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1917_03_22 Without Burden (Nik)


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Готов превод Без товар - 22.3.1917-ИБ|БС-156 / .: 22.3.1917-ИБ|БС-156

Without Burden

"And the disciples came and said to Him,"

“Why do You speak to them in parables?”

"He answered and said to them,"

“Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven,"

"but to them it has not been given."

"Matthew 13: 10, 11, 12"

“Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it has not been given." The mysteries of the Kingdom of God are a matter for reflection, an aspiration of the human spirit. You will understand this when light is shed on your mind about this idea. By idea, I understand the image of a living and rational essence, which develops not like dead objects, but as something living and essential. "To you, says Christ, to whom it has been given." So everyone who listens, has been given. Do not take things in a negative sense - "I have not been given", because this is a stain on God. From the predisposition of your mind, heart and willpower, God will also give you. Modern men of the 20th century and contemporaries of the 1st century, when Christ came to earth, have a great resemblance between each other. "To you, says Christ, the people of the future, it is given to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, but not to the people of the past." It is given to people who live with the future, not with the past. This fact is vivid and truthful. People who live with the past are like a bankrupt merchant, who digs up old ledgers and looks at how much he has to take, but he cannot take anything - and so, every day until the ledgers finally comes to life in his mind and he lives only with it. Such people are not given to understand the Kingdom of God. Say that you will not take from anyone. As you give to your neighbors, you are given to understand the Kingdom of God. These words represent for me a great picture, it is so vast in its design and so beautifully made by God's hands, and with angelic colors. When your eyes open, the eyes of your Divine soul open. When you close the current ledger and put a cross on it, then it means you have nothing to take. "I forgive him," that is what the cross represents. The meaning of the cross, the elements of the cross, the true cross that saves and opens the doors of the Kingdom of God, that is the cross of Christ. The first line of the cross (the perpendicular line) are those beings who have fallen from above and are upside down, and they are in complete contradiction. They are the plants. The second line of the cross is the animals, they are not given to understand the Kingdom of God, same as the plants. All people who want material goods and benefits, their feet are also turned to God. Other people have their backs to God. David says, "And I saw the Lord before my face." The third element of the cross is the living man Christ, nailed to it with the head up. Why is he nailed? Three crosses are gathered together: 1. the cross of the plants, 2. the cross of the animals and 3. the cross - the saving element. He is nailed in three places. The nailed legs mean that He lowered them to raise people with their heads to God. The nailed hands - to raise the plants to God and He tells them: "Enough going down." He holds the animals with both hands, turning their backs around to face God. Christ said on the cross, "Father, why have You forsaken Me?" "To forsake" - it means "why have You left these brothers of Mine?" He put his hands down and said, "Here is your salvation." The mind is also an upright animal, with its back and heart facing down, we must turn them to God. The mysteries of the Kingdom of God have directions to which His head turns.

I want you to be serious today, because Christ is coming like lightning. Are you waiting for any goods in this world? Many people ask me - why does our mind not expand to understand this secret? - If the birds have a lot of luggage on their backs, can they fly? We need to be free from all burdens in the mind and heart and to base ourselves on this faith in God's mind. Until the age of 21, the father has to take care of the children. We are not yet 21 years old, we are now 12-13 years old, God and the angels will work for us for a long time. God has sent His sons to school on earth, and because they do not study, they run away from school, that is why the stick comes, that is why there is suffering now. Through the suffering He endured, Christ wanted to show modern people that every mistake will have consequences. Suffering is the tuning of the human soul.

The cross that saves must be composed of two necessary elements. It should not be made of wood, foolish, upside down; it should not be wayward (waywardness means grumbling in suffering, then we have our backs turned to God). Modern people carry these two crosses. Both women and men say to themselves, "Is suffering all for me?" I am tired of looking at these stupid crosses "- crosses without Christ nailed to them, Who can show them where salvation is.

Men, women and children all say, "We will take revenge." You will put Christ on this cross
upside down and will say, "Lord, I will do your will and obey the law of Your love. I will benefit from all suffering; when I am beaten, I will say, 'This is a blessing and I will sing, and I will glorify You." You have the two elements of your cross, so put the third element today. When Christ was nailed, He did great things. When they laid him in the tomb, he was nailed again, he went down to hell to bring out all His brothers. He stayed in hell for three days and preached to them, in order to turn them and bring them to God. You will also go down to your ancestors, preach to them, and then you will go out to God. You will go down to your hell, I say, in order to see what your ancestors are doing. "I have saved you, and you will save others," says the Lord. It is His justice that will bring about a transformation in our lives. Let us not detach ourselves from the world, but join in order to organize this inner world that is within us. Christ descends to earth every two thousand years, he used to live 33 years, and now when he comes, he will live longer. And you will be able to see Him and talk to Him, but only if you have these three elements of the cross. A man has to participate in the Divine goods.

Christ says: "It has been given to you."

Parable of the sower.

The first seed is the people without beliefs, whatever they hear, they always change their beliefs. Same as Nasreddin Hodja, who built a house on wheels and turned it around, as people told him. Such a position is convenient in the physical world, but when we come to the soul, it should not turn around. It should only be moving towards God. The first seed are people on the lowest step.

The second category are modern scientists with different theories, which change every 20-50 years. They emerge, but they have no basis.

The third seed - these are the rich people who want great glory, happiness on earth. Happiness is an internal process: for example, you speak smartly - it is happiness. God speaks to you - it is happiness. You are affected by the Divine Spirit - happiness. The Lord speaks only to those who listen to Him, but He nails the stubborn ones.

There is another element in the cross: the two thieves with broken knees and Christ's pierced rib. The two thieves were Adam and Eve, their legs were broken because it is said in the law of Moses: "Cursed are all who go to steal." Modern virtue, because it steals, has its legs broken. Since the heart of God wanted to create the first people, He was pierced in the heart. Whoever "wishes", gets pierced in the heart, whoever steals, gets his knees broken. The nailed thief, on the left side of Christ, was the woman. The thief said to Christ, "You have saved many, save Yourself and us." And Christ said to the other robber, on His right hand (the one who said, "Help me, O God, when you come into the kingdom of God"): "Today you will be with me in the kingdom of God" and took him above, but left the woman on the ground. Now Christ takes all the men in heaven and leaves the women, who will meet Christ on earth. Christ is coming, I am talking to you, women, prepare to meet Him, prepare your crosses.

God created man on the 9th day of March, when it was Friday. Great and wonderful things are happening in the world, but they will come gradually, like the dawn. Do not be afraid. The cowards will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Be heroes! You will go down now, we will study the lesser mysteries and there is another door to the Kingdom of God from there. You have been given to understand these secrets. You need to have a notion of astronomy to understand the secrets. You need to understand some anatomy, physiology. You do not see your thoughts and desires, you only feel them. And when your eyes are opened, you will say, "How great is this world!"

Why this war, these events and this turmoil? First thing - your hearts are filled with dissatisfaction. When we are indisposed, we think that the whole world is bad. Happy people are drunk, while suffering souls are sober people. In the 19th century, all people were drunk, but now, in the 20th century, they have sobered up. Modern people say, "There are great misfortunes." But now they are sober and I can talk to them. Those who are at the (battle) front, I tell them, they are graduating, they are undergoing initiation, and the women are in the rear, and they will also suffer and sober up. There is an inner joy that we have to keep in balance. We should think that we are in unity with all good people. You can converse with all the good people in America, England, with your dead ones.

March is an idea of the human spirit. Let the human spirit be master of the earth, water, air and fire that are within us. If a bad thought, a malevolent mood comes to you, say, "My spirit is the master of

my earth."

How will Christ find you when he comes to earth - with your back turned, or your feet up, or your hands down? Try this cross with the three elements - the two thieves with broken legs on both sides of Christ, and Christ with a pierced heart. Whoever shows you another cross, reject it, as it is not the cross that saves. Anyone who comes and turns his legs or back to the Lord, does not yet know how to think correctly. I would like the woman to shine like a candle in the house. Talk with your mind, your heart, and finally, with your mouth to yourself. When the cross enters man, he becomes master of himself. His soul becomes powerful, he can watch calmly when being beaten, he will have light in himself. Christ received 80,000 blows and said, "Hit, so that others are blessed through these blows." He suffered all reproaches for His brothers. Your thought then was, "Here is a man who has not understood the meaning of life, a young, stupid man, gone."

Justice, purity, faith, hope and love - feed on them every day. Do not gossip about people. Share the joy, the sorrow with everyone, these are great secrets in life. Christ is coming, you will see Him; your ancestors, they will also come. Christ is now bringing wreaths to women. Because the earth is round and is a place of wisdom, it is a school of wisdom, that is why He puts a wreath on the woman's head. Christ is coming and will be questioning you to see what you have learned. He will ask some in calculus, in addition, others in multiplication, in chemistry, in physics, others in marriage, what they have received, and so on. I want you to have good topics. He will put wreaths of thorns on bishops, He will take off their golden crowns and will put a crown of thorns on them, because whoever has not worn it, is not worthy of wearing a crown. Christ is also wearing it now, but after the crown of thorns. Whoever has learned the wisdom of life, can wear a crown. Place Christ on your cross with the head up and say, "Father, why have You forsaken Me?" Cary out from the bottom of your soul and He will call you that He has not abandoned you. Have this blessing. Reach out to all churches, so that to have common beliefs. God will give you everything, but be faithful to Him. We are in paradise and we will bring up all animals, and we will live in peace and love, and He will tell you, "Come to Me." Women should change their men's minds, but should not twist them. Today is a day of work and God will give work to women. Their men are above now, and the women are below.

Women, organize your gardens!

22 March 1917 (Old Style), Thursday, Talk to women

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