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1921_08_22 The proper growth of the soul and the harmonic development of the soul forces (Tedi)


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Готов превод Правилното растене на душата и хармоничното развитие на душевните сили - 22.8.1921-СБ-382 / ...: 22.8.1921-СБ-382

TITLE: The proper growth of the soul and the harmonic development of the soul forces

Now I will ask you like that orthodox priest, who asked:

- Blessed Christians, do you know what I will say to you?

- We know, reverend.

- So, after you know, there is no point for me to speak to you.

- We do not know, reverend.

- So, after you do not know, again there is no point for me to speak to you.

I will partially touch the proper growth of the soul and the harmonic development of the soul forces. The main task in the current life is the proper growth and development of the soul. The soul has to develop, to grow, to expand, to take up a bigger space, because in the spiritual life big things are only those, which are organized in a conscious manner, are used harmoniously and develop certain forces.

There is one great law in Nature, according to which all those forces get developed regularly and consecutively. Among the present-day methods for development of the soul forces, which are created from several thousand years ago, there are some, which are correct, and others - incorrect, because they awaken some forces earlier than the others and consequently a lot of undesired results are born. At your current development you have to have a normal imagination, namely you do not have to be without imagination, but it has to be strong and normal, by which the things are presented in their natural, and not in a distorted look. A natural look in the world is for example in the morning, when the sky is clear, without any cloud. Then you can have a natural and correct appearance of Nature. As soon as clouds appear and shadows get formed, you will get a totally different impression, another understanding for Nature. And so, when you go in the morning among Nature and you see the natural look of the things, an internal joy arises in you, and when you see the unnatural, distorted look of the things, sadness emerges in you. You cannot explain to yourselves why is that so, but there are unnatural things, which you have taken in. I will give you an example. You are walking in the garden and you meet there a friend of yours; in this moment you see a man, who hits your friend and breaks his leg. Immediately, the beautiful impression in you from Nature gets erased, in your heart sadness emerges, in your mind an unnatural phenomena has been put in and you are feeling pain. The pains are always due to one such abnormal condition. When you enter in a teaching, when you enter in the religious world, there will also be an abnormal understanding of the things, you will feel a sadness without knowing why. There also will be broken heads. But when you enter in an erudite world and you read a good book, haven't you felt a sad impression? This erudite person has something, which is not quite right. Of course, the lower, animalistic soul of the person is not that intelligent to be able to understand where the mistakes are and because the intellect uses touch in the spiritual world, it has to be helped by the spiritual sight. But we do not have to go also to the other extreme and to say, that those, who have intuition, do not have a need to touch. No, they also need it: for the far away objects is the sight and for the close ones - touching.

We enter to study the spiritual world not in the way, as we have been taught until now, namely as it has been described to us - as something unreal, etheric, gaseous. About the soul, about the spirit we do not have a clear and real mental picture. Well, alright, when you are sick and somebody comes to you, takes your hand and with that handhold you immediately get healed, as your mind gains health and clarity, I am asking: what is the reason for this healing, caused only from the touching with this person? It is due to the Spirit, of the real manifestation of the Spirit. This is the real form. And if this form cannot produce in you this effect, this means, that the Spirit is not there, means that you only have the shadow of the Spirit. Therefore, from the manifestation of our mind, of our heart and of our soul in a given moment, it will be recognized to what extent tangibly our Spirit manifests. We inside ourselves have to know to what extent it is real or not. We have to know that.

Afterwards, I want your ideas about God to be clear. For God by all means you have to have a very clear, real idea, in which no doubt to be left and according to this idea to always recognize Him, wherever you go, to know that He is, and not somebody else. This is required from the student of the White Brotherhood.

There are moments in life, in which God Himself manifests, God Himself gives orders and you have to know these moments. You will learn this from some internal experiences and then the phase of the initiation will come about. When this phase occurs, your mind will set foot on the correct path of this philosophy. This will be the initiation. And after that you will be able to study the celestial bodies - the Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn; then you will enter in other worlds to come in contact with their inhabitants. This, which you are experiencing now is still not life. It is an alphabet of life, because there are also other states, in which life has manifestations, different from those, which we know here. And then what is our goal, what is the goal of life? To come into contact with them. We have to think in a real way. What is the goal of the young girl, who is with her mother? One day she becomes dissatisfied, she wants to meet with another soul, but distorts that. She wants to find another form and finds it. When those two souls unite, they want to find a third one who on its own part wants to find a fourth one and so forth. They want to unite and when they do, they understand the Divine Wisdom, which is waking up currently. This is the eternal aspiration.

You have to put effort to develop your mental capabilities. In you there are a lot of talents, which are waiting for their development, they are waiting for you to give them a more substantial base. Do not despair. If you lose courage, it is from the Devil!

You want to be heroes, but if something comes which touches you to the raw, you lose everything. A hero is that one, who when he gets cut to the quick, immediately spits on his wound, heals himself and continues his path. With a spit he cures his wound and goes forward. And now when you get nettled, you call this one and that one for help, months pass by and you say: "Thank God, I got rid of the Devil!" You think yourself to be very smart, you think that you know a lot. You do not know anything, when you cannot heal yourself on your own. And not only you will heal and clean your wounds, but also the wounds of your friends! And now, when we find somebody hurting, we say: "But why did not you pay attention, why did you fall? Was there any point in doing that?" This one and that one will advise you, but to nobody comes to mind to spit on the wound. This is an old philosophy! It is not the point why he did it. The mistake is that it has been done. He wrote there some wrong numbers. What is left for him now? To take his kitchen towel, to erase them and to write other numbers. Instead of four, write five, do a calculation and walk forward.

Another delusion, which appears as well between the young and between the old is who of them knows more. The knowledge depends on the awakening of the Divine capabilities, which you have within your soul. They have to awaken and through them we will study the world in an objective manner. We have to study the world everywhere in an objective way, and we as we do not have such an objective comprehension, we stop and ask ourselves if so and so says the Truth or not. For me this question is resolved. I will give you a method to know if a given person is speaking the Truth or not. And you, when you are talking, others will know as well if you are speaking the Truth.

So, we will now strive to wake up within us those noble feelings, which are still in a dormant state. In you for now the ordinary feelings are awakened, the ordinary Love, which from time to time gets mixed with the spiritual Love, but the spiritual Love itself has not still started to manifest. That it is not awakened is noticed by this jealousy between you, it is being noticed by the fact that you cannot stand one another. Spiritual people, but cannot stand one another! They are with a spiritual sign, and their content is not spiritual. Somebody says: "This sister is not spiritual." You are not spiritual as well. Another says: "And this sister is not spiritual." You are not as well, because if you were, you will only touch them on the eyes and immediately they will see and will walk ahead.

When Karavelov created this change - karavelcheta (named after him), how many bulgarians were deceived with them! You see them, from the beginning they are shiny, they are passing off as napoleons and after that they blacken and lose their value. You think that every theory, every teaching which is shiny, is valuable and you say: "Do you know what is that I have, what I learned! Here, it is here in my purse." Not a month passes by, they blacken. Do not get deceived by the gloss of these teachings! We are ready to accept every teaching, wherever it comes from. Whoever brings us the Divine Thoughts, the Divine Teaching, we are ready to adopt it. Whoever brings me a good book, I will accept it. But a book which does not have any content even the most erudite person to bring it to me, I will say that there is nothing in it.

So, what is the main goal? To become good. I said that Goodness is a fruit of Love, and Love is the fruit of the Spirit.

This life, which we now have is natural. In the Bible it is said that God would destroy the current body, the paunch. How do you interpret this thought? This body He will not destroy, but after it fulfills its function, because a new body is coming, which is being built now, it will concede its place to the new one. Therefore our new feelings, senses and capabilities will turn on in these new bodies, which are now being created. The new body in some is in its inception, and in others is one month old. I am talking about the creation of this new body from which your resurrection will spring. With these bodies, with which you are now living, you cannot walk in this Truth. The body of the flesh is flesh, and the body of the spirit is spirit. The flesh is a body, where the spirit is living temporarily, and the spiritual bodies are bodies of the Eternity. In this sense I want from you to undertake to study the teaching of the White Brotherhood. You will find it scattered in the entire occultism - in the Theosophy, in the Christianity, you will find it everywhere. In this teaching there is unity everywhere, in it there is no disagreement. In the teaching of the White Brotherhood there is one particular concept about the creation of the world, there is a special theory. The White Brotherhood never controverts the modern theories, it is being silent about them. It does not say to anybody: "You are not right." It will say to him: "You are correct." And the present-day people are right - this, which they have seen and described, they have described it correctly. But when they describe this, which they have not seen, it remains silent there and says "This, which I have not seen, I do not know and there is nothing for me to contravene."

Somebody says to me:

- You do not understand the spiritual world.

I ask him:

- Have you gone to the spiritual world?

- No, I have not.

- Have you talked to the angels?

- I have not.

- Have you talked to the saints?

- I have not.

- Well, then?

- I have seen something - a shadow passed me by.

- Well, what, did it tell you something?

- It did not tell me anything, it just smiled.

And this smile, do you know how the turkish people interpret it? When a woman smiles at them, they say to themselves: "Everything is good - she says: "He only thinks about me."" This is wrong comprehension of the matters. This shadow smiled - this smiling you have to interpret in a different sense. There is a smile and a smile. The shadow looks at somehow seriously, you say: "It wanted to tell me something." What did it want to tell you? When a person just smiles, the muscles of his mouth rise up, and the eyes are clear, fiery, there is no softness in them. What does all of this show? Such a smile shows: "I will eat you up!" And when a smile comes from inside, in the eyes there is divine light, there is softness, tenderness. This man says: "I am ready to help you, I love God." Therefore, for me the smiles immediately resolve the issue. When a shadow passes me by and smiles at me, I watch if its eyes are sharp and if it wants to eat me, or if they are soft and delicate, and wants to help me.

Somebody says: "I saw a shadow - I did not see its face, but only its back." What did it want to show you with its back? During the time of the Gallic spiritual movement in England in the year of 1905 the woman, who was leading the movement, accompanied by fiery balls, when she was coming back one night from a gathering, she said to a close friend of hers to wait for her outside. Suddenly, she saw a gentleman with a black cloak to walk in front of her, she thought that this is her friend and rushed ahead to reach him. She called him by name, but he did not turn his face. At one point, he got closer to her with a veiled face and shook his finger threаteningly. She immediately realized that this is not her friend and wanted to know who he is. She immediately recognized him - he transformed himself into a black dog and hid himself. She said: "This is the Devil, who is interfering in my kingdom, but I will have it out with him."

We have to know exactly, if those who we are meeting, are our friends or not, do they think like we do or not, do they think in a right way or not. We have to have with all of our friends one thought, one heart - our thought to be directed towards God, to serve God. And everyone of you, who is ready to act for God in this way, we are ready to accept with open arms, we are ready to give him our full assistance. But the White Brothers are very demanding and if someone gives up to serve God, they will close their doors for him.

Now you have to know, that in Bulgaria there are enough brothers from the Dark Brotherhood, who are ready to fight with us. Those brothers are among the Orthodox in the church, among the Catholics, among the Evangelists. There are among us as well. They act everywhere according to the principle: Divide and conquer. They want to perturb everywhere. They often are deceiving you. Everywhere, where there are such gatherings, they come and are always very polite. Those, who do not understand them, view them as great gentlemen. They are incarnated. For that reason, you will test the spirits. These people are always very well dressed - with elegant clothes, with black gloves, with priest's kamelaukion, with priest's clothes, with bishop's crowns, at the desk of a professor. We do not need to be mad at them for anything - they are very polite. This is a fight - they are perfect in their manners, they are very smart. Do not think, that you can that easily fight and to get away with them. They are from the Dark Brotherhood, but they are very smart - there is knowledge in them and they can trick you, to trip you up in your path.

I am not telling you this now for you to get scared and to think that whoever you meet and see is from the Dark Brotherhood. Be calm - there is no reason to be scared, they are not bugbears. They are people, placed in their evolution and are fulfilling their mission, but we have to know their function and our task. Everyone to stand in his place and when we meet such a brother, to tell him: "Your movement is one, our movement is different, the direction in which we are going is right, and the direction, in which you are going is also right."

If you can present yourself in front of one such brother like that, he will accept you, he will step back and will say: "In your mind there is a philosophy." But if you decide to turn him towards God, you are placing yourself in the wrong direction. Every soul has to turn towards God on its own, towards the Divine Sun - you cannot turn it over. The Gospel says, that you can turn it towards God, but only if it wants that. Every soul has to turn itself on its own towards God, because in its motion it has its own orbit and alone has to turn itself towards the Sun. Until it is moving away from the Sun, until it is moving in its own orbit, it has to be left to walk its path - you cannot change its path. And if you want to turn over this soul, you will change the entire order of the Cosmos.

Therefore on the Earth we can help only those, whose path is coinciding with ours. And when their path is not concurring with ours, you as well from the one side and from the other side will spend your energy in vain.

I am throwing about these thoughts, because some will appear and will tell you: "Are you saved, have you known Christ?" Do not be afraid that somebody will turn you - your turning consists in this to have Love. If you have Love, you have God within you, and if you have God, you have Christ as well, because God is Love. They will tell you: "Did your heart warm up?" Yes, when I am waking up in the morning and I am fulfilling God's Will, when I am eating with Love, when I am talking with Love, when I am writing with Love, when I am reading with Love. I am asking myself: am I with Christ? Then do I know Christ or not? Yes, not only do I know Him, but I am also living together with Him and I am talking with Him, every day I am eating together with Him. An excellent man is Christ!

You have to be downright and definitive - then also all other deeds will come. There are also other spiritual acts, but you have to try to develop your psychic powers - the powers, which God has put in your souls. For example some of you through your will-power will be able to go out of their bodies outside, but not everybody will be in the position to do that. Whoever is ready will leave his body, will go for a walk - he can go also in America, and in China and somewhere else. And whoever is not ready, will wait. Not everyone of you are heroes - let everyone be content with that which the Spirit has given him. Or with other words, let everybody respectively to the level of his development, in accordance with that which the Spirit has given him, to be loyal to God. This Spirit is now working and is distributing everything.

I want everything to happen according to the will of this Divine Spirit.

I want you to be in internal harmony, to not be in two minds. You cannot split me in any way - as soon as you try to split me, I am cutting the threads and I am leaving you down. There should not be any splitting in two. But someone is sending me the thought: "Are you on the right path." I am cutting the thread. In my path there is no right and left side. There is only one path - the path of Love. Nothing more! Both the right and the left paths are connected to Love. Walk on this path and do not be afraid! You will say: "Brother, this question I have resolved for myself in this way, I will also tell you how to solve it. This water - I have tried it." "But what is it?" There is no point for me to describe it, I will say: Come with me, drink and try it out!

I want you to try out the New teaching as a living water, to see its power and to say: "We have a personal experience." Not to say: "He deceived us, he hypnotized us." In the hypnotization there is no turning - I will convince you that I am giving you something, that you have something; tomorrow I will convince you in something else, but you do not have in your pocket neither the one, nor the other. This is hypnotization and in the hypnotization there is depletion, while in the truth there is growing and the soul is growing in boon.

And so, when we are drinking from the Divine spout, there is no hypnotization. But we are hypnotizing as well - I am not denying this. But what - when I meet someone from the dark brothers, still before he sees me, I am pulling my hands down, he goes into sleep and I am walking away. When I pass on, I am drawing back my hands after him, to wake him up. And when I meet a good person, I make way for him and I say: "With the Divine blessing walk your path!" Because that one, who tries to hypnotize his brother from the White Brotherhood, carries a huge responsibility. The hypnotization is a big delusion.

There is no hypnotization within us, but there is a great Truth, which serves for our growth and as you apprehend this Truth, I want to see your faces with different freshness - even though your face is black, in it there will be a light, in the eyes something distinctive will be seen. The question is different, when the Divine comes but when that one comes, which is not Divine, we then know that we are not in harmony with God.

The first thing in us: no trace of lie to be present - neither I will lie to you, nor you will lie to us. No one to even try to do this. Because, if you think of trying to lie to me, I will lift my hands, I will put you to sleep, I will go away, after that I will lift again my hands to wake you up. Such is the law. Because, if you give in to such an influence, you will become a weapon; the other influence cannot exist in that moment. Then the movement will be from top to bottom, and it will not be aside.

I am warning you, that if you want to develop yourself correctly, I will not talk to you about this, I will not stop myself on it, because from now on there is a lot to be learned, a great science is awaiting us. Before us there are a lot of things for studying, a new great life is being revealed.

I want everyone to be rejuvenated and in mind, and in heart, and in soul, and in spirit, so that the old person at the age of 100 to jig as a calf. And this, that he was such and such - this is not a philosophy. Between you no judgement to be present - leave it outside! When somebody comes to show his abilities, to present the art, if he is a musician, I will give him my violin and I will say to him: "Play me a piece of Chopin." I will listen to him if he can play well. If he is playing well, I will say: "You are playing well!" If he is not playing well, I will say: "You are not playing part so and so well. Play something from Beethoven." An artist comes - I will give him my brushes. If he is drawing well, I will say to him: "Come on, draw something, your ideas are good." But when someone does not know how to play, does not know how to read, does not know how to draw, to write but is saying that he has a lot of ideas, I am asking: "And so what, where are they?" The music has to be expressed - this music has to be expressed no matter how. It is not possible for a person to have a talent for music and to not be able to express it. Take up the smallest gifts to develop them. Everybody, whatever smallest talent and idea to have, to develop them. Everyone of you, whatever smallest gift to have, to not overlook it. Give it a place, it will develop, it is excellent. Do not stop to say: "This brother of mine is more talented, God has not given to me anything." This brother of yours, who has so many gifts, has dedicated ten lives of work and perseverance and has not gained anything just like that.

Gratis is given only to the capable students. When a student is hard-working and talented, the teacher is ready to give him everything, and if he is not diligent, may he works on his own.

In the future I would like all those, whose minds are developed to study everything, to study the entire Nature. Those, in whom the hearts are awakened to create within themselves a trait of love for the neighbour, kindness, humility - but not apparent, external humbleness. I would like to create from yourself a character.

A humble person I call this one, who knows a lot, who knows everything. When he enters somewhere, where children are studying, he says to them: "So, kids, are you working? Oh, you are working perfectly!" He sits with them as if he is at their level and gives them an impulse in their work, and the children say: "This person is like us - he thinks like we do." Why? Because he is transferring his own knowledge. He is talking to them with his soul. This is what it means to be humble! And when you do not have humility, you will say: "They are the only ones talking, they did not give me the word." Such a person is not humble. The humble person is waiting for his time, his turn. For everyone of us in this world there is an appointed time. When the time comes, the humble person says: "And now I will say my word." There is a time, when God will say: "Ivane, get up, say your word as well!" He knows that you are vainglorious, he will open one day His notebook, he will flip through the pages and as he knows your thoughts, as he knows that you are vain, he turns His page and does not make you stand up. As He knows all of this about you, God says: "Stoyan to get up!" You say to yourself: "Ah, this Stoyan - He is always making him stand up!" But one day when you are unprepared, God says: "You stand up!" "Ah, we are in for it." And this is happening often. You are saying: "God to send me to work." But He does not send you.

No, we have to be always ready and when he says to us: "Get up!", when we do not expect it, to stand up and to say our lesson. In God there is a great Justice!

Now again I will ask you throughout this year to try to put harmony in your minds - to think harmoniously, to feel harmoniously, to act harmoniously and only in this way you will create a new impulse, otherwise you will paralyze your evolution. You will become melancholic and you will say: "We did not find here as well, what we were seeking." Where will you find it? I would ask you: "Where will you find the path towards Christ, who will show it to you?" An evangelic preacher will come and will tell you:

Come, I will tell you what has Christ said, what has Paul the Apostle written.

Yes, but you did not write it. Do you know where is Christ, have you met him, does he live in you?

I have not met Christ, I only know that this is how it is written.

Good, you are 1,65 m tall and I am that much; your forehead is 6 cm wide and mine as well; your nose is 7 cm long and mine is that much; your ears are 7 cm and mine are that much; your hand is 75 cm long and mine is that much; your body weighs so and so kilos, mine weighs more. Then, with what do you outmatch me?

These are not facts. This is knowledge gained through internal experience. If it is gained in this way, we can always do this experiment. When a sculptor can mould a beautiful statue, a mechanic can make a machine, an engineer can build a railway, an astronomer to calculate the trajectory of a planet, this is knowledge, this is science! And if somebody foretells something and it does not become reality, this is not science, this is not knowledge.

In the White Brotherhood, the Teaching is unchanging, in it the exceptions are very rare and they are very soon corrected. All in all, the Teaching, in which you will enter, is based on a rock, which cannot be smashed. In this teaching ever since the beginning of the world, ever since the very beginning, there is a line of facts, which are written but are kept secret. This is known from those brothers, who have gone up and all of this now is being kept on the Earth. All of this is written on rock tables and one day, when you develop you will read it, you will see what is the history of the creation of the world from the beginning until now. You will understand all stages, all phases through which you have gone and you will start to see those phases. They will appear in front of your eyes like living images. It is worth it to study this science!

Therefore, it is worth it to be students of the Great White Brotherhood, because the masters of this Brotherhood are holding the whole archive of the Cosmos. They are keeping the book of Life and everyone of you have to study this book. There is not a greater good than it. This is an art and that's why all of you will strive to gain it. It will not come all of a sudden, but gradually. One day you will say to yourself: "We are thankful that we started on this path!" Because the sooner you start, the better and the later you start, the later you will arrive. Do not despair, challenges might come, waverings, doubts. These are normal things in this path. Do not get scared, believe, you are under guidance. If you are loyal to the law of Love, there will be no exceptions and then you will learn everything. You will learn to pass on the teaching of the White Brotherhood. Not to say that this is the teaching of one Deunov, that he has invented it. If I have invented it now, tomorrow someone named Ivan will come, someone named Petko, someone named Stoyan. Well, what will happen, if we think up the things? What will happen with those images? The question is put in another way. All great people, who have come, have passed on this Divine Truth in the way as it has been given to them. Their greatness lies in this, their glory - that they have delivered this Truth in this way, as God has given it to them, and every one, who has not delivered this Truth in the way, it has been given to him, is from the dark brothers. The matter is not about Petko and about Stoyan, but about the Divine Wisdom and the Divine Love, in which all have to learn and enlighten that as we are walking in it, the eyes of everyone to open. All of us to be with open eyes, and not you to be blind and I to see.

I am giving someone a cherry. I ask:

- How do you see the cherry?

- Red.

- Touch it, taste it if it is sweet.

- Yes, you are right, it is such as I see it as well.

As we see, touch and taste, we are testing the things in the same way. If we are thinking and feeling in the same way, we are the same. And if you are blind and I am convincing you, that this is like that, that is like that, such a philosophy cannot exist in the world. There can be philosophy only then, when the student and the master are seeing identically and thinking identically, but the master only has bigger experience, has more knowledge and that's why is walking ahead, showing the path, and the students are walking after him. Such is the path, which God has created in this world.

And now between you the doubt to lessen at least with 75%, to gain faith in yourselves. You know in what - in your God Self. In all of you, inside of you, there is one Divine Origin. Believe all in the Divine, which lives within you, which talks to you, only this is the path of salvation! If the Divine in you is talking, you are on the path to salvation, if it is not talking - we are all in the human path. And then it is dangerous.

And now everybody in various directions at work! Who whatever gift has, who whatever gifts God has given him - everybody to try to develop within himself some little gift. Every one of you to strive to be distinctive in certain moments, everybody to have one special feature, which is not present in the others, for you not to be the same. It will be your special characteristic, so as people see you to say: "In this person there is something distinctive." This is the beautiful thing! You meet somebody - in him there is some trait; you meet somebody else - the same trait. You say: "This is not something distinctive!"

In the bulgarians there is a custom - you go somewhere to pay a visit, their child has studied only two years to play the violin, but the mother says: "Come on, dear, play Flower nice, flower pretty." The child plays. The guests say: "Good!" You go to another place - again a child is playing. The mother says: "Come on, dear, play Flower nice, flower pretty." "Well, okay." But when you go to some house, where it is played well, you are content. You go to another house - they are playing even better. There has to be variety everywhere! So within us as well there has to be diversity in the understanding of the things.

And Nature is so diverse that for everyone of you there is an opportunity to be distinctive.

I want you to be distinctive! Every one of you to guard this distinctive trait of his. You not to want to be the same - for example not all of you to be humble in the same way. Do you know how many ways there are for expressing humility? In compassion there are so many beautiful forms, that many nuances, through which it expresses itself, that you cannot meet two merciful people, who are expressing compassion in one and the same way. Compassion, humility, everything can be expressed in endless diversity.

And so, you will perceive the variety as a process, which produces joy and leads you towards the Eternal. In the world there is a center, from which all of these diversities radiate and it is Love. If you are feeling - you will think; if you are thinking - you will act; if you are acting - there will be progress, diversity.

And so, you will be students of Love!

I want now to enroll as students those of you, who want to enter in the first class of Love, that's why may they give their names. The students, who will enter in the class of Love, will start gradually to enroll. We accept all of you, without distinction. We open you a school to enroll in.

And after that, when you enter, before you start your study in the special field, you will stand before a commission to take your exams and the results will depend on your abilities. It is so - the White Brothers are opening you a place in their School. If you are loyal in this law of Love, you will test the truthfulness of my words, but if you are not loyal, if you play false, they will expel you. I am not responsible for that, you will not get mad at me.

The first thing is to have one selfless Love. You will enter with full heart, mind and soul so that you show your will, to learn from God. It is said so with the language of the prophets - to learn from God, but you all will start with Love. This is the Divine Path - there is no other path! There is another path, but for others.

The White Brotherhood walks on the path of Love. When you enter in this path, you will see another special path and you will understand, that this is one of the best systems, which exist in the world - the system of the White Brothers. There is not a better path! And this you will not learn in one life, and in two lives, and in three, and in five, and in ten lives you will not learn it. Do not bother - it is fine! Whoever tells you, that can learn it in one life is not telling you the truth. Well, if a White Brother takes your astral body, takes you to the Sun and you see that light, you will say: "What have we thought and what it is!" I am asking you: how long will you want to live there? And when you come to the Earth, you will only look at the people, you will feel unusual joy and you will say:

- May you go there to see what is there!

- Describe it!

- It cannot be expressed through language, as Paul the Apostle says.

Someone will ask: "What is there on the Moon?" I have to take you there to see. The Moon is not as some say, deserted. It is not deserted. It is a very beautiful place, but if we transport ourselves with our organism in it, it is not adjusted to accept us and death will await us. But if you go in it with your spiritual body, there are things there, from which you can understand excellent stuff. It is the first station for the Sun, up. Well, if I would have told you what is there on the other side of the Moon, do you know what alarm would set in in the scientific world? And why the Moon has stopped to move around itself, why is it turning only one side? But this is vanity, no need to be spoken about it.

I say, that on the Moon there is an excellent life. Often those, who are completing their evolution and they still have to come down to the Earth, but have not come down until now - there are many more human souls, who when they finish there their evolution then they will come down to the Earth. Some are saying that they have come down. They have not come down yet. There are many more souls. But those are abstract things. How can a person go to the Moon? He has to go out of his body, to emanate himself, in order to see the relations, the internal connections, to see how it is standing in a spiritual respect, to see the Earth and only then he will have a right understanding. If you are developing correctly, the first try, which you will make, will be to go down towards the center of the Earth. Then the second attempt will be to go from the center of the Earth to the Moon. This is one serious attempt - to go to the center of the Earth and from there to go to the Moon. This is a rather serious experiment. Then you will already have knowledge, real pieces of knowledge. And when you come back, you will know what is down in the Earth. And when all men of science are saying, that on the Moon there is this and that, you will say: "They are talking well, it is correct, it is exactly like that as they are saying." The Earth hides great treasures, the Moon hides great treasures, the Sun - as well. And those treasures are all for the human. That's why we now have to be students of the White Brothers, that's why we need to be obedient in this incarnation of ours and when we do not have anything to do, we will use our free time to go for a walk towards the center of the Earth. If some of you decide to go down 10-20 km towards the center of the Earth, they will start to become short of breath - it is hard to go down. They will stay there. Some as they go towards the Moon, they think that they will not be able to come back, that's why they will hesitate, they will get afraid and will come back. No, you need to be that brave, that to know: when you go there, you will come back again. Sometimes the thread breaks and you stay there. And then the brothers from the Moon need to emanate you in the reverse way to bring you back to the Earth to finish your evolution here. They will say to you: "When you are inexperienced, you should not have come here!" The first thing: to try to be virtuous and smart, to have a quick to learn, sharp mind so that people are not able to lie to you. You will leave yourself to be lied to without being deceived.

Now the general instructions are getting completed. Throughout the year everybody will try to work on himself in a particular way. Everyone of you has to have his own particular method for work on his mental and spiritual development for strengthening of the will and the mind. You will create a method inside yourself so that this particular trait forms within you. Everyone to have something distinctive, no two people among you to be uniform. This is the beautiful, the good! The mixed bunch is the beautiful one and not the cut off one.

From tomorrow still you will try to tune in to be able to perceive those vibrations from the Spiritual world. To tune in internally and to position the energy inside of you. And according to the law of Freedom this means to expand from the Divine Love as from its surplus you emit outside. Natural streams to be present. Let out your spouts so that from this source the Divine Love to spring forth outwards.

And start from tomorrow on your own, according to the law of harmony. And now you are like those little crows, who are waiting their mother in the nest to bring them food. She comes, they open their beaks and - hop. But she sees that it can open its beak on its own and to eat, she goes to another little branch and as soon as it opens its beak, she glances at it and does not give to it anything.

That's why some of you have to go out of their nest. I want that you go out from there. Those of you whose wings have grown, have to leave their nest and to find food on their own. And those whose wings have not still grown, can stay there. When the little storks grow up, they lift themselves up with their wings and then come down again, after that they lift themselves up more and come down. They do several such tries and when they see that they can fly, they fly away. You will do that as well - bit by bit you will lift yourselves up until at last you become free and you can teach yourselves alone. Those are all symbols - you will use them and you will employ them.

Ask me now the most foolish question.

- Why has a person become stupid?

Because he has stopped to believe in his mind and has started to believe in somebody else's minds. He has stopped to believe in the Divine within himself, but has started to believe in the human. In order to be smart you have to stop believing in the outside and to start believing in the Divine within yourself. Then you will create a relationship between yourself and the outside and you will become a clever person.

I will give you an answer. The most foolish question cannot be said, but also the smartest question as well cannot be said. Extreme stupidity infers extreme wisdom and extreme wisdom infers extreme stupidity. These are extremes in the Nature. The high peaks infer deep valleys, and the deep valleys infer high peaks. Where there are weak people, there are also the strongest people. Where there are strong people, there are also the weakest people. The strong one cannot exist without the weak one and the weak one cannot express himself without the strong one. I will translate to you those two terms. The weak in Nature - this is the potential energy, and the strong one in Nature - this is the kinetic energy. Therefore, the weak one is always stronger. In the beginning, the strong one is strong, at the end the strong one is weak. The weak in the beginning is weak, and at the end is strong. Therefore every one, who is strong in the beginning, is weak at the end and every one, who is weak in the beginning, is strong at the end.

And the Holy Scripture says: "The good people are not the smartest." The whole world thinks of us to be dunce, but in the end we will be smarter than them. Those are aphorisms, in which only one half is truth.

Out of these reasonings we can draw a wrong conclusion and to say: "So I need to be stupid, in order to be smart." Well, in Nature is the child born smart? No. And are the deeds of this child moral? The deeds of your children are not moral. But the mother puts up with that. She erases all those immoral deeds, cleans up her child from all physical ailments and wishes that it is always clean. And one day, when it grows up, it becomes moral, strong and it is always clean. In Nature this is how it gets started, this is how everything manifests. That's why you will understand your weaknesses as a necessity, as a phase from our development. When a weakness shows itself within us, we do not want it. A 15-16 year old boy can discharge himself, this is shameful for him, but in his organs there is something, which he cannot control through his willpower. When the willpower strengthens, when the muscles strengthen as well - then already the weakness does not manifest. In the same way in moral aspect our organs are not that developed, that's why our willpower is not able to control them. And in our efforts we have to strive to strengthen ourselves spiritually, to develop our abilities and whatever we have - hands, legs, eyes, eyebrows - to appreciate them, to use them to their utmost limit and when we finish our work, to say: "God, we thank You very much and we are again returning to You this, which You gave us!" At another place we will take again what we are given, we will thank again and we will leave this book. This body, which we have is a book, we will leave it and God will then give us another body.

Now you will experience all contradictions and you will retain the good. You will look widely, you will not judge, to criticize. If someone of you is quick-tempered, rapid, you will say: "We thank God, that we have such a brother." If somebody is phlegmatic - you will thank as well. In everything you will see the good side and you will thank. And when we meet with all those brothers, we will see that in everyone of them there is something good, we will see still something distinctive.

In today's occultism silence is recommended. This is such an oppressive state that it cannot be endured. If in such a gathering we let in a dog, it will not stand up to this silence and will start barking. If the people are talking, it will feel good and if everyone is silent, it will think that some disaster is about to happen and will start to howl. So under silence I understand only when we are alone. When we are alone in the Nature, we can be silent, but with our loved ones we will talk. We will give to the others to speak, and we - all in good time.

I would want you to write in a book those questions which you are interested in and are vital for you, which are useful in nature, which are important, in order to give you strength to evolve - we can look at them tomorrow after lunch. Ask questions of urgent nature, and the others leave for the next year.

This evening we finish the first phase of our gatherings. And the sky above is showing that if you sow, God will give you - there will be rain. If you sow, you will have harvest; if you do not sow, there will be again rain, but then something else will grow.

Let's sing now a song and change the scale!

(Love is a spring.)

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