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1920_08_24 Morning Prayer, 24 August and Master and Servant (Nik)


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Готов превод Сутрешен наряд, 24 август и Големец и слуга - 24.8.1920-СБ-313 / .: 24.8.1920-СБ-313

Morning Prayer, 24 August and Master and Servant

24 August, Tuesday, 6 am.

"The Good Prayer."

"Bless the Lord, O my soul." (song)


For the establishment of the full Love of God among all brothers and sisters on the face of the Earth.

For the establishment of the unity of the Spirit.

For the reigning of the Truth in its wholeness among us.

May the Lord fulfill all His good intentions, which He initially predestined according to His grace.

Let us all be faithful to our calling, let us fulfill His good Will with all our heart.

Let us love the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength.

Let us love all our brothers and sisters and our loved ones, as our own soul.

"The Lord's Prayer".

24 August, 8 am.

Great Man and Servant

"Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant."

Matthew 20:26

With this verse Christ defines a principle. He does not say that every man should be a servant, but he says that whoever wants to be a master among you, must be your servant - only the one who wants to be a master, must be a servant.

At first glance, these words of Christ seem a bit contradictory - how is it possible for one who wants to be great, polite, to become a servant and humiliate himself? This is namely the Divine Law: the father and mother, who want to become masters, must first become servants. Do the king and queen not obey the same law on Earth? If a mother does not decide to serve her sons and daughters, can she become a mistress? If a father does not decide to serve his sons and daughters, can he become a master? Indeed, there is no better servant than the mother and no better servant than the father. So this law is true in its essence.

Then we apply the following as a rule: every mother and every father, who wants to have children, must become a servant; every teacher, who wants to have students, must become a servant.

In these words of Christ is hidden a great Divine thought.

Who can serve? Only the strong, the smart, the good man can serve.

Whoever wants to become a doctor, must also serve. Whom? The sick. He will do his bandages, massages, he will have to understand very well his art as a doctor, as a servant of the sick. Otherwise, no patient would call a doctor. Now I see in your eyes that you all want to be masters. You have a very good thought, but the Lord says of you, "Tell them to learn to serve." You will object to me, "How come, we have not heard of such a thing that we must serve!" No, how many times has this thought crossed your mind, but you stick to your old habits and say to yourself, "Is it always me that has to serve?" Yes, you will serve - if you want to be masters, you will serve; if you do not want to be masters, you will not serve.

Therefore, the one who does not want to serve, cannot be a master.

From now on, we have to apply this principle in our daily lives - if we cannot apply it, we will not be able to solve one of the most important social issues.

Let us consider this question in its broad aspects. That master who wants to have many sheep and cattle, does he not prepare hay and any other food for them? Who is the man who wants to be a master, to be noble, great in front of other people, but not to serve his horses, oxen and sheep? Every shepherd, every master serves his sheep. But once we get into public life and start dealing with people, we think the law of service should be applied differently. No, this law must be applied here in the same way.

Christ says, "Let him be your servant."

To whom? You can only be a servant to someone you love - you cannot serve someone you do not love. Therefore, by the word servant Christ means a master, because service is related to Love, and Love strives for the Great, it strives to embrace all people and to rule them. This is the desire of Love.

Christ says, "The one who has this law in his soul, should manifest the other aspirations of Love, he should serve others that he loves." And so, from Christ's words it is understood that true greatness is based on service - if you serve you will be a great man; if you do not serve, you cannot be a great man; if you serve, you can be a mother; if you do not serve, you cannot become a mother; if you serve, you can be a father; if you do not serve, you cannot become a father; if you serve, you can be a teacher; if you do not serve, you cannot become a teacher. This law, the law of service, always exists between two opposites: between servants and masters, between teachers and students, between mothers and daughters, between fathers and sons. So, when we love someone, we must be so delicate, attentive to the soul, mind and heart of our beloved being, not to allow in him the thought that we want to use him, but to leave in him the thought that we are ready to sacrifice for him - if during your whole life you can inspire in someone's soul the thought that you are ready to sacrifice for him, then you are saved; if you inspire in him the thought that you want to use him, then you are lost.

I would like to see a competition between you in exercising the position of servants - I value servants. Now the Lord needs servants. The first servant is the Lord, He wants helpers - from a Master, the Lord has become a servant.

Scripture says, "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve." Today the Lord does not want masters, because He Himself is not a master. That He Himself is not a master is evident from the fact that if He were a master, the world would move forward. And because the world is left to govern itself, it is out of order. If I am asked when the world will get better, I will answer: when you leave the positions of greatness. And so, when all people leave their noble positions, when they step down from them and start working like God - as servants - the world will get better and thus the issue will be resolved. This is the thought that Christ put into this verse to solve the social problem. When will suffering disappear? When a man becomes his wife's servant and the woman becomes her husband's servant; when the brother becomes his sister's servant and the sister, her brother's servant; when the master becomes the servant of his servant and the servant becomes the servant of his master. This resolves the issue - there are no two opinions, there is no other philosophy, no other way. This is the only method by which we can resolve the issue in principle. You will ask how - you are invited for lunch or dinner; let the one you love sit in the first place, let him eat, and you sit in the last place. Here is how to resolve the issue. The weak must be fed first, then the strong. This law also applies in Nature - who can go through the little holes: the big people or the little bugs? Since the Lord leaves the big door for the great people, He opens that door the last - first He opens the small doors for the little ones to pass through, then He gradually opens the bigger doors and finally He opens the biggest ones, and through them pass the biggest people. The law is the same when a building is destroyed - when it begins to collapse, a piece is broken off first, then a second one, a third one, until the whole of it is destroyed. The same law also applies to the construction of the building - a stone is placed first, then a second one, a third one, until the whole building is erected.

I want us to resolve this issue in principle, namely, to decide to be servants in order to be with the Lord. Try to get rid of that great ambition you have. You often say, "How can they insult me - who has so much knowledge and who is of such noble origin!" You should hang up your ambition, origin and knowledge on a nail and show yourself to people as God created you - everything else is a ribbon, it does not matter, your knowledge today will be ignorance tomorrow. Why have we, the modern people who think we know a lot, not fixed the world, nor fixed our lives so far?

When I talk about one thing or another, many say, "We know that." I say to myself, "You do not know anything yet!" Until you gain the power to polarize yourselves, to restore your peace, to find satisfaction in service and to consider it a privilege doing a little favor to anyone, until then you cannot say that you know something. Let us say that you walk on the road and meet a poor old man; he trembles and cannot tie his shoe, but you do not pay attention to him, this seems like a trifle to you, because at this moment you are solving an important issue of brotherhood and equality. No, you will put aside the issue of brotherhood and equality, and will stop to tie this old man's shoes. If you do so, the issue of brotherhood and equality is resolved, but if you pass the old man without helping him, the issue is not resolved.

I will now turn to you, men and women, to explain to you how you spoil Love. Love always requires service. Two young men, a boy and a girl, talk sweet words to each other. The boy says, "You are my angel, you are the meaning of my life, only with you there is life, joy, but without you I will commit suicide." She says the same, "You are an angel to me, without you I can not live." And so, while before they get married, the words "my angel", "my dove", "my dear Ivan", "my dear Mara" are heard. If they get married, there is no more "angel", no more "dove" but "hey, Ivan", "hey, Mara". I ask, why did this inner change happen, where did this angel go? Angel means a servant. But when you say "hey, Ivan", this shows that this "dear Ivan", the angel, has now become a master. The two of them had not loved each other. Why is Love broken? Because when a man and a woman come to live together, they begin to see their shortcomings. The woman does not get into her husband's shoes but constantly tells him to bring this or that, and he only hears: "Bring me, bring me!" And he thought that if he got married, she would make him happy - he did not get married to serve her, but she to serve him. And the woman also says that she did not marry to serve, but to be served. And so, as soon as they get married, the cards come to light - not two angels, not two servants, but two masters got married. Here is the mistake. I would like two people to get married as servants in their relationship - only then can life be expected between them. If they get married as a master and a mistress - may the Lord protect you from such a home! In such a family, little mistresses and masters will be born; the first and second little master will start pulling each other's hair. And if servants and maidens get married, little servants will be born who will live well and say: "Now we understand the law!" The Lord says: I am fed up with masters and mistresses, with their marriages and births of little masters. From now on, I want servants and maids to get married.” I am saying this to you literally. The first little master to be born in a home is loved by everyone, and the mother says, "My little angel!" But her child turns and bites her. I say: whoever bites is not an angel, but a master. Do you know who is the first master in the world? The first master in the world is the wolf. It does not graze sheep, it does not plow, it does not sow, but it says, "I am the master," and goes from barn to barn, from flock to flock, "I am a tax collector!" Why is the wolf proverbial as a wolf? Because he is the first master in the world. I use this thought both literally and figuratively. Literally I mean the idea as it is, and figuratively I mean that inner disposition of man when he wants to use the thoughts and feelings of anyone, as the wolf uses its victims.

So, one of the qualities of a servant, as this word is put in the Bulgarian language, is to learn that great law of emptying, to know how to get empty. The one who goes for water with a jug, has to empty the jug first and then pour water into it, doesn't he? Every person, who wants to serve God, must know the first law: to empty his heart and mind of all evil thoughts and feelings. Someone insulted you, turn your pitcher over: glug... glug... glug... And when you empty it, put Divine feelings in it. Someone has offended you - turn your heart down. Did you know that now, in the physical world, the heart is turned up? When you enter an Occult school, the first thing they will teach you there is to empty yourselves. When they empty your mind, you will feel that you know nothing; when they empty your heart, you will feel that you do not love anyone. But this is only on the face of it - when you empty your mind, you will put it under that spout of Divine thoughts, from which higher Divine ideas will flow into your mind; when you empty your heart, you will put it in front of the Divine spout of feelings and you will experience an inflow of Divine feelings, of a great life.

I would like you, as students of the Occult School, to turn your heart upside down and empty it - the blade of the heart, which is the top of a triangle, should be turned up and the base should stay down. I am asking you: what benefit will you have, if you keep a bitter feeling in your heart for years? You will have absolutely no benefit. Imagine that someone has offended you and you get up in the morning with the thought: "Oh, how deeply he insulted me, I will never forgive him!" You repeat the same thing on the second day, the third day. And what is this? A mere idolatry, in which your whole being, your whole world, is embittered. I say: I do not need such gods, let my altar remain empty. Instead of putting into your heart the one who has done you harm, put the one who has done you a great good, and say, "Lord, You have done me a great good and I am ready to do anything for You." Put Christ in the same place, receive the Spirit of Christ in your hearts, receive the thoughts of Christ in your minds, and you will not need anything else. When Christ comes to your hearts and knocks, He will ask you, "Are your pitchers empty or full, are your minds empty or full, are your hearts empty or full?" When the young man comes to ask for a maiden's hand, he asks her, "Is your heart free or not?" - he means if her heart is empty or full. Which maidens do get married? Those whose hearts are empty. The maiden answers, "I am free, my heart is empty." And Christ is now asking you, "Are your hearts full or empty. i.e. are you free or not? ”(Answer:“ Empty. ”) There is no need for you to tell me, you will not resolve this issue with me. Tomorrow, tomorrow you will solve it, because tomorrow you will be caught like cattle. All people whose hearts and minds are full are cattle - whoever does not want to be an ox, their heart and mind must be empty. Occultists say, "When there is a desire in the heart, that desire is an obstacle for the disciple and it will lead him into sin." You have a desire to become rich, to insure yourself - this desire will be a reason to invest your life in it and you will lag behind by 10-15 years; you will desire, you will desire until someone comes and robs you. Well, there were millionaires in Russia with four or five million rubles each, but now they have fled Russia as the poorest people. Did they secure themselves with this money? Christ showed them that they were on the wrong path. You are amazed when I say that people should serve, and unselfishly so - the priests protest and say that their salaries are low, they cannot preach without money. Well, the priests take 500 leva each, but do the bishops, taking 8000 leva each, preach for free? Therefore, it is not a question of money, but there is something else that hinders people. That is evident from the following fact: a German preacher was known for his eloquence in his sermons. One day the king, whose favorite was the preacher, issued an order to increase the preacher's salary so that he could preach more often and his word could be heard farther. But the king noticed that under these conditions sermons began to be heard less and less. He asked about the reason for this and the Minister replied: "Your Majesty, you should know that when a rooster gets fat, it does not sing." Any peasant woman you ask will answer that when a rooster gets fat, it does not sing. The English say, "It is a bad omen when a rooster does not sing!"

Christ foretold to the Jews how they could rise as a people, namely, if the scribes and Pharisees accepted His teaching. Bulgarians are now resolving the same issue. Today, Christ tells them again: "This nation does not need priests, bishops, masters, but servants - servants are necessary." This nation needs priests-servants, teachers-servants, ministers-servants - servants are needed everywhere, servants... Such is the law of the angels, such is the law of the White Brotherhood, which now rules the world. All the White Brothers, all the angels in heaven, are fulfilling this great law. When you go into their world, you will notice that the smartest, the most exalted, the most noble work the most and occupy the lowest places. Today the church expects Christ to come down to earth dressed in a mantle, with nice clothes and a sword in his hand, so that everyone can see Him - well, if this is how they imagine Christ and if they expect Him like that, was not the German emperor in 1915 this Christ? This is not the way Christ will come down into the world. No king, no philosopher, no priest or bishop who walks this ordinary path, can bring anything new into this world. If Christ came into the world today and joined a church procession of 10-15,000 priests, do you know where you will find Him? You will find Him last, at the end of the whole procession, because the priests are masters and preach that the Lord was such and such. These priests know nothing. For example, they often say, "Blessed be the Lord our God!" But I say, "The Lord cannot be blessed for one who does not know how to work — He can only be blessed for one who knows how to work." Blessed is this Lord who lives in the hearts of mothers, fathers and servants, who know how to serve.

Speaking to you on this verse, I do not want you to make an effort to apply it, I do not want you to apply it artificially, but the service should come from an inner feeling, from an inner motivation. Do not tell anyone, "I am a servant," but let your life and deeds show that you are servants. I have seen many daughters who, after working at home, start complaining and saying, "Well, I have worked a lot, I got blisters on my hands." But blisters are not a sign that a person has worked hard. Put a peasant woman and a townswoman in the same job - the peasant woman will work ten hours and she will not get pimples, but the townswoman will work for fifteen minutes and will have blisters on her hands. Judging by the blisters, it turns out that the townswoman worked harder than the peasant, but this is not the case, it is not right. It is right to be guided by that great sense of satisfaction that we experience when we work. Only in this way will brotherhood be established between us. Let us not say, "But that one does not serve!" No, you will solve the question for yourself by asking yourself, "Do I serve, do I show the qualities of a servant?" How will we know that an artist is good? We will look at his work, we will make him draw a picture and after he draws it, we will decide whether it is good or bad. When we say that someone is a musician, we say that he is one only after we have heard him play and there is complete harmony in his playing. This is what we do in all cases when we judge something. For example, women say that men need to be corrected - no, women need to be corrected. Men say that women need to be corrected - no, men need to be corrected. You will ask who needs to be corrected first - who is vying to become a servant. When she came out of the man's rib and saw that she did not have much knowledge, the woman wanted to have knowledge and therefore sold her honor - she sold her honor in heaven for greatness, and that is only for one apple! You will argue that she was deceived, etc. - No, your first mother, this first vain woman in heaven, was a mistress there and had not learned the law of service. In the original language, the word Eve means the science of small quantities - God had ordained her to study the science of small quantities, but she was not happy and said that she would study large quantities and show this fool, from whom she was made, that she is not in an inferior position to him. But they both came out of heaven.

You are married, I am not, but I will tell you what your situation is when you get married. Two young people get married and in a week's time each of them wants to be the master and they say: "Let us see which rooster will start singing now." They quarrel and a psychological battle between them begins. Then reconciliation begins - he apologizes, she too, they forgive each other. Some time passes and they quarrel again, there is no peace between them. Why? Because they both want to be masters of the house. The wife says: "How come, I was a servant to my mother, but here I want to be a mistress!" No, this woman was a mistress to her mother - the mother and father work, and she commands. But now here, with her husband, she will be a servant. Therefore, when they get married, women will have to roll up their sleeves and say, "Come, My Lord, to help, I will be a servant here and will start working." Men should say the same. I want you, as students of the Occult School, to roll up their sleeves, just as I have rolled up my sleeves, and let us be all servants of the Lord.

A servant should neither exaggerate nor belittle the tasks assigned to him by his master. When you comfort a brother of yours, tell him, "Brother, I know why you are unhappy - you have not learned the law of serving, but you want to be a master." When you comfort your sister, tell her, "Sister, you are unhappy because you have not learned the law of serving, but you want to be a mistress.” Serving is necessary, however, it must not be enforced but voluntary. If you follow this rule, 95% of your misfortunes will disappear. This great law, the law of service, is this: when we spiritually accept to carry Love and endure everything with Love, God comes to us - Love is conscious, it penetrates everywhere, it will begin to speak to you, it is God. I am not talking to comfort you - you can try and test it yourselves. Open your heart and put Love into it; then the Lord will begin to speak to you so clearly, as He has never spoken to you before. He will tell you, "This is how it will be done, you should do this, this is how it is served!"

Imagine that you are walking in the way of Christ and see that a rich man gives his wealth away and begins to serve humanity. You say, "Here is one of the good servants." If you like his deeds, do the same, become servants of mankind. I am not talking about what is tangible, but about what you have in your mind, in your heart and in your will; we must place all this at the service of the Kingdom of God, of this new act, which the Lord brings into the world in order for us to fulfill His good Will. It is namely as servants that we will not leave our position, we will not think where we are - wherever we are, we will not care. What is the difference between a servant-janitor at a ministry and a servant to a farmer? Which one of the two is in a better position? I would prefer to be a servant in the fields or in a garden, because the air is clean there.

So, angels and saints are the first servants. They are not wearing mantles or magnificent clothes, but they are the best workers. You will find these angels among the scholars, you will find them among all the men and women who comfort the unfortunate ones and tell them, "Do not be afraid, the Lord is among you, He will comfort you!" They comfort them, and the Lord tells them, "I am here, I will put that in order.” The only thing the Lord is doing now is driving the masters out, i.e. he does not drive them out of the world, but tells them, "You stay, do not interfere in anything, we will feed you." He gives them a large table, puts a basin of water for them to wash, cleans their shoes, cooks for them and asks them, "Are you ready for the table now?" That is what the New Teaching says. Therefore, the servants will not drive their masters out, but will say to them, "Brothers, you, being my masters, will be sitting at the table, and we will be serving you." This is the teaching that Christ wants for you. Christ is coming even today, but He is not coming for the masters of this world, but for the servants. And when He comes, He will not ask where the teachers, the priests, the bishops, the masters are, but He will ask where the disciples of the New Teaching, the servants, are. To the former, He will give mantels, crowns and put them outside, in the waiting room. So, if you are a master, if you are a bishop, a preacher or some great majesty, you will stay in the waiting room, but if you are a disciple, if you are a servant, you will be with the Lord. You will understand this thought correctly, and if you think like that, you will thoroughly resolve this issue, so that when you come here again next year, you will no longer ask how that issue will be resolved. This is the only way that it can be resolved, there is no other way. This is the law that Christ has placed in the world. Mothers have been using it for thousands of years - and every mother starts well.

Some people say: "This work is hard, we have been servants so far, and we will continue to serve in the future!" Then become masters! There are places for masters too - and for them, these are places of honor. For the masters, there are certain portfolios like those for ministers, and they are appointed by decree, but for the servants there is no appointment. We will pay the masters and we will not pay anything to the servants, but there is another law for them - we will give a kiss to everyone who serves. And we will say to the masters: "Welcome, gentlemen, here you are, you are of noble origin, rich, learned men, philosophers, and you deserve our honors, respect, but not a kiss." And we will say to the servant, "Brother, you are of low origin, here you are a kiss!"

So, Christ gives away two things - He gives money to the rich and of noble origin, and He gives a kiss to the servant of low origin. Do not despair! Whoever wants money, let them become a master, and whoever wants to work without money, let them become a servant! Whoever is tired of life and wants to become a master, let them come to the table, and whoever does not want to rest - let them become a servant. These are principles that you can apply literally. When you meet, compete to pay homage to each other; however, only the servant is capable of such a great work. I consider the current children to be masters - the mother makes her child shake hands, kiss someone's hand, but it would not, it frowns; the mother says, "My little angel!" What an old master he is! Some children often swell their mouths and cheeks, and their parents ask them why they do so. I do not say anything to the parents, but I think: this child is an old master! This child, swelling with importance, says: "I am great, you should have a better opinion of me!" There are similar mistakes with the spiritual sisters. Some of them, in order to show that they are not servants and that they know a lot, swell with importance - and men also swell. Swelling itself is a negative thought - once you start to swell, you are negative, you think you do not have what you should have, and you start to demagnetize. What should we swell for? If Love lives in me, is there anything better than that? What is Love? Love is God, and the whole world seeks Him. So, we have to take in Love, this living Lord, and become His servants or serve together with Him. This is how we will learn the great art of loving each other. But there can be no love without service - you should not look at the mistakes of the one you want to serve, you will pretend not to see them, and you will love him. Love is like water, it says, "Never mind, you came to me a little unclean, but if you stay in this water for a while, you will be cleansed." They say of someone, "Do you not see how unclean he is!" - Never mind, when the water comes, he will fall into it, he will stay for a while and it will clean him little by little. Do not consider anyone irredeemable, because in God's Love everything is pure, as long as we have patience. If I meet you swelling with importance, I will know that you are masters, if you are not swelling - you are servants. Some say, "I am tired of listening to what Love is." Then you have not understood what Love is. There are 35 million ways in the world in which the word Love can be defined and pronounced. I will show you some of these ways. When we say the word Love, we must penetrate and embrace everything with all our mind and with all our heart, we must learn to pronounce the sounds correctly. Once we learn to sing properly, people will like us, but when we sing and think about what impression we will make, our minds are divided. Therefore, when you love, reject any doubt - whoever you love, they deserve your Love, because you love the Divine soul in them. Never say, "I am sorry I loved them." You have not lost anything, but you and they have both won. I will make a comparison from which you will see what your Love should be like. Let us assume that Love is a Divine fire in which all materials melt. You tell me, "I have this Divine fire in me." I start testing it. I bring a straw and put it in the fire - it burns. Very well. I put a stick - and it also burns. I put lead - it also melts and burns. I put iron, silver, gold - they do not melt. You say, "My Love is Divine." If it is Divine, it will melt everything in itself - Love that cannot melt and evaporate iron, is not Love; Love that cannot melt and evaporate silver and gold, is not Love. Divine Love must melt and evaporate all thoughts and desires that are made of iron, silver and gold. This is the teaching of service. If our Love can melt iron, silver and gold, we will be bearers of the New Teaching. And what fire can melt these refractory metals? Only the fire of the servant. The fire of the master cannot melt iron, silver and gold. The servant has no money, he is poor. Why? Because everything melts and evaporates in his fire. How will money remain in this fire? In this fire, all thoughts and desires of the iron category will disappear and we will be ready to serve the Lord. I have a good opinion of servants.

So, I have given you a method how to heal yourselves - if your heart is heavy, you have a lot of iron; if you are not happy with your life, you have a lot of gold; if you think you have no knowledge, you have a lot of silver. You will ask: "How is that?" Give someone a lev. First he will be happy with it, but then he will want to have two leva, then three, four, five, six leva and so on, and throughout the year he will accumulate and look like a loaded donkey. When you return to your Father in the afterlife, do you know what He will say? He will say: "Call my master son! - Well, my son, what did you do on Earth? You collected gold coins, you got rich, didn't you? Place this son of mine at the table, he is a nobleman." Then the Lord says, "Now call My servant son." The servant enters. The Lord asks him, "What did you do on Earth?" "Well, Father, I spent all the gold and silver that you had given me, I ate and spent everything." The Father says: "Bring me the best calf, let us eat and rejoice." Then the son from the fields comes and sees this feast, he says: "How come I work in the fields all day, and such feasts are made for this one!" He swells with importance, angry. The father says, "I slaughtered only one calf for this poor son of mine." That is the solution to the problem. Whoever is a servant, only one calf will be slaughtered for him and he will eat, but for the master brother there will be a house, fields, and money. The master brother says, "You should know that I am the master." The little servant brother says, "Well, brother, whatever you say, so it will be."

So, now Christ turns to all of you and says, “You, My fellow masters, who work in the fields, and you, My fellow servants, who have eaten everything and are returning to your Father, are you ready to carry My teaching?" I believe that many of you are ready, but stop being arrogant. They say about someone: "His face is sunken." Yes, and then it swells up - this is a small bagpipe. So, in the future, the masters will be bagpipes, and the servants will be the players around. The rich man, the master, will play the bagpipe "skirl-skirl, skirl-skirl", and the servant will jump "stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp." This is how the world will get better. Both servants and masters will be in place. This is a figure of speech.

So, in the New Teaching there will be a place for both masters and servants. If you are a master, you will be a bagpipe, if you are a servant - you will dance. People will dance, they will spin and the world will go like that.

However, this will not be the case with you: "Whoever wants to be a great man among you, let them be your servant." What I have not mentioned here now, you will resolve yourselves during the year.

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