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1920_02_22 I Am Alive (Nik)


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I Am Alive

"And behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of death." (Revelation 1:18)

I will tell you an anecdote from the life of ants. Ant culture represents one of the great epochs in the history of nature. As a symbol, the ant represents human selfishness. In the past, ants were at the height of their development. They were famous for their scientific discoveries, for understanding the secrets of nature, for their well-organized society. They were governed by a senate or people's representatives. One day, unfortunately for them, they were surprised by the appearance of an anteater. It pointed his long tongue at their assembly and, to everyone's horror, their ministers, MPs and many high-ranking officials stuck to it. With a mere pointing of its tongue, it swallowed them and left. Their prominent philosophers began to think about this special phenomenon, looking for the cause. They wondered how it was possible for a large assembly to stick to an anteater's tongue and disappear. Some of them said: We saw that something black was stretching at the National Assembly, and all the ministers and deputies from our world got stuck and at one point disappeared somewhere in space. Just as the magnet attracts iron shavings, so the anteater attracted these people and devoured them. To this day, this issue has not been resolved. To this day, ant philosophers wonder where the ministers and MPs went. I say: They went into the anteater's stomach. Culture!

I am asking: What is the purpose of earthly life? What is the purpose of our culture? You will say that the purpose of culture is to create a state, family, science, religion. If, indeed, this is the purpose of culture and of our earthly life, why not create such a religion and science that unites all people? If religion is a great science or a great teaching, it should be applicable to all rational beings. There are no two opinions in this. Therefore, its forms, whatever they may be, must be equally accessible to all. I see religion neither as modern philosophers, nor as modern scholastics, nor as modern preachers do. I do not consider myself a preacher, a scholastic, or a philosopher, but a simple interlocutor. When the factory makes beautiful bottles, what is their purpose? The purpose of the bottle is, first, to be filled with clean, fresh water, so that when you travel, you have something to cool your throat. Its second purpose is to be filled with fresh milk, so that when you drink from it, it supports your strength. Its third purpose is to be filled with old, six-year-old wine, so that you drink and, when your head gets dizzy, you shout: Long live Bulgaria! It is not the wine's fault that a person's head gets dizzy. Everyone should drink so much that his head will not get dizzy. If you cannot tolerate a glass of wine, drink a coffee cupful. - Should I drink wine? - I do not recommend absolute abstinence. I also do not recommend absolute morality. - Why? - If I recommend absolute abstinence to people, it will turn out that I do not believe in their strength to control themselves. If I recommend absolute morality to them, it will turn out that I consider them immoral. If I teach you something, it turns out that you are stupid, that you know nothing. I only discuss certain issues before you, as they are in rational nature.

What does science represent for us? Science, knowledge is light in our lives. The light shows that we are neither smart nor stupid, but we are constantly evolving beings. The words "smart and stupid" are relative concepts. You are a cultured person, but a new culture with a greater light than yours comes. In that case, you are considered stupid. When the new culture takes over, the beings who live in it are considered smart. The creatures of the old culture are considered stupid. And vice versa: if the old culture has supremacy over the new one, the beings of the old culture are considered smart, and those of the new culture are considered stupid. What is the measure of today's people whether one is smart or stupid? - If you have money, you are smart; if you have no money, you are stupid.

Christ says, "Behold, I live; I am alive." The word "alive" does not mean what you mean by the concept of being alive. If a man, listening to me, distorts my words and attacks me, he is dead, he is not alive. If I did the same, would also be dead. When I meet people who speak, write, study, I wonder: What motivates them to do this. If someone loves you, ask yourselves what is the reason for that.

Christ says, "I am alive." Only he is alive who can come into contact with all living beings, understand their condition, know their good and bad traits, and assist in their development. If a preacher comes, he will say that God is angry with sinners and He punishes them. Do not attribute to God qualities that He does not possess. Do not put words into God's mouth that He has never said. Externally, no one has heard the voice of God. People themselves speak in the name of God, as they like. The weak one says: This is what Christ said. This is what God said. - You are saying that, not God. Everyone speaks in the name of God, what is in their own interest. Today, many religious, sectarian, orthodox believers read the Gospel and extract only the verses that they like, and begin to enlighten people. They think of themselves as righteous and the others - as great sinners. I say: Friends, you are all right, but your bottles are so small that they cannot collect even a hundred millionth part of the water of truth. I am not saying you have not taken the truth from the water, but it is not all of it. If you keep this water in your small bottles for two or three months, it will evaporate or go bad. This water should be refreshed, it has to be fresh every day.

Observe what I do. Every day I open the great book of life and read. Whatever I read, I pass it on to others. This book is the real original. What is written in it is different from what people read and know. Modern people read from the translations of this great book, which are far from the truth. The task of future culture is to reveal the truth in a simple, clear and applicable form. To be applicable means for it to blossom, to set, to bear fruit, and everyone to taste its fruit. The fruit of truth is the one that Christ expresses through the verse, "I am alive." When we taste this fruit, we will all be alive. If someone comes to argue with me, I will ask him: Will you die? - I will die. - Then you cannot argue with me. It is enough for me to prick you with the tip of my packing needle somewhere on your body, that you lose your mind and stop philosophizing. You will begin to convulse, raise and lower your arms and legs. If a small prick produces such a change in your mind, what would happen to you in a major concussion? Where is your philosophy? How do you have the right to judge people, who is right and who is wrong? The one who moves along the diameter of the circle is right; the one who moves along the circumference itself is wrong. Is there anything bad with people who are wrong?

Right and wrong people are two opposites that turn the wheel of life. Try to remove the circumference of the wheel and see what happens. It is enough to ride in such a car for half a kilometer, for you to say: I leave everything, but I cannot ride in such a car. This is the wrong in the world. Put a diameter on the wrong, and it will become right. They say someone is right. I say: Put a curved line around him. So the wrong one needs a diameter and the right one needs a circumference. This is a philosophical definition of things. Knowing this philosophy, I can tell you what you are missing. If the woman in a house is right, I will tell you to put a curved line around her. If the daughter is right, she also needs a curved line. Then I will put one axle on these wheels and harness them to work. Only in this way will peace and love come among people.

What is happening today? The diameter goes to one place, the circle to another, and they begin to philosophize. Some consider themselves orthodox and others - heretics. However, neither one nor the other does any important work. It is not a question of who is wrong and who is right. This is nonsense. It is important for everyone to ask themselves why the world was created and what one has to do at any given time. - What should we do and how to do our jobs? - In order to do some job, one right and one wrong person should come together.

You say: How shall we get rid of evil? This is a wrong thought. Once you have eaten the forbidden fruit, you cannot be free from either good or evil. The principle of good and evil is hidden in the forbidden fruit. Every day you eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and you want to be free from evil. It is impossible. Whoever enjoys the fruit of the forbidden tree will be right and wrong, good and bad. What would you object to that? You will ask why Eve ate this fruit. Eve was smart and valiant. She decided to eat the forbidden fruit and endured the consequences without fear. Eva's daughters nowadays are extremely cowardly. They do not have the courage and fearlessness of their mother. It is enough to prick them with the tip of a packing needle, so that they shout to God.

In the last talk, I spoke on behalf of nature. Those who were listening to me but did not understand, said that I was talking about myself. If you go to a fountain that flows wildly and can be heard far away, what is the reason for this: the fountain or the water? - The water, of course. So, in order to be right, I should say that like the Orthodox Church there is no other, like the Orthodox priests there are no others; or that evangelicals are the best people in the world. There are no others like them, selfless, honest. They work only for God, they give everything for free. If I talk like that, both Orthodox and Evangelicals will be pleased with me, they will say that I am a good person, that everyone should listen to me. There are Sabbatarians, and I also have to speak well of them, to say that they are on the right path, that everyone, like them, should observe the Sabbath. They are selfless workers for God's Word. And they will also say that there is no better person in the world than me. We must all honor him. He speaks the truth, so we must all listen to him. I am really right in relation to them, but I am not right in relation to the truth.

What I say about the Orthodox is not right, because even today they eat the forbidden fruit. What I say about evangelicals is not right, because they are also eating the forbidden fruit. What I am saying about the Sabbatarians is not right, because they are also eating the forbidden fruit. Whichever church you go to today, you have to stay at least two meters away from their circle, because there is kicking nearby. This is not an insult or a reproach, but I am raising the issue as it is in reality. Starting from the great truth, I say: Only one Gospel exists. Only one Orthodox Church exists. Only one Sabbath exists - the Sabbath of good in the world. May your heart be obsessed every day with the desire to celebrate the Sabbath, as the Sabbath of good in the world.

Christ says, "I have the keys of Hades and of death." I wonder about the current orthodox and religious people who are afraid of me. Why are they afraid? I have no power, nor money, nor many followers. I understand why they are afraid. When I illuminate the face of a great criminal or robber, he immediately pulls out his revolver and fires. He says: Sir, do not shed light on me. Light up the way you walk. - I am sorry, I did not mean to illuminate you, but because you got in my way, my light illuminated you. I am making way for you to pass, but if you do not want to, I will turn my flashlight a little aside. There is no need for people to be afraid of me. They must be afraid of something else: death is terrible, hell is terrible. Preachers tell people about some other hell, far away from them. In my opinion, the hell of modern people is terrible.

A little angel lived in heaven happily and blissfully. As he attended the heavenly school, he heard talk of a new world, the earth. One day he said to a great angel: Please, can you do me a big favor? Since I hear people talking about the earth and its inhabitants, I am asking you to take me there to see what the new people represent. The great angel satisfied the little angel's wish, put him on his wings and descended to earth together. After spending several days among people, the little angel asked the great angel: Why did you bring me to hell? I asked you to take me among people, to see how they live. - These are the people, this is the life of all mankind. Indeed, there is no greater hell than the one on earth.

For two thousand years, theologians and preachers have been talking about some kind of hell, but far away. It is said that sinners were tied there with some hot iron chains. No matter what scary pictures they present, people are still not afraid. Hell is something else, not what preachers say. You should be grateful that your hearts have hardened a little, so you do not feel the great suffering of people. What suffering there is in the world! They namely destroy human life. - When will this destruction stop? - When suffering is removed. There is torture and suffering that must definitely be eliminated. However, there is torture and suffering that needs to remain. They are the natural sufferings that come from the Spirit. They incite people to do good. When I study, I go through suffering and torment that I enjoy. I acquire something from them. When someone pricks a packing needle in my hand, that suffering is meaningless. When I get burned at the stake, this suffering is also meaningless. What do they want from me? Money. I will anyway give as much as they want, without getting burned.

A Turk named Hassan worked in a Turkish coffee shop. At one point, a Turkish lord entered the coffee shop carrying a bag of Turkish coins. The lord sat at one of the tables and put the bag close to him. Hassan glanced at the bag, noticed where the lord had left it, and said to himself: Ah, if I had this bag, I would be a different person! Seeing that the lord was distracted, Hassan took the bag and hid it somewhere. Then he returned to the coffee shop and continued his work. The lord noticed that his money was missing, and caused alarm throughout the coffee shop. They started looking for the thief, and the suspicion fell on Hassan. They caught him and started beating him. He was frightened and said: For goodness' sake, effendi, I will say where I hid the money. However, they beat him well and told him: Do not do such things a second time. Then other rich people came to the coffee shop, with their bags full, but Hassan looked away, he was not interested in money. The reason for your suffering is the same. Everyone thinks that the gold in the world is for them. No, the gold is on the lord. When you take the lord's bag, death will catch you and you will pay with your life.

Christ says, "I have the keys of Hades and of death." This, in fact, is the new teaching, to understand the laws of hell and death. In other words, to understand the laws that govern the forces in your body, to live as long as you want, and not for people to force you to leave your body. The purpose of Christ's teaching is to acquire immortality. Anyone who believes in God can be immortal. This means for one to be saved. It is not the matter of salvation. It is only one moment in human life; development is another moment, but immortality implies having the keys of Hades and death. That means to say, "I am alive." The living Lord will be a witness to your every action. Knowing this, you will be careful about your actions. Let every action of yours be right, because you are before the face of God, in Whom you live. - How shall we change our lives? How shall we improve our situation? - A person can change his life and improve his situation at some point. You can get rid of all your shortcomings at some point. It is enough to say like Christ: "I did not come to do my will, but the will of the One who sent me." Let everyone say to themselves: “I did not come to fulfill the will of Ivan, of Dragan; I came to do the will of the One, Who sent me." Ivan, Dragan, Stoyan are your brothers, there is no need to do their will. You will do the will of the One, Who gave you life. When you decide to serve God, you will notice above your eyes, at an angle of 45°, a constant light which either increases, or decreases. It will depend on your faith. As long as this light is in front of you, nothing can attack you - you will always be alive. This light comes from the Source of life. Everyone can have this spiritual experience, however, it refers to the one who has prepared himself internally.

It is a law: In order to connect with the living forces of nature, the cells in your brain must be prepared to endure. If they are not ready, you will look like the man who gets drunk from two glasses of wine. Two Turkish women went to a rich Bulgarian lady and started talking. The lady treated them with a glass of new wine. As they were not accustomed to drinking, the Turkish women felt that the wine was beginning to affect them. They cheered up and started singing. The lady gave them another glass of wine. They drank it too and started singing and dancing. It is said that religious people get confused. There is something true in this. They have difficulty withstanding the spiritual forces working in them. I also say that the new teaching changes people, makes them alive, energetic, happy. Anyone who does not know the reason for this says that they drank new wine. Others say they are missing something. After 24 hours, they return to their normal state.

The spiritual world is great, but it needs prepared people who can cope with the rapid changes in life. For example, you are in the physical world illuminated by the sun. Suddenly the light is lost, and you fall into complete darkness. If you are not afraid, after a while you will see a dim light, which will gradually increase. You will begin to discern another world in front of you, similar to the physical one, with fields, forests, and mountains similar to the ones you know. Everywhere you will see light softer than the sun. This can last for two, three minutes and then you will come back to your original state. What will you say about this? You will say it is imagination. How about an astronomer who sees things through his telescope that are invisible to the naked eye? Is this also imagination? Which of the two is imagination? Both things are real. You open and close your eyes and say you see different things. This is an illusion. You can see well with the naked eye at a distance of about 100-200 meters. At a distance of one kilometer, you can hardly distinguish objects. So, there is a certain limit to physical vision. Outside this limit, objects are blurred. This is not a vision. However, if you point your inner telescope, you see things that you cannot see with the strongest telescope on earth.

What does the spiritual world represent? Externally, it cannot be described in words. In order to understand it, you must enter it. This is not a privilege for just one person. This world is accessible to anyone who is prepared to enter there. Do you think that the ant that crawls on your head, on your body and enters different societies can learn everything that happens there? Does it understand what people think and say? It does not understand anything. As is the ant's understanding of your world, so is your understanding of the spiritual world. If I told you that I saw this and that, what would you object to me? Since you do not see the same, you will say: You see as much as we do. From your point of view, you are right, but I am also right. I see more than you, but I cannot prove it at the moment. And I do not have to prove it to you. How will you benefit from my proof? I do not want to make you adepts. Why then do I speak to you about God, about the invisible world? Because it is good for me and for you. I say: Free yourself from all mental prejudices, from all bad feelings, so that you can be free to enjoy the Divine light, God's Truth and Love, which bring life and freedom to the human soul.

Christ says, "I am alive." And you, as Christians, can confirm this. Can you not say that Christ lives in you? If you have not met Christ at least once in the last two thousand years, how will you justify yourselves? Christ is the living light that illuminates everything in the world, inside and out. Have you not seen this light? All the changes that are happening today in the outside world, as well as in yourselves, are happening in the spiritual world as well. Every change in the spiritual world also produces a change in the physical world. When there are elections in heaven, there are elections on earth. The only difference is that if there is one election in heaven, there are ten on earth; if there are ten elections in heaven, there is one on earth. When there are ten wars in heaven, there is one war on earth. And vice versa: when there is one war in heaven, there are ten wars on earth. There is birth and death in heaven too. How would you explain these things? This is the teaching of Christ. He says, "Unless you are born of water and the Spirit." Water is an emblem of the spiritual world. So, if you are not born in the other world, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. This implies spiritual rebirth, not birth on earth.

It is said, "Unless you are born again." One must be born spiritually, of water and the Spirit. At each birth, man is given the conditions to attain the Divine knowledge necessary for the construction of human life. By studying music, one makes an effort to achieve something, to acquire more knowledge. Having studied an exercise in the first position, he gradually moves to the second, third, fourth position. What will the mother say to her child, who plays the same song for hours, always in the first position? The mother will get bored and say: That is enough! My head exploded from your playing! He can play "Sweet flower, beautiful flower", but in different positions. And today's people play "Sweet flower, beautiful flower", only in the first position, and talk about religion, science. They say: We believe in God, we read the Gospel. They ask each other which of them is Orthodox, which one is an evangelist, whether they understand the Gospel, etc. These are the religious people of "Sweet flower, beautiful flower" who play only in the first position. It is a different matter to play in all positions. I say to such a religious person: Play more. A religious person meets you and says that he is Orthodox, believes in Christ, reads the Gospel, knows the symbol of faith, but when you go to buy some butter from him, he will sell it to you at the highest price. You meet another one who recommends himself as a Sabbatarian; he says he respects the Sabbath, and it is exactly on this day that he will lend you money at a high interest rate. If you cannot pay your debt on time, he will sue you, will take your house. This is neither Orthodoxy, nor Evangelism, nor Sabbatarianism.

Now I say to all men and women: Apply the teachings of Christ in your homes. Today, every home has its own religion. In this situation, no one can be resurrected. Whoever wants to be resurrected, must accept the teachings of Christ.

Now I want you to test me to what extent I apply the teachings of Christ; and I want to test you. I do not want you to believe in me, but to believe in your soul and in your spirit. You are not yet living for your soul. How many times have you harnessed her to things that are not in her nature. You meet someone, you say a few insulting words. This is how you offend your soul. It is not allowed for souls to be offended. We must be gentle, delicate, as God is to us.

When you read the whole chapter of Revelation, you see that there is talk of seven lamps. These are seven spirits. Everyone must carry these seven lamps in themselves. They can express themselves through anyone and help humanity. These spirits can speak through one of the evangelists - Matthew, Luke, Mark and John; they can be expressed through a scientist or a philosopher. It is important to tell the truth. Whoever speaks the truth is a true man, he is one with God. If a child speaks the truth, I would listen to him, as well as the adult man. John says that when he saw everything that was revealed to him, he fell to the ground. This shows that earthly life cannot withstand the vibrations of pure and sublime spiritual life. Christ had to appear, lay His hand on him, lift him up from the earth, and say to him, "Fear not, I am alive." Everyone must fall to the ground as if dead, to go through what John experienced. Until you fall dead like John, until your personal self, that is your ego, dies, you can never say like Christ, "I am alive."

Everything personal, all selfishness must fall dead to the ground, not to disappear, but to obey the Divine, to be harnessed like an ox, in order to serve for the development of future culture. We have served selfishness for eight thousand years - it has reigned long enough. Now we have to change it. We quarrel with the whole world only because of selfishness. Men and women, boyfriends and girlfriends, sons and daughters, all quarrel over the ego in themselves. Someone says something bad about your wife, and you immediately quarrel with him. - Why do you quarrel? - I have honor, I have dignity. My dignity lies in what I do for my soul; my dignity lies in the truth that I serve; my dignity lies in the love that I carry in my soul; my dignity lies in the life that is given to me and to all people.

How do I look at people in the world? As conditions under which I can get rid of evil and impurities in life. Just as impurity is extracted from us through money, so our impurities are extracted through certain human manifestations. For example, I meet a man, I scold him, say a few insulting words, but he looks at me meekly and leaves quiet and calm. I thank him because he caused me to throw away something unclean. Sometimes a human thought can renew and uplift us. Knowing this, you need to understand the meaning and purpose of human societies. Just as the windows of houses are needed to ventilate the air, so societies aim to protect people from suffocation. The more windows a house has, the better. So when someone pricks me in the arm with a packing needle, I keep quiet, I do not say anything. I feel the pain, I feel it very deeply, but I say to myself: This is God's law, I will endure everything with love. They endured it for me, and I will endure it for others. This is a test for every Christian. When they try their brother's sting, the living Christ tells you, "Do not be afraid, you need this poison. I will show you the truth. God also does the same in my lab.” What do I do in my lab? Today I get stung by someone. I take the poison from his sting, I put it in a medicine vial and write down what the poison is and what it is used for. The next day I get stung by another. I put the poison in a vial again. So I collect all the poisons for various diseases. I write on one bottle: I bought this poison from Ivan Draganov. It works well against a certain disease. I write on another bottle: Poison from Petko Stoyanov's pharmacy. It is expensive, but it works great as a medicine. When you do not understand this science, you are angry and say: I do not need this poison.

Christ says, "I have the keys of death," He speaks namely of the poison that causes death. Not knowing how to extract the healing power of this poison, you kill yourselves. Someone meets you, injects you with some of his poison; another one meets you, also brings some of his poison into your body, and you say: There is nothing to do, I will die. When you decide to die, they call a priest to hear your confession. You say that you have done this and that, and when you make a confession, you leave for the other world. Everyone says: The man has gone to the Kingdom of God. This is deception. There is no need to deceive with confessions, but the priest has to remove all the poison from his soul. That is, to tell him the truth. These are our languages! These are our packing needles! There is no more dangerous packing needle than the tongue. I have tried your packing needles. When someone looks at me, their eyes light up. He wants to say: Do you know what I can do to you? - I know, you are going to prick me with a packing needle. - So far I have stuck it two centimeters in, now I will stick it three centimeters. - I know you have decided to release your poison properly.

I say: There is no need to light up our eyes. There is no need to stick our packing needles. Let us use our packing needles for other things. One day I will do an experiment with my packing needle. I will call a few sick neurasthenics, weak-chested, and stick my packing needle into them, for you to see what happens. Within an hour, they will recover. Why would I do this experiment? To show the power and possibility of the great law of God; to show that there is no change or betrayal in God. I will experiment with those who are hesitant, whose faith is weak, and who are constantly wondering what will happen to them. Nothing bad will happen to them. They will become real people, in the full sense of the word.

What do I want to tell you by raising my hands? The two hands raised show the two seeds planted in the ground. Eternal life comes out of them. The two seeds, grown in the name of God's Love and God's Wisdom, come from two great principles: the principle of hell and death, and the principle of life. That is why Christ says, "I have the keys of Hades and of death." The poison of hell and death will be taken away by the light of life, and only that which brings eternal life will remain.

Today all people seek Christ in this or that church. All preachers argue among themselves which church Christ is in or which church will save mankind. They are afraid that I may take the place of Christ. I never thought of such a thing. They should not be afraid of this. Neither I nor they can take this place. Who is Christ? The one who has suffered for all mankind. Anyone who has not suffered for humanity, cannot be Christ. Whoever wants to be like Christ, let them endure His torment and suffering. If anyone can suffer like Christ, I will be the first to recognize him as equal to Christ. When a young man wants to take a beautiful girl, he says: If you take me, you will be happy with me. I am a strong man. The girl says to her mother: I have found my chosen one. I am ready to go with him. The parents agree, they put a wreath on them. Two years later, she returns to her parents and says to her mother: Mom, my savior did not come out as he pretended to be. He tortures me, beats me, my back is bruised from that beating. The mother says: Do not despair. He is not the only one like that. The world is full of such saviors - you will find them everywhere, in every church, in every society, in every home.

The teaching of these saviors is false. Whoever loves his beloved, keeps her as the apple of his eye. All people throw dust on Christ - their beloved, but He stands and watches, says nothing. I have seen Christ, I know Him well, I have talked to Him. I have not encountered a better teaching than Christ's, nor a language better than His; This teaching covers everything within its limits. This teaching gives impetus to modern society, modern science and state. The great unrest in the world is due to the great Spirit of Christ, Who works in the depths of all mankind, as well as in the depths of the earth. Everything unclean, that lurks in the ground, is thrown out like a boil. It will not be ten years before everything is cleared. Until then, humanity will go through such a sweat that it never thought possible. At least three times will they sweat, change clothes and refresh themselves. All the false teachings, in which human souls are immersed, will come out of the interior of their body to the periphery in the form of sweat and will relieve them. To get rid of your delusions means to get out of hell. Christ unlocked hell and threw death out, saying, "I am alive." The new life brings death out of hell and enters our souls.

Now, put your faith into life and know that there is no more powerful, greater power than the Spirit. I know that there is no more powerful force than the Spirit of God. Life is simultaneously weak and strong like water. All changes outside of us are due to water; all changes within us are due to life. Therefore, if you use life wisely, you will have good results. In order to understand the deep meaning of life, free yourself from the thought that you are sinful and that God does not love you; give up the translations of all the authors and turn to the Lord. He holds the keys to hell and death. He watches so that death does not take over life and destroy everything in the world. Death inevitably exists. We accept it voluntarily. - Until when are we going to die? - As long as you are eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. - Which is this fruit? - It is the fruit of ant culture.

Not knowing life, many think that if they have lived well on earth, they will live well in heaven. This is what ordinary people, scientists and philosophers think. A priest said to his wife: You know, woman, I think I will also be fine in the other world. I have lived well on earth so far, satisfied with everything. I took first place here, and first place awaits me in heaven too. One day the end of his life came, and he died. His wife cried a little for him, but calmed down with the thought that he was fine in the other world. She also died ten years later. The first thing she did in the other world was to look for her husband. She went straight to heaven. Here she looked, there she looked, nowhere did she see him. - Who are you looking for? - some in heaven asked her. - Father priest. - He is not here. There are other places, you should find him somewhere. She finally reached hell. She went in there and, to her surprise, saw the priest. - What happened to find you here? - Oh dear, I thought wrongly. But my situation is not so terrible. I am on the shoulders of Father bishop. I say: Do not be surprised that many Orthodox and evangelicals will find themselves with Father priest. You will say that there is something comforting. - What is comforting? - That they will be on the bishop's shoulders. - No matter how you console yourselves, it does not help. The Orthodox have less knowledge than the evangelicals, but they are more sincere, more candid than them. From too much philosophizing, some evangelicals have come to distorting the truth. They comment on the verses in the Gospel until they distort them. Distortion takes man away from the truth. Anyone can distort. It is enough to stab you with my packing needle, so that you turn around and forget arguing.

One man often criticized the devil and spoke ill of his deeds. The devil told him several times: Listen, do not bother with me. I am appointed to this ministry by the Lord. Only He has the right to judge me. I am the master of the world. If you do not stop insulting me, I will teach you a lesson, so that you understand who I am. The blasphemer did not stop speaking ill of the devil. One day the latter turned into a beautiful donkey that went to the market. This man went to the market to buy something. His gaze settled on the donkey and he wanted to buy it. It turned out that the price of the donkey was not high, just within his budget. He bargained with the seller and happily returned home. The next day he took the donkey to the fountain to give water to it. The fountain had two large taps. The donkey immediately slipped through one of the taps and began to show its ears from both taps. The master stood in front of the fountain, seeing the donkey's ears, but he did not know how to get it out. At that time a peasant came to drink water from the fountain. He said to him: My friend, help me to take out the donkey that has entered the tap of the fountain. - Where is it? - Here, its ears are visible. The peasant looked at the basin, but saw nothing. He was angry that he was being made fun of, and he beat up the master of the donkey. He stood for a while and saw the donkey move its ears. Another man came and told him the same thing, that his donkey had entered the tap. This man also did not see the donkey, and he beat him. Then many people came to the fountain, but he was already silent. The donkey moved its ears again, but he told him: I see you, but I no longer dare to ask people for help. I do not want to be beaten a third time.

I am asking: What is the point of telling people that your donkey has hidden in the dustbin and is moving its ears? Whoever you tell, a fight awaits you. All the false teachings, all the delusions in the world are like the beautiful donkey that will one day enter the tap of the fountain and become the reason for you to be beaten. They will beat you without you knowing why. You say: I want the donkey out. - You want to, but it does not go out. Hold on to what Christ says, "I am alive." Can the modern Church of Christ say, "The One we believe in, is alive. He has the keys of Hades and of death.” The question is whether Christians should be divided into Orthodox, Evangelicals, Catholics, Sabbatarians. It is important to answer the question of whether Christ, in whom you believe, is alive and lives in you. If he is alive, how do you interpret the Revelation that you are reading?

Many read Revelation and make their own interpretations. There is talk of a beast with four horns, of seven lamps, of some trumpets. Whatever interpretations are given, everything remains as it really is. The seven lamps are seven lights through which our minds can be enlightened. The seven stars are the guiding teachings in man himself. They are the forces which the human spirit uses to understand the deep secrets of nature. The trumpet, which the archangel Michael blew, is the human ear, given by God. One must perceive with it the sounds of the outside world and understand whether they are for battle or for peace. With this ear, he must listen to the voice of the new teaching and know whether it is right or wrong. The trumpet also symbolizes the human mouth. Is there a bigger trumpet than a man's mouth? It is said that an angel trumpeted with great power. The day will come when the minds of all people will trumpet in one accord, they will unite in one mind. Archangel Michael represents the truth that will trumpet through the human mouth. This angel will speak through the mouths of all people. The rational Word of God will be heard everywhere.

It is also said in Revelation that three frogs came out of the sea. The sea represents the world. According to some, frogs represent spiritism, which is seen as something dangerous that destroys. Spiritism has existed for 45 years. Who had destroyed before that? Spiritism corrupts people. Who corrupted them before that? There is no logic in this. Who corrupts the human mind? - Nobody corrupts it: neither Orthodoxy, nor evangelism, nor Catholicism. You will say that Christianity corrupts the world. That is not the way to talk. Christianity, like other philosophical teachings, can become a source of certain delusions, but it can never corrupt humanity. A packing needle can bring certain microbes into your bloodstream and infect you, but it cannot poison you in any way. If you do not have poison in you, no one can poison you from the outside.

Christ says, "I am alive." You, who listen to me, do not believe that Christ is alive. If I tell you that Christ is here among you, what will you answer? Christ is here, not as a physical person, but as a spiritual, invisible being. Although invisible, this Christ is more real than all of you who are present here.

Now you, who are listening to me, have a certain disposition and feeling towards me. Years later, however, you may forget me. Human feelings are transient. Christ does not forget anyone. There was no time in the history and life of the cosmos when Christ forgot someone. This distinguishes Him from all living beings. This is the living, great Christ, Who manifests Himself today to the whole white race. He means all who suffer, the oppressed, the wronged ones. Preachers, priests must accept His teaching and apply it. If they do not, they are accountable to all of humanity. They will excuse me, I am not speaking against them. From what I am telling them, they will be better than they are now. I did them a small favor, taking some of the poison from their blood. In the future, I will make sure that every packing needle that you use does not inject poison, but removes the poison from your blood. When I say "I", I speak in your language; in fact, I mean the living Christ. He says, “I will remove the poison from the tongues of all rulers, of all preachers, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. There will be no living creature left with poison on the tip of their tongue.” This is how the living Christ speaks! In the future, when we meet, we will greet each other without poison. Christ is coming to earth and will reign for thousands of years. Then we will meet and greet each other with a holy kiss. And in thousands of years, I will give everyone a kiss.

Sunday Talks

22 February 1920, 10am, Sunday, Sofia

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