “There is no doubt about this.” That is, he also approved the action of his master, who was pleased with this. One day, the Englishman made a mistake, though, and as he returned home he said to his wife he said: I am not happy with myself today, for I did something stupid. Immediately, the parrot called out: “There is no doubt about this.” As he heard the confirmation of the parrot, the Englishman got angry and said to his wife: I am not satisfied with this parrot and I will sell it. Why initially, was the Englishman pleased with the parrot and after that was not? Very simple. The human cannot be as contented with his bad deeds in the same way as with his good deeds. Indeed, with all the good deeds in his life, man feels something sweet, pleasant, and harmonious; with all the wrong deeds, though, he feels something bitter, unpleasant, and disharmonious. The uniform deeds always input bitterness in man, while the varied deeds input sweetness in him.


Consequently, uniformity deforms the human, while diversity forms him and makes him beautiful. If you live among ugly and bad people who are constantly quarrelling among each other for ten years, you will adopt their character and you will acquire something from them. If you live for ten years among noble and elevated people, according to the same law you will acquire something from them and you will adopt some good deeds. If you seek beauty, you will find it in the diversity of life – not in its uniformity. As you know this, you should work consciously upon yourself, so that you can acquire beauty. As soon as a uniform thought crosses your mind, immediately leave it aside. Do not pay attention to the uniform thoughts, feeling, and deeds. It was perceived that whenever a child is mocking the insufficiency of another child, some time later it acquires the same insufficiency as well. A child stutters, while another child mocks at it and makes fun of it. After four or five years, the mocking child will begin to stutter, too. Do not relate with the uniformity of people, so that you do not fall in it as well. The only thing that can protect you from uniformity is to completely neglect it. As long as you do not pay attention to it, you are far from it. As soon as you encounter a negative thought, put a positive thought against it. The negative in life originates from uniformity. Avoid uniformity, so that you do not spend your energy in vain.


The human has come to the Earth, so that he can follow the way of diversity, of the Divine processes – not to occupy himself with the incompatibilities of life. As long as he occupies himself with the incompatibilities, the human bears responsibility for this. He has come to the Earth to learn, to pass from one school form to another, to pass from one class to another – not to repeat the school forms and classes. He has to graduate in higher science and then enter the wide world, so that he can put into practice what he has learned. The creation of the true man, that has its place in the world, is a result of putting the Divine laws into Life. Do you think that the beautiful young lady and the beautiful young man have come here in this world with the only mission to marry? Some people think that as he has come to Earth, man should indispensably marry. In fact, marriage is the last thing that he should do. The human has been created to think first, and act after that. Thinking, feeling, and acting are Divine processes, while all the rest of the deeds are human.


Christ says: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Christ draws the attention to the new way of giving birth – of water and spirit – not by a mother and a father. Contemporary people encounter great discrepancies, as a result they have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to live without money. This conclusion is kind of true. With the present order and way of life it is impossible to live without money, but what do the animals and the plants do? They, too, live under the present conditions, but they do not need money. So, money is a human – not a Divine invention. The views of the people are such that they cannot live without money. A day will come, though, when they will live without money. Then they will understand that their present views are not right. Money is necessary for the relative – not for the absolute order of things. You might say that animals are lower beings and that they do not have the needs that the human has. On the one hand, as they reason, many people say that only ignorant people can be religious. If this conclusion is true, though, then more ignorant people than cattle do not exist. Are they religious, though? We cannot talk about a religious feeling in cattle. Their religion is an idol-worship. They have elevated the fear into a cult. Each animal relies on its legs. The one that has long legs is saved. That is what animals think.


Now I do not dwell upon the personal life of the human, but upon the two important processes in the world: the processes of uniformity and diversity. The human views refer to the process of uniformity, while the Divine views refer to the process of diversity. The people have mixed these two processes in their life; as a result they have ascribed Divine origin to some of the human views. For instance, they created idols that they worshipped as Deities. One of the Babylonian kings ordered the sculpturing of an idol from gold and he wanted everyone to worship it. Three young men, who believed in the existence of one God, refused to worship the idol, made by a human hand. For their disobedience the king ordered that they be cast in an oven. They were cast into the oven, but strange as it may seem, they did not burn. Indeed, the one, who believes in God, cannot be burned by fire.


Today, everyone pretends to be believers, but in spite of this, they get ill, they suffer from poverty, etc. I say: The one, who believes in God, cannot be ill, ignorant, or poor. The believer is a strong, rich, and healthy man. The one, who has faith, gets along with people; the one, who does not have faith, cannot get along with anyone. When the problems of the human are not settled well, he gets angry at Providence, because it has not helped him. Providence has given Goods abundantly to everyone, to all living beings. Each man has some gifts that he has not developed. Each gift is like capital that has to be put into circulation. Contemporary people suffer, because they have not developed the capital that has been given to them. As you look at the foreheads of some people you can see that they do not think right. As you look at the upper part of their head you can see that these people have not worked spiritually. The upper parts of their heads are flattened. The history of the human development is written on the human head. As you look at his head you will guess if this man has lived well, or not. Each part of the human body also shows in what way the human body has developed.


Lombrozo, who has studied the philosophy of criminals, has found that the first phalanx of the thumb of all criminals was deformed. It had the shape of a little ball, formed like a little hammer. By the thumb of the human you can tell in what way his ancestors and forebears lived. If the thumb of a human is deformed, this means that he is sentenced to great suffering and misfortunes. Some people have a deformed forefinger. Others have a deformed middle finger, third – a deformed ring finger, etc. As he sees that, the human should work carefully upon himself and correct the mistakes of his past. If you enter a house and see that its walls are cracked, you conclude, that its rafters are weak. This house should be repaired by all means, because at even the slightest earthquake it will be demolished and will bury the people that live in it.


Consequently, the religion of the human should be such, to be able to relate him with the Divine world. The Divine world laws do not allow a woman to marry a man whom she does not love. The Divine world laws do not allow a man to marry a woman whom he does not love. These laws do not allow the mother to give birth to a child that she did not love even before its conception. The child is also not allowed to be born, if it hasn’t loved its mother before coming to Earth. These are dicta that you should have in mind. You might say: How do we know these dicta exist? How do we know that God exists? The ants do not know that God exists, because they have not reached the level of the human. The human, though, knows and should know that God does exist. We know this, because we have come from the Divine world; we have been there. What we see around us is not the absolute world. This is what we call the world of the shadows. The one, who constantly changes his views, is a shadow of the man. But we do not bother with the fact that the shadow melts and vanishes. This is quite normal. We do not bother with the fact that people quarrel, die, and lose their wealth. For us, this is a performance, a show. These are roles in the drama of some author that should be played.


We are interested in the beautiful and noble deeds of people. Someone complains that they have robbed him. This man is deceiving himself. If after the robbery he feels better, he should be thankful that they have removed part of his burden. What would have happened if he had this burden while he was floating in the sea? He might have drowned. As long as there is a man who can take the burden off his back, he should be thankful. Otherwise, he will try the depths of the sea. One thing you should know: Only this thing is real, that no one can take away from us. [M4] As long as someone is able to take something from you, then this thing is not real. Any wealth that can be taken away from you is not yours. We believe in the property that no one can take away. The only property of the human is his spirit, his soul, his mind, heart, and body.


Man has at his disposal a body that no one can take away from him. As he dies, man will remain with this body. For the time being, he lives in a foreign body. The physical body in which the human lives is not his property. It is the shell of the egg, from which the chicken comes out. That is why, when he dies, the human comes out of his shell and gets in his own body in which he has the opportunities to develop. You might say that you believe in God. Faith implies the knowing of God. To know God means to enter in the Divine school and apply God’s Love, Wisdom, and Truth. As you apply the Divine principles, you will acquire true knowledge. If you go to the Sun with your present knowledge, you will find yourself in the position of children that have just started to learn. You might say that you know French, German, and English languages. What are these languages in comparison with the Vatan language, from which all the existing languages have originated? People have forgotten the Vatan language that was spoken in the distant past. There are people that still remember this language, but they are few.


Now I do not want to bring confusion in your minds and hearts, but I want to make you think. Confusion originates from people’s views. The one, who loves you, never brings confusion in your soul. Consequently, as long as you have some confusion in your soul, you either do not love that man, or he does not love you. In the realm of the Divine Love people love simultaneously, but they manifest in different ways; as one of them gives, the other takes. After some time, both of them change their roles. The Divine Love implies rightful exchange, that is – an exchange of poles. The same phenomena happen[M5]  also in electricity: the pole that was positive becomes negative. Light always appears at the negative pole. For the time being, the weak in the world bears the Divine manifestations within itself, while the strong in the world bears the knowledge. The human owes his acquisitions to the weak in himself. Each great thought has been created by small impulses. The small desires and urges that the human retains within himself, after a time give birth to a great idea. Man should work on a given idea for dozens of years until he realizes it. Nothing in the world is arbitrary.


In order that a mother gives birth to a wise and beautiful child, she has worked in this direction for dozens of years. In order to give birth to a genius, the mother has kept this thought within her mind for ages. If the eyes of a man are beautiful this shows that he has had thought in this direction for a long time. If he has not thought anything, then his eyes are not beautiful. So, if you want to have beautiful eyes that are able to transfer the Divine thoughts, work consciously on this wish. Each thought – good or bad - that comes out of a man, makes a circle and comes back to him again. Such is the law. As you know this, think, feel, and act in a good way, so that all this might return to you. The rain today shows that all the good things that you planted will be watered, so that they can grow and give fruit. The good that you plant within yourself will grow. The rain today is a great blessing for you. God says that all you have wished for thousands of years will be blessed on the condition that you will follow the Divine ways. Do not be afraid of the rain. In spring and in summer, go out, so that the rain can wet you well. If you are already outside, take off your hat, so that your head can be wetted well. This rain is bliss to a man. As long as the rain has wetted you, give thanks that you have bathed and that you have taken an electrical bath.


I wish that your thoughts, feelings, and deeds could be bathed, too. The rain that comes from above is intelligent. He[M6]  bears within itself powerful thoughts. The plants, animals, and people that have been moistened and bathed by this rain are blessed. Most of the people have an unnatural fear from rain – they behave like they are made from sugar. I do not advise those that are made from sugar to take rain baths, though. But those that are made from stable matter should take at least ten rain baths each year.


Christ says: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” So, the water from which you should be born will be your mother. At present, you run away from your mother. The spirit will be your father. Who has seen his mother, that is – who has seen Love? All the young people fall in love, but they do not know what Love is. The older ones, though, say that Love is not for them. If an old man falls in love, they say that he was stupid. So, the stupidity is for the old – not for the young people. The young people are allowed to love, while the old people are not allowed. In fact, the human can be young only if he loves. As he stops being in love, he gets old. It is better if a man bears all the stupidity of youth, but with love, than all the wealth of old age, but without love. The stupidity of youth, but with love represents the virtue of youth. When children quarrel, they make peace easily. You see two children quarrelling and pulling each other’s hair, but a minute or two later they are already hugging and kissing each other. If two old people quarrel, though, they cannot make peace for years. People have understood wrongly both old age and youth. Young is the man who receives. Old is the man who gives. The old person should transfer his experience to the young one and say: My son, you are a good man. The way that you follow is right. Be blessed! Is it not true that children follow the right way?


Christ says: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” There are children that do not look like children. They have prematurely grown old. In my opinion, only those are children that have Love. [M7] Only those who do not have Love are old. Consequently, all the children and all the young people who have no love bear other names. The children without Love we call young dolls. The old people without Love we call old dolls. This refers to both men and women. Each person should ask himself a question: What do I prefer to be – a young doll without love, or an old doll with love? Each man should be either young or old, but he should by all remains[M8]  have Love. While he is just a doll – nothing can be expected from him. Whatever opportunities you create for the doll, it will remain a doll. Children bathe their dolls, dress them in modern clothes, and walk them in baby carriages, but nevertheless they remain just dolls. If the leg of the doll breaks, the child cries, but the doll itself does not care about its leg.


Now, keep the following thought in your mind: The human cannot be healthy unless he loves. The human cannot be a scientist unless he loves. The human cannot be free unless he loves. In general, the human cannot be happy, rich, strong, healthy, and learned if he does not love. Love should be present everywhere. If you have Love in your knowledge, you will be great scientists. If you have Love in your freedom, you will be invulnerable. Only the help of Love can protect freedom, wealth, knowledge, and health. Without Love, freedom turns into slavery, knowledge – into ignorance, Love – into a torture.


It was said in the Scriptures: “This is eternal life – to know you: the One True God.” “To know” implies Love. To love someone means to live for Him. The Divine Love lies in this, in spite of all the insufficiencies in human Life, He nevertheless looks benevolently towards the human. On seeing all the wrong deeds of human, God says: This life is not for you. I believe that after a time you will overcome your weaknesses. No man in the world likes to eat spoilt meat. Everyone likes to wear nice, new, hardwearing clothes, made of expensive, fine material. Each one would like to have golden jewellery covered with diamonds. The most beautiful garment that one can dress in is the garment of Love. It is decorated with precious gems and diamonds. No one is able to steal the garment of Love from the human.


Some people ask me if they will know each other as they go to the other world. If they love one another they will know one another; if they do not love one another they will not know one another. If you love each other here, you will love each other when you go to the other world as well. For the rational person, the opportunities in the other world are better that the opportunities on Earth. In the other world, people have better opportunities to know and love each other. In the other world, you will be able to learn the most beautiful language with the most beautiful words, which you have been looking for in your life. Before you, the great past and the great future will be revealed, so that you can see how you have met and what acquaintances you will make in the future. Each man that you love has been useful for you in the past. He will be of use to you in your present and future as well. Consequently, everyone who loves you is your capital. For the people you love – you are their capital. What greater wealth could you expect? You are like capital for those you love and the people who love you are your capital. Their happiness is hidden in you and your happiness is hidden in them. Happiness of everyone, though, is hidden in God. If you love God, know that the future is hidden in Him. If you love Him, you will be given whatever you like. As you know this, ask from God only this that corresponds to you. Can the little girl dress in her mother’s dress? This desire does not correspond to it. This girl can dress in her mother’s garments, as she becomes a 21-year-old young lady. While you are a five-year-old girl, do not crave for your mother’s dress. While you are a five-year-old boy, do not crave for your father’s coat. While you are a five-year-old child, do not crave for the professor’s chair. As you grow, you will dress in whatever clothes you like. As you grow, you will even head a professor’s department. Each thing will happen in its proper time. Wait calmly for the time that has been appointed for you. It will bring the good that corresponds to you. “This is eternal life – to know you: the One True God.” This is eternal life – to love each other. This is eternal life – to live for one another. This is eternal life – to do the Divine will, to acquire all that you want and say: The words of Christ are true - that whatever you like in the name of God will be given to you. Apostle Paul says: “An eye has not seen and an ear has not heard what God has prepared for those, that love Him.” So, for each man goods are appointed, which will come at their proper time. In order to receive these goods he has to apply his Love. That there will be hardships is inevitable inevitably. The human cannot live without hardships. Hardships are the touchstone for the human. In order to acquire one good of Love, man should experience 99 sufferings. If he finds a man, who has not experienced 99 sufferings, then Love will melt him and nothing will remain from him. As he meets a man, who has experienced 99 sufferings, Love will unite them and it will form the eternal good of life from them. If you observe the laws of Love, it will transform all your disagreements and suffering and will turn them into eternal capital for you. Be glad, that the Love that will break you free from your present unbearable conditions in your life is already coming. Only the Love of God is able to break the man free from death – the greatest enemy in the world.


This is eternal life – to know God as Love.

This is eternal life – to know God as Wisdom.

This is eternal life – to know God as Truth.

I wish you to follow this way in the future.

I wish you to become masters with Love and servants with Love.


3. An assembly lecture, given by the Master on August 27, at the residential district of Izgrev, 10 a.m.



 [M1]It is not really clear what is meant by a separate man, perhaps what is means is – {individual}




 [M4]{The only thing that is real is that which no one can take away from us.}

 [M5]This is awkward as one should say happens but because of the word phenomena it can't be said, therefore, I suggest using {can be seen}.


 [M7]Does this refer to the children in the two previous sentences…



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