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Note 2p






29th lecture given by the Master to the Youth Occult Class


4th May, 1924, Sofia


The God of Love is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.



For next time – topic Nr 24: “The least Love we can apply in our everyday life.”


When writing on this topic you should reveal something you have already applied in practice.


All of you have certain accretions. I call them unnatural accretions, which prevent you from understanding properly the right manifestations of Nature. Of course, there are appropriate human deeds. There are days in the year when you think correctly and loftily and act accordingly; however, such fortunate moments are very rare. For instance, something that is typical of water melons might happen to you: it often happens that small worms appear in the roots of water melons; they eat through the roots; as a result, the leaves of water melons grow well, but later they wilt and fail to give any fruit. You reveal your Love in a similar way: you come out, but then the worm gets in to gnaw your root and everything withers. Then you say, “Well, such is life, such is Nature. Nothing can be done.” No, Nature is not such.


You should get rid of the accretions in a sensible way. For example, you can watch your complexion to study yourselves. You are well-educated people, after all. This is meant for your own sake. You need to choose for a criterion a natural disposition you have had when healthy or after having done someone a kindness. Take a mirror, look at yourselves and try to remember you facial expression. Then you should examine your hands from both sides to see what the skin is – whether soft or dry. Pay special attention to your eyes and complexion. You need to make another experiment when you feel indisposed or displeased: take the mirror again, look at it and you will notice an abrupt change in your face. Such changes occur as part of the natural course of events. If one has gone into the mine digging, he will smudge his face, but he will also know how to clean it with warm water and a bar of soap so that he can go out of the mine with a white, clean face. You get dirty. Some particles from the outside deposit on you. You think that there are no remnants from the outside; on the contrary, things leave traces every day. These traces are not that considerable, yet they harm your soul and hinder your mental development. There are many learned people, as well as youngsters, who were very promising at an early age but instead of showing their talent and skills they were engulfed by the silt and dragged to the bottom of society.


Sometimes Nature is benevolent to such a person: it places him in poor conditions, i.e. it puts him in the water so that he gets clean. You will ask, “How’s that?” Yes, Nature purifies man through sufferings – it does not let him indulge in pleasures, but makes him earn his bread through hard work. There is no help whatsoever from his friends so one toils thinking of today’s survival. With this intensity of thought the dust fallen on him bounces off, thus he remains clean. Do not think that you have many ideas when you have everything. In fact, you have plenty of accretions. These accretions exist because you do not experience natural dispositions of the spirit. As a result of these accretions one suffers indigestion, stale breath, irregular breathing and blood circulation[A1] , etc. When one gets angry, the blood surges to the back of the head, his personal emotions change and he looks like a wasp – whoever touches him, hurts him.


By hurting many people, one makes enemies, or at least there will come a nonstop barrage from two sides. Now you cannot say that you have ideas, because these are not ideas. These are personal emotions. Then the two groups will split into two more, and will become four, thus the formation of unnatural groups will occur - the brothers on the one side, and the sisters on the other. This cannot be a brotherhood. The brotherhood follows thoroughly different laws. There are brothers in blood and not in semblance. In order to be brothers in spirit, two people need to have similar ideas, to be like-minded and to aspire after a common end. As for your accretions, if you do not try to get rid of them, they will sever your bonds with Living Nature. Here is the following explanation: What would happen to your nose, if it did not provide that liquid able to filter the dust? – All the dust would enter your lungs and clog the bronchi. But it happened so that Nature provided you with this mucus to filter dust. Likewise, all people have a kind of an inner filter. Sometimes you say, “I don’t need this. I can easily do without it.” - It means, “I don’t need the mucus in my nose.” Yes, but if that moisture dries up, people get ill. That’s why you should know how to release these psychological accretions and treat yourselves reasonably. The other day I asked you how you generally overcome your bad moods. What were your methods? I would like to hear some of you explain how you release the tension and get rid of the bad mood.


A student: The bad mood is actually certain energies that have to be revealed somehow - whether through physical labour, or through mental activity.


I will explain the psychological reasons for bad moods: each bad mood comes as a result of small reasons. Let us say that you have a trustworthy friend; while you trust him and he trusts you there cannot be a bad mood. (I mean a clever friend, able to understand your heart, your mind and emotions, and who is as interested in your success as in his own.) You get on well and love each other; while you love each other, there cannot be a bad mood. But from the day the slightest doubt in your friend is aroused, you cannot avoid the bad mood any longer. How can you correct that bad mood then? You will dismiss all your doubts and the harmony will be restored. Therefore, you should regard this as a law, which you should not ever break. You cannot live as an entity. Intense individualisation comes as a result of strongly developed personal feelings.


When people want to exist just as an entity, living only for themselves, they become too individualised and they themselves bring on the greatest evil, the worst poison. It is because the only entity in this world is God – the Reasonable principle that created everything and lives for everyone. While, if you individualise yourself, you start looking down on all God’s creatures. Then a bad mood is engendered, which makes you feel unhappy. What does it mean? - It means banging your head against a brick wall or trying to dig a tunnel or a well with a pin. That is a fact we can witness everywhere in Life. A knowledgeable person will think, philosophise and criticise until finally he will get clean.


It is of paramount importance that you apply the law I am showing you. It is my wish that you improve your relationships - no more parties! If you do not change things here, I warn you that I will give up lecturing your class until you straighten things up. Otherwise, lecturing you will be pointless. I want you to settle this matter. Next time I come to your class, I want to see your relationships improved – that is the basis on which we can continue our work. Your hearts and minds should be in harmony. The forces of the mind and the forces of the heart should interact properly. You are in a sphere, where it is crucial to understand the basic principles of the law, otherwise you will encounter great difficulties later, which you will overcome, but the harder way.


The first thing you should do is to improve your behaviour. If you do this, a healthy state of mind, of will, and of heart will occur. All these forces will be working in harmony, so you will feel more balanced and confident to overcome difficulties. You should bear in mind that in such a class as you are, you have certain relationships, and if your relationships are not appropriate, just one of you will be enough to inflict great sufferings on the whole class. The opposite is also true: Just one of you can bring in a great Goodness to all. The predestination you are given in the great life can show in many ways, but you can hinder your development for some time. Besides, don’t you all want to finish this class well in time so that you can be useful to yourselves and society as a whole? However, if you are not well aware of the law, you will not be able to get rid of the accretions; as a result, you might stumble.


Now let’s see your mathematics. If we raise to a square the figure a, how will it change? I want one of you to answer this.


A student: Its dimension will increase. If a is a line, а2 will be a plane.

So а2 shows increase, which can be in an ascending order, but it can also be in a descending order. Let us say that a stands for a reasonable being that moves along a straight line – it means that it has just one dimension, or lives just on one line. At а2 it lives on a plane, in a square. What does this being obtain in the square?

A student: Its awareness expands. While moving along a straight line, it could see only one point ahead. Now it can see the whole line.





Fig. 1


Now I am going to explain the movement of the bodies in the first dimension. You have the circle C, along which two beings A and B move. Can they pass each other when they meet? - No, they cannot. A will tell B, “You will have to step back.” B will tell A, “No, it will be you that will step back.” What will they do next? – They will fall out. This, however, will not solve the problem. Such is the situation when you have an argument and you do not want to step back. Then I say: you are people from the first dimension, as you do not concede. But let us say that these two beings have to pass each other. How will this happen? They need a teacher, who will help them solve the problem. I will explain: These two beings meet face to face and the one tells the other, “I want to get across. Step back!” – “No, I can’t!” What then? – Let B goes back. – They cannot turn. The only way is to move backwards – then they will meet on the opposite side back to back and will fall out again (II). This circle has to be bent so that a bridge can be formed (I) – then the one will go beneath the bridge (2) and the other will get across the bridge (3). When they pass each other this way, the first will have to go down. It means that the circle will have to change its nature – one of the beings has to concede and go beneath the bridge so that they can pass each other. Most of your arguments are of the same nature – you confront each other and no one is willing to step back. You should make a bridge: one will go along the bridge, and the other beneath it. It doesn’t really matter which way you will go.




Fig. 2






Fig. 3


This concept is not very clear to you yet – the circle will open, one of the beings will get inside it, and then the circle will close (I), while the other being will get above (II). This is the only way if they want to live sensibly. Such a bending of the circle is absolutely necessary for the two ways to form – one above and the other beneath. So, the orbit of your life sometimes has to alter – this is a necessity. The circle will open, so that one of you can enter it; then the circle will close and you will pass each other. When you meet again the circle will open again. So, with the motion of the circle the concept of the second dimension is gradually formed in the minds of these two beings. This will be a kind of revelation to them. It will make them think that a change has occurred in their world.


Therefore, when a change occurs in your life, consider yourselves to be under the bridge. Or you might assume that a being is in darkness. I am going to explain the law from a psychological perspective. What does darkness show? – That the being B has entered the circle and is now in a deadlock. But this will last only until A gets across. Then B will get above and will be in light. Sometimes you feel that your mind is clouded – that is temporary, only until you pass beneath. All your bad moods stem from the changes in the circle. If you feel gloom cast upon you, you should know at that time another being is getting above. One should go beneath, and the other above. The one who experiences sufferings is getting beneath, while the one who rejoices is getting above. So, when you feel glad you should remember that someone else suffers. You are glad, but beneath you there is a human being that tells you sighing, “Come on, hurry up!” So you should try to get across this point as fast as you can so that the other being can get above. That’s why people who grieve and suffer make way for those who rejoice.


My word was about psychological accretions. As soon as you improve your attitude towards people, the accretion formed through the dense matter and all the accumulations within you rise up. The first rule is that you should stick to the law of resignation. The dark hue in your complexion shows that there is a negative current in you. If we examine the black colour the way it is regarded in physics, it is the colour that absorbs everything. Therefore, everything sinks in it, which makes it negative. The white colour is also negative, only that it cancels everything out. The one receives everything, while the other rejects everything. That’s why, if you want to affect the black colour, the only thing you need to do is to put it in contrast with the white colour. Which feeling can be juxtaposed to altruism? – (Selfishness). No, you should not consider selfishness here. Selfishness exists on purely individual grounds.


Man says, “I am a human being and as such I have the right of a personal opinion.” That is selfishness – exceeding one’s rights. Greed stays in one’s desire to be loved by everybody. Half of the class might love him, three quarters, too, but it is absolutely out of the question that the whole class can love him. In a class of one hundred people there will always be at least ten who will be at the other extreme. And when all are glad and merry, these ten people will be displeased enough to say, “What class can this be?” These ten people are indisposed and dissatisfied. Why? Because they are under the bridge. The others will be merry and cheerful. Why? - Because they are getting across the bridge. However, the law changes: when the ninety people get beneath the bridge, the other ten will be happy and joyous. What has to be done to introduce some balance? When these ninety people are happy they should put aside one tenth of their happiness and give it to their unhappy brothers so that they can be also happy. They are dissatisfied because they are in a state of dire inadequacy. You might have experienced this: you apply yourselves to your schoolwork, but your mind is distracted; you try to concentrate, but it will not be until two or three hours pass that you will be able to focus. That’s why, in order to build up your character you have to be aware of the laws of Living Nature. One cannot study all the time, just as one cannot always sow. In Egypt, there are propitious conditions for sowing twice a year, while here we can do it once a year. You should be able to understand the laws of thought; likewise, you should understand the laws of emotions. There are people among you who want to be always well disposed. There are laws for everything. When you are in the physical world, there are laws that determine your thought, your feelings and your disposition.


I do not mind that there is a kind of a natural division among you - it is most welcome. What I mind is another kind of division. Taxonomists classify animals, although such a division does not exist in Nature. Which natural characteristic feature distinguishes one species from another? I would like to ask you which features are necessary to establish harmony between two people. For instance, if you want to have a friend, how will you make him[A2] ? (- We should take a passive attitude towards him and become the soil for him, on which he can grow.) But how can we recognise the right person? You cannot make anybody a friend. How do you decide who is suitable? All the same, you have a way, which you cannot remember now. I will tell you: you feel at ease in the presence of a person who is likely to become your friend. You feel free at heart, mind and will. If he feels the same, you will become better friends with time and nothing can set you apart. Whatever difficulties you face, you will overcome them together. This is a rule. But if some frictions or misunderstandings occur, this can be a friendship that will last only for a year or two and then it will expire. According to this law, two people can be friends and if they both are men, one should be in the male line and the other in the female line. If they are sisters, one should be on the father’s side and the other on the mother’s side. If they both are on the father’s side, there can be acquaintance, but there will also be arguments; however, there will not be a friendship – such is the law. In this case the figure of eight - (∞) is active: the upper line is female and the lower line is male. We can compare this to the human brain, which has two hemispheres –right and left. The energies from the left hemisphere manifest themselves through the right part of the body. A human being is divided into two poles: the left side goes in the female line and the right side goes in the male line. Anyone who understands the law should consider these two currents. Let us say that someone goes in the male line; through which half of your brain will you establish contact with him? – Through the left hemisphere. So, he will place you on his left side and in such a case you will communicate with him mainly through your emotions. If you are on the right side, you will communicate mainly through your mind. If someone goes in the female line, he will contact you through his right side. Do you think that it is purely accidental that some of your friends walk on your right and others on your left? No, it is not by chance – the energies from the right hemisphere come out through your left arm. This is a very complicated law. That’s why when you come to the Occult Teaching, you should know how to control your brain and how to polarise it. You should know when to act with your left hemisphere and when with the right one. If you do not understand the laws, you will encounter many difficulties. If you understand the laws, you will know when to be in the left and when to be in the right hemisphere. You should alternate the states of your brain. Through research I have come to the conclusion that this is one of the reasons why people cannot live well.


All of you complain that there is no harmony. How do you expect to have harmony, when you accumulate surplus energies you do not know how to release? Then this surplus energy is released in the form of doubt, anger, uncontrollable passion, or boxing. The energy has to be wasted somehow. Nature is very demanding – it does not like it when the energies are restrained – it gives us as much as we need, taking the surplus and transforming it into some trouble. This is a true law. Rich people want to feel secure by putting aside a million, two or more levs. Not only are they unable to ensure themselves, but their lives deteriorate as well. The idea to ensure themselves is good, but this is a property of the human Spirit – one can ensure himself only if they understand the laws of the Spirit.


For example, it happens that some of your classmates get ill, yet you remain indifferent. You do not tend to help one another – this is not a positive feature. When someone falls ill you should examine the reasons for his disease and then decide how to help him. It would be enough if you managed to improve his condition a little. It could be you who might get ill tomorrow, as everyone is prone to diseases. Now you should learn not only to be polite, but also to cultivate your altruism. Isolation suggests struggle. For example, it often happens that someone cannot fit in; what happens then? – Classmates start speaking behind his back about his being weird or uncommunicative. The person starts feeling isolated and lonely. The majority want to impress it on him that he should follow the same code of behaviour and rules. The poor fellow has a hard time but tries to follow suit and soon, as a result, sets up his own party. Then they will find another victim, as there will always be one. Then the new one becomes the scapegoat that is blamed for everything. The person might be faultless, and yet he bears the brunt. If he ever tries to do good, they will say, “He is such a hypocrite.” So the person is at a loss. He has either to find a way out, or escape.


Such things happen at all schools. A teacher is always picking on a student. No matter how well the student answers, the teacher gives him a poor mark. That is a law in psychology. The teacher sees that the student is too proud and wants to teach him humility. That is a wrong method because the student becomes embittered. Let us say that a student thinks he knows much – that is not a sin, because all students believe they know a lot. What should the teacher do in such a case? If he is a math teacher, he should call the student to the blackboard and assign him a very difficult problem to do. Then the student will see that there is something he does not know. He will say, “I couldn’t solve the problem.” And if he really wants to know a lot, he will get the motivation to study harder.


At this early stage you should not only be aware of your faults, but also you should try to correct them. Nothing is worse than not being aware of one’s faults and not knowing how to correct them. I could make you love one another the way you have never been able to love before. Do you know how? – I could send all of you to jail where you can be given a severe whipping the way the first Christians were punished and then be brought together in one place. Wouldn’t you love each other then? I am sure you would. If only you were brought together, what a sweet conversation you would have! While now, as you are not in prison there is not much love lost among you. Do not wait to be jailed. Nature has such methods at hand. It waits patiently lurking until one day it picks you in its tweezers and puts you in its retort. No matter how angrily you protest, it will remain imperturbable. Do you know in how many retorts it will place you? If you study the lives of great people – musicians, poets, even the prophets, you will see through how many retorts they have passed. There is not a single person who has not gone through the rigid discipline of Nature. You should be ready to face this. Now I can see your great Mother Nature approach you with its tweezers, pick you up and drop you in the retort. Then it tells you, “I am working on you now. I want something to come out of you after you’ve been in this retort.” It happens so that some of you instead of purifying burn to ashes. Nature looks amazed at the results wondering how to rekindle life to these ashes. So, it would be better for you if you melted and came out of the retort safely – this is the law of rejuvenation, or at least I call it so. When one succeeds in getting rid of all negative, destructive thoughts and desires, he is given a new lease of life.


What attribute do you want to acquire in this class? Which in your opinion is the small virtue you need? – (Forgiveness). But you should ask one another’s forgiveness. What if you didn’t? Imagine that one of you entered an inn and the innkeeper told you, “One of your friends didn’t pay his bill.” You should say, “My sincere apologies. My friend asked me to do this for him but I simply forgot.” And if you have some money with you, you should pay right there and then. Wouldn’t this be a lie? – No, it’s your friend’s fault. The law is true – if the innkeeper claims my friend has not paid, I am already obliged to correct his mistake without saying anything. It is humane if I tell the innkeeper, “Well I’ll pay for him.” It will be a noble gesture if I give the money without telling my friend what I have done for him. This is what I call solidarity in eating and drinking. You will say, “Yes, but what will remain in my pocket if I keep paying innkeepers?” Don’t worry because such a thing might happen once in a lifetime. Yet I insist that you do it because this is the only way you should act. You should be willing to make such a gesture. If you are not ready, ask somebody else, “Would you please, pay for a friend of ours?” This will be enough. You needn’t lecture him. You shouldn’t tell him, “Do you know what he did?” You should only ask him discreetly. If he cannot pay either, you should see what money you both have and try to settle the bill together. That is character! When your friend learns that you have paid for him, he will conceive a noble desire to do the same for others. Here is a method of moralising. We can apply the same method.


I know that all of you face difficulties, so it is essential to help each other. If any of the sisters is short of money, then the sisters should help. If the sisters cannot solve her problems, then the brothers should try; anyway, you need to find a way out – this is the Divine principle. If you proceed in this way you will have the assistance of the Living Nature, the Invisible world, the saints, the Angels and all the Advanced creatures. If they assist you, you will lose nothing; on the contrary, you will gain. You need this for your comfort, which will make it possible for you to study. Indigence and isolation deprive one of the chances to study; he needs support. It is only God that can live alone. All God’s creatures need assistance. One needs to know that there is someone who cherishes tender and noble feelings for him. One needs to know that there is someone who is ready to sacrifice something for him. This is what gives one the courage to live. If one has moral support, he can study and do anything. If one loses faith, he looks like a plucked turkey. This law works everywhere – no matter where you are, you need faith.


The relationships that keep you together work towards your future. Naturally, I give this example, because I want you to act out of free will and in accordance with the law of Love. Because if you look upon it as a mechanical law, you will not be able to make use of it. If all this adds to the impulse of the great God’s Love, then you can expect good results. This is where you can apply the Divine teaching. After that we will apply ourselves to studying other issues. For the time being, although I have not taught you that much of the Occult teaching, we have arrived at a dangerous area. For instance, you have grown more suspicious of each other now than you were before. You have not become worse; on the contrary, you are better, but you do not make use of your goodness. You remember one of my lectures, where I divided people into two categories: good and bad – good people who do good, and good people who do evil. Now you belong to the group of the good people who do evil. You are doing something but in a descending order. If all of you are moving towards the centre of the Earth, then who is moving towards the Sun? The people surrounding you are simply waiting to spot a weakness in you and say, “They gathered in this class, but what came out of it?” And whenever you feel unwell or indisposed, they will say, “Here are the consequences of this course – one who thinks too much becomes unfit for life.” No, you will be fit for Life. Those who follow the previous line of thought do not know the laws of Nature. Nature has laws, which it will not change for our sake. The smith will do nothing unless he heats the iron. That’s why, if Nature wants to make something out of you, it will put you in the furnace, heat you there, and when you become aware of your needs, it will chill you in water to temper you. But I warn you that you will undergo stages. Sometimes you will feel weak; sometimes you will feel strong. Do not count on that. Strength is neither in softness, nor in hardness – these are just transitory stages in your growth.


What did you learn by passing each other? How many ways are there to clean the house? (- With a broom) Is the broom a good method? (- No, because the dust falls back again.)


Now, I will help you decide what you need to do. Let us say that you have a servant: What does he need to work well in the fields? - You need to give him food. Will he be able to work unless you provide him with food? – No, he won’t. So you need to give him substantial meals. Then, will somebody work for you if you do not pay him? – No, he won’t. However, money is not as important as food is. Food is the most necessary condition for one to work. Yes, but who will provide you? (- Some friend of yours). The law is true in this case. Then you should observe the following law: If you cherish a positive feeling for someone you should not be divided in this feeling. You should not be in two minds about it. You should always be clear whether you love or not. The feeling should be strictly definite. If you love someone, you should be sure of your feelings. If you do not love, you should be aware of it. You have to be explicit in your feelings. There is nothing worse than not being clear about your feelings – taking your hatred for Love, and your Love for hatred. I take the word Love as a necessary force in Life. For instance, I take the glass, go to the spring, clean the glass well, fill it with water and take it to my friend. In this case I know that the water is as pure as if I have poured it for myself – this means that I know what my feeling for someone are. Your relationships should be such. The same law refers to bread. I should feel happy about giving the best of it to my friend. This is how good habits and good human thoughts are cultivated.


What is water similar to? – To Life. So it means that in a particular case Life as a force is similar to water. What we can give someone as part of our good life is this glass of pure water. If someone visits you, you can tell him, “I think highly of you.” But when he leaves and another comes, you say, “He is not that gifted.” No, you should tell your friend the truth, no matter who he is, you should neither exaggerate, nor belittle it. You should not say anything behind his back. This is the only way you can make good friends. There is nothing worse than speaking behind the back. If you cannot say anything good about someone, you’d better remain silent – this should remain between you two. If you want to say something unpleasant, you’d better say it directly, but most tactfully, “I would like to tell you something, but please, do not take offence.” Do not be afraid to tell him the truth. If you find it necessary, you will find the most polite way to tell the truth, and then it will be useful. This is the way to form intimate and noble relationships that can be enduring.


Now I want something from you. There are eighty-seven of you in this class. I want you to form eight groups of about ten and each group to start a correspondence with people from some town in the country. Now, you are dealing only with yourselves, concentrating, contemplating, etc. I am glad that you focus on yourselves, but you think too much about yourselves, and the others complain that they receive nothing from Sofia. You say, “We have entitled some sister to this.” What can one sister possibly achieve?
You will have to cover all towns – Varna, Sliven, Rousse, etc. You need to form a network for constant exchange. Start working in this way for a month or two, and then you will work out some practical rules. You want practice, don’t you? Later you can expand your activity – you will write to some of the circles in the country to exchange ideas. Do not look upon this as a waste of time – these letters are valuable, so you will lose nothing - you can only benefit from this. Besides, this will encourage the disciples in the country. Most of the ideas from the lectures will be refreshed through this correspondence. You, as citizens of Sofia are most in number, but you are also given the most. You should bear in mind that if you are given a lot, a lot will be required of you. You will have to get together every month and write regularly meanwhile. When the month is over you will be free of duty, but you will have to choose another town for another month. You also have to keep your promise.


This work will be for free. If you are paid, you can be all made to work. If I told you “You will write to Varna and you will be paid two thousand levs a month”, wouldn’t you be diligent? – You would write not just one lecture, but ten. You will write, but why? - There will be money. Now there is money – whatever good one does it is for money. There are so many people from the country who complain that you do not write to them! What is more, some of you should go to the country and observe the classes there. They are rather irregular there. A female disciple told me once that they joked most of the time, had fun and did little work. You can have fun outside, but it is not allowed here. Two or three of you should visit the country and have a refreshing effect on our colleagues there. Each of you should go, mix with them, talk to them and then come back. You will be most welcome.


Now, you should think over my suggestion and divide in groups. Each of you is to write a letter of encouragement. It would be nice if you inserted some extracts from a lecture. Take the essence and send it to your colleagues, for which they will be most grateful. They have nothing better to do now. They are not doing any serious work and are playing pranks on each other instead. There used to be a teacher in Varna, whose students left a few frogs in his desk, knowing that he was afraid of them. The teacher entered the classroom and opened his drawer. The frogs jumped out and the teacher got very frightened. He ran out of the room, which made his students laugh their heads off. Although the teacher punished the whole class, they did not give the mischief-makers away out of solidarity.


So, you should work more for the country. I do not mean that you should devote all your free time, just part of it.


But first of all, you are to practise music and musical harmony.

A secret prayer

The God of Love is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.




 [A1][poor blood circulation]

 [A2][how will you make friends with him?]


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