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1921_08_20 Brief Explanations on the Gymnastic Exercises and Notes on other Questions (Nik)


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Готов превод Кратки обяснения върху гимнастическите упражнения и бележки по други въпроси, - 20.8.1921-СБ-373 / ...: 20.8.1921-СБ-373

Brief Explanations on the Gymnastic Exercises and Notes on other Questions

The great law in Nature is only for those who are not in a hurry, but those who are in a hurry fall into the abyss. You think you will lose something and that is why you are always in a hurry to take the first places, you are not disciplined. Whoever starts to get carried away has no willpower, so you have to be put on the battlefield with the grenades exploding, so that you see how much willpower you have. A soldier, for example, walks quietly and calmly. This shows the presence of spirit, or a person who has willpower. Some people pass by glancing around, while others pass by quietly and calmly.

Select ten women and ten men among you, good gymnasts, to do the exercises, so that they are well assimilated by everyone.

Watch out, so that they are done rhythmically! These are not ordinary exercises, but exercises that are done according to the laws of Nature. If you do them in this way, you will benefit. All exercises follow a certain law. We will try to understand the law, as much as it can happen rhythmically. These are simple exercises, but your mind has to take part in them. When you stand on one leg, there should be no swaying, no hesitation, because this indicates a nervous condition. Every hesitation is a symptom that there are certain elements which are outside your nature, and which you have to deal with. This is not a deficiency of your nature, but it shows that there are some obstacles that you need to take action against.

You know the anecdote about that cook who cooked a duck for his master and when it got roasted, he ate one of its legs. The master asked him, "Ivan, where is one of legs of this duck?" "All ducks have one leg, my lord," replied the servant, and led his master into the field, so that he can see that all the ducks had one leg. But his master drew his pistol, shot against the ducks who ran away, and said to his servant, "Do you see that all ducks have two legs?"

In these exercises the willpower begins to act consciously, so I call them volitional exercises. You will control each individual movement. Everyone will practice, so that to perform them well.

The mistake of modern education is that we divide things into important and unimportant ones, while in the manifestations of Nature all moments, all actions are equally important. There is no process, no action that can be considered unimportant - they are all equally important.

It is important for you in the first place to be self-possessed, not to hurry. There will be swiftness, but it will come in the end. Did you know that fast and phlegmatic people are two extremes? The one who is very fast eventually squats somewhere and becomes phlegmatic. In phlegmatic people, the glands take over, they begin to control and the person becomes phlegmatic. Such people look like casks, while fast people look like dry sticks. Have you noticed how the fast the person, who looks like a dry stick, moves? He is so light that when a wave comes, it may carry him away and everyone can play around with him. The phlegmatic person, when in the sea he should throw away some of his luggage, while the dry person should add a little to his luggage. There is a danger of drowning for both of them. A person should have vitality, a vital temperament, the influence of both the stomach and lungs should prevail in him. When the influence of the stomach only prevails, we have a phlegmatic temperament. When the influence of the lungs prevails, we have a sanguine temperament. When the liver takes over, we have a choleric temperament, and when the influence of the nerves prevails, we have a mental or nervous temperament.

What does the first move forward mean? Both hands - this is the willpower, the manifestation of Love. You take the first step - to do good. You count to six - so you have already decided to do good in the world. Then the squatting begins - the descent inside life, to do what you have decided. If you have made a wrong step - step back (which happens in the exercises) and correct your mistake! If you have planned to do evil - step back now by the same law! In the same way you do good, you will also smooth out the evil in yourself. These movements back and forth go in a straight line.

I give you these explanations about the first exercise, which represents the first step in life - to do good. And these steps are called the law of self-denial. Give place to others - if someone has comes to do good, you will give way, you will make room for him to manifest. There is also a place for you, because there are three situations: when someone comes to do good, you will give your place to him; a second one may appear - you will also make place for him; and the third one will be you. When your foot moves in a certain direction to do some good, rational deed, all other rational beings and forces will participate together with you. A movement is reasonable only when it is in harmony with the movements of all rational beings, but unreasonable - when we do something ourselves and others do not participate. When we do a certain deed, then we feel the effect of this inner law. When all beings have been in harmony with us, we feel inner joy, but when we do something stupid, we feel sad. This shows that our action is premature; it may be correct, but it does not agree with the Intelligent beings. Every movement of ours, every thought of ours, every feeling of ours must be in accordance with the Whole Divine law of all beings, who are in the collective consciousness.

- Will there be a fifth exercise?

The point is not in the multitude, but rather in the small but nice thing. If I told you to stand on one leg for ten minutes, what would you do? Once you start thinking about eating, you will tremble. In the exercises you do not observe the time. You are like those teachers who are constantly correcting. If you want to know what your condition is, do the exercises. Through them you can do a lot of checks on yourself. When I talk about circles, then I will explain their meaning. Forward movement and backward movement correspond to two currents in the new theory - one electric, the other one - magnetic. You have one impact with the right leg, this is the active side of electricity, while with the left one - the passive side, the impact of magnetism. If you do the exercise well with your right leg but you cannot with your left one, it means that you are active, so you will try to balance your movements. One must always know where he is wrong. He should not think that he is sinful, that he is morally wrong, but he should be like the one who makes errors in music. Even the most perfect beings in the world make errors. While matter is being educated, the spirit must come to a higher consciousness, to use all its powers to regulate it. This is what people call sin and they say, "I am sinful." No, there is however disharmony in the consciousness of your matter and your spirit. We have such magnitudes. This is energy. You have the magnitude to do something, and then you have the opposite magnitude. Both are right, but all of these magnitudes should match at one moment. That is why examples are needed. From the disciples who know how to do exercises, I not only demand theory in the future, but I want them to know how to play as musicians. The best musician is the one who can cause the best effect for the ear. The best artist is the one who can produce the best colors for the eye. And in life the character must manifest in the same way. Each one of you has good traits that are in place. For example, someone is very polite, gentle in their greetings - this is a good trait. Another one is rude. The polite one, he also has his place, the rude one too - you will put every person in their place. But when you swap places with them, things go awry. When you send the delicate one to greet guests, he will do the job, but if you send the rude one - he will ruin it. Everyone is in their place. We return to the moment when you are delicate to do the work that God has given you, and when you are active, to use that energy which is needed. We should not change the energy of Nature, but should agree with its actions, and then there should be no words I can, I can not, but we should only say: "I can". In the word "I can" it is implied that you go and climb up without any obstacles. In the word "I cannot", in the particle "not" there is an obstacle - you get to the middle and you stumble. The "no" implies a locked door. You will find the key, you will unlock it and go downstairs. All the things that we have known and forgotten, they are a locked door. "I cannot" means that you have to find the key. You have to find the key and say to yourself, "What should I do - break the door?" No, you will go back, you will find the key and open it.

The great law is all within God. God manifests in us and tests us. The Great Consciousness tests us, the little ones, it puts certain obstacles in our way and begins to test us. You are angry, you pray, but you do not know how to pray.

Now I will use examples from human life that are so clear. Let us say that a man and a woman love each other, they have Love for each other, but it so happens that the man cannot bring anything to eat for three days - both of them are starving. The woman starts getting indisposed, her whole nature is upset. She begins to doubt her husband and says, "I loved him because I thought he was smart, but now there is something about him. The man starts getting annoyed but wants to reconcile, and if he tells her, "Let us kiss," she will refuse. Then he will go to find a friend, ask him for money, buy some butter and the key will open the door. This is the manifestation of this law in the physical realm. That which is true of the physical world, also applies to the spiritual world. Gratification of the needs - that is the key.

In the great laws of God, there are no exceptions. There are exceptions only on Earth and they are allowed due to ignorance. There will be exceptions for many years to come, they are inevitable. Without exceptions, we cannot do neither now, nor in the future. But you will strive to understand God in His manifestations on Earth. We all suffer from the thought that we are strong, that we know a lot, but Providence gives us every day a number of experiments, so that we can see that we are not very strong and we do not have much knowledge. We advise others how to live, we moralize men and women, but when it comes to us, we cannot apply the same experience. Then how are you going to shave someone else's head like that? First you have to learn to shave yours.

So, from a purely mystical point of view, the great law consists in the fact that we explain the Good as something in which there are all possibilities and no limitations. As soon as the smallest limitations occur, evil is already being created in the world. The Good - these are the infinite possibilities of seeing things as God created them. The evil in the world is nothing but a limitation of Good. Good means doing all that God has created, while evil means that you do not have all the opportunities to do Good. For example, when the thought comes to you that God has abandoned you, that He has not given you the man or woman you expected, that He has not given you the children you wanted, that He has not given you houses, you have doubts about God and therefore all your misfortunes start from that day. You may have comfort externally, but inside you will have all kinds of misfortunes. And think that He is omniscient. When you realize that God is gracious, that He is a perfect Being, that He is Love, that there are no exceptions in Him, you will immediately feel some joy. You may not have all the conveniences in life, but you will be cheerful and merry. So, at any moment you can check that when you think of God as Love, you will all be happy. But if you are in doubt, if you allow the slightest bit of suspicion, you will notice some gloom in you. God will withdraw from you and say, "Now, show us your virtue!"

So, you will think that God is perfect, that He is gracious, and that all our inner manifestations are due to Him. All the Good in us is only due to Him. All great thoughts, all great feelings and great actions we owe only to Him, to the Lord of Love. He is the same. We call Him Savior. He comes into the world, incarnates. We must have only one opinion about Him - that He is an eternal Love, from which breathes only life, life, only gracious life.

Because this year is the 13th one in terms of content, and in terms of the sum of its numbers, those who think of doing Good will not do it, and those who think of doing evil will also not do it. This year is a year of rest. I want you to rest during this year. Do not try to become neither good nor bad. You will not do anything all year. Now, let us understand what a rest is. This is a Divine rest. For example, the Jews leave the fields to rest for one year after every six years. The soil should be allowed to bask in the sun to gain energy. You also need to gain energy. Many of you have a desire to do Good, but it takes energy, and you do not have it. There must be something that you can give. I have noticed that when a rookie comes, others start treating him with the best food, with a nice pie, they play music for him, and finally put him to work. Spiritual people act differently. When a disciple comes to them, they immediately intimidate him. He takes his hat and runs away. Worldly people start well but end up badly, while spiritual people, on the contrary, they start badly and end up well. But it is better to start well and finish well. If we start badly, we will also not end well.

According to another law, in the collective consciousness, people must collectively help each other. When you meet someone, a brother, for example, do not criticize him in your soul, but try to find some good trait in him and help him through the Divine Spirit, because your uplift is his, as well as his fall is yours. He will fall in one respect, you will in another. I can explain this law to you. Many misfortunes arise from it - when someone makes a mistake in one respect, someone else makes a mistake in another respect. When someone does Good in one respect, someone else will do Good in another respect. Because both Good and evil are common to all of us.

This Lord, Who speaks to us, Who teaches us outside and inside of us, I see Him manifested in all forms and His desire is for us to know Him as Love. I am sure that one day you will know Him - some sooner, some later, some maybe now, some in the future, and some may have known Him in the past. In the astral world, the sufferings of the astral beings are all past sufferings.

Do you know what happens to someone who enters the astral world? As he is unable to commit any new sins, he starts seeing old pictures of his past and suffers. These pictures appear to him like a movie and he begins to live with his past. One day, two, three, whole days from morning till night the tapes follow one after the other in front of him. Tapes, tapes, every day, until the idea that he must do the Will of God enters his mind. And then they say, "Now send him to Earth, so that we see if he has understood what he needs to do." The soul comes to Earth in a new incarnation. When he comes, if he forgets what he has learned from the Invisible world, he makes mistakes again, and when he re-enters the other world, he will see his mistakes again - he will see both the old tapes and the new ones. If there is an improvement, then he enters the Spiritual world. He rejoices, sees and arranges his life as it should be.

And so, what we are experiencing now at any moment will be bright pages in our future life. When you enter the astral world, all your encounters with people, all pictures of past experiences will pass through your consciousness. All this makes good things in life. Do not think that this is out of place - every action is in its place. And whatever is not in its place, the Lord will wipe it away with His brush. He says, "I will wipe away your sins." So, in the end, only the Divine things will remain in us, and then the eternal life of harmony will begin.

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