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Master and Disciple

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Master and Disciple

ACCORDING TO PETER DUNOV, the idea of a "master" and a "disciple includes two processes: the transmission and the perception of knowledge. He who walks the path to Knowledge is a Disciple, and he who conveys Knowledge is a Master. The notion of "disciple" includes also an aspect of awakening and growth. The path of the Disciple is a path of ascension towards perfection. While walking this path, the Disciple needs light. It is that light that the Master provides.

The Disciple

"The path of the Disciple, this is the New coming into the life of humanity. When a person chooses this path, he adopts a different outlook and understanding of life. He seeks no external wealth, no compassion, no support, no reverence, no esteem. The Disciple has passed through self-denial and is glad for the contradictions he encounters in life, viewing them as problems to solve. The Disciple never criticises nor moralizes. He is not interested in others' mistakes. To him, these mistakes do not exist. The only thing that exists is righteous life, the life of Love. The Disciple's ideals are love, light, peace, and joy!

Once his mind has awakened, the Disciple's life is not a life of blessing but of creative work. Grace is only in the aids he receives. The aids come to him by grace but he is required to make efforts and do a lot of work. A Disciple is tested for a long time before being admitted to the Kingdom of God. Whether he will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of God depends on the Disciple's knowledge and wisdom, not on his love. One is not admitted in the Kingdom of God by grace."

The Master

"The Master is a medium between God and the Disciple. In a universal sense, by Master, we mean the supreme Divine Wisdom which brings real knowledge to the world, all new ideas, all new forms, all new feelings and impulses in life. The coming of a Master into this world is a noetic act of the entire Living Nature. For a great Master to appear, all noetic beings must come together.

The conditions for his arrival must be prepared on earth, too. Recognising the Master is a spiritual process. The Master comes not as an external factor in life, but as an internal intelligent act. It is inside, in his own soul that the Disciple knows the Master. When the Master speaks to him in his soul, the Disciple becomes inspired. The True Master, the Messenger of God, is sent to earth with a special mission. He is to reveal the Truth to the humans, and speaks not on his own behalf but on behalf of the One Master. 

There is but One Supreme Master in the world, although his manifestations may be many.

Only he who has no violence in him can be a Master. He is strong but never practices violence.

Only he who has no lie in him can be a Master. His sublime wisdom precludes any lie.

Only he who has no evil in him can be a Master. His kindness precludes any evil."

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