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Note 2p






Fourth lecture of the Youth Occult Class, given by the Master Beinsa Douno on


4th November 1923 in Sofia


- Only the bright path of Wisdom leads to Truth.


- It rejoices us all the time.




Several works on the topic “The distinctive features of the bee” were read


Summary on the topic “The origin of wheel” was read


For next time – topic № 4: “The role of white and red corpuscles in blood” 


This evening I will talk to you on the tasks of the true science.


When I talk to you many of you see the negative side of the lecture. When we indicate the weaknesses of a certain branch of science, for example of medicine – the science of medical treatment of people, we do not have in view to criticize it, not in the least, but discussing the state of the development of Science today we are indicating the possibilities of its development in the near future. Most physicians start learning medicine from the peccant state of organism. This, however, is not the right way to study. First of all the healthy organism should be examined to have an established norm for the state of health and out of this norm to diagnose when one is in a peccant state, when not, what the disease is, at what extent it is dangerous, etc.






Let us assume that point A, as a living point, represents the state of health in man. His organism is growing and develops rightly in his life and is reaching point B where, while striking roots of activities he encounters certain difficulties, certain obstacles for his development. These obstacles cause certain disturbances in the organism. Then A changes into A2 (A to the second degree) while B – into B2 (B to the second degree). The way A2B2 is the way of development of the living point A at the difficulties met which create the internal contradictions in man. To avoid the disturbances which happen in the organism medicine will come to help[A1] , what[A2]  shows that its only task is not to merely cure the organism but higher than it as well[A3] . The fault is not in the medical science but in the ideas that contemporary scientists have about this science. They determine its aims and tasks according to their concepts.


Let us take another branch of science – astronomy, for example. How do contemporary astronomers study it? Some of them study the way of planets, the composition, certain aberrations, certain disturbances which happen with them but the information they get is external only. A true astronomer should start to study the inner state of planets, to reach those great truths that engage the interest of contemporary scientists. You will say: “We do not know many things because they are far from us whereas we know, study easily those that are near”. But the terms far and near are defined as regards the speed at which we move. If one moves at the speed of light, then the Sun is very near to him, he will need eight minutes to get there; however, if he moves at the speed of man then the Sun will be very far away. From here, the terms of attainable and unattainable things appear in the world. For a clever person everything is attainable in time and space.


Now, I want you to comprehend things rightly, not to be followers of a science and to hold strictly within the range of its aims and tasks. Contemporary sciences are not named correctly. The names do not correspond quite to the tasks they assume as the names of many contemporary people do not correspond to their characters. For example, you are christened Ivan but you are not satisfied with this name. You want to be called Stefan or George but the choice does not depend on you. Your father, mother, grandfather got together and said: “Let us christen this child Ivan!”


In the future we will have a completely different opinion of sciences; there is no need to criticize them. We are thankful to science for what it has given us in the way of its development until now. Often some young people say: “It has been proved by science!” Once they believed in science they are convinced of their conclusions and do not accept any new thought. So what has been proved by science? Nothing definitely has been proved by it exactly on the matters on which contemporary people dispute most. We individualize science like a personality but actually science is a result of the efforts of the human Spirit. He has created philosophy, mathematics, natural sciences and all other branches of science and has named them by himself. In the future there will be three branches of sciences: one branch will deal with the physical sciences, the second one, the spiritual branch, will deal with the intellectual sciences and the third branch will be a science of the origin of human Spirit which will touch those fields of science which at present are incomprehensible for contemporary scientists.


You all should utilize contemporary science for your good. Do study everything in science that is useful for your development and do cast aside everything that is harmful for you. You must not stuff your mind with useless furniture.






Phrenology should be of great interest for you as disciples of the esoteric science who will study Life in a rational way. I will outline some thoughts on it. Let us take, for example, line AB which will represent the line above the eyebrows in man. According to contemporary phrenologists all observation capacities are disposed along this line of the forehead, namely at points a1, a2, a3, b4, b5, b6, each of which represents a certain center. For example, what observation centers are there along this line? While you are looking at an object you first specify its shape, then its size, its weight, what place it occupies in the space, etc. These and a number of other centers lie all along this line of the forehead. They collect only the external data from Nature. For this reason, when studying an object first you shall study its external side as a naturalist does and shall develop your observation capacities. And really, in all those people who have been occupied with natural sciences for twenty-thirty years, the lower parts of their foreheads above the eyebrows project strongly while the upper parts of their foreheads remain lying a bit backward. Yet in philosophers, who do not deal so much with the externals of objects but reason more, study the principals in Life, the upper parts of foreheads are developed – reasoning, comparison, imagination – the center of adherence to principles of things. If I show forehead by two lines, upper and lower, then naturalists move along the lower line, while philosophers – along the upper line.






Now, if we look at line OP what does it look like? – It looks like steps. The first step is the mouth, the second – the nose and the third – the forehead. This means that in life one ascends a mountain peak that goes uphill, more and more uphill. The circle is going upwards and a new range, new abilities are opening. At first sight there is no sense in this curve but if you draw an eye, an ear to it, then it will make sense.


The various branches of contemporary science have this good side which develops people harmoniously. For example, no matter if you study physics, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, botany, zoology, philosophy, theology or whichever other science, each of them works on a particular region of your mind and develops respective hidden forces in your soul. Thus in its total all sciences cover the entire reality i.e. develop all those centers in which human capacities are put. The whole of mankind works today on delivering materials for building up the ideal, the new man. When the materials are prepared, the future mankind, the future human form will be built as well. Contemporary culture has at its disposal the materials which have been left by the former one and the future culture will have at its disposal the materials of the present one. When we consider the matter in this way we will come to the deep comprehension that everything in the world is governed by a supreme, rational Power. This Power is not singular, it has a collective manifestation. The total work of this supreme collective Power is distributed in various fields. The things that at first sight seem chance to us are strictly determined in the Rational Nature. The plough that passes through an ant-hill and destroys the whole architecture is a chance occurrence for the ants; they do not know what the reason for this is but the one who ploughs knows the reason, he knows why he has destroyed it. If all philosophers in that ant-hill would meet to consider why their nest has been destroyed, who destroyed it and many other questions they would not be able to solve them in the right way. They would be able to interpret this destruction in different ways but only the rational man who has passed with his plough over their nest would define the reasons for that destruction. And so, for every thing in Life, which you are not able to interpret for yourselves, there are rational reasons which you will understand in future if you do not understand today.


Now, you should be consistent in your life, not small-minded to say: “Let us make use of the present life somehow or other.” No, you should use your present life as a condition for laying a sound basis of the future life. You are a pupil at a school, your father is rich, he has resources to support you; what should you do then, do you have to trade, do you have to prepare everything necessary for the study? Your father has arranged a room, clothes, food, a teacher; only work and persistence to study is required from you. Once you have come to the Earth, you should study! If you doubt and say: “But my father may die one day, I have to make provisions for me, don’t I?” No, we think a little differently about this. We agree with Christ who says: “Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof.” One should think of today only. Today is a basis of all other days; and all days of the past are a basis of today. Today holds the opportunities of all future days and all future days are put into today. Once you comprehend things in this way you will have inspiration. If you do not take a philosophic view of Life you will lose heart, will say: “This is not the way of our life, we have to find some other way.”


You, the young, should study the life of the young who preceded you. Some people may tell you that you are not on the right way; that you have lost your way, etc. It might be true, do not answer back but only do look intently at their life to see whether they have found the true way of Life. They have not found it either. If the old have not found it how more so about the young! If the old grope about how more so will the young grope about to find their way! This, however, is not groping about. I call it “doubt in Life itself”, because of which contemporary philosophy says that in order to acknowledge things we should reject them. So, we have to lose things in order to evaluate them. How will we evaluate something when we lose it? You have a friend and when he dies you evaluate him to have been very good. What is the use that you have evaluated him after his death? Contemporary philosophy lies in that all evaluate dead people only. That is why it is a culture of the dead. Today Christ is appreciated – thousands of churches have been built in His name, all light candles and church-lamps to Him but whatever crimes are being committed today they all are committed in His name! He keeps silent all time… For this reason Christ is good, ideal, because He never protests. If Christ would live today on the Earth, He would get into contradiction with those who believe in Him. While now all quote: “Christ said like this, Christ said like that.” Yes, because He died. But they even do not want to know what this educated Man has thought, what His deep views on Life have been. All examine things superficially.


Now, I do not want you to be of genius, philosophers. My aim is for you to have a sober faith. Do you know what a sober faith means? I will give you an example to see what I call a sober faith. A child is walking on the road but happens to fall to the ground and starts crying. When it sees that there is no one to raise it the child picks itself up and keeps on its way. Some other child, when falling to the ground, picks itself up at once, gives a smile and keeps on forward. This means a sober faith. I want you to be like that cheerful child – when you fall to pick yourself up at once and to say: “Next time I will be careful.” Most of you are like the first child – when you fall you look back for someone to raise you and after that you say: “My heart is broken!” There is nothing that you have fallen[A4] , it is not by chance. Every falling has its good side. I will give you an example that I have given you before as well: while going on business, a Bulgarian dislocated his leg and his friend put him on the horse to take him to a healer to set the leg (this was in Turkish times).[1] At some point in time the horse started kicking, unseated him and he fell to the ground saying to himself: “Not only one leg is broken but the other will break too.” But when he got up, the dislocated leg had set. That the horse kicked you off is not a sign that it wanted to harm you. If you meet an obstacle in your life, this obstacle may set your leg and you will be glad. In this case science may throw you in contradictions but sometimes this science with its theories is able to undeceive you and to set your minds into place. For example, why did materialism appear in the world in the 19thcentury? – To set the minds of people into place. The entire cobweb in their minds cleared. It came in the time when scholasticism was at the summit of its development and a more sober thought had to be lent. Whereas now a new spiritual movement should come to interpret facts as they are in the Living Nature.


I told you that you should not be followers of any science nor you are able to. You cannot require from a science more than it is. Why such and such a philosopher thinks in a certain way is his right - this is the way he looks, he thinks, he has come up to there. You should say to yourself: “This philosopher is right for himself, he is fifty percent right as regards the others but I know that there are things that he has not taken into consideration.” You are still young and for this you first see how to build up your life, how to rise in the world. Sometimes you think like the old: how you will get through, how you will find job and often you do not sleep all night and imagine what your life will be after twenty years. I am telling you that after a hundred and twenty years both the cameleer and the camel will leave the desert and will not pass through there any more. Do not think of today only! “You have sufficient of what you need today and the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself” – Christ says. A wise man will every day find the conditions needed for his life. These conditions exist, they are always created.


All of you do not look at things in the same way; that is why differences may appear in your views. Some of you look more impartially on things - they are more observant, in others reasoning capacities are more developed, in the third – music feelings, in the fourth – imagination, in the fifth – memory, in the sixth – speech, etc. However, all this is not an advantage for either party, on the contrary – with all this you can complement and harmonize one another. One cannot be talented, great in all respects; there will be always something lacking. If one would be perfect in the totality of one’s development, everything would stand differently.






If you look at science from this point of view, what should have been, for example, the size of the face towards the body? Ancient Greeks have defined that the length of face should be one tenth of the whole height of man and the forehead should be one third of the face. We may ask why exactly the face should be one tenth of the whole height. They have not given any reasons for this yet, but they have found that exactly with this proportion people are symmetric, ideal, beautiful forms prevail in them. For example, in the Yellow race the forehead is wide in the lower part and is narrow in the upper one, it has the shape of a trapezium, whereas in the White race the upper part of forehead is a bit more domed outwards compared to the same in the Yellow race, and wider, almost right-angled. In the individuals of the White race the Camper’s angle is 800 while in the Yellow race it is 750. This shows that the lower part of their forehead is more domed whereas the upper is straight, lying a bit backwards. You may ask what relation these measures might have that in some the Camper’s angle is 800 while in the others it is 750 or what difference there might be in the intelligence if the forehead is narrower above and wider below or wider above and narrower below? Common people cannot find anything particular to relate these ratios; also, they cannot find the reasons why the upper part of the forehead should be wider and the lower – narrower, but educated people study these things. It is noticed that when one deals with philosophy, his forehead becomes wider above. You will notice that in those among you in whom the forehead is not wide above, the reasoning faculties are less developed. The forehead of those who reason philosophically is wide above, they have worked in the past, and there are certain centers and capabilities awakened in them in which their fortitude manifests. Strong interest towards the different branches of science should be awakened in you to develop gradually the various centers as well. That is why the task of the esoteric science is to develop your supreme capability, to awaken the Divine in you and your supreme intelligence. Once the Divine awakens in you, you will have a different mood towards things and Life. Your will, will be powerful, it will have a new element in itself, i.e. it will have such a powerful impulse upward that in whatever circumstances it gets its power will not change, will not grow weak.


When we speak about the Living Rational Nature, some people comprehend it wrong; they say: “God will think of us.” I agree with this but in which case? If the son says that his father will think of him, this will be true. Really, his father will think of a room, food, clothes, books but he cannot study instead of his son. Therefore, God can think over everything instead of us but cannot study instead of us. The Rational Beings can think over everything instead of us but there is one thing that they cannot do instead of us – they cannot study instead of us. This means that there is a special work for which we are here, on the Earth – to study! You all should certainly study; you should live, experience, act, exercise your will, heart and mind. Nobody can live instead of you, nobody can think instead of you; it is not possible to think with somebody else’s mind, to feel by somebody else’s heart, and to act by somebody else’s will. You shall feel by your heart, think by your mind and act by your will!


And so, as disciples of the Esoteric school you shall wager on your mind, heart and will to study and the studies shall be accompanied by an internal longing, by Love. Once you have this Love you will achieve the great Truth which is an aim of your Life. And then, whichever branch of science you choose, you will make use of it. We do not impose on you to choose this or that branch of science. Each one of you is free to choose whatever branch he wants but you should know that this branch should be an appliance for the development of your mind, heart and soul.


Secret prayer


- Only the bright path of Wisdom leads to Truth.


- It rejoices us all the time.



[1] The time when Bulgaria was under the Turkish slavery



 [A1]will help or will begin to help


 [A3]Unclear. Higher what? {raise it higher]

 [A4]Unclear. Maybe - [it is not by chance that you have fallen.]


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